Into Unscientific

Chapter 594: The Coca-Cola Exhibition Opens!

Two days later.


red square.

If Moscow is the heart of Maoxiong, then Red Square is undoubtedly Moscow's descendant.

The full name of Red Square is Krasnaya Ploshchad, Krasnaya means red, and it means "beautiful" in ancient Russian.

On November 7, 1941, it was snowing heavily in Moscow, and it was very cold and haggard.

At that time, Mustache invested 1.8 million troops to launch the Battle of Moscow, and Moscow was in danger.

The Iron Emperor held a military parade on Red Square at the risk of being bombed, and the troops chanting slogans passed through Red Square and went directly to the battlefield where they fought to the death with the enemy.

As for the later story, many people must have known it in history textbooks.

Mao Xiong defended Moscow with his will, and the word Ula resounded throughout Mao Xiong's territory, and the Red Square was endowed with a more sacred light.

So in the era when Xu Yun came, the Red Square has a very special status in the hearts of Chinese people like Lao Guo—even if the relationship between the rabbit and the bear is not good at this time.

And if divided according to the building, there are a total of five special buildings on the Red Square.

The first one is of course the famous Kremlin, the place where Mao Xiong's leader checks in at work. It was just biued by a drone a while ago.

The other three are churches: Kazan Cathedral, St. Basil's Cathedral, and the Cathedral of the Savior.

In the words of later generations, these three churches are very "stalked".

Kazan Cathedral, for example, is one of the most important Orthodox churches in Moscow.

To talk about the original intention of the construction of Kazan Cathedral, it is very high:

In 1612, the bears finally drove the Polish-Lithuanian coalition forces away from Moscow. People attributed the victory to the blessing of the statue of Our Lady of Kazan, and a wooden cathedral was specially built for this purpose.

As a result, the Kazan Cathedral in Moscow had only been in business for 20 years before it was destroyed by a fire.

Then rebuild—this time with experience, instead of wood, use masonry.

It is said that churches with masonry structures are not afraid of fire, but they are afraid of people-this person is the Iron Emperor hundreds of years later.

Didn't it mentioned above that the Iron Emperor likes to hold military parades.

But the military parade is a good thing, but there is a big or small problem, that is, how to solve the problem of high-density crowds going to the toilet?

The organizers scratched their heads for this, but the Iron Emperor said that it was a simple matter. Wouldn’t it be okay to tear down the church on Red Square and replace it with a toilet?

Ever since, in 1936, the historic Kazan Cathedral was demolished into a toilet.

It was not until the mid-to-late 1990s that the large toilet on Red Square was restored to Kazan Cathedral

In addition to Kazan Cathedral, St. Basil's Cathedral is also rich in stories.

Unlike the Kazan Cathedral mentioned above, St. Basil's Cathedral itself is not unlucky, but its designer is unlucky.

Students who have visited the gate in heaven in the previous life should know it.

Before St. Basil's Cathedral was built, there were 4 beautiful churches in the Kremlin, namely the Church of the Assumption, the Church of the Annunciation, the Church of the Twelve Apostles, and the Church of St. Michael.

Ivan the Great, who ordered the construction of these churches, was a super enthusiast of architecture, and he ordered the construction of St. Basil's Cathedral.

After the construction was completed, the architecture enthusiast looked at these churches more and more beautifully, and the more he looked at these churches, the more he felt worried—he was very worried that his royal designer would continue to play a role in the future, and then design works that surpassed St. Basil's Cathedral Come.

So, the architecture enthusiast quietly asked the designers Balma and Postnik: Can you design a more beautiful church?

The two designers thought they were coming to work again, so they immediately patted their chests and promised:


Ivan the Great was even more worried.

In the end, in order to completely dispel this terrible worry, Emperor Ivan the Great ordered the designer's eyes to be gouged out.

Spectacle Misleading the Country.JPG.

In addition, there is a circular guillotine in front of St. Basil's Cathedral. At that time, this place had three main functions:

Read the tsar's decree, preach to the bear man, and pull the prisoner to behead his head to show the public.

However, from time to time, in Xu Yun's later life, there is only one function left in this place - tourists throw wishing coins here.

Probably wishing for a long life

As for the Church of the Savior, it is relatively ordinary. Literally, it is not difficult for many people to see that the reason for its establishment is to commemorate the defeat of Napoleon.

At that time, Napoleon triumphantly fought all the way to Moscow, but found that he was lonely, because Moscow played with a strong wall and cleared the country, resorting to an empty city strategy.

In addition, it snowed heavily in Kazan in time, and by the way, the temperature in Moscow was severely lowered. Napoleon couldn't bear it anymore, and finally he was defeated.

The Russian Tsar Alexander I couldn't help but shouted to the sky: As long as the savior is on my side, I will be an unbeatable Xiaoqiang! So let's build a church to thank the Savior, and by the way, remember that we beat that French dwarf away!

Then the Church of the Savior was built, and it took a full 40 years to build it.

Of course, the result of such a big effort is not bad - it has become the highest Orthodox cathedral in the world, not one of them, and it is also one of the largest Orthodox churches in the world.

Of course.

In addition to these four buildings, the most famous building in Red Square is the GUM Department Store.

This building is a standard Moscow State Department Store, and its bustling level is even higher than that of the No. 1 Department Store on the pedestrian street of the later generations.

Here you can buy cheap daily necessities, and you can also use quota coupons to buy luxuries such as chocolates and cream cakes—these things are considered luxuries, at least in this era.

As for the salespersons who can work here, not to mention how high the salaries are, at least their knowledge is much higher than that of ordinary people.

For example, these salespersons must all be university graduates, proficient in Russian and English, and even at the manager level, they must be proficient in Portuguese and Spanish.

But today, these well-informed salespersons cast their curious eyes on the right side of the entrance on the second floor of the department store from time to time, and occasionally lower their heads to chat.

"Sister Sophia, what are they doing?"

"I don't know. The manager only said that they would use that space for some activities, and they waived the rental fee."

"Nina, that guy with glasses is very handsome, I wonder if he has a girlfriend already."

"Hey, yellow-skinned Asians, are they Chinese or Neon people?"

"There is no second head and third hands, and there is only one pair of eyes. It is obviously Chinese."

And in the direction where the salespersons gazed.

Liu Yunquan held a document and confirmed the final information with Yang Wen with a solemn expression:

"Comrade Yang Wen, our booth has basically been set up. I just went through it myself, and there is nothing wrong with it."

"I have to say that the location Maoxiong arranged for us is still very high-quality. The booth area is about ten square meters—this is not counting as a warehouse for Coke."

Hearing this, Yang Wen glanced around and nodded slightly.

This time, Mao Xiong arranged for the exhibitors to be located near the entrance of the second floor of the GUM department store, which must be passed through when entering and exiting the second floor. It is an absolute golden location.

Therefore, although the area of ​​the booth is only more than ten square meters, neither Liu Yunquan nor Yang Wen have any opinions.

Liu Yunquan and others borrowed a few long tables from Mao Xiong yesterday, set up a booth seven or eight meters long in this direction, and prepared some banners in Russian for publicity.

As for Coke, it was placed in a small warehouse behind the booth. It is said that it was originally used by department stores to store Lieba.

It can be clearly seen at this time.

The booth made of tables is covered with two layers of red polyester cloth, which covers the exhibits on the booth, and behind the table are young Chinese people in white T-shirts.

Seeing that Yang Wen's eyes stayed on these young people for a long time, Liu Yunquan explained aloud:

"Comrade Yang Wen, according to the previous plan, our outreach officers are mainly responsible for the control and scheduling of some on-site situations, and at the same time, we must prepare for some special situations."

"Thus after considering this point, we got in touch with several international students from Moscow yesterday, and asked about ten or so government-sponsored international students to come to help."

"Of course, we will definitely not ask them to do their jobs for nothing. During the entire exhibition, they will be subsidized according to the salary of ordinary workers in Moscow-but the settlement will be in Huaxia currency."

Only then did Yang Wen nodded in understanding.

I see

He had some special tasks after arriving in Moscow, so he did not participate in the layout of the exhibition site, and some specific situations are indeed unclear.

For example, the specific location of the exhibition site, and the overseas Chinese students Liu Yunquan found.

Although the current relationship between the rabbit and the bear is not very good, in fact, the two parties have not completely cut off communication in many fields.

For example, the food aid mentioned earlier, and the cultivation of international students.

At present, except for the majors of atomic energy, missiles and rockets being stuck, Mao Xiong is still accepting Chinese students in other fields, including some majors in science and engineering.

within the past ten years.

Huaxia has nearly 8,000 college students, postgraduates and advanced teachers, and nearly 8,000 interns sent by the state to study in Maoxiong, and they are distributed in many universities and scientific research institutions in more than 20 cities in Maoxiong.

This situation will continue until fifteen years later, when the country expands the number of government-sponsored study abroad again, and more and more students will turn to European and American countries to study.

Of course.

There must be some complicated political calculations behind Mao Xiong's acceptance of Rabbit's overseas students, so I won't go into details here.

Then Yang Wen looked outside the supermarket again, and said curiously:

"Comrade Yun Quan, didn't the people from Mao Xiong's side show up today?"

"Comrade Yang Wen, the exhibition has no political significance, so they have no reason to show up."

Liu Yunquan smiled at Yang Wen, and then said meaningfully:

"Also... Maybe it's just that you can't see them clearly——Comrade Yang Wen, I'm an outreach person, so I'm relatively sensitive to the surrounding environment."

"I went to GUM Department Store the day I left Mao Xiong. At that time, there were only about twenty salespeople on the second floor, but today hehe."

Yang Wen was startled for a moment.

Then he suddenly realized something, quickly scanned around, and found that the number of salespersons who could be seen directly was more than thirty.

And at the same time that Yang Wen was a little surprised.


With the ringing of a bell in the distance, the time came to eight o'clock in the morning in Moscow.

Gum Department Store has officially entered the business hours.

be honest.

Throughout his first half of his life, Yevgenyev considered himself relatively successful.

Graduated from the well-known University of Amsterdam with a major in mechanical engineering. After returning to Maoxiong, he first served as a teaching assistant at Moscow State University and became a full-time employee ten years ago.

Now his monthly salary is about 400 rubles, and more than 330 after tax.

What is this concept?

In March of this year, Mao Xiong implemented the third currency reform.

The official took back the old ruble at a ratio of 1:10, and at the same time increased the gold content to 0.987412 grams, which means that the ruble has appreciated.

The current ruble-to-US dollar exchange rate is 0.9 rubles to one U.S. dollar, and the distinction between trade exchange rates and non-trade exchange rates has also been abolished.

Today, the monthly income of ordinary workers is about 70-90 new rubles, and the purchasing power of 1 ruble is roughly as follows:

5 haircuts / 10 eggs / 2 liters of sunflower oil / 8 boxes of bear cigarettes / 5 liters of milk / 6 pieces of one-kilogram bread / 25 catties of tomatoes / 5 kilometers of taxi fare.

Yevgenyev gets more than 300 rubles a month, which can indeed be regarded as a middle- and high-income group.

With this relatively solid financial foundation, he married a girl eight years ago and has a pair of six-year-old twins.

Of course.

High income means that Yevgenyev's working hours are also quite crowded, so when it's the turn of today's holiday, Yevgenyev will take his family out to relax.

It just so happened that the supplies at home have been exhausted recently, so today he chose to take his wife to Gum's department store, after all, the supplies at home are not enough.

Yevgenyev's wife, Irina, is a standard Slavic woman. After reaching middle age, she has experienced rapid aging like many hairy women, and her body looks a little bloated.

However, the change in appearance does not affect that she is a very virtuous wife, and the relationship between the husband and wife is still very good on weekdays.

This moment.

Yevgenyev and his wife stood in front of the crowd waiting for the opening of the department store, waiting for the rolling doors to be opened.

It is not difficult to see from the positions of the two of them in a team that they should prepare to split up.


Irina wiped the sweat from her forehead with one hand, and held a list of supplies written before departure in the other hand, and Barabara made "pre-war deployment" to her husband:

"We have a lot of things to buy today. Leba, eggs, and cabbage. I heard that potatoes are also expensive recently."

"The other thing is chocolate. I don't know how much you can buy with the luxury ration ticket this time. If it's too expensive, save it for next time."

"There is also the schoolbag that Eva needs to go to school. You must grab the goods from Switzerland. I heard that only more than 30 Swiss schoolbags came this time."

Hear what his wife said.

Yevgenyev couldn't help smiling, took his wife's hand, and said:

"Honey, we don't have to buy Swiss products, do we? That's making money for Western countries."

"I remember that you don't have a good impression of those European countries. Why are you thinking about buying imported things now?"

Irina rolled her eyes when she heard this, and put her hands on her waist:

"Yes, I hate those Western countries very much, I hate their greed and hypocrisy, but who makes our own schoolbags poor quality?"

"As long as our schoolbags or light industrial products are so reliable, how many times the ruble will I spend on Swiss goods?"

".Last year you bought a domestic schoolbag for Andre, did you forget what happened afterwards?"

Yevgenyev's expression froze for a moment.

The Andrei that Irina mentioned was the boy among the twins, that is, the elder brother who was a few minutes older than Eva.

But now Mao Xiong's early childhood education is under the rationing system. Yevgenyev's family only has one enrollment place a year, so they give the place to Andrei according to his birth order.

Last year, in order to give Andrei a perfect admission experience, Yevgenyev also carefully prepared a gray schoolbag made in China for his son.

As a result, on the first day of school, Andre's schoolbag cracked open from the bottom, revealing little Andre's books and diapers to outsiders.

The next day, little Andre would rather go to school with a sack than Irina's sewing bag

no way.

Mao Xiong's light industrial products are so outrageous these days.

Thinking of this, Yevgenyev is no longer able to explain the bear product:

"Okay, dear, then after you go in later, you go to buy vegetables first, and I'll go to the second floor to grab Eva's schoolbag, so it's okay for the head office?"

Only then did Irina nodded in satisfaction, and gave Yevgenyev a loving kiss.

Then she opened her mouth, as if she wanted to say something more.

But before she could speak, a bell rang from the Kremlin in the distance.


at the same time.


There was a wave-like sound from the rolling shutter door at the entrance of the department store, as well as the movement of unlocking and talking.

After a while, the shutter door was pulled up from the inside, and several soldiers on duty walked out from it.

There was also a thrust from behind Irina—it was the oppressive feeling from the crowd behind.

Although the order of the team was well controlled, the thrust did not develop into a stampede, but it is not difficult to see everyone's enthusiasm for buying.

See this situation.

Irina quickly swallowed the meaningless chatter, and said to Yevgenyev:

"Honey, I'll leave Eva's schoolbag to you! Otherwise, you'll be waiting to kneel down on the durian!"

Yevgenyev only had time to answer yes before he was pushed into the department store by the crowd.

Fortunately, this is not the first time Yevgenyev has come to GUM Department Store. He is well aware of how capable his wife is in shopping, so he doesn't have to worry about her at all.

So soon, Yevgenyev turned his attention to the situation in front of him.

At this moment, there are bears all around him who are rushing to buy goods:

"Hey! Alexander, grab more potatoes, today's potatoes are very cheap!"

"Sukabule! That's my coffee!"

"Mom, I want to buy a pair of leather shoes."

In the crowd.

Yevgenyev even saw his wife—in less than half a minute, Irina's basket contained several cartons of milk, two pieces of toothpaste, and several corns.

Then Yevgenyev looked around, and soon found the stairs leading to the second floor.

Then he squeezed to the stairs with some difficulty, and took the escalator up to the second floor with the crowd-the escalator was invented in 1900.

"School bags are considered stationery. If I remember correctly imported stationery, it should be on the south side of the second floor, and you have to pay directly at the counter."

While taking the elevator, Yevgenyev went through the information he wrote down quickly in his mind, and even thought about his movements when he was on his way.

After half a minute.

The escalator came to a steady stop on the second floor of the department store.

Yevgenyev nimbly stepped onto the ground of the second floor while holding on to the handrail, and prepared to rush towards the south of the second floor.

However, when passing the entrance of the second floor.

Yevgenyev suddenly noticed a row of seven or eight-meter-long tables near the entrance, and several yellow faces behind the long tables.

Chinese people?

This was the first thought that came to Yevgenyev's mind. After all, Chinese people are not uncommon in Mao Xiong's side.

But what do Chinese people come to Gum Department Store for?

Sell ​​silk? ceramics? Or sell pandas?

But soon, Yevgenyev's attention returned to the reality - no matter whether the Chinese sold pandas or not, if he hadn't snatched the schoolbag, Irina would have turned into a big orange cat in the Northeast!

So Yevgenyev hurriedly left the entrance on the second floor and ran to where the imported stationery was located.

I don't know if it's luck or running fast.

When Yevgenyev came to the stationery section, he didn't meet any customers who robbed him of schoolbags.

Less than ten minutes.

Yevgenyev held a schoolbag in one hand, and returned to the entrance with a sad and happy receipt in the other hand. The whole process was so smooth that it felt like an unfathomable plot in a novel.

All in all, now that my mission is complete, it's time to buy a few bottles of vodka.

However, when Yevgenyev fantasized about drinking vodka.

Suddenly there was a loud noise in his ears, and a man's shout:

"Comrade! Please, sell me a bottle! Just one bottle!!!"

to be honest.

As a well-known commercial department store in Moscow, GUM Department Store's internal environment during business hours is very messy most of the time.

But this kind of chaos is more of a kind of integrated sound combined with a lot of conversation sounds and contact sounds, which is similar to the noise of a vegetable market.

It is rare for an individual to yell like this now, so Yevgenyev couldn't help but look at the place where the sound came from.

Only at this moment.

At the long table that he hurried past, a large group of people had gathered at some point, so that the flow of people on the escalator was somewhat blocked.

Many of them were holding a small paper cup in their hands, which looked like

Drink tasting session?

The voice that attracted Yevgenyev was a man at the long table. He was about forty, wearing a pair of gold-rimmed glasses, wearing an exquisite slim-fitting gown, and holding a cane in his right hand. , the economic conditions are quite good at first glance.

But at this moment, the man clasped his hands together without grace, and prayed to a yellow-skinned man in front of him. The style of painting was quite inconsistent.

See this situation.

Yevgenyev also walked to the long table with some curiosity, and carefully looked at the booth that he had neglected before.

Immediately afterwards.

His attention was attracted by a Russian banner on the booth:

[Cola drink from the East! Anyone can taste it for free! Anyway, no money, try a little bit! 】

A second later, Yevgenyev suddenly rubbed his glasses funny.


Comrade Ulyanov, what did I see?


The moment I saw this word.

In Yevgenyev's memory, a fragment that had been forgotten for a long time was suddenly awakened.

Yevgenyev's family conditions are not very good, his parents are ordinary workers, and he went abroad to study on his own ability - at that time, Mao Xiong's relationship with other countries was not so bad, let alone Europe , even across the sea there are bear-like overseas students.

Later, Yevgenyev was admitted to the University of Amsterdam to study, and he also received a student subsidy from Mao Xiong. Coincidentally, Amsterdam also happened to have a Coca-Cola factory.

Therefore, it was inevitable that Yevgenyev came into contact with Coca-Cola while studying.

Yevgeniev was overwhelmed by the sweet sparkling water when he tasted Coke for the first time. From that day on, almost all his subsidies for studying in the Netherlands were bought. Coke is a drink.

But after returning to Maoxiong, due to the well-known situation, it is difficult to buy Western products such as Coke in Maoxiong.

So gradually, Yevgenyev forgot about this drink, and slowly drank vodka like a traditional bear man.

Unexpectedly. More than ten years later, he actually saw a Coke tasting party in Moscow?

Dead memories suddenly start attacking me.jpg.

And when Yevgenyev's expression changed, perhaps because he noticed his special literati temperament and clothing, a Chinese youth couldn't help but stepped forward and asked:

"Hello, sir, excuse me, we are doing a Coke tasting event, are you interested in trying our drinks?"


Yevgenyev came back to his senses now, and instead of directly agreeing or refusing, he asked:

"Comrade, are you from Huaxia? People from Zhongguo?"

The last three characters of Yevgenyev are not quite standard, but it is not hard to tell that this is the Chinese of the Huaxia people.

Opposite Yevgenyev, Jiang Jingshan, who is currently studying at the Leningrad Institute of Electrical Engineering and was recruited by Liu Yunquan as a salesperson, immediately showed a smile:

"That's right, we are from Huaxia, and what we tried to drink this time is also the Coke produced by our own Huaxia."

Yevgenyev was silent for a moment.

Are you really a Chinese?

This tmd is so nonsense.

When will the Chinese people be able to master the production technology of Coke?

You know, the reason Mao Xiong didn't introduce Coke technology 30 years ago was mainly because Coca-Cola once charged a sky-high price for the formula when Mikoyan went to investigate.

The sky-high price made Mi Gaoyang directly reject the cooperation intention, and it also made Mao Xiong unable to produce his own Coke until now.

As a result, at this moment, the little brother next door actually said that he made a cola produced in the East?

What are you kidding?

Suddenly, Yevgenyev thought of a Chinese friend he knew back then. He once gave him something called Laoshan Snake Grass Water.

This time the Chinese made it, so it must be the same taste of Coke, right?

Of course.

It’s impossible for Yevgenyev not to try if he meets Coke again after more than ten years.

So he hesitated for a moment, then quickly nodded:

"No problem, please give me a cup to try, I'm sorry."

"Easy to do."

Jiang Jingshan smiled at Yevgenyev, returned to the long table and said something to a middle-aged man under Yevgenyev's gaze, and quickly returned to him with a small cup :

"Sir, this is our Coke."

Yevgenyev took the cup and was slightly taken aback after seeing the inside.

how to say

The color is quite close to Coca-Cola, but the amount is too little, right?

It is estimated that there is no 10ml?

Then he looked up at Jiang Jingshan again, raised his head and drank the small cup of Coke in one gulp.

As soon as the drink hits the throat.

Yevgenyev's eyes widened instantly.

With the appearance of stimulation brought by a burst of carbonic acid bubbles, the memory of the lip cavity that had not been touched by sugary drinks for a long time was instantly awakened. Yevgenyev seemed to be submerged in a river of sucrose, clearly feeling When the crystal clear and mellow sugar granules rolled over the tongue and throat, it was as refreshing as being kissed by Irina a dozen times.

At this moment, Yevgenyev had only one thought in his mind:

This, is, is, he, remember, recall, in, the joy of!

After a few seconds.

Yevgenyev suddenly looked at Jiang Jingshan in front of him, and asked hurriedly:

"Comrade, can I have another drink?"

"of course."

Jiang Jingshan smiled slightly at Yevgenyev, and then took out a piece of paper from his body like a magic trick:

"But you have to fill out a questionnaire first."


Coco Lee actually passed away, it's unbelievable, she sang the Lotus Lantern episode, I remember.

It's the last day of adding more activities, the 210,000 stalls are already full, and 270,000 is enough, so let's add a temporary event.

If there are 4,500 votes before noon tomorrow, 240,000 words will be updated this month, that is, 30,000 words will be added if you cast 600 more votes. Students who did not vote, hurry up!

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