Into Unscientific

Chapter 596: Expected and Unplanned

Because there is no so-called God's perspective.

Yang Wen and Liu Yunquan didn't know that under the guidance of Markov, several special guests were walking towards their booths.

They or all of them don't know what kind of changes Markov's seemingly normal choice will bring to the history of this timeline.

This moment.

The two top leaders of the Huaxia delegation were led by the officer Xiao Zhao to a certain area outside the booth, and saw two ordinary-dressed men and women.

The man among them is about 1.8 meters tall, with a slender and strong body exuding a healthy and masculine atmosphere, and his facial features are extremely handsome.

The well-groomed hair is attached to the forehead, the thick lips are slightly upturned, and there is a pure beauty in the deep eyes.

The woman next to the man is also very good-looking, with a graceful figure, fair and smooth skin, extremely clear blue eyes, like azure sea water, shining with crystal light, soft long brown hair hanging down to her waist, as if falling from the snow A fairy who came out of the ground.

It is not an exaggeration to say.

This is the most handsome man and most beautiful woman that Yang Wen has seen since arriving in Moscow. If you tell Yang Wen that they are well-known acting stars in China, Yang Wen will not have the slightest doubt.

But beside him, Liu Yunquan, who has rich experience in outreach, frowned slightly when he saw the temperament of the two.

But soon, Liu Yunquan returned to normal without anyone noticing, put on a polite posture, and said to the two in Russian:

"This gentleman, and this lady, I heard that you are comrades of the State Administration of Commerce and Trade?"

Hearing this, the man of the two showed a handsome smile, and at the same time took out a certificate from his body:

"That's right, this friend from the east, let me introduce myself, my name is Alexander, and this is my colleague Aisha, who is currently an ordinary officer of the Commerce Bureau."

"Our director is very interested in the Coke you brought, so I want to meet you two, and let's have a good chat."

Hearing the man's words, Liu Yunquan and Yang Wen looked at each other again, and then they both nodded:

"No problem, please lead the way."

Seeing this, the bear man took the initiative to step aside and made a gesture of invitation.

Yang Wen and Liu Yunquan explained some matters to the assistants at the booth, asking them to continue to maintain order at the original place, and then left the scene with the pair of furry men and women.

"Hey, Comrade Yunquan."

Looking at the couple leading the way ahead, Yang Wen, who is visiting Moscow for the first time, seems very talkative:

"The people on Mao Xiong's side are still very enthusiastic. Judging by their good looks, I guess they are the pillars of the Bureau of Commerce and Trade, right?"

"Business Bureau?"

Liu Yunquan glanced at Yang Wen meaningfully, then glanced warily at the leading couple, and said in a low voice:

"Comrade Yang Wen, with all due respect, your mentality is a bit too relaxed. As someone who has experienced this, I would like to advise you that you must be careful of two kinds of birds in Moscow."

Yang Wen blinked, looked out the window and then at his crotch:

"Which two kinds of birds?"

Liu Yunquan was silent for a moment, then lowered his voice a bit:

". Crows, and swallows."

Yang Wen was startled for a moment.

After regaining consciousness, he looked at the eyes of the leading man and woman in front of him, and suddenly became extremely shocked.

Crows and swallows?


in a minute.

Alexander and Aisha took Yang Wen to a reception room on the second floor of Gum Department Store, and stopped at the same time:

"Two comrades, our bureau chief is waiting for you in the room. Due to the limited position, Aisha and I will not go in."

Yang Wen and Liu Yunquan nodded, thanked them, and Liu Yunquan pushed the room away and walked in.

To be honest, after realizing that Alexander and Aisha had special identities, Yang Wen had certain psychological expectations for what might happen next, and he was prepared for whatever happened.

But Yang and Wen were a little surprised that this reception room was not as gloomy as they had imagined—it was a small room of about fifteen square meters, with a reception sofa and a wooden sofa behind it. The desk, behind the desk is a transparent window, the layout is quite ordinary.

At this time, the sunlight outside the window shines in through the window, illuminating the whole room extremely brightly, without a hint of darkness.

There were two men sitting on the sofa in the room at this time, the one on the left was about fifty, with a hooked nose, deep sunken eye sockets, and gray hair.

The other person was only in his early thirties, and his body was a little thinner than ordinary bears, but his appearance was very refined, his blond hair was not messed up in the slightest, and there was a pen in his chest pocket.

The moment he saw the gentle man, Yang Wen, who was currently working as a secretary next to a certain big shot, had an idea:

This person is also a secretary, and his rank is probably not low.

And the other side.

Seeing Yang Wen and Liu Yunquan enter the room, the two sitting on the sofa also stood up.

The hooked-nosed man walked up to Yang Wen and Liu Yunquan with a gentle middle-aged man, and stretched out his hand with a very enthusiastic tone:

"Comrade Yunquan, let me introduce myself. I am Gustav, the director of Maoxiong Trade Bureau, and the person next to me is Comrade Yuri, who is currently a secretary of the secretariat."

The man named Yuri also nodded kindly.

Liu Yunquan smiled and shook hands with Gustav:

"Comrade Gustav, Comrade Yuri, hello."

As an old oilman with rich experience in outreach, Liu Yunquan, who has seen all kinds of battles, immediately turned his mind quickly after hearing the word "Secretariat".

Secretariat. Crow and Swallow. In addition, there has been no official person from Maoxiong to show up today. In addition, the information I learned before departure

Think here.

A hint of understanding quickly appeared in Liu Yunquan's eyes, and he felt a little relaxed. He smiled and said to Yuri:

"Comrade Yuri, if it's convenient, please also send my regards to Comrade Konstantinovich."

The smile on Yuri's face froze immediately when he heard this, and he was obviously a little surprised that Liu Yunquan had revealed his origin.

Of course.

This surprise was only fleeting, and Yuri's expression quickly returned to normal:

"No problem, Comrade Yunquan, I will transfer your concern to Comrade Konstantinovich, but before that, let's talk about business."

Liu Yunquan has no opinion.

Then Yuri led a few people to the sofa and sat down. After pouring a glass of water for the two of them, Yuri winked at Gustav calmly.

Gustav nodded knowingly, coughed lightly, and said to Liu Yunquan:

"Comrade Yunquan, the Oriental Coke you brought this time seems to be very good after tasting? When I came to the department store, I saw that the entire second floor was a bit congested."

Liu Yunquan still nodded with a light smile, and said in fluent Russian:

"Thanks to Comrade Mongolstaff's concern, that's right, according to the current situation, the response to our Coke trial is indeed not low."

"Furthermore, according to the information obtained through the questionnaire, these customers cover all social classes, from workers to professors and scholars to entrepreneurs, and there are almost no negative reviews."

"After half a morning, we originally planned to drink three days of Coke stock, but now we only have enough for a few hours-this is the time after we limited the amount of tasting."

Gustav raised his eyebrows when he heard the words, and said with some regret:

"Ah, that's a pity. I guess I, an old man, won't have the chance to taste this mysterious oriental cola—my old bones can't squeeze those strong young people."

No wonder you haven't tried it.

Liu Yunquan muttered silently in his heart, Su Ka is not listed, I really think I don't know the little tricks you do in the warehouse?

mentioned earlier.

The warehouse where Liu Yunquan and his coke are stored is provided by Mao Xiong, and the location is on the second floor of Gum Department Store, very close to the exhibition site.

After transporting the Coca-Cola to the department store yesterday, Mao Xiong was responsible for the on-site safety work, after all, his territory.

When checking the quantity this morning, Liu Yunquan and the others discovered a situation-after 40 boxes of Coke overnight, there were only 39 boxes left.

It's just that this was something that the rabbits expected, so Liu Yunquan and the others didn't deliberately make public or foolishly call the police, which can be regarded as some kind of tacit understanding between each other.

Therefore, Gustav's regretful expression was purely acting. How many bottles did Bao Qi drink in private?

However, Liu Yunquan did not deliberately expose Gustav's thoughts, but directly followed his words:

"It's okay, Mr. Gustav, this time we brought a limited amount of samples, this is our miscalculation."

"But you don't have to be too sorry. It won't be long before you can drink this kind of cola in Moscow."

This time, Gustav was silent for a little longer:

"Comrade Yunquan, listen to what you mean. Are you going to sell Coke at the Friendship Store in Moscow?"

Liu Yunquan nodded and admitted frankly:

"That's right, if there are no accidents, after I return to China this time, Huaxia will send Coke's trade application to your fax machine."

Friendship Store.

Speaking of this store, many people may have concepts such as [the 1970s] [only sell imported goods] [peanut butter is delicious] and so on.

But in fact, the Friendship Store was born in the mid-1950s, but it mainly appeared in foreign countries, and it mainly undertakes the task of exporting Chinese specialties.

It mainly sells silk and porcelain, and at its peak there were more than 30 stores around the world. In this era, there is even a Friendship Store in New York—it just charges a high transaction tax.

So in the eyes of Gustav and Yuri.

Liu Yunquan and the others chose to sell Coke in the Friendship Store, and there was nothing abnormal in their behavior, which was completely reasonable.

However, after a while, Gustav did not congratulate Liu Yunquan and others on the prosperity of the business, but said in a subtle tone:

"Comrade Yunquan, your idea is indeed highly feasible. I believe that once your transaction request is made, there is a high probability that the big shots in the Kremlin will not reject it."

"But... I don't know if you will feel that this transaction method is a bit wasteful in terms of the value of Coke?"


Liu Yunquan was overjoyed when he heard the words, but the expression on his face became more and more confused:

"Comrade Gustav, I don't know what you mean by this sentence"

Gustav pointed to the direction of the Coke booth outside the door, and at this moment he could vaguely hear the noise of queuing:

"Comrade Yunquan, you have seen how much the people of Moscow like Coca-Cola. Although it is not as outrageous as an empty street, it is obviously a fanatic."

"So it's predictable that this will be an extremely popular drink, with potential customers covering all walks of life as you said."

"But, Comrade Yunquan, how many friendship stores do you have?"


Gustav walked to the window again, pointed to the southeast of the Red Square outside the window and said:

"Look, looking at the entire territory of Moscow, there is only one store of your friendship on Antalya Avenue."

"If you zoom in to the entire Maoxiong territory, there are only two friendship stores."

"How can a mere two Friendship Stores afford such a huge market?——So, Comrade Yunquan, do you understand what I mean?"

Liu Yunquan thought for a moment, then nodded:

"I see, you mean we should open more friendship stores, is that what you mean?"

Gustav: "?!"

"Okay, Comrade Yunquan, stop joking with Gustav."

Just when Gustav was a little confused, Yuri, who hadn't spoken much, opened his mouth. He looked directly at Liu Yunquan and Yang Wen, and said straight to the point:

"Comrade Yunquan, there is a common saying in your Huaxia that is not a common saying, that is, everyone is a smart person, so don't be fooled."

"So everyone, don't try it out, let me tell you the truth - Mao Xiong hopes to keep the sales rights of Coke in the official hands, so Comrade Yunquan, please make a price."

Yuri may be the youngest person on the scene, but due to his special status, what he said is still very important.

Therefore, Liu Yunquan immediately restrained his relatively casual expression, and his whole demeanor took on a trace of seriousness.

"Comrade Yuri, Comrade Gustav."

Liu Yunquan was silent for a moment, organized his words, and then said slowly:

"To tell you the truth, before we set off from the capital, some leaders did explain this to me."

"After all, Huaxia's sales channels for Mao Xiong are limited. If you only sell from the Friendship Store, you will definitely earn a lot of money, but it is obviously difficult to reach the height of a national-level beverage."

"Also...we're after more than just money."

After Liu Yunquan finished speaking, Yuri and Gustav also nodded.

This principle can be regarded as a clear card that both parties understand, and it is also the most basic logical support for possible cooperation intentions.

At the same time, Yuri was smart enough not to ask about the origin of the specific cola formula. After all, it is impossible for a normal person to tell the truth about this kind of information.

Then Liu Yunquan paused and gave a number:

"Comrade Yuri, since you are so frank, I won't hide it anymore—the transaction price we can accept is one liter of Coke for four and a half catties of winter wheat."

"Of course, if it's new wheat harvested from May to June this year, then the exchange ratio can be lowered, for example, one liter can be exchanged for four catties of new wheat."

"Winter wheat?"

Hearing the transaction partner reported by Liu Yunquan, Gustav and Yuri couldn't help being taken aback at the same time.

For winter wheat?

This time, their surprise was not feigned.

You know, since the rabbits tasted the Coke samples yesterday, an urgent discussion was immediately organized within the bears.

The meeting quickly reached a consensus that this cola is delicious, and at the same time, it also confirmed the purpose of the rabbits holding a tasting meeting, mainly to let the bears see the popularity of the cola, so as to sell it for a price .

As for the price that was sold in the waiting price, it is naturally the information on nuclear weapons.

For this reason, heated discussions erupted within Mao Xiong, and it was finally decided that if the price was right, it would indeed be possible to provide the rabbits with a small amount of non-core-level nuclear weapon information, or some obsolete old equipment.

Therefore, Yuri's task today is undoubtedly just to bargain on the thickness of the material - 3 centimeters for a good deal, and 5 centimeters for a bad deal, that's all.

The result was unexpected.

Liu Yunquan actually didn't make relevant demands according to the routine recognized by everyone, but replaced it with winter wheat as the price tag?

Thinking of this, Yuri's thinking also turned quickly.

Since starting to reclaim the land a few years ago, Mao Xiong has reclaimed more than 41 million hectares in recent years, and also ushered in a super bumper harvest five years ago, with winter wheat production exceeding 127 million tons.

Although the domestic demand for feed grains is high due to the high demand for meat, the production of winter wheat is still in surplus.

Today, the output of Maoxiong winter wheat has exceeded 134.7 million tons, and the output of potatoes is also 50 million tons. (Refer to the official website of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, the URL is, just add three W)

In addition, it is now the end of August, just two months after the winter wheat harvest, and almost all the wheat stocks in the farm warehouse are above 90%

Therefore, in a short period of time, Yuri came to a conclusion in his mind:

This business can be done!

Of course, if it is done, the price must not be so high, at least part of it must be paid back.

tuk tuk -

I saw Yuri tapped his fingers on the table a few times, and then quickly shook his head:

"One liter of Coke and four and a half catties of winter wheat? Comrade Yunquan, you are a bit of a lion."

"You know, the winter wheat we need to produce one liter of vodka is only two catties."

"According to your quotation, the price of one liter of Coke is almost comparable to that of two liters of vodka - we only exchanged 100 cases of Coke with Coca-Cola last year, and the purchase price at that time was only one to one."

"So with all due respect, we cannot accept this price."

Looking at the menacing Yuri, Liu Yunquan did not retreat in the slightest:

"Comrade Yuri, you are right, but our Coca-Cola is a new open-ended sparkling drink independently developed by Huaxia. It is produced in China, an eastern country. This is an advantage that Coca-Cola cannot match."

"As for Coca-Cola, you can indeed import a hundred cases, but how much more? There will be various criticisms from the society and internally."

"But Huaxia's Coke is different. This is a red product from a friendly side. Whether it's 10,000 or 100,000 boxes, everyone can clink glasses on the street boldly and wantonly, and then say Davarish, can't they?"

Yuri was silent for a moment.


This concept is also one of the important reasons why Mao Xiong wants to obtain the right to sell Huaxia Coke, and it is also the most favorable advantage for Huaxia.

But at yesterday's meeting, most experts believed that the Huaxia people would raise the atomic bomb information as a bargaining chip-this bargaining chip is also an advantage of Mao Xiong, which is enough to offset the pressure brought by the ideological position.

But right now, Huaxia didn't mention any request for atomic bomb information, which immediately made Mao Xiong's advantage completely meaningless, and the initiative was completely in the hands of Huaxia.

Could this be a feint? Will the Chinese people's demands finally come back to the atomic bomb information?

Yuri shook his head lightly.

Not quite.

The Huaxia people are not stupid. If they suddenly change their chips in the middle of the talk, they will return the initiative to Mao Xiong, so it is better to raise it directly.

After all, this is not like picking up the loopholes in the novel. When you fall in love with an inconspicuous gadget, you pretend to buy another thing as a cover-up. The atomic bomb information is so important that it is impossible to cover it up.

That is to say

Chinese people really only want food?

Thinking of this, Yuri turned his head and exchanged a few words with Gustav, and then said to Liu Yunquan:

"Comrade Yunquan, I don't feel well, can I go to the toilet first?"

Although Liu Yunquan really wanted to say something unacceptable, but considering the importance of this matter, he nodded reservedly:

"no problem."

Seeing this, Yuri and Yang Wen also nodded, got up and left the reception room.

Liu Yunquan chatted with Gustav word by word, every letter is a game.

ten minutes later.


With the sound of pushing the door, Yuri returned to the house again.

I don't know if it's an illusion, but Liu Yunquan always feels that Yuri's expression is a little subtle?

"Comrade Yunquan."

After taking his seat, Yuri took a deep breath first, and then said:

"As for your offer of exchanging one liter of Coke for four catties of winter wheat, Mao Xiong's side definitely cannot accept it."

"The reasonable price we can accept is one liter of Coke for 3.5 catties of old wheat in stock, or three catties of new wheat just harvested in June."

"However, there must be an express agreement attached to this condition, that is, the quantity of Coca-Cola provided by Huaxia shall not be less than 100,000 tons per year, and the supply period shall not be less than 10 years, and no other terms shall be suddenly added during this period."

be honest.

If Xu Yun was present, he would have cast Yuri a contemptuous look.

Only 100,000 tons a year?

Dude, this is too underestimating Mao Xiong's Coke consumption ability.

You know, East Germany alone consumes no less than 80 million bottles of Coke a year, and Mao Xiong will consume a full 4.5 million tons of Coke in 20 years.

100,000 tons, it's really just sprinkling water

Of course, there is no need to be reminded of this situation. After Mao Xiong starts selling Coke, they will know how wrong they are.

And opposite Yuri.

Liu Yunquan's heart was also very excited.

Although he doesn't know how much Mao Xiong will consume Coke in the future, the condition Yuri gave has already exceeded the acceptable quotation given to him by the organization-although the transaction price preset by the organization is also 3 catties of winter wheat For a liter of Coke, but the winter wheat here refers to the old wheat in stock

Although the natural storage period of wheat is very long, its edible storage period is much lower than the natural storage period, which is a typical situation that new wheat is better than old wheat.

Under normal circumstances, a catty of old wheat that has been stored in the warehouse for two years can be exchanged for 7 to 8 taels of new wheat at most.

Therefore, the price given by Yuri is indeed much higher than the expectations of the rabbits.

Seeing this situation, Liu Yunquan quickly suppressed the excitement in his heart, and continued to say to Yuri reservedly:

"Comrade Yuri, the plan you gave is indeed very sincere, but this transaction is of great importance. I also need to ask the organization for instructions before I can give a specific answer, so you see."

Yuri nodded understandingly when he heard the words, and said generously:

"No problem, Comrade Yunquan, we'll give you two days to report the situation to Yanjing and wait for a reply. Do you think it's okay?"

"Two days?"

Liu Yunquan frowned suddenly, and immediately nodded his head quickly:

"No problem, two days is enough."

Only then did Yuri show a smile again, and then he seemed to be casual, and continued:

"Oh, by the way, Comrade Yunquan, there is one more thing I almost forgot to say."

Liu Yunquan blinked:

"what's up?"

"Several experts from the German side would like to meet you—I mean a private meeting between the two of you without the presence of the bear personnel."


Grandma's situation has gradually stabilized. Thank you for your concern. My uncle rushed back from other places at noon. Then I can write normally.

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