Into Unscientific

Chapter 590 A Simple Foreshadowing

be honest.

In fact, I met the younger version of Wang Laohou at the weather Doppler radar assembly site before.

Xu Yun had a certain psychological expectation for the dungeon to have some special trends and meet some unexpected people.

as expected.

Afterwards, Qian Wushi, Sun Junren, Luo Shijun and even Yuan Guoliang and Zhou Kaida, who never had a 221 base in history, were all fanned to Jinyintan by Xu Yun, the butterfly's little wing.

But Xu Yun never thought of it anyway.

Yuan Guoliang and the others are not the group with the most outrageous style of painting. Today, several mathematicians in modern Chinese history have also been fanned to this grassland.

Hua Luogeng.

Chen Jingrun.

Feng Kang.

Just look at these three names.

Taking out one at random is enough to make people of later generations admire and tremble.

The first is Hua Luogeng.

The beginning of Hualao's story began in 1930.

At that time, Xiong Qinglai, the head of the Mathematics Department of Shuimu University, read a paper in the journal Science:

"Reason why Su Jiaju's algebraic five-degree equation solution method cannot be established".

Xiong Qinglai couldn't help admiring the ingenious derivation process of the thesis.

At the same time, judging from the thesis skills and calculation process, this article should be written by an overseas student.

However, Xiong Qinglai searched the list of returned overseas students, but he couldn't find this person named Hua Luogeng.

So he asked in the office:

Who knows this Hua Luogeng?

Everyone shook their heads, saying that they had never heard of such a character.

In the end, Xiong Qinglai found out that this young man actually

Didn't read it in high school.

With the help of three textbooks, he was self-taught and published 6 articles in the "Science" magazine.

Ever since.

Hua Luogeng was recognized by Xiong Qinglai's insightful eyes, and finally entered the top domestic university lectures as a junior high school student, and was recommended to study in Cambridge five years later.

But Hua Luogeng did not want to study for a doctorate at that time, but chose to enroll as a visitor—because being a visitor can break through the shackles and study seven or eight disciplines at the same time.

He believes that education is not important, what is important is knowledge.

And this decision also left Hua Luogeng with an anecdote that will be talked about by later generations - this mathematician only has a junior high school diploma.

Followed by two years at Cambridge.

Hua Luogeng wrote twenty papers, among which a theory he proposed was internationally named "Fahrenheit's Theorem".

After the founding of the People's Republic of China.

Hua Luogeng, who worked as a professor at Princeton and also treated his leg injuries, resolutely returned to China. The "Open Letter to All Chinese Students Studying in the United States" was written by him.


Due to various reasons, Hua Luogeng's achievements in mathematics may not be regarded as the top of the world.

For example, he has made a lot of achievements in multi-complex functions, but he still has a certain distance from the Fields Medal.

But for Chinese people.

Mr. Hua Luogeng's contribution deserves to be among the best in the history of mathematics!

Because he is the founder of many fields of mathematics in China, and he is a standard pioneer, which cannot be compared with a certain achievement or theorem in mathematics.

Mr. Hua Luogeng did basic mathematics (pure mathematics) at first, and later, similar to Qian Wushi, he switched to applied mathematics due to the needs of the country.

Then he entered the field of computational mathematics, and finally opened up the road of China's management science foundation and economic theory.

In a sense.

As long as you have gone through the nine-year compulsory education, you are considered Mr. Hua Luogeng's apprentice.

So it is the same as Lu Guangda.

Maybe thousands of years later, not many people in other countries in the world will know the names of Lu Guangda and Hua Luogeng.

But for any Chinese person.

They are all ancestors who should be remembered and admired in their blood.

Except for Hua Luogeng.

The remaining Chen Jingrun and Feng Kang are also the top mathematics experts in China.

Of course.

When it comes to Chen Jingrun, we have to mention another concept first:

"Goldbach Conjecture".

Later generations, with the publication of Xu Chi's reportage "Goldbach's Conjecture", Goldbach's Conjecture has long been known to every household in China.

But in fact.

Goldbach's conjecture consists of two parts:

1. Every odd number greater than 7 can be written as the sum of three prime numbers;

2. Every even number greater than 6 can be written as the sum of two prime numbers.

At the same time, from the statement of the whole conjecture.

If part 2 is correct.

Then according to the formula n=(n3)+3, it is also correct to directly get the first part.

Therefore part 2 is called strong Goldbach's conjecture and part 1 is called weak Goldbach's conjecture.

Among them, the first part of Goldbach's conjecture is the weak Goldbach's conjecture, which was completely solved by Harold Hoofgot, a researcher at the Ecole Normale Supérieure in Paris in 2013.

The current best result of the second part of Goldbach's conjecture is called Chen's theorem.

That's right.

This part of the results was proved by Chen Jingrun—as for its significance, it was mentioned a long time ago, so I won’t go into details here.

That is to say, Chen Jingrun did not prove Goldbach's conjecture, but Chen Jingrun's derivation is currently recognized as the result closest to Strong Goldbach's conjecture.

at the same time.

Chen's theorem also blocked the way of triangle and valuation, and the same idea cannot solve 1+1.

This problem is also one of the happiest fields in the later generations of civil science. When Xu Yun wrote novels, some people even claimed to have proved the 1+1 part, hoping that Xu Yun could submit the calculation process.

Out of curiosity at the time, Xu Yun also asked about the derivation process.

Then the "big god" said a lot of warnings [I have evidence, you don't want to steal my results], and after the incident, a photo of a standard A4 paper came:

About half of the above is the derivation process.

That's right.

To prove the derivation process of 1+1, only half a page of A4 paper is used

This is probably the most explosive news that Xu Yun saw at that time than fried rice noodles with chicken essence.

If Goldbach or Euler is alive in the sky, it is estimated that they can directly revive you.

all in all.

Hua Luogeng and Chen Jingrun, the mentor and apprentice, should be the top generation of mathematics inheritors in China.

Of course.

The remaining one, Feng Kang, was also extremely naive.

For example, in the mathematics world of later generations, you often see a question-who is more capable, Chen Shiingshen or Hua Luogeng?

But in fact.

If discussing this problem in the field of computational mathematics.

Then it should not be Hua Luogeng who has the ability to match Chen Shengshen, but Feng Kang.

Feng Kang is the founder and pioneer of computational mathematics research in Huaxia, an academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and the founder of the Computing Center of the Chinese Academy of Sciences.

His research "Symplectic Geometry Algorithm of Hamier System" won the first prize of the National Natural Science Award, and his computing power is among the best in the history of modern mathematics.

Many of the "tall trees" who hanged themselves in college in later generations, many of the teaching plans were written by Feng Kang.

all in all.

Whether it's Hua Luogeng, or Chen Jingrun and Feng Kang.

These bigwigs are all top scholars that Xu Yun needs to look up to, and now they and Yu Min are going to become his assistants?

Doesn't this mean that the four FMVPs of the S game are playing four guarantees and one for themselves?

more importantly.

Yu Min is good at differential equations.

Chen Jingrun is familiar with constant estimation research.

Hua Luogeng is currently focusing on applied mathematics.

Feng Kang is proficient in computational mathematics.

These four directions happened to be the same as what Xu Yun thought of before!

Of course.

The complexity of that matter far exceeds all the work Xu Yun has done so far, even if there are four more top math masters now, it is still not enough.

For example that problem is hard to solve. Right?

but no matter.

With the help of these four big brothers, some of Xu Yun's previous ideas can be put on the agenda.

Hard to say.

At this time, Xu Yun's certainty about that matter was at most 10%, but now it has increased by 16.879%.

And just as Xu Yun was thinking about it.

Li Jue, who was opposite him, said again:

"Xiao Han, Professor Hua Luogeng and Comrade Chen Jingrun are now researchers at the Huaxia Institute of Computational Mathematics, and Professor Hua is also the vice president and department head of the University of Science and Technology of China."

"Comrade Feng Kang focuses on computational mathematics. Comrade Feng Kang completed some tasks in the analysis of meteorological Doppler radar information data before."

"These three comrades, together with the staff of our base, should be able to solve most of the math problems."

"So if you have any ideas, feel free to mention them. The comrades are all elites who have been vetted. You don't have to worry about awareness."

I heard this.

Xu Yun could only put on an expression of meeting for the first time, and stretched out his hand:

"Gentlemen, hello, I'm Han Li - everyone is my elder, just call me Xiao Han."

Hua Luogeng was the oldest among the crowd, and he seemed to be the leader. Seeing this, he took the initiative to help Xu Yun up from the ground:

"Comrade Han Li. Oh no, I should call you Xiao Han, right?"

"Xiao Han, we can call you whatever you want. For example, you can call me Lao Hua or Feng Kang Lao Feng, but we still have to distinguish priorities in our work."

"If you need us to help you, just ask. You are our leader at work. Don't worry about the so-called superiority—everyone is gay."

Feng Kang, Da Da and others on the side also nodded.

Most people these days are very pure in thinking, as long as you have the ability, age is not a big problem at all.

For example, Yu Min's team included several old experts in their fifties and sixties, but everyone still listened to Yu Min's command.

Seeing how everyone cooperated so much, Xu Yun finally relaxed a lot from his nervousness.

Then he took a deep breath, pondered for a moment, and said solemnly:

"Professor Hua, when you first arrive at the base, logically speaking, you should take a short rest and get used to it for a few days before starting work."

"However, we are racing against time, so I have the audacity to make a request, and I hope that you can help me."

Hua Luogeng and the others looked at each other after hearing the words, and then they all straightened up.

Although no one spoke during the process.

But their actions at this time clearly showed their respective attitudes:

Just open your mouth!

So Xu Yun also sat up a little bit straighter, and said to Hua Luogeng:

"Professor Hua, I wonder if you have any understanding of numerical approximate solutions to variational problems?"

"Numerical Approximate Solutions to Variational Problems?"

Hua Luogeng was slightly taken aback, then nodded:

"Slightly understand, slightly understand."

well known.

In calculus, there are three concepts of differentiation, difference and variation.

Differentiation refers to how much the function f(x) changes when the independent variable x changes a little bit, that is, dx.

The difference can be regarded as a discretized differential, namely Δy.

When the amount of change is very small, it is approximately regarded as dy.

The concept of difference is still relatively rudimentary, and it should be exposed to a lot in high school.

As for the variation, it is relatively complicated.

It can be regarded as a differential in an infinite-dimensional space, and it is also called the Frechet differential in later generations.

This thing is actually a copy of differentiation in infinite dimensional space. Ahem, promotion.

When Frechet differentiation acts on a functional, it is called a variation.

The so-called functional.

It is to map the function space (infinite-dimensional space) to the number field, that is, to map a function into a number.

For example.

There are countless paths from point A to point B, and each path is a function, right?

There are countless paths, each function, that is, the length of the path is a number, right?

Then you choose the shortest or longest path among these countless paths, which is the problem of finding the extreme value of the functional.

The independent variable of the function space is called the parametric (independent variable function). When the parametric changes a little and the functional value changes a little, this is actually a variation.

Very simple and very easy to understand.

In this day and age.

There are two classes of numerical approximate solutions to variational problems.

One is to replace the differential quotient with the differential quotient in the energy expression, thus obtaining the differential form.

This is also a type of difference scheme given the variational principle, first seen in Euler, and later in Courant, Friedrich, Lewand (not the one who played football) and others.

Another kind of approximate solution is the Ritz-Galerkin method, which restricts the variational problem to be solved in a finite-dimensional subspace.

Then Xu Yun paused, organized his words, and said:

"Professor Hua, since you know something about this, I'll go ahead."

"Among the current two variational methods, the numerical approximation method for the first type of variational problems is relatively inefficient and has not received much attention for a long time."

"The second type of method has been widely used because it has more distinctive features-it can better maintain the characteristics of the problem."

"However, its disadvantage is that it is more difficult in the case of complex coefficients, and it is not general and flexible enough."

"Although it is relatively complete in theory, it is difficult to verify the convergence conditions in specific situations."

"Nowadays, with the increase in computing requirements, the second method has gradually become inefficient, and it can even be said to be lagging behind."


Hearing Xu Yun's words.

A hint of emotion appeared on Hua Luogeng's face, he sighed slightly, and said:

"Xiao Han, you are right, the current numerical approximation method for variational problems is really complicated."

"So today, in order to pursue high enough precision, most of us can only take the differential approach-in fact, it is also the case in foreign countries."

"For a long time, our computing efficiency has been greatly affected. To be honest, there are still a lot of negative feedback from everyone."

Hua Luogeng finished speaking.

Feng Kang, Chen Jingrun and even Yu Min on the side also nodded.

As Hua Luogeng said.

At present, almost all the problems of conservation principle or variational principle are using the differential approach at home and abroad.

Generally speaking.

The advantage of the differential approach is that it is versatile, simple, and can sometimes achieve higher precision.

The disadvantage is that it is easy to fall into blindness, and the physical and mathematical characteristics are poorly maintained.

For example, when self-adjunct problems are differentiated.

If there is no special consideration, the discrete matrix is ​​often asymmetric, which leads to the distortion of the solution and the difficulty of the solution.

It is difficult to deal with complex internal and external boundary conditions, irregular coefficients and geometric shapes, irregular grids, solution irregularities, singular discontinuities, etc., and it is not easy to unify.

However, the variational method is too cumbersome, and the industry can only temporarily use the old-fashioned differential method.

However, Hua Luogeng was a little surprised.

Xu Yun did not follow his words to make a statement, but asked another question:

"That being the case, Professor Hua, I wonder if you have considered the numerical approximate solution to the optimization variational problem?"

"Optimized solution?"

Hua Luogeng's very kind face was slightly taken aback for a moment, and then he quickly nodded, but his tone was still very calm:

"Of course I tried to optimize it, after all, this is an important direction for the application of mathematics - but unfortunately we tried several times, and ultimately failed."

"In addition, as far as we know, countries such as Neon, Across the Sea, and Germany are also carrying out work in these areas, but without exception, they all ended in failure."

Say it.

Hua Luogeng suddenly realized something, looked at Xu Yun again, and asked:

"Why, Xiao Han, I hear you ask this way. Could it be that you have an optimization plan for this?"

"That's right."

Xu Yun frankly admitted Hua Luogeng's question, and explained:

"To tell you the truth, what I want to ask you to do is to come up with a new set of numerical approximate solutions to variational problems."


Hua Luogeng's breathing stopped suddenly, and Chen Jingrun and Feng Kang who were beside him also heard a faint and obvious sound of breathing in, but Da Da seemed relatively calm.

A few seconds passed.

Hua Luogeng, who had regained his senses, leaned forward faintly, and asked:

"What about the train of thought? Xiao Han, what is the specific train of thought?"


Xu Yun glanced calmly at Feng Kang at the side first, then withdrew his gaze, picked up the paper and pen from the table:

"Professor Hua, I will tell you the truth."

"This idea is also an essay I saw in a book in the Cambridge library. I don't know if it's true or not. You can just listen to it and see if it works."

"Its general content is roughly that if the reasonable kernel of the Ritz method is adopted, but the special function of the classical form is discarded and the function of the grid form is used as the coordinate function, another type of difference scheme based on the variational principle can be obtained. "

"Then set it as a plane bounded connected open domain, =∪, in order to divide the grid, first make an approximation domain', whose boundary' is a polyline loop"

"Replace the solving function class 12() in the continuous model, or its subset, with the finite-dimensional subspace '() or its corresponding subset."

"And calculate the expression form of the energy expression () and other definite solution conditions in the discrete space '()"


Xu Yun was writing and drawing on the paper, and soon the whole room was filled with only the rustling of the pen tip.

With the increase of Xu Yun's content on paper.

The more Hua Luogeng and the others listened, the more surprised they became, and the light in their eyes became more and more bright, as if they had seen some kind of treasure.

Li Jue, who was retired from the army, became more and more dazed the more he listened, his scalp itched, his eyes were empty, and he had at least activated a fourth-order gene lock in the infinite terror.

After more than ten minutes.


Xu Yun put down his pen lightly, and said to Hua Luogeng and others:

"Professor Hua, that's the general idea, I'm not sure if it's okay"

As a result, he hasn't finished speaking the last word 'OK'.


Hua Luogeng slapped the table hard:

"Wonderful, wonderful!"

"Start from the bounded linear form, based on the unique solvability of the Historian space, and finally just deduce the definite solution condition!"

"Old Feng, what do you think?"

Feng Kang, who was beside Hua Luogeng, touched his chin when he heard the words, and this usually steady man gave a rare conclusion at this time:

"Professor Hua, I have no objection—this line of thinking is too delicate, and I don't know which genius came up with the inspiration. I really want to meet him."

Looking at Feng Kang who sighed.

Xu Yun sighed slightly in his heart:

Academician Feng, it is not someone else who came up with this idea, but yourself

That's right!

What Xu Yun entrusted Hua Luogeng and others to study this time is exactly.


When the superior was introducing Feng Kang, there was actually a sentence that he didn't finish.

That is, compared with the Hamiltonian system symplectic geometry algorithm that won the first prize of the National Natural Science Award, Feng Kang's more eye-catching achievement is.

The finite element technique was invented independently of the West.

The idea of ​​finite element is actually to divide a complex continuum into a finite number of simple discrete units.

Then use mathematical methods to solve the physical quantities of each unit, and finally obtain the physical quantities of the entire continuum through combination or interpolation.

The derivation of finite element is generally divided into the following steps:

Build differential equation models to describe the physical behavior of the continuum.

Next select the appropriate element type.

Divide the continuum into a finite number of units, such as line units, surface units, volume units, etc., and determine the nodes and degrees of freedom of each unit.

Then select an appropriate shape function to describe the distribution of physical quantities inside each unit, such as displacement, temperature, stress, etc.

Then, using the variational principle or the weighted residual method, the differential equation model is transformed into a system of algebraic equations, that is, finite element equations.

Then solve the finite element equation to get the physical value of each node.

Finally, interpolation or post-processing methods are used to obtain the distribution of physical quantities within each unit and the entire continuum.

The proposer of finite element technology in the West is R. Clough, who proposed the term concept of finite element last year.

However, this technology actually landed and was published as a paper, which was actually later than the proposed time:

It will not be published in "International Bulletin RILEM" until November next year. That is, International Express.

in this paper.

R. Clough conducted a finite element analysis on the Norfork Dam in Arkansas, and accurately predicted the location and size of the cracks of the dam through calculations, which were consistent with the cracks experienced during the construction of the dam.

As a result, R. Clough became very popular in an instant, and in a short time, there were a lot of people in the market.

But in fact.

At about the same time when R. Clough proposed the concept of finite elements.

Someone in Huaxia independently proposed the finite element technology, which is completely different from R. Clough's core logic.

and this person is

Mr. Feng Kang.

At the same time it needs to be mentioned that.

The finite element invented by Mr. Feng Kang is not only applicable to concrete structures, but also applicable to thermo-viscoelastic finite element research—it is eight years later that the Western countries have made a breakthrough to this level, that is, four years after Feng Kang published his thesis.

It is a pity that Mr. Feng Kang's article did not receive much attention due to the obvious gap between domestic and international at that time - he only won a second prize of the National Science and Technology Award.

Of course.

Objectively speaking.

Mr. Feng Kang's finite element technology can only be regarded as "independently developed by the West". It would be a bit distorted to say that he is the originator of the mountain.

After all, R. Clough proposed the concept five years earlier than Feng Kang, and at the same time produced the actual paper two years earlier.

But in any case, Mr. Feng Kang is still worthy of being called the founder of the finite element field.

By the way.

When later generations mentioned the Chinese scientific community, there would often be a voice:

[Your country boasts so much, how many foundational theories of science and engineering are there? 】

Here are just a few random lists, next time you encounter this kind of problem, you can directly shake your face:

Kohn-Shen Lvjiu Density functional calculation of self-consistent field equations, Shen Lvjiu is from Xiangjiang.

Li-Yang Phase Transition Theory, Li Zhengdao and Yang Zhenning.

Zhu-Nakamura theory, Zhu Chaoyuan, now a professor at South China Normal University.

LYP correlation functional, Y is Yang Weitao, from Zhongzhou.

X3LYP functional, X is Xu Xin from Fudan University.

M06 functional, the original developer is Zhao Yan, and the follow-up evolution version is developed by He Xiao.

SCAN functional, developed by Sun Jianwei.

Pseudo bond method for simulating enzyme-catalyzed reactions, Yang Weitao, Zhang Yingkai.

Tang Aoqing molecular anharmonic vibration Hamiltonian, Wang Shoujing, proposed in 1929.

ITS theory for calculating free energy, Gao Yiqin.

There is also the coupled perturbation equation in quantum mechanics, proposed by Peng Mengxiong, the current deputy director of the base. (Someone asked me that question at station B a few days ago, and I got blocked after I answered him like this, lol)

Some things do not understand and do not exist, are two completely different concepts.

The population base of China's scientific research circle is here, and there must be chaos, but if it is all about human relationships, it is purely anti-intellectual.

I have said the same old saying countless times:

On the Internet, there are only a few dozen academicians who have been arrested and splashed with dirty water. Even if they all have problems, there are more than 1,700 academicians of the two academies.

Could it be that the launched aircraft carrier is a fake, is it possible that someone pumped air in the ws15 of the J-20?


The line of sight returns to reality.

all in all.

Mr. Feng Kang's deeds of independently deriving finite elements are recognized at home and abroad, so Xu Yun has no idea of ​​"rectifying the name" like Yang Hui's triangle.

Also be honest.

Xu Yun actually had a good impression of R. Clough.

After the old man was elected as a foreign academician of Huaxia, he didn't have much property in Huaxia. He donated money to the Hope Project for 20 years, tens of thousands of dollars every year-the year he stopped donating was not because he didn't want to donate, but because Because he passed away.


no way.

The finite element is related to his next plan, and it is an indispensable and important part.

So he can only say sorry to Mr. R. Clough, and let the finite element come out in advance.

According to the development of this dungeon today.

Once the finite element technique appears.

There should be no more barriers between Chinese and Western news. In fact, it will be a technology developed by a Chinese.

Of course.

In any case, the contribution of R. Clough as a concept proposer is not small.

He can more or less leave a name in the history books, so he won’t be as miserable as Roentgen in the 1850 copy. He was given to the tauren by wheat at the age of 7

After a while.

Xu Yun looked up at Hua Luogeng, and asked:

"Professor Hua, if this idea is feasible, how long will it take for you to solve the difference scheme of the variational principle?"


When it came to the specific implementation time, Hua Luogeng's expression became more solemn.

He pondered for a moment, turned around and discussed with Da Feng Kang and the others before giving a reply:

"It's time, Xiaohan, you have to be mentally prepared, even with the help of the base calculation team, this matter may not be so easy."

"After all, if my prediction is correct, your proposal should not be final, right?"

"According to the approximation properties and the form of heavy algebra, your final idea should have something to do with computers?"

Xu Yun blinked, and after regaining his senses, he gave Hua Luogeng a thumbs up:

"Professor Hua, you can't tell, it's this!"

"That's right, my ultimate idea is to apply this logic to computer calculations, and then neither boundary conditions nor discrete models will be a problem."

"So you have to give me a long time, or I may not be able to wait for some things."

Looking at Xu Yun who turned into a stress kid.

Hua Luogeng pondered for more than ten seconds, and finally stretched out four fingers.

Seeing this, Xu Yun frowned immediately:

"Four weeks? Professor Hua, this seems a bit long."

The clinker Hua Luogeng immediately shook his head and denied:

"Xiao Han, you misunderstood, the four on my finger are not four weeks, but"

"The donkey circles four times, which means four days."

four days.

The moment you hear this word.

The second half of Xu Yun's words got stuck in his throat, and his mouth became O-shaped.

Mom? !

four days?

Subconsciously, he wanted to tell Hua Luogeng how much calculation they were going to design, but before he could speak, he suddenly realized.

This is a counting group composed of Da Da, Feng Kang, Chen Jingrun and Hua Luogeng!

Among them, Da Yu and Feng Kang, two young and vigorous middle-aged people, can be regarded as absolute sharp blades in the field of computational mathematics, and they can be called invincible.

In later generations, it is equivalent to the Melo double pride in the football field, and there is an almost generational gap with the teams behind!

Even Chen Shengshen, who is staying on the other side of the sea, may still be inferior to the two of them—after all, Chen Shengshen is over fifty years old.

Even if they are out of the category of Chinese, there are not many people in the world of computing power who can compete with them at this time.

After all, it is still the same sentence:

The hydrogen bomb that is bigger than the calculation is over there. You must either admit to traveling through time and space, or you can only say that it is bigger than a cow.

And there are so many wall-mounted shots,

four days

It doesn't seem that difficult to accept?

Once the counting process comes out with results.

The rest is the compilation time implemented on the computer.

Now the computer level in China is not much different from the international level. There are still Wu Jikang and several bigwigs in charge of the computer institute.

In this way.

Xu Yun's plan seems to be

Is there really a possibility?

If this is the case, then the fun can be great.

after all

Even Xu Yun didn't have the slightest chance of realizing that plan.

Think here.

Xu Yun couldn't help taking a deep breath, and looked up at Hua Luogeng:

"Professor Hua, since this is the case, the mathematical deduction process is completely up to you."

"Four days later. I will wait for your good news."

Hua Luogeng slapped him heavily on the chest:

"Xiao Han, don't worry, I promise to complete the task!"

And things have come to this point.

Li Jue's conversation with Xu Yun today is almost in progress.

Then Xu Yun took the initiative to say goodbye to Li Jue, and followed Qiao Caihong back to the hospital to start rehabilitation.

That afternoon.

Xu Yun's intensive care unit was integrated, and Yang Kaiqu was placed in the ward for monitoring.

Roommate +1.

Then a day later.

Lao Guo brought another message:

The first batch of Black Soldier Fly larvae collected on a large scale will arrive at the base in the afternoon!


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