Into Unscientific

Chapter 582 Shennong Tiantuan!


Yang Kaiqu,

Hou Guangjiong,

Guan Xianghuan,

Zhou Kaida,

Yuan Guoliang.

After hearing the names that came out of Zheng Yi's mouth.

Xu Yun's mind instantly went blank, and his whole body fell into a shutdown on the spot.

This moment.

There is only one thought floating in his mind repeatedly:


Shall we kneel again?

This tmd is really a boss - not just one or two.

Needless to say, Yuan Guoliang understood everything in the true sense.

In Xu Yun's future generations.

Yuan Guoliang is undoubtedly the well-deserved first person in hybrid rice, and his contribution cannot be erased by some sunspots posting some rhythmic articles.

For example, some people like to say that the earliest hybrid rice theory was proposed by Nihong and Haidian, and Yuan Guoliang's title as the father of hybrid rice is exaggerated.

But actually?

The hybrid rice proposed by Haidian can only be regarded as a concept, and it has not been implemented at all.

As for the inventor of the hybrid rice cultivated by Neon, his name is Kiyoshi Katsuo.

Not to mention that the sample he used is actually the red mans wild rice in China, just talk about the whole cultivation process:

The Fujiban No. 5 he bred only improved the stability of the female parent, but the final effect was not satisfactory, so he gave up after three years.

And Yuan Guoliang was the first person to breed the finished male sterile line, and the breed he used was completely different.

This is like a science fiction novel in the 1980s that proposed carbon dioxide to synthesize starch, but rabbits were the first to do it. Who do you think is more credited?

Guan Xianghuan is a well-known agricultural expert in China. In the 1940s, he received a Ph.D. in California and studied in Neon and across the sea.

After returning home.

He successively served as a professor at West China University, the Agricultural College of Sichuan University, and Jinling University. He was in charge of rice planting in the rabbit base area during the war.

Ten years ago, he was transferred to Southwest Agricultural College, one of the predecessors of Southwest University, where he taught Yuan Guoliang, the Chinese Shennong.

The first batch of "Theory of Evolution" and "Crop Cultivation" in China were also translated by Guan Xianghuan, who belonged to the big brothers who really cultivated at the grassroots level.

Hou Guangjiong is currently a professor and doctoral supervisor at South Agricultural University. He was elected as a member of the Huaxia Academy six years ago—that is, an academician of later generations.

At the same time, Hou Guangjiong, like Guan Xianghuan, was one of Yuan Guoliang's mentors at Southwest Agricultural College, but he paid more attention to the soil.

It's like studying particle physics.

The basic subjects are quantum field theory and introduction to particle physics and nuclear physics, but group theory is also a compulsory course.

Hou Guangjiong, Guan Xianghuan → Yuan Guoliang → Li Bihu, Luo Xiaohe.

This is the inheritance relationship of Yuan Guoliang's lineage.

In the Southwest University of later generations.

Hou Guangjiong, Yuan Guoliang and the poet Wu Mi are collectively referred to as the three great male gods in the history of Southwest University.

This is probably one of the few usages of the word male god that will not arouse the disgust of passers-by

What's also very interesting is that all three of them entered Southwest University through Gate 7.

Except for the three big bosses in Yuan Guoliang's department.

On the side, Yang Kaiqu and Zhou Kaida are also a pair of legendary teachers and students in the field of agriculture.

Among them, Yang Kaiqu, like Mr. Hou Guangjiong, is also a senior member of the academic department, standing at the top of the academic circle of the Republic.

He is now the Sichuan Provincial Agricultural College. That is, the dean of the later Sichuan Agricultural University. Later generations officially defined him as the founder of the field of regenerative rice in my country.

To know.

Wang Lao and Qian Bingqiong of the later generations are no more than this kind of evaluation. The definition of "younger generation" like Zhou Shaoping and the others is just "pathfinder".

The famous Sun Xiaohui, Fu Danru, Li Hanyun, Tian Yanhua, Huang Guoshou, Li Renduan, Li Jiaxiu and other rice experts are all students of Mr. Yang.

Immediately afterwards.

Xu Yun set his sights on the last person again.

That is.

The still young Zhou Kaida.

There are many scholars in modern China who have worked hard to build the country but are unknown. For example, Yu Min, who Xu Yun met before, was like this.

Compared with Yu, Zhou Kaida is obviously more in line with the definition of "obscurity and namelessness".

mentioned earlier.

Yuan Guoliang is the first person to hybridize rice in later generations. This sense of national identity cannot be dispelled by some people's slander.

But on the other hand.

The contribution of Yuan Guoliang mainly lies in the fact that it belongs to indica rice, and the actual planting area will not be large in 2023-this is actually easy to understand.

for example.

When your family was poor, you had nothing to eat, and you would be hungry twice if you ate one meal.

As a result, one day.

Your dad brought home several boxes of instant noodles.

This thing is not nutritious, and the taste is still unpalatable pickled cabbage chicken noodles, but the problem is that it is very hungry.

Your family survived the most difficult period by relying on this box of noodles. Until later, when you got rich, you still had several boxes of this stuff at home.

But at that time, you have already eaten a lot of fish and meat, so it is naturally impossible to eat this kind of weird instant noodles.

So you had to put it in the storage room.

First of all, I just wanted to keep it in mind, I would not bear to lose this kind of thing.

The second is that if you become poor again for some reason in the future, this thing can still be taken out to make you hungry.

This is the case for Yuan Guoliang's indica rice.

So here comes the problem.

Can you say that because you eat a lot of fish and meat now, you forget the contribution of instant noodles?

This is obviously inappropriate.

Of course.

The original contribution of instant noodles cannot be ignored, and now the deliciousness of big fish and meat should naturally be grateful.

So who is the person who 'created' big fish and big meat?

There are many contributors to this part, such as Mr. Xie Huaan, and Zhou Kaida in front of Xu Yun.

The "photosensitive sterile line ecological breeding method and technology" created by him solved the problem of two-line hybrid rice breeding in Sichuan Province and the entire middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River.

The Gang and D-type hybrid rice he bred was promoted to 304.8 million mu, increasing rice production by 22.858 billion kilograms, and creating social and economic benefits of 32 billion yuan.

Zhou Kaida has won 23 achievement awards above the provincial level in his lifetime, and is known as the "Father of Hybrid Rice in Southwest China".

However, it is a pity.

The name Zhou Kaida is somewhat similar to Old Su.

In the field of rice, almost everyone knows it, but after the rice is produced.

【Who is this person】?


These seniors reckoned that they didn't care about the popularity.

But for the beneficiaries of future generations like Xu Yun, it is an obligation to respect and spread the deeds of Mr. Zhou and the others.

Of course.

At this time, except for the strong surprise.

What Xu Yun is more curious about is

Why did these bigwigs appear in Base 221?

Could it be that they came for the bear's food?

That's not right either.

These five bosses are all engaged in rice research, but Maoxiong's is winter wheat, which should have nothing to do with them.

And just when Xu Yun was puzzled.

Qian Bingqiong took a few steps forward, walked to Yang Kaiqu's side, and asked with concern:

"Lao Yang, why did you come here? Aren't you recuperating in Rongcheng?"

Hearing what Qian Bingqiong said, Xu Yun also remembered something:

Yang Kaiqu was diagnosed with terminal lung cancer in May of this year, and he should be receiving treatment in Rongcheng now - that's why he is sitting in a wheelchair.

At the same time follow the historical trajectory.

Yang Kaiqu will pass away in six months. Before his death, he personally drafted the teaching plan of "Staging Measures of Rice Cultivation—Discussing the Relationship between Cultivation Measures, Physiological Changes and External Environmental Conditions According to the Growth Period".

Although throughout his two lifetimes, Xu Yun has never had cancer experience.

But according to his knowledge of cancer, Yang Kaiqu should be in the most tortured stage at this time.

If Hou Guangjiong and Yuan Guoliang happened to come to the base just because they were attending a seminar in Baise.

Then Yang Kaiqu, who was supposed to be recuperating in Rongcheng, appeared here, it was really unreasonable.


There is a reason why Yang Kaiqu was able to endure the torment of illness, and he had to desperately come to the base in the last period of his life-wait a minute, this is not right, why is it the base?

Logically speaking, even if there is something urgent, shouldn't he go to the capital?

And just when Xu Yun was puzzled in every possible way.

Hou Guangjiong beside Yang Kaiqu spoke, and he patted Yang Kaiqu's wheelchair and said:

"Bingqiong, it's hard for Lao Yang to speak out now, so let me introduce the specific situation."

"Before today, Xiang Huan, Xiao Yuan and Xiao Zhou were attending a crop seminar held in six southwestern provinces in Baise."

"As a result, on the day the meeting ended, one of Xianghuan's classmates, Comrade Lin Yuanguang from the Baise Crop Research Institute found him and showed him a special wild rice sample."

"As a result, according to Xianghuan's analysis, it was found that this is a special male sterile wild rice plant!"

Hear the three words [Male Sterile Wild Rice].

The faces of Li Jue, Qian Bingqiong and others did not change much.

But Xu Yun, who was at the side, felt a thump in his heart, and almost fell off the wheelchair again.

I, T, M, D, heard, heard, got, what, what? ? ? ?

Male sterile wild rice?

As a biological Wang who has studied "Genetics and Evolution" in high school biology and is now engaged in biology.

How could Xu Yun not know what this word represents?

The concept of modern hybrid crops was proposed in the middle and late 19th century, and its technical application probably appeared at the beginning of the last century.

At that time, George Harrison Schall, who was across the sea, took advantage of heterosis in corn breeding and cultivated hybrid corn, which increased the yield by more than 30%.

So then.

He came up with another idea:

Can we use hybrid technology on rice to breed hybrid rice to increase production?

But the idea failed until the death of George Harrison Schall, because a carrier that could keep the hybrid gene could not be found.

Students who were rice in the previous life should know it.

Rice is a self-pollinating plant, hermaphroditic, with small spikelets and only one seed per flower.

So what about hybrid rice?

Simply put, the mule of the plant kingdom.

In the animal kingdom, donkeys and horses hybridize to produce offspring mules, but mules are sterile.

To get a mule, donkeys and horses have to be crossed over and over again.

The same goes for hybrid rice.

The first-generation hybrid rice genes obtained by cross-breeding cannot be passed on to future generations.

If you want to produce a large number of hybrid seeds by artificial emasculation and hybridization like corn, how many seeds can you produce every day?

A small amount of experimentation is okay, but it is impossible to use it in field production.

Because of this, the heterosis of rice has not been applied for a long time, and it has always remained at the theoretical end.


A special CMS exists:

Its male pollen is degenerated, that is, the male flower has no pollen and must rely on foreign pollen to reproduce.

After having the CMS.

Plant it alternately with normal varieties, and carry out artificial assisted pollination, just can solve the problem that the first generation of hybrid seeds can be mass-produced without artificial detasseling.

But the problem is that this logic is easy to understand, but male sterile rice is too difficult to find.

According to the development of history.

Yuan Guoliang's team will not be there until a full 9 years later.

It was only by chance that the first male sterile wild rice was discovered, which is also the famous "Yebai".

Later generations of major domestic hybrid rice such as Shanyou 63, Weiyou 64, and Gangyou 22 are all descendants of this wild rice plant.

Of course.

Speaking of wild defeat, I have to mention another thing:

Many sunspots in later generations attacked Yuan Guoliang with Yebai, the reason was that it was not Yuan Guoliang who discovered Yebai, but his student Li Bihu.

This tmd is outrageous.


At that time, Yuan Guoliang went to Yanjing for a meeting and was not in Sanya, so the search task was entrusted to Li Bihu.

In other words, if Yuan Guoliang didn't have the meeting, Yuan Guoliang's figure would definitely be indispensable in this matter.


Take a step back.

Even if Yuan Guoliang wasn't there when he found out, wouldn't this contribution count as his?

What does the word team in the scientific research team refer to?

When later Eric Cornell completed the Bose-Einstein condensate, the magneto-optical trap was independently designed by his students. Do you think he is not worthy of the Nobel Prize?

And Roentgen's X-rays.

This thing was discovered through his wife's palm and ring.

There are so many bigwigs in history that one counts as one.

There are only three examples of winning the Nobel Prize by relying on one's own strength and without the slightest participation of outsiders:

Planck established quantum theory, Schrödinger established the theory of wave mechanics, and Einstein explained the photoelectric effect.

According to those logics, the remaining one hundred or so winners would have to burn their Nobel medals back to Nobel.

It's ridiculous enough to be a black spot.


The line of sight returns to reality.

Hear Hou Guangjiong's explanation.

Qian Bingqiong's breathing became faintly faster:

"Professor Hou, can I understand it this way, according to what you said?"

"With this male sterile plant, our hybrid rice can be put on the agenda?"

"That's right."

Hou Guangjiong nodded lightly, pointed to Guan Xianghuan and others and explained:

"So when Xianghuan and the others realized this, they immediately contacted Comrade Wang Ensheng, who was carrying out the mission, to find out more information."

"But unfortunately, I was told that this is a special task with a relatively high level of confidentiality, and non-related personnel cannot get in touch with it too deeply."

"So he immediately contacted me and Lao Yang, and we got in touch with the chief through the presence of our two faculty members."

"The chief expressed great importance to this matter, but the strange thing is that he didn't let us go to the capital, but arranged for us to come to Base 221"

Hearing Hou Guangjiong's words.

Lao Guo, Li Jue and Qian Bingqiong were slightly taken aback.

and then turned their attention to

Xu Yun.

It is clear.

Although the specific reason is not clear.

However, the organization sending these five experts to the base must have something to do with the base's special adviser.

And judging from the current situation.

The capital seems to have some information about Xu Yun that the leadership of the base is not aware of.

Of course.

At this time, Xu Yun's eyes were all on Yuan Guoliang and Zhou Kaida, so he didn't notice the small movements of the three of them.

Then Lao Guo was silent for a moment, and asked Hou Guangjiong:

"Professor Hou, I have a question."

"That is, if we have those infertile plants, how long will it take to breed hybrid rice?"

"By the way, I mean the ideal time when everything goes well."

"Ideal time"

Hou Guangjiong thought for a while, and slowly gave an answer:

"It will take at least a few years. If it goes well, it will look like four or five years? After all, it takes multiple generations to stabilize the traits."

"If there is any accident during the period, this time will be further extended, but at least seven or eight years should be enough."

"After all, what we found this time is not just a male sterile plant—according to the location given by Professor Chen Shutong, we found a small community of nine plants."

"So Director Guo, I can't give you the specific minimum time. That is, the lower limit of the time, but the latest upper limit is still certain."

Lao Guo touched his chin when he heard the words, with a thoughtful expression:

"Seven or eight years?"

Seven or eight years.

This time is not very long for a kind of crop breeding.

That is, in the slowest case, as long as the country persists for seven to eight years, it is likely to have a hybrid rice with excellent yield?


Lao Guo thought of the second plan Xu Yun gave:

Coke for winter wheat.

This kind of business that is controlled by others must not be done for a long time, after all, it is tantamount to giving away the remote control of Tiaodan to others for free.

So this business has limited its lifespan from the very beginning, it will definitely not be very long, but it will not be short.

After all, although Mao Xiong is short of food in the country, what they lack is actually feed grain-the sales and output of Mao Xiong's meat are very high.

For example from this year.

Maoxiong's total milk production and per capita consumption rank first in the world.

Wait until 1985.

Mao Xiong's annual milk production is more than 100 million tons.

And compared to feed grain.

The inside of the bear simply supplies the staple food for human consumption, that is, winter wheat, and the output is still very high.

Of course.

It will be different later on, and what is discussed here is the situation in this period.

That is to say

The original trading period of Coke for grain can actually just make up for the breeding period of hybrid rice?

Think here.

An idea popped up in Lao Guo's mind:

this Han Li

Is it really a donkey descended from heaven?

After all, according to his plan.

The rabbits only need to trade with Mao Xiong for a few years for the transition, and the next food may be self-sufficient!


The premise of the above is that

Coca-Cola is really as magical as Xu Yun said.


A few authors have made an appointment in September, and the place will be in Rongcheng. Just now, an idea popped up. I want to take a bus from Fujian to Rongcheng at that time, which seems to be very interesting.

I will study the route when the time comes, and if it is feasible, I might really try it.

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