Into Unscientific

Chapter 591 Solve the nutrition intake problem! (It’s still 4D, ask for a monthly pass!)


the next afternoon.

The eleventh factory area of ​​the 221 base.

mentioned earlier.

Among the 18 branch factories in the base, there are three factory areas that will be involved in the transfer of materials with the outside world in normal times.

they are, respectively:

second branch factory,

Eleven Branch Factory,

And the 12th branch factory.

Among them, the situation in the second factory area is quite special, it can be regarded as a "part-time job" situation:

most of the time.

It is mainly responsible for the research and development of high-energy explosives, production tests and the overall assembly of future nuclear weapons. It can be regarded as a standard scientific research center.

However, due to the most outer location and the excellent road conditions.

During some business hours, the second factory area will also be responsible for the transfer of some materials that need to be completed by vehicles.

For example, the food, periodicals, and Xu Yun that Lao Guo and the others brought back were half-cooked, and they came from the base of the second factory area.

But the part-time job in the second factory area is nothing more than that.

When it comes to materials that really need to be transported by train, the transfer point of the base is still at the 11th and 12th branches with regular platforms.

The difference between these two branch factories is that the eleventh factory area is a platform for dangerous goods, and the twelve factory area is a platform for ordinary materials.

Of course.

The dangerous goods here should be precisely 'sensitive' items, not just flammable and explosive chemical products and so on.

For example, some precision instruments and some experts from outside—for example, the fifth division Qian and the others were all “transported” to the 11th branch factory to get off.

Another example.

The Black Soldier Fly Larva Express to be delivered today.

This moment.

A large group of people had already gathered at the platform of the eleventh factory area.

Among them are the management of the base like Li Jue Lao Guo, the young workers of the sideline team like Zhou Shaoping, Zhang Gongding, and the melon eaters like Xu Yun who watch the excitement.

Right now it is 2:30 in the afternoon, which happens to be the most sultry time in the sun, so many people who have just got off work and haven't showered are gathered outdoors.

to be honest.

That smell is a bit heavy.

But everyone didn't care about it at all, even Xu Yun, who came from later generations, didn't react at all—after all, his nose was almost burnt to Voldemort, and he couldn't smell much.

At this time, everyone's eyes were locked on the southeast direction of the platform.

That is.

The location of Shanzhou, the capital of Xihai Province.

after awhile.

"Xiao Zhou."

Li Jue withdrew his gaze from a distance, and asked his assistant Zhou Cai:

"How long has the train been leaving?"

Li Jue doesn't like the constricting feeling of the watch chain on his wrist, so he hardly wears a watch, and usually asks Zhou Cai directly for the time.

Zhou Cai flipped his wrist very neatly, and reported a time:

"Director, it's been about three hours since we set off."

Li Jue nodded and asked again:

"What about the breeding room?"

Zhou Cai wiped the sweat from his forehead, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth:

"There's nothing wrong with the training center. Comrade Gonpo and Director Liu had already cleared the place the day before yesterday—otherwise, the higher-ups wouldn't have brought the Black Soldier Fly here today."

Li Jue was silent for a moment when he heard the words, and finally exhaled faintly:

"This old Zhou, this tmd is making a surprise attack."

The Lao Zhou that Li Jue was talking about was not a member of the base, but Shanzhou, or to be more precise, the general manager of the Secrecy Front in Xihai Province.

About two days ago.

Gongbu and others from the animal husbandry sideline team cooperated with Liu Youcheng to finally build a breeding room for breeding black soldier fly larvae.

Li Jue and others routinely reported the situation to the capital and hoped for follow-up instructions from the capital.

But the capital was silent for two whole days, and Li Jue even wondered if something unexpected had happened—for example, when the black soldier flies were caught, they all flew away.

Then this morning, Lao Zhou from Shanzhou suddenly sent a secret report:

The first batch of Black Soldier Fly larvae will arrive at the base this afternoon!

Ever since.

The base quickly made preparations for the handover. Although nothing went wrong during the whole process, it was somewhat embarrassing.




And not long after Li Jue asked the time.

On the railway not far away, there was a sound of a train moving.

"The train is coming!"

I don't know who in the crowd shouted.

All the people at the scene just came back to their senses as if they had just woken up from a dream, and they all rushed to the edge of the platform:

"The train is coming!"

"This thing is much bigger than the commuter train at our base."

"Not only is it big, but it's also much thicker. Look at the circle outside, it's really dark."

"Really slow"

Then under the gaze of everyone.

This round-headed train, which is rarely seen in later generations, slowly stopped beside the platform while emitting black smoke.

After a while.


The first car of the train was opened from the inside, and a man walked out of the car first.

This person is about forty years old, wearing a gray cadre uniform, not tall, but very bloated.

To know.

In this day and age, due to the lack of supplies, fat people are still rare.

For example, the Workers’ Daily published a report last year that among the more than 4,000 workers in a state-owned mining factory in Sichuan Province, only 6 of them weighed more than 150 catties—although I don’t know what the purpose of doing this and distributing such statistics is.

After seeing this person.

Li Jue, who had been waiting here for a long time, couldn't help but stepped forward, hammered the opponent's shoulder heavily, and scolded with a smile:

"Okay, old Zhou, I haven't seen you for a few months and gained weight again. This looks like 180 catties, right?"

"Why, Lao Guo and other comrades and I are suffering here in Jinyintan, and you are happy to eat delicious food in Shanzhou?"

Li Jue had just finished speaking.

The fat man named Lao Zhou suddenly pulled out a wry smile, shook his head repeatedly and said:

"Old Li, you tmd don't bury me."

"You don't even think about it. If I eat a lot of fish and meat for personal enjoyment, the organization will let me be responsible for keeping secrets in Shanzhou?"

"That's right, I gained a lot of weight, but it has nothing to do with being popular and spicy, it's all because of pressure."

"Here, if you don't believe me, look at my arms and stomach, they are all puffy."

I heard this.

Li Jue also restrained his original smile, and patted him on the shoulder with some emotion.

Students who are fat should know it.

In addition to excess nutritional intake, stress is also one of the triggers that a person may gain weight.

When people are under great pressure, the body's endocrine will be disturbed and metabolism will slow down.

It also produces something called cortisol, the stress hormone.

Cortisol will increase plasma cholesterol, activate subcutaneous esterase in limbs, and promote subcutaneous fat decomposition.

What about decomposed fat?

It will be redistributed on the face, upper chest, back of the neck, abdomen and buttocks, forming central obesity.

Some kind—note that there is a certain sense.

The reason why many decadent people are called dead fat houses is that the fat in them has a lot to do with cortisol.

Later generations also have a term in this regard, called stress obesity.

It is clear.

This is the case of Lao Zhou who was teased by Li Jue.

Then Lao Zhou raised his head and looked around, patted his puffy belly lightly, and said to Li Jue:

"Speaking of Lao Li, I am so fat now, it is thanks to you."

Li Jue was stunned for a moment, and said in surprise:



Old Zhou pouted his chin in a certain direction towards the sky, and said:

"Didn't you shoot down three U2s a while ago, and the other side is still in the dark."

"They knew that something must have happened to the three U2s, and most of them were already in danger, but they didn't know the specific process and reason."

"So in the past period of time, our Xihai and Longyou next door have almost become the enemy's regiment building area. A bunch of cockroaches popped up like cockroaches, and they couldn't be defeated."


Lao Zhou suddenly thought of something again, pointed to the train beside him and said:

"And the Black Soldier Fly larva that was sent this time, Lao Li, do you know why the organization didn't notify you in advance?"

"The reason is that there are too many enemy agents on the West Sea side during this period. For the sake of confidentiality, the scope of personnel who know the situation must be limited."

"Later, when the capital came together, well, anyway, your breeding room has already been completed, so why don't you notify anyone in advance, this way it can't be more stable."


Li Jue was startled for a moment.

Good guy.

What's the matter with co-authoring?

He wondered why there would be a surprise attack in the organization. It turned out that the enemy agents started to stress because of U2's loss of contact recently?

I remember Ye Duzheng told him about the butterfly wing storm a few days ago, could this be one of them?

Then he looked Lao Zhou up and down again, and patted him on the shoulder for the second time:

"Old Zhou, you have worked hard."

"Hey, what is this?"

Lao Zhou waved his hands indifferently, looking very free and easy:

"If you can take down three more U2s, let alone gain 20 catties, I don't mind if they grow like the ears!"

"It's a pity, it's a pity, I wasn't there when we played u2, and I missed that good show, otherwise I would still be able to brag to my grandson in the future."

Li Jue's original face was still a little dignified, but he was amused by Lao Zhou's words:

"Aha? Three more fights?"

"I'm afraid that won't work. Don't forget, there is only one U2 left on the other side, and I guess I don't have the courage to come to the mainland."

"So, Zhou, if you want to see us take down three more U2s, it's unlikely."

Old Zhou was startled when he heard the words, and then he laughed after recovering:

"That's true. Even if the other side wants to come again, it's unlikely that the other side will send them another plane."

"It seems that I don't have the chance to see U2 being shot down in my life. By the way, I heard that your base has a very magical ax. I made a wish in the opposite direction to it. Do you think it is possible to come true? ?”

Li Jue:


Old Zhou's last words were obviously just joking, so soon, his expression returned to normal again.

"Okay, Lao Li, let's stop chatting here."

Mention business.

Lao Zhou's aura also changed instantly, and his eyes became sharper:

"The mission is special, now we should start handing over this batch of goods."

Li Jue heard the same expression, making a listening gesture.


Then Lao Zhou pointed to the second half of the round-headed train he was riding on, and introduced:

"This train has a total of six carriages except for the coal burning room. The first and last two carriages are used for passengers, and the middle four carriages are used for holding goods."

"According to the news from the capital, there are about 70,000 black soldier fly adults and 150,000 black soldier fly larvae in this consignment."

"These two kinds of insects were placed in a closed but breathable wooden box with moist soil and alfalfa grass. It has been about five days since the successful capture."

"Among them, the black soldier fly adults need a certain amount of room to move, so the wooden box size is 1X1X0.25, and there are about 1,000 adults in each box, which is 75 boxes."

"The activity of the larvae is low, and the activity of some eggs is even zero, so about 3,000 larvae can be placed in a box."

"So although the number of larvae is more than that of adults, their number of boxes is less than that of adults. There are only more than 50 boxes in total."

Hearing what Lao Zhou said.

Han Li, who had just been pushed by Lao Guo to Lao Zhou's side, nodded subconsciously.

The larvae of black soldier flies are somewhat similar to mealworms. They belong to a high-density breeding species and can be tossed hard.

Students who have been fishers in this life should know it.

Meal worms are a kind of magical tool for making nests, especially they can be used to catch pouty mouths, bah, I'm wrong, I'm wrong.

The community density of mealworms is very high. Generally, the washbasin for washing the face is spread with a thickness of two centimeters, and the number can reach about a thousand.

And the hive of the afterlife.

The standard box of Zhongfeng generally consists of a box of 10 frames, which are 420mm long on the outside and 250mm high - this is the industry standard.

In the case of bees crawling on both sides.

A 4m x 2.5m Zhongbee standard conjoined box can accommodate tens of thousands of bees.

So a 1X1X0.25 box holds 1000 adults and 3000 larvae.

It can only be said that the capital is still too conservative.

Of course.

Considering the importance of these black soldier flies, it is completely understandable for the capital to be cautious.

After all, these batches of black soldier flies are not the original samples, and if they are gone, they can be caught again at will.

Once the hundreds of thousands of black soldier fly larvae have an accident, the entire plan of the rabbits will be seriously affected-unless you can find another gathering point immediately.

At the same time, even for such low-density wooden boxes, the train can transport them all at once, so there is no need to squeeze them hard.

Then Li Jue handed over some procedures with Lao Zhou, and after everything was done, he began to arrange for the sideline team of young workers to move the wooden boxes.

Here we go.

The sideline team of young workers who had been on standby before came in handy.

There are more than 30 young workers present today, including some old acquaintances of Xu Yun, such as those members of the interest group.

Then under the instructions of Zhou Cai and several other leaders.

The young workers worked in groups of two and moved the boxes as horizontally as possible to the transport truck next to the platform.

Half an hour passed.

More than one hundred boxes have all been moved.

Here we go.

The mission of Lao Zhou's trip was completed.

However, he did not leave the base in a hurry, but took other vehicles with Li Jue and others, and drove to the base.

The Black Soldier Fly Breeding Center at the base.

Twenty minutes later.


With the sound of brakes.

Several vehicles stopped in an area on the edge of the base.

This area is located in the southeast corner of the base, and does not belong to any of the eighteen branch factories.

But don't look at this area as if there is no 'owner', in fact its security can be said to be one of the best in the base:

To the west is the main body of the base, and to the east, south, and north are the Jinyintan Grasslands covering an area of ​​1,100 square kilometers.

Other than that.

There is also a barracks of garrison troops around this area, and there is a battalion of soldiers on duty for a long time.

It's very difficult for anyone to get here.

Simply speaking from the perspective of preventing human sabotage.

Looking at the entire base, even the main factory might not be as safe here.

As the person in charge of the entire Xihai Secrecy Front.

When the base was completed that year, Lao Zhou also visited Base 221 several times in person, and he is no stranger to this distinctive area.

In Lao Zhou's impression.

The field of vision in this area is quite wide. Standing here, you can overlook the magnificent scenery of the grassland. It is a very good place to rest.

But at this moment.

On the ground that was originally empty, a building appeared at some unknown time.

The appearance of the building is very similar to the vegetable greenhouses of later generations. The height seems to be only about three meters, but the length and width are more than 50 meters.

However, the material on the top of the 'greenhouse' is not a transparent plastic film, but pieces of black iron sheets, which look quite solid overall.

"Old Zhou, look."

At the same time that the sideline team of young workers started unloading, Li Jue led Lao Zhou to the side of the building:

"As you can see, this is the Black Soldier Fly Breeding Center established at our base, and this is the first phase of our breeding greenhouse."

"The height of the greenhouse is 3.5 meters, and the length and width are both 60 meters. The total area is about 3,600 square meters, which is five acres. Or close to six acres of land."

"Of course, this is only the first phase of our project, and the breeding center is still being expanded—after all, there is not enough time."

Looking at the greenhouse in front of him, Lao Zhou nodded in understanding.

Because Xu Yun provided the gathering point in Jingxi, the rabbits saved a lot of time looking for the Black Soldier Fly.

Therefore corresponding.

Naturally, the time it takes for base 221 to set up a breeding room has been shortened a lot, to only a week.

In this day and age.

It is obviously unrealistic to build a breeding center of tens or even hundreds of acres in such a short period of time.

It is not easy to build such a first-stage shed with iron sheets.

After all, although the greenhouse does not need to lay a deep foundation, there is no PE protective film like the later generations these days.

If you want to build a greenhouse of this size, you can only do it with a steel frame plus concrete and iron sheets, and the process is still not easy.

If it weren't for the fact that the 221 base itself has the ability to smelt steel and can provide a large number of parts and components in a short period of time, it wouldn't be enough to keep them in place for a week.

half an hour later.

The boxes removed from the transport truck were put on the trailer in groups of five, and the cart was dragged by several donkeys to the breeding shed.

Just entered the shed.

Old Zhou raised his eyebrows:

"Oh shit!"


At this time, there are not a few base leaders who are as surprised as him, Gein.

The scene in the greenhouse was indeed somewhat beyond their expectations.

According to what Lao Zhou thought.

Most of the greenhouses are small pots placed on the ground, and some weeds are placed in the pots to cultivate larvae, and that's all.

But the current situation in the greenhouse is completely different from what he imagined:

The first thing that came into their sight was three huge puddles inside the shed.

The depth of the puddle is about tens of centimeters, and some green plants are planted. The area of ​​each puddle is about 50 square meters.

Other than that.

Fine screen windows and screen doors were also placed around the puddle to seal it into a closed space.

"Let me introduce you to you."

Because Gonpo, who is in charge of breeding, has a restrained personality and his Mandarin is not very good, Liu Youcheng, the director of the chemical laboratory and the person in charge of the development of insect powder, took the initiative to introduce the work:

"These three waterholes are the breeding areas for black soldier fly adults, and the green plants in them are mainly to properly simulate some wild environments."

"In addition to what you have seen, we will also control the temperature at 35°C-36°C and the humidity between 50-60."

"After the adult black soldier flies enter the breeding area, they will stay on the plants and screen windows, usually lay eggs in one to two days, and die quickly after laying eggs."

"According to the plan, we will deal with the dead black soldier flies every day, and at the same time collect the eggs of the black soldier flies to the breeding room."

"You can take a look here. Those black soldier flies in this part are the adults hatched from the first batch of eggs in the base."


Liu Youcheng pointed to the lower right corner of the pool.

Subconsciously, everyone turned their heads together and looked in the direction Liu Youcheng pointed.

as expected.

In the direction Liu Youcheng pointed at, there were probably dozens of black soldier flies lying motionless on their stomachs.

This batch of black soldier flies came from the samples sent to the base three days ago. Yuan Guoliang, Hou Guangjiong and others arrived at the base with them at that time.

There were thousands of black soldier fly larvae in that batch of samples, some of which were in the first and second stages, and some of them were close to hatching to adults.

After this part of the larval wing reaches complete metamorphosis.

Liu Youcheng and others led them to the breeding area for observation, and only two adults died in three days.

Immediately afterwards.

Liu Youcheng led everyone to the area behind the pool.

Several long tunnels have been excavated in this area. The tunnels are not filled with water, but there are a lot of dark brown soil, which can be seen from the outside world.

"Here, this is the growth area for larvae."

Liu Youcheng pointed to these tunnels and said:

"We have laid some food beds in the growing area, and every day there will be ground grass brought in from the outside."

"There are food beds in all directions, which are characterized by a small area but a large number, which can basically guarantee the food intake of the larvae."

"Look, the one on the far right is the larval growth area we tried to run."

Hearing this, Xu Yun poked his head in that direction.

In the tunnel that Liu Youcheng pointed out, there are a large number of yellow-pink 'tip buds' buried in small layers.

A yellow light bulb is hung above the tunnel, and the black soldier fly larvae are wriggling and eating at this time.

And it is different from mealworms or barley worms of later generations.

The smell of black soldier fly larvae is very light, and there is no rancid smell of barley worms. In his previous life, when Xu Yun was raising harvest ants, he raised barley worms. It smells like that.

Then Lao Zhou looked around the greenhouse, pondered for a moment, and asked Liu Youcheng:

"Director Liu, I have a question - I wonder how long it will take for our greenhouse to expand to its full form?"

"If I remember correctly, in order to ensure the nutritional intake of all employees in the base, at least 200,000 adult worms must be provided every day?"

mentioned earlier.

The body length of a second-stage black soldier fly larva is about two centimeters, the weight of a single larva is about 3 grams, and the protein content is about 1.5 grams.

After deducting the 10 grams of protein provided by the staple food, each person should consume about 15 grams of black soldier fly protein powder per day.

The number of people in Base 221 is over 10,000, so about 200,000 larvae need to be provided every day.

At the same time, except for these 200,000 larvae.

It is also necessary to ensure that a sufficient number of larvae are cultivated into adults, so the daily output of black soldier fly eggs must be at least more than 500,000.

The figure of 500,000 is not very difficult. After all, a village-level breeding center in later generations can produce hundreds of thousands of black soldier fly larvae every day.

But in these years, infrastructure efficiency is a difficulty.

An insect breeding area of ​​this magnitude requires at least a hundred acres of land to meet the requirements.

However, Liu Youcheng obviously discussed this matter with Li Jue very early on, so he gave the answer without much hesitation after hearing the words:

"That's right, Commissioner Zhou, with the current specifications of our breeding center, it must not be able to afford the nutritional intake of all the people in the base."

"But it's only the end of August now, and there are at least three months before winter, so there is relatively plenty of time."

"According to the current progress, we will be able to expand the breeding center to 100 acres in early October."

Hearing the time given by Liu Youcheng.

Lao Zhou thought for a moment, and finally nodded slightly.

The expression on his face also softened a lot.

One hundred mu of land is about 67,000 square meters. For example, it is a 320x200 rectangle.

Regardless of the laying of the foundation, it should take more than a month.

At that time, it will take another month or so to expand the black soldier fly colony. In theory, it should be able to reach the corresponding number of colonies before winter.

As for the Black Soldier Fly larvae this month.

They can be used as an occasional snack, or they can be ground into powder as a material reserve.

After all, there are hundreds of thousands of black soldier fly larvae today.

Based on these larvae, it is not a problem to expand the planting and add two or three meals of nutrition to the base owners within a month.

Then with the assistance of many young workers and donkeys.

The boxes of adults and larvae sent to Base 221 across thousands of kilometers were all transferred to the pond where the adults were raised.

That's right.

Both boxes were transported to the adult beetle rearing area at the same time.

Then several staff members wearing similar anti-bee suits walked into the pool, closed the screen window, and opened the boxes one after another.

The first to be opened were more than 70 adult insect boxes.


With the opening of the box.

After half a minute.

Some adult black soldier flies flew out of the box, and quickly landed on the grid of the screen window, motionless as if they had found their home.

But watch and watch.

Old Zhou outside the screen window frowned slightly:

"Director Liu, that's not right, why is the survival rate of these adults so low?"

Lao Zhou's eyesight is very good. After opening the tenth or so boxes, he discovered a situation:

The number of adult worms in the box does not seem to be many, it is estimated that it is only 40% or even 30%.

However, Liu Youcheng next to him seemed very calm, and he had made some achievements in biology. Hearing this, he explained:

"Commissioner Zhou, you don't have to be too nervous, this is actually a very normal situation."

"The survival period of the adult black soldier fly is very short, and according to our observations, the death performance of this insect is a standard [sudden sudden death]."

"That is to say, it was still alive and flying around, but it might suddenly land with a slap in the next second, and it would be completely dead."

"Therefore, among the captured black soldier flies, there must be many adults who were on the verge of death."

"And these adults have been transported on the road for several days, and some of the original adults have also entered old age. In addition, the transportation conditions on the road are poor, and the survival rate of 30% is considered high."

"It's like another larvae box. Can you believe that there will be a lot of adult worms in it after you open it?"

Lao Zhou thought about it, and it seemed to be the same.

After a while.

Suddenly, as if he had realized something, he patted his forehead lightly, and suddenly realized:

"Oh I see!"

"It is for this reason that you transport the boxes of adults and larvae to the adult beetle breeding area first?"

Liu Youcheng smiled and nodded:


After more than ten minutes.

Several staff members who had opened and completed the worm boxes put away the boxes and the dead black soldier flies, and opened the boxes containing the larvae.

as expected.

After the larva chest is opened.

In an instant, many adult black soldier flies flew out of it, quickly choosing their positions on the screen window.

The staff waited quietly for all the adults to fly off before covering the larvae's box again.

After screening these transformed adults.

The remaining larvae can be safely placed in the larva culture area.


There may also be some logical loopholes in this approach.

For example, if the remaining larvae are not kept clean, some of them will completely metamorphose into adults in a few hours or even a few minutes.

But this kind of logical loophole is just as it should be, and it can only stay at the logical level.

In the face of hundreds of thousands of larvae, such a small proportion of events can be completely ignored.

After all, as long as there are not a large number of adults in the larvae culture area, it will have no effect on the growth of the larvae.

For example, isn't there a large number of larvae and adults in the black soldier fly gathering place beside the Sandieling Waterfall in Jingxi?

after an hour.

After releasing all the adults, the staff returned to the screen door, and Liu Youcheng outside turned on the bright light.

Although the black soldier fly insect needs a temperature above 35 degrees, it actually does not like light.

Therefore, with the illumination of strong light.

The black soldier flies near the screen door flew to the back or side of the pool one after another, and there were no black soldier flies gathered at the entrance except for a few nails.

So the staff can safely push open the screen door and walk out with the boxes.

Another half hour passed.

The larval culture area is also installed through the same process.

Here we go.

The first batch of large-scale transfer of black soldier fly larvae has finally come to a successful conclusion.


Looking at the Black Soldier Fly larvae gnawing on the pasture, Lao Zhou suddenly thought of something:

"Old Li, you always say that the larvae of this thing can be ground into powder, but you don't know how it tastes?"

"I see that adult insect is black and long, like a miniature version of a grasshopper. Could it taste similar to grasshopper eggs?"

"That's better than grasshopper eggs."

Li Jue waved his hands with a smile, turned around and whispered something to Zhou Cai.

Zhou Cai said yes when he heard the words, turned around quickly, and ran to the outside of the shed.

After a while.

Zhou Cai pushed a simple version of the car and carried a bamboo drawer back to the crowd:

"Boss, things are ready."

Seeing this, Li Jue patted Lao Zhou on the shoulder, led everyone to the side of the car, and lifted the lid of the bamboo drawer.


A puff of white smoke rose suddenly.

After the smoke dissipated, everyone could see what was inside:

On the mat of the bamboo drawer, there are more than a dozen steamed buns made of miscellaneous noodles!

Then Li Jue pointed to the bun in the bamboo drawer and said:

"The powder made by black soldier fly larvae is added to these cornbreads. Well, the white spots on these nests should be the crumbs of the powder."

Then Li Jue randomly picked a steamed bun, not afraid of being burned, and directly broke it into several pieces and handed it to the surrounding people:

"Come on, let's all have a taste."

Lao Zhou took the wowotou carefully, blew on it, and stuffed it into his mouth.

With the entrance of Wowotou.

A bulge appeared on Lao Zhou's cheek visible to the naked eye, and it kept jumping up and down as he chewed.

After a while.

Suddenly, Lao Zhou's eyes lit up:

"Huh? It's so fragrant! It seems a bit similar to taro?"

I heard this.

Xu Yun on the side couldn't help but smile.

That's right.

The protein powder ground from black soldier fly larvae has a very special taste.

Not only is it not as astringent as grasshoppers, to be precise, locust larvae, but it also has an aroma similar to taro.

This is because in the process of steaming buns, the protein powder of black soldier fly larvae undergoes a Maillard-like reaction.

under high temperature.

The protein of some black soldier fly larvae will be decomposed into amino acids - this decomposition will start at about 80 degrees.

At the same time.

There is a small amount of reducing sugar in the body of black soldier fly larvae, which is the biggest difference between it and some other insects.

When the steamer is hot enough.

Amino acids and reducing sugars will undergo Maillard-like reactions to produce glucocorticoids and heterocyclic compounds similar to ginsenosides.

These two flavors are the source of the familiar [taro flavor].

Of course.

Since the whole process cannot reach more than 150 degrees, it is naturally impossible to have the standard Maillard reaction of browning that occurs in fried steak.

Therefore, strictly speaking, this is a denaturation of a Maillard-like reaction.

No pathogenic bacteria, taste and high quality.

This is one of the characteristics of black soldier fly larvae.

It's just that in Xu Yun's later life, the domestic food supply has reached a very complete and high-standard level.

Therefore, for most people, eating bugs basically does not appear on the dinner table.

But for the present era.

The appearance of black soldier fly larvae is undoubtedly a major explanation for nutritional intake!

And while Lao Zhou and the others were gnawing on the cornbread.

The capital thousands of kilometers away.

A middle-aged Chinese man wearing glasses fell into a state of bewilderment:

"What, hold a Coke fair in Moscow?"


Another 4D update, please ask for a monthly ticket, this month is really important, and even related to some of my next book, so if you have a vote, please vote for it, if the next book does not change the vest, I will fight for some resources .

So if you have votes, don't vote at the end of the month. Only at the beginning of the month can you help me.

In addition, this month's fan title activity has started, with 30 places, just leave a message in the comment area. The leader is basically stable, but fans of the same level are first come, first served.

Continue to explode tomorrow, ask for a monthly ticket! ! !

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