Into Unscientific

Chapter 592 The last puzzle piece of the base is in place!

After the communication between Yang Wen and Liu Yunquan was completed.

Liu Yunquan began to arrange the delegation or the personnel of Maoxiong's participation in the business delegation this time.

Although the task of the entire business group this time is very arduous, its influence can be said to be extremely far-reaching. I don't know how many people's eyes are locked on Liu Yunquan and the others.

However, due to some well-known special reasons, the political standards of the business group are not high.

Among the fifteen people accompanying him.

Except for Liu Yunquan, the person in charge of Mao Xiong's station who returned to China to report on his work.

The rest are either experienced but not high-level outreach officers, or old fritters who have participated in foreign trade many times.

Not to mention the big shots, the top three leaders in the department are nowhere to be seen, and they are all small cadres at the department level, focusing on low configuration and high cost performance.

Three days later, the 40 boxes of Coke produced by the Capital Food Factory were officially packaged.

On the morning of the fourth day, 15 members of the business delegation assembled on time at the location of the capital's outreach department.

Liu Yunquan and Yang Wen verified the identities of the members one by one. After the comrades in the confidentiality front checked their luggage, the business group officially left.

After another three hours, the business group arrived at SJZ Airport and flew to Moscow on the special plane that was already waiting here.

And at the same time as the business group left.

The 221 base thousands of kilometers away.

Xu Yun, Lao Guo, Li Jue, Fifth Division Qian and others were wearing hard hats, and followed Su Chengye, the head of the base construction industry team, to a remote construction site.

But don't look at this construction site near the periphery, in fact its code name is not low, sitting in the sixth position in the 18th branch factory.






Looking at the five square buildings in front of him.

Lao Guo and Li Jue, the leaders of the base who arrived earlier, couldn't help showing emotion.

If you push the time forward by one and a half months.

At that time, who would have thought that the detonation test site, which seemed to take a long, long time to be built, could be completed ahead of schedule a month later?

That's right, the detonation test site.

The purpose of all the leaders gathering here today is because the detonation test site, which the entire base has been worrying about for a long time, has finally been officially completed.

After a while, a little old man with a Mediterranean hairstyle, about fifty, walked up to several people and said:

"Several leaders, it's hot outside, why don't we talk about it while visiting."

Hearing this, Li Jue exchanged glances with Lao Guo and the others, and made a gesture of invitation:

"No problem, Senior Engineer, please lead the way."

While pushing Xu Yun's wheelchair, Lao Guo introduced in a low voice:

"Xiao Han, this comrade is Comrade Gao Yuanming, the general manager of the detonation test site. He was officially elected as the director of the sixth branch at the previous executive meeting."

Xu Yun nodded clearly.

He was not familiar with the name Gao Yuanming, but he felt as if he had heard of it somewhere, but judging from his position, he should be a very capable comrade.

Then, under the leadership of Gao Yuanming, a group of people walked into the nearest building.

The appearance of this building or these five buildings is basically the same. It looks like a small building with a height of one floor and an area of ​​less than 40 square meters.

The only difference between these five buildings is that there are several different numbers marked at the entrances.

For example, the building that Xu Yun and the others entered.

At the entrance, a circle was drawn with red paint, with the word [2] written in the middle, and that was all.

But after entering the building, another scene appeared in front of Xu Yun and others.

The interior of the building is the same as the theory department that Xu Yun went to before. The outer shell of the building is just a decoration, and the real "protagonist" is hidden underground:

Inside the small building is a staircase leading to the ground, and beside the stairs is still a lifting platform for material transportation—as Xu Yun visits more and more places in the base, it is estimated that this configuration will not be uncommon in the future .

After all, underground facilities are standard equipment for scientific research, not to mention Huaxia, Mao Xiong and the other side of the sea are not uncommon.

Immediately afterwards, the relatively young and vigorous leader walked to the stairs, while the older senior and Xu Yun took the lifting platform to the next floor.

As a result, he just walked out of the platform.

Xu Yun raised his eyebrows.

The theory department led by Lu Guangda was also located underground, but compared with the slightly dim lighting effect of the theory department, the light in the detonation laboratory was much brighter.

Xu Yun took a closer look, and if nothing else happened, there should be iodine tungsten lamps hanging around.

The luminous effect of the iodine-tungsten lamp can reach about 30, and the interior is filled with iodine vapor, which will combine with tungsten at low temperature and decompose at high temperature.

Because of this, iodine-tungsten lamps are brighter and last longer than ordinary incandescent lamps,

This light intensity is already close to the brightness of office buildings in later generations, which is indeed not an easy task in this era.

After all, the iodine-tungsten lamp was only invented two years ago, and under the current situation of complete blockade, it is considered a real rarity.

It is not to say that there is no such thing in China, but it is still relatively difficult to gather such a large formation-now the domestic iodine tungsten lamps are generally concentrated in large squares in big cities such as capitals and magic capitals, even if they are slightly smaller. There is no provincial capital at all.

And under the irradiation of these strong lights.

The situation in the basement was also clearly displayed in front of everyone:

There is a large room on the left and right sides of the crowd, and the length of a single wall seems to be about ten meters, but the details of the two rooms are slightly different.

The walls of the room on the left are all composed of refined steel alloys, the thickness of which is unknown due to the problem of sightlines, and the single dark metal panel reveals a cold and oppressive feeling under the light.

There is a closed metal door in the middle of the steel wall. The door is about two meters high and has a single-open structure. There is a steering wheel-shaped turntable lock on the left end.

The wall of the room on the right is mainly made of concrete, and there is an iron door on the left and right sides as the entrance, which looks a little low-profile.

"Everyone, as you can see, this is the most important No. 2 station in our detonation test site."

Then Gao Yuanming took the initiative to walk in front of everyone, pointed to the sides and said:

"The steel-wrapped room on the left is the experimental site number A, which is mainly responsible for cold explosion experiments."

"The one on the right is the data sampling center, whose function is to collect various data immediately after the cold blast experiment."

"For the smooth completion of these two houses, especially the No. A test site, we have invested a lot of manpower and material resources. It's really not easy."

I heard this.

Many leaders at the scene nodded their heads.

Students who have read the book "Into Unscience" should know it.

From a structural point of view.

An atomic bomb consists of high explosives and nuclear components.

A normal nuclear explosion occurs when a high-energy explosive detonates and compresses nuclear components, causing them to fission to generate energy and release it.

This kind of nuclear explosion process is also called thermal test.

But for an atomic bomb development project, it is definitely unreasonable to carry out a nuclear explosion without doing anything.

Before the thermal test, it is necessary to conduct a pre-experiment that does not add nuclear explosive materials and only tests high-energy explosives—after all, it is necessary to check whether the parts other than nuclear materials are operating normally.

This kind of experiment is the so-called cold experiment, or 'cold burst'.

The place where the cold explosion experiment is performed is the detonation laboratory.

Therefore, the detonation laboratory can be regarded as the first and last hurdle in the application field of the atomic bomb. Without this proving ground, the development of explosives would be very difficult.

But the detonation laboratory is not as simple as digging a hole. Its design process needs to involve many key parameters.

The 221 base only broke through the design barrier of the detonation laboratory in April this year, and then passed the report in mid-May, and officially started construction in early June.

But after construction, the base found a problem:

Meteorological conditions have too much influence on the construction of the detonation laboratory. Heavy rain will affect the foundation pit, and sand and dust will make the overall structure unable to meet the load requirements.

In a whole month from June to July, the construction team completed less than 20% of the expected plan for the month.

Looking at the entire base at that time, even Lao Guo and Lu Guangda were about to give up.

Thinking of this, everyone's eyes turned to Xu Yun who was at the side at the same time.

After discovering that weather conditions have a great impact on construction efficiency.

The base tried to use manpower to collect data for weather deduction, but Ye Duzheng and his team calculated results that were quite different from the actual situation.

But just when everyone thought the project would be delayed indefinitely.

Han Li.

The patient that old Guo brought back from Guide County brought out the damper principle and meteorological Doppler radar technology, and it was out of control, and he contributed a lot of new and valuable knowledge and concepts one after another.

It is not an exaggeration to say.

The appearance of Han Li, who is half-skilled, has changed the development efficiency of the base from approximately equal to two greater than, which has increased by a large amount in an instant.

The old Guo behind Xu Yun obviously thought of this too. He was silent for a moment, then patted Xu Yun's shoulder lightly:

"Comrade Han Li, you have worked hard. On behalf of all comrades in the base, I would like to express my heartfelt thanks to you!"

Xu Yun turned slightly sideways on the wheelchair, as if he 'let' pass Lao Guo's words.

Just kidding, he can't stand that.

after all

The people who really deserve the word "hard work" should be Lao Guo himself, Li Jue, the factory director, Gao Yuanming, the explosives engineer, and every member of the base except Xu Yun.

Without their hardships, how could Xu Yun enjoy that kind of living and learning environment in later generations?

Lao Guo and the others did not favor Xu Yun's generation, they suffered double for the billions of people in China.

And what Xu Yun did was to feed back a negligible bit of their future generations' blessings.

If you have to be rewarded for this, you will be scolded and chirped when you go back!

After a while.

Gao Yuanming led the crowd to the left side, which is the entrance of the experimental site. Since he was not young, he asked two young workers with relatively strong strength to open the turntable.


As the entrance opens, a corridor appears.

Gao Yuanming led the crowd through, and after a while, an empty space suddenly appeared in front of them.

Judging by visual inspection, the area of ​​this site is about tens of thousands of square meters, and there are some things on some areas at different angles and different distances:

There are stones, wood, and metal plates. Xu Yun even saw a bicycle

In addition, there are all kinds of things inlaid around the walls, and some of the walls even have potholes in structure—it is not difficult to see from the overall high-standard design that this kind of pothole layout should be done deliberately.

"Everyone, this is the real scene of our experimental site."

After arriving at the scene, Gao Yuanming walked to the front of the crowd, pointed at the entrance wall and said:

"This wall is made of high-strength concrete with a thickness of 5.72 meters, and the exterior is wrapped with steel plates, which can withstand strong blast impacts."

"The specification of the experimental site is a square with a range of 100X100 meters, located 18 meters underground."

"As for the props and walls in the venue, they are used to detect the power of high-energy explosives. That is, props for the impact of the explosion."

"The impact of the explosion?"

hear the word.

Among the numerous entourage, a tall but extremely thin man in black couldn't help but adjust his glasses, and asked Gao Yuanming aloud:

"Senior Engineer, I have a question to ask - if I remember correctly, the performance testing of explosives is usually done with certain instruments, right?"

"For example, impact sensitivity, thermal sensitivity and other parameters, these instruments should be capable in China."

After the tall and thin man finished speaking, several experts who had a little understanding of explosives also nodded.

Explosive performance testing.

This is a technical discipline that appeared very early, and it is basically synchronized with the modern history of mankind.

Especially after the appearance of various instruments in the early 20th century.

The testing of explosive performance has also gradually begun to develop towards precision.

For example, in the current period, the performance of explosives mainly stays in the sensitivity measurement.

The so-called sensitivity refers to the difficulty of explosives causing explosion under external influence, referred to as sensitivity.

There are currently three main types of sensitivity, namely:

mechanical sensitivity,

thermal sensitivity,

detonation sensitivity.

The high explosives of nuclear weapons are military explosives, which have lower mechanical sensitivity and thermal sensitivity, and higher detonation sensitivity.

This kind of measurement is mainly based on shock waves, and data restoration is carried out according to the degree of shock.

Of course, this restoration is also an approximate algorithm in this era.

Wait for another few decades.

With the development of spectroscopic analysis equipment, there will also be high-precision evaluations such as nuclear explosion core temperature and radiation indicators.

It is true that many sophisticated instruments common to later generations have not yet appeared in this period, but some early equipment still exists.

Even the poor and white rabbits in their pockets are not very difficult to come up with a few measuring instruments.

Facing the question raised by the tall and thin man, Gao Yuanming was silent for a moment, with a wry smile on his lips:

"Comrade, if my prediction is correct, you should be engaged in theoretical research, right?"

The tall and thin man nodded and introduced himself:

"That's right, my name is Wang Hua, I graduated from Michigan State University, and now I'm in charge of some data solving in the fourth group of the theoretical department."

Gao Yuanming nodded in understanding, and then explained:

"Comrade Wang Hua, you may have less contact with the application field in normal times, so you subconsciously ignore some of the more subtle details."

"For example, the equivalent of the explosives we experimented with."

Wang Hua blinked:


"Yes, equivalent."

Gao Yuanming sighed softly, pointed around and said:

"You are theoretical, so it should be very clear that our preset atomic bomb yield has not yet been finalized, but the value range will not be lower than 20,000 tons."

"To form a high-temperature and high-pressure environment to induce uranium-235 nuclear fission to reach such an explosive level, the high-energy explosive we need is RDX or a self-developed explosive with similar performance. A minimum amount of 10 kilograms is required."

"The impact of explosives of this magnitude has a high probability that it will exceed the upper limit of the measuring instrument, which will cause serious damage to the instrument after being used a few times."

"And once we enter the application research and development stage, the detonation laboratory will conduct an experiment on average every three days. Perhaps we can afford the equipment loss of one experiment, but what about ten times? Twenty times?"

Wang Hua was slightly taken aback, and the whole person fell into silence.

He did ignore that.

On the opposite side of him, Gao Yuanming was still shaking his head, took a deep breath, pointed at the nearest target and said:

"So we can only give up the instrumental measurement and temporarily 'receive' the bombardment data through some special walls planned during the design of the test site. In addition, we use these targets with different orientations and distances for analysis."

"We coated the target with some hydrogen sulfide phase liquid, which is extremely unstable and burns quickly after being subjected to a shock wave."

"When the explosion started, our operators would hide in the concrete safe room next door and stand by. After the explosion was over, they would immediately come to the test site to collect these targets."

"Afterwards, by analyzing the combustion of the hydrogen sulfide phase liquid, and then using the multi-target balance error, we can roughly determine the effect of the explosive."

"Hydrogen sulfide?"

Wang Hua's pupils shrank suddenly after he recovered, and his tone raised a bit:

"Isn't that thing highly poisonous to the human body? And the operator is on standby next door. What if it is affected by the shock wave of the explosive?"

"Comrade Yuan Ming, you are putting the operator's life at risk. This is so unreasonable!"

"That's right, it's unreasonable."

Facing the angry Wang Hua, Gao Yuanming nodded calmly:

"So the first batch of operators will be myself and my second boy. If something happens, just take the life of my old bone."

Gao Yuanming finished speaking.

Wang Hua's originally angry expression immediately froze on his face:


at the same time.

At the same time, a look of bewilderment appeared on Xu Yun's face.

He finally remembered who Gao Yuanming was.

Who is it? !

Students with good memory should remember.

When taking out the damper project before, Xu Yun once met a sideline team engineer named Yao Xiaolin, who was the team leader of Zheng Tao and Zhou Shaoping, next to the tower.

At that time, Yao Xiaolin was responsible for the installation of humidity instruments. After learning Yao Xiaolin's name, Xu Yun quickly remembered the other party's deeds:

Yao Xiaolin's father and elder brother worked as traffic officers in the enemy's rear during the Anti-Japanese War in the early years, and died heroically in 41 and 43 years respectively.

Three of his four sons served as soldiers. The eldest and the third died heroically in the peninsula battle, leaving their heroic souls on the peninsula forever.

As for the second child, he disappeared during the search for Bosten Lake.

The fourth child was selected into the sideline construction brigade of Base 221 at the same time as Yao Xiaolin, and later collected data at the No. 3 station of the detonation test site.

in the original history.

Since there was no such variable as Xu Yun in the base, the entire detonation test site was mixed with a lot of sand and dust during the construction process, and the load capacity did not meet the design expectations.

As a result, after an explosion experiment, the No. 3 station collapsed, and Yao Xiaolin and his son, together with three other observers, died heroically at the same time.

When Xu Yun wrote this episode in his previous life, many readers expressed their respect in this chapter.

But what few people know is.

Among the other three observers who died, there was also a father and son.

They were Gao Yuanming, the chief explosives engineer at the time, and his second son, Gao Shulin.

Among them, Gao Yuanming was also the senior with the highest position in the entire 596 project when he died.

If Gao Yuanming survived to the end of the project, the meritorious service of two bombs and one star would definitely not be judged, but the academician of the Huaxia Academy of Engineering should not have escaped.

Strange to say.

This kind of name and deeds that Xu Yun should not be able to remember, now clearly appeared in his mind.

But Xu Yun can't control that much anymore, after all, the deeds of this senior shouldn't be forgotten.

Don't ask, it means that my memory suddenly improved a lot.

This moment.

What Xu Yun really cares about is

Although now due to his appearance, there will basically be no quality problems in the detonation test site, but the risk of the experiment process still exists.

For example in the original history.

Yao Xiaolin and Gao Yuanming were just one of the ancestors who died. More than 70 martyrs appeared during the detonation test.


Can you think of some way to avoid this from happening?

within a short period of time.

Many thoughts flashed through Xu Yun's mind.


The best way, or the only way, to avoid sacrifice is to make it unnecessary for any personnel to stay at the site of the detonation.

The reason why Gao Yuanming and the others stayed in the safe room next door was to collect data as soon as possible.

In other words.

The arrow of the whole thing is here, pointing in one direction:

Instruments for collecting data.

After all, it is precisely because of the lack of sufficient instruments that operators need to collect data in the first place.

When it comes to measuring instruments for bomb performance, we have to mention a country:


For example, TJ Wilberland, the inventor of TNT, is a German.

Also during World War I and World War II, Germany's explosives were also famous.

The first standard missile in modern history was made by the Germans.

Although Germany's weapons and troops have been castrated from Chen Kun to Kun Kun after World War II, Germany's technological level, especially the level of instruments, has not declined but has risen.

Even in Xu Yun's later life.

German brands such as Zeiss, Bruker, Eppendorf, and Sartorius still occupy the top echelon positions.

Therefore, if you want to accurately measure the explosion effect, Germany is obviously a very good trading partner.


Under the current situation, how can we get a large number of precision instruments from Germany?


Xu Yun thought of his previous plan again.


If another German is added to the plan, then this and this and that

Xu Yun thought for a moment, and finally shook his head a little bored.

No no no.

Still not enough.

In this plan, there is still an extremely critical link missing.

If that problem is not resolved, there is absolutely no possibility of realizing the plan.


Where is the opportunity for that link?

that's all.

With Xu Yun's solemn expression, the completion ceremony of the detonation test site finally came to an end.

According to the relevant plan of the base.

Probably in January next year, a few stations will conduct relatively large-scale explosive experiments.

But if it develops according to normal history.

The explosives casting engineer named Liu Zhendong will start to produce the Mikhainov pot within two months, allowing the rabbits to quickly start research and development of explosives.

Therefore, there is a high probability that the time left for Xu Yun is only two months.

And not long after the inauguration ceremony of the detonation test site was held at the base.

The Coke business group led by Liu Yunquan also arrived in Moscow smoothly.

However, Liu Yunquan probably would never have imagined that the upcoming Coca-Cola Expo would become an indelible and important inflection point in this timeline.

There is a good saying.

Human elites can only steadily advance the course of history, but it is often ordinary people who really change history.

Even in many cases, those little people don't actually know that they have changed history.


Good news, the plot of Mao Xiong can be written.

The bad news is that the requirements are still very strict. The manuscripts written before have to be changed by a few million points. It can be said that the saved manuscripts are almost scrapped.

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