Into Unscientific

Chapter 592: The Hairy Bear Delegation!

be honest.

As an outreach worker with senior qualifications.

Liu Yunquan, who has just passed his 52nd birthday, can be regarded as a person who has seen all kinds of storms.

When he was young, he even followed the team through the snow-capped mountains.

But at this moment.

This experienced old wailian who had just returned from Mao Xiong to report on his work fell into a short-term downtime.


He swallowed dryly, hesitated for a moment, and asked the man in front of him again:

"Comrade Yang Wen, I'm sorry, maybe I'm a little old, and I didn't hear some words clearly."

"Did you just say that we are going to hold a Coke exhibition in Moscow?"

The Yang Wen that Liu Yunquan said was a young man in his early twenties, with a fair complexion and wearing a pair of gold-rimmed glasses. He looked like the secretary of some leaders.

Hear Liu Yunquan's questioning.

The corner of Yang Wen's mouth curled up into a beautiful smile, and his appearance is considered to be an idol who can step on a sewing machine in the end:

"That's right, Comrade Yunquan, the organization has already decided that a Coca-Cola exhibition will be organized in Moscow in four days."

"Due to certain 404 risks, cough, and special reasons, there will be no particularly senior leaders on both sides of this fair, so this matter can only be left to you."

Liu Yunquan froze for a moment.

Yang Wen's answer proved that there was nothing wrong with his hearing, but it made Liu Yunquan even more confused.

The rabbit ran to Moscow for a Coke fair?

What kind of painting style is this tm.

Then he thought for a while, and a past explanation barely popped up in his mind, and he said to Yang Wen in a seemingly enlightened way:

"Oh, I see, Comrade Yang Wen, the Coca-Cola you're talking about should be the soft drink, right?"

"For example, the Shanhaiguan soda in Jinmen, or the Arctic Ocean in the capital?"

Due to Yang Wen's limited experience, mistaking soda for Coke is the only reasonable explanation that Liu Yunquan can think of.

After all, although there are no cola factories in China today, there are still many soda factories.


The intersection of China and soda can even be traced back to the middle of the 19th century.

The soda water at that time was called Dutch water, and it flowed into the country with the opening of the country. This thing only added lemon and bubbles.

The old man who wrote the book also reminded everyone that "the plug bursts when you open it, so be careful not to face the bullet", so it was also called marble soda later.

As for the first soda factory opened in China, it was the Zhengguanghe soda factory in Shanghai.

This is a store opened by the British in China. The earliest products mainly sold soft drinks imported from the Netherlands, which is equivalent to the current supermarket.

Later, Zheng Guanghe felt that soda was quite profitable, and unlike alcohol, it required high technical content, so he decided to open a factory by himself to make more money, and the business would not involve the Dutch.

They built a factory at the corner of Daming Road in Shanghai, and named it "Madu Mile Water Plant".

The origin of the name is very literary. It is taken from the "Book of Songs" in which "you can be happy when you are hungry".

At that time, Lao Deji Pharmacy and Watsons Pharmacy were also eyeing the soda business in Shanghai. These two companies also set up factories one after another following the pace of Zhengguanghe.

From then on.

Huaxia's soda factories began to scatter.

But in this day and age.

The most famous soda factory in China is Shanhaiguan soda in Jinmen.

The predecessor of Shanhaiguan Soda Water was also a foreign businessman. The factory was established around 1900, and it was called Wanguo Soda Water Factory.

Shanhaiguan soda has been a proper high-end product since its inception. Even the wedding banquet of the last emperor Puyi used their soda.

In 1923.

Coca-Cola began to enter China.

Since the Shanhaiguan soda factory is relatively fierce, it found Shanhaiguan soda to make and bottle Coca-Cola.

In the southern market, it found Watsons for filling.

However, with the establishment of New China, Coca-Cola withdrew from China, and Shanhaiguan Soda became a state-owned soda factory.

The more famous sodas are in addition to the ones mentioned above.

There are also "Bawangsi" born in 1920, "Heli" born in Jiangcheng in 1921, "Arctic Ocean" and "Meihua" born in Beiping and Shancheng respectively in 1936, and "Asia" born in Guangdong Province in 1946. , and "Bingfeng", which was born in Chang'an in 1948.

Some of these brands are still alive even in 2023.

For example, Jiangcheng's Heli is now called No. 2 Factory Soda, and it is sold on a certain treasure.

Not to mention the Arctic Ocean, Meihua in the mountain city is the predecessor of Tianfu Cola.

Of course.

Although there are many soda brands in China today, to be honest, none of them can beat them.

At least for a well-informed person like Liu Yunquan, the gap between domestic soda and cola is still obvious.

But whatever the taste.

At least on a logical level, exporting soda is somewhat more acceptable than exporting Coke.

However, Liu Yunquan was deeply surprised.

Yang Wen shook his head decisively:

"Comrade Yunquan, I'm not talking about soda, but a standard Coke—a drink similar to Coca-Cola."

"Well, Comrade Yunquan, you will know after you try it."

Say it.

Yang Wen picked up the thermos cup beside him, and poured out a cup of brown liquid from it.

Then he handed the cup to Liu Yunquan:

"Here, Comrade Yunquan, there is still some ice."

"According to a certain kid, Coke must be drunk cold to be happy."


Liu Yunquan subconsciously took the cup from Yang Wen's hand, his eyes were a little clearer.

He first glanced at Yang Wen, then looked at the liquid in the cup for two seconds, then raised his head and drank it down in one gulp.


The slightly frosty liquid slowly slides over the tip of the tongue, overflows the throat, and slowly flows down the esophagus.

With the entrance of the liquid.

Liu Yunquan's lip cavity first felt an indescribable stimulation, even a faint tingling.

But soon.

This stimulation turned into several feelings such as softness, comfort, and sweetness, which made Liu Yunquan couldn't help but let out a groan:


See this situation.

Yang Wen couldn't help showing another smile on his face - he deliberately poured more drinks for Liu Yunquan.

After a while.

Looking at Liu Yunquan who was still full of thoughts, Yang Wen asked:

"Comrade Yunquan, how does the drink taste?"

Liu Yunquan was silent for a few seconds, and finally nodded slightly:

"The taste is very close to that of Coca-Cola, except that the bubbles are a little lighter and the medicinal taste is a little stronger."

"Comrade Yang Wen, is this the Coke we produced ourselves?"

As an old wailian.

If he can't guess at this time that China has already mastered the production technology of cola, then he will have lived in vain for so many years.

as expected.

Yang Wen nodded while covering the lid of the thermos cup:

"That's right, by chance and coincidence, we have initially possessed the technology to produce Coke."

"Of course, I may not be able to reveal too much about the specific situation. In short, the superior decided to hold a non-governmental Coke exhibition in Moscow that does not contain any political color."

"Comrade Yunquan, what's your intention?"

Liu Yunquan remained silent for a longer time this time, thinking quickly about the feasibility of Yang Wen's words.

As an old man who has been on Mao Xiong's outreach missions for several years, Liu Yunquan's understanding of certain things even exceeds that of some specialized intelligence personnel.

For example

When he returned to China to report on his work a few years ago, a friend of Mao Xiong once asked him one thing in private:

That friend hoped that when he returned to China, he could bring him some Coke from the International Friend Service Department of Shanghai, which was later the predecessor of the Friendship Store.

For this reason, the friend was willing to pay a premium of 50% as Liu Yunquan's labor fee - and it was settled directly in foreign exchange.

To know.

Foreign exchange these days is the real hard currency.

Its conversion ratio may not be high on the surface, but in some private black markets, it is common to double it by ten times.

Of course.

In the end, Liu Yunquan still refused the request and stuck to his bottom line.

However, it is not difficult to see from this that Mao Xiong's demand for Coke is just because there has been no relevant production technology in China in the past, so Liu Yunquan has never thought about the possibility of operating Coke.

And now it seems.

For some reason, this window was open.

Think here.

Liu Yunquan couldn't help but take a deep breath, and sat up a little bit straighter:

"Comrade Yang Wen, just tell me, what is my specific task this time?"

Yang Wen straightened up after hearing the words, picked up a small notebook from his side, and said:

"Comrade Yunquan, there are 15 members of the exhibition accompanying you to Moscow this time, and there will be 100 cases of Coke accompanying you, a total of 3,000 bottles, with many flavors."

"The size of these colas is 200 milliliters, and they are bottled in glass. At present, the capital food factory has stopped some production lines in the Arctic Ocean and started to produce this cola with all its strength."

"If there is no accident, all production can be completed within three days."

"Three days?"

A trace of regret flashed in Liu Yunquan's eyes, but it was soon replaced by a touch of determination:

"No problem, Comrade Yang Wen, I obey the organization's arrangement!"

As an outreach staff, Liu Yunquan doesn't have many vacations.

Don't look at this time he can rest for half a month while returning to China to report on his work. This is actually the first vacation he has taken in three years.

at the same time.

His wife, Rao Min, is a middle school teacher in Shanghai. It is not easy to go abroad to visit her husband in this day and age.

This time I learned that Liu Yunquan rarely returned home.

Rao Min deliberately asked the leader for a rest, but even so, he would not be able to leave from Shanghai until tomorrow.

In other words.

There are only two to three days left for Liu Yunquan and his wife to reunite.

Not to mention that Liu Yunquan still has to consider some matters after arriving in Maoxiong, and the real time left for the couple to be tender is even shorter.

Then Yang Wen paused, and continued:

"After the production of Coke is finished, you have to take these goods and the delegation to Mao Xiong, and there will be comrades to meet you at that time."

"According to the results of the negotiation between the organization and Mao Xiong, Mao Xiong will open up a booth for you on the first floor of the National Department Store. This is where our exhibition will be held."

National Department Store.

Hear the name.

Liu Yunquan frowned suddenly.

The area where the National Department Store is located is on the east side of the famous Red Square.

Those hairy bears are not philanthropists. If the organization wants to go to such a place, it is estimated that they will have to pay a certain price

And opposite him.

Yang Wenze was still making relevant introductions, and at the same time his expression became a little more serious:

"Comrade Yunquan, what I'm going to say next is very important, you must remember it well."

"First of all, all of our cola this time—remember it's all cola, we only provide free tasting, and refuse wholesale and retail."

"As long as customers pass by the venue, they can drink a small cup of Coke unconditionally."


Yang Wen picked up a small mini cup from the table, which seemed to hold only about 20 milliliters:

"The capacity of this cup is 25 liters, and there is a scale line inside. You only need to pour five milliliters of Coke for the first time every time."

"After the guests finish drinking, you have to ask them to fill out a questionnaire. The content of the questionnaire is very simple, just tick it."

"Every customer who completes the questionnaire can taste another five milliliters of Coke for free."

After listening to Yang Wen's words quietly, Liu Yunquan showed a trace of surprise on his face again:

"Only tasting and not retailing? Do you still need to fill out the questionnaire?"

Fairs and fairs, as the word implies, there must be sales if there is an exhibition.

So Liu Yunquan wanted to come.

This time his task should be to promote and sell Coke, and then gather a price that Maoxiong customers think is suitable for reference, and then sell it in the Huaxia store in Moscow.

The result was unexpected.

This time, their mission was actually given away for nothing?

Looking at Liu Yunquan with a surprised face, Yang Wen smiled calmly:

"Comrade Yunquan, you heard me right, it's only for gift, not for sale."

"If nothing else happens, when the exhibition is over, there will be Mao Xiong's commissioner looking for you to negotiate the price."

Liu Yunquan's pupils shrank suddenly.

Yang Wen's words contain a lot of information.

Could it be

The above expectations for the fair are not spontaneous purchases by Mao Xiong folks, but

Bear's official order?

But want to use a bottle of drink to attract the official end?

is it possible?

It's a pity that a certain acquaintance is not there at this time, otherwise he would probably have answered the sentence, of course it is possible.


It is normal for Liu Yunquan to have this question.

Although he has seen the power of Coke many times at Mao Xiong's side, these are more emotions expressed by individuals.

Liu Yunquan can only be sure that Coke will not fail to sell in Maoxiong, but as for whether it can rise to the popularity of the whole people, he can't guarantee it.


In today's China, except for Xu Yun and a few people, no one has such confidence.

after all

Not everyone is a time traveler, and not everyone knows that there are time travelers.


Don't look at what Yang Wen said so firmly, his heart is somewhat puzzled.

But after all, this is a task assigned by the organization, so Liu Yunquan quickly chose to accept it:

"I understand, Comrade Yang Wen, I promise to complete the organizational tasks satisfactorily!"


Liu Yunquan thought of something again, and asked Yang Wen:

"By the way, Comrade Yang Wen, since we are a trade fair, we probably need some promotional slogans, right?"

"For example, when peasant comrades sell chickens, they will always say that they are old hens that have been raised for two and a half years and can dance like immortals."

Yang Wen nodded quickly after hearing the words:

"Of course, Comrade Yunquan, just wait a moment."

Yang Wen turned over a few pages of the notebook, took out a small note from the interlayer, and handed it to Liu Yunquan.

Liu Yunquan took a look, only to see a section of Russian written on it:

【Всеравноденегненадо. Попробуйнемного】.

Then Yang Wen showed a hint of curiosity in his eyes, and said:

"Comrade Yunquan, I'm not a Russian major, and I can't understand these words, can you please translate for me?"

Liu Yunquan pondered for a moment, organized his words, and said:

"meaning it should be"

"Anyway, it doesn't cost money, just try a little bit."


Explain the number of words today, it’s not that there are fewer updates, it’s because I’m not sure if I can write the story of Mao Bear, so let’s put a little bit to see the feedback, if I can write, I’ll release all the rest, this copy is really stared to report

Weakly ask for a monthly ticket, and the update will resume tomorrow, and the update time will continue to be extended by one day, and we have coded all night for three consecutive days, let's count the tickets

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