Into Unscientific

Chapter 597 Want to cheat?


The reception room.

Hearing these words from Yuri's mouth, Yang Wen and Liu Yunquan's expressions, which were slightly relaxed because of the achievement of the intention, suddenly froze.

After a while.

I saw Liu Yunquan stretching out his fingers, digging out his ears in a funny way, and confirmed to Yuri again:

"Comrade Yuri, what did you just say? Who wants to see us?"

Yuri's expression at this time was also a little subtle, but he repeated what he said before:

"Comrade Yunquan, there are several guests from Germany who want to see you."


The Russian with a correct accent fell into my ears, but the doubts on Liu Yunquan's face became more serious.

Guest from Germany, want to meet yourself?

What is the expansion of this tmd? I have no acquaintances in Germany.

After a while, Liu Yunquan suddenly thought of something, and asked Yuri:

"Comrade Yuri, I want to confirm, are those guests from the East Germany?"

The GDR, or East Germany as it is commonly called, was morphologically its own — at least conceptually.

Corresponding to it is the Federal Republic of Germany, that is, West Germany.

If someone from East Germany wants to see him, there is still a possibility. After all, he is one of the heads of Huaxia in Moscow.

Although this kind of meeting normally needs to be negotiated through the external relations department, it is not a big problem if something happens suddenly and occasionally makes an exception.

However, to Liu Yunquan's surprise, Yuri shook his head again, denying his guess:

"It's not East Germany, it's some personnel from West Germany—I'm sorry for the specific reason why they arrived in Maoxiong, but it's not convenient for me to disclose. In short, it involves some basic trade between the two sides."

"The trade negotiations ended not long ago, and those German guests stopped by the Gum department store for sightseeing. Less than half an hour after seeing your booth, they asked to meet with you alone."

When saying this, Yuri's expression was also a little subtle.

The reason why Mao Xiong reached a deal with Liu Yunquan so quickly this time is largely due to the sudden appearance of the Germans.

well known.

Although Mao Xiong's brains about fighting dogs with Germany during World War II were almost splashed out, but in the twelfth year after the end of World War II, Mao Xiong established a relationship with the Federal Republic of Germany—the kind that Mao Xiong proposed on his own initiative.

Three years ago, the annual trade volume between the two countries had exceeded 300 million marks, and it reached 778 million marks a year ago, and most of them were still imports of bears.

This relatively ambiguous relationship led Germany to put forward a new request at the beginning of this year, that is, it hopes to graft part of the flow of the "Lyudmila" pipeline in the Maoxiong project to Bavaria to provide natural gas heating for Germany.

This proposal involves the basic aspects of people's livelihood, and it does not cross the line politically, so Mao Xiong's side is also very excited.

Illes and the others arrived in Moscow this trip to further facilitate the achievement of their intentions.

Then there was what happened not long ago—today's negotiations went very smoothly, and Illes and the others who had 'clocked out of get off work' ahead of time were taken to Gum Department Store by Markov, the second-in-command of Maoxiong Wailian.

The result was unexpected.

Not long after Illes and the others visited the Coke booth, they ran aside and chattered, and some even hurried back to the German embassy.

Then, half an hour ago, Illes approached Markov and made a request:

They hoped to meet with the person in charge of the Huaxia Exhibition Group alone, saying that they had important matters to discuss.

In order to get permission and assistance from Mao Xiong, Illes even took the initiative to make a promise:

If Mao Xiong can fulfill this request, Germany will try its best to persuade Italy to hold a three-person silver party. Wrong, the three-party natural gas cooperation.

Although this is only a verbal promise, the Germans' request is only to meet with Liu Yunquan and the others alone, isn't it?

Ever since, Mao Xiong agreed without much hesitation, saying that this matter can be done.

But on the other hand, the attitude shown by the German side seems to indicate that they are also interested in Chinese Coke.

Although this situation is logically unreasonable, after all, Coca-Cola has two production bases in West Germany. Over the years, it has not been heard that the two parties had any disagreements. West Germany has no reason to abandon Coca-Cola.

But apart from being attracted to Huaxia Coke, Mao Xiong couldn't find any other reasonable explanation—is it because the Coke produced in Huaxia is cheaper?

Therefore, out of the psychology of being robbed of the Coke production by the Germans, Maoxiong only made a small counter-offer to the price offered by Liu Yunquan, so as to ensure that the two parties can reach a cooperation intention before the Germans open their mouths.

You must know that the verbal intentions of countries like rabbits and furry bears still have a contractual effect these days, not much weaker than words.

Of course, Liu Yunquan didn't know all the ways behind these, and what he was hesitating at this time was another thing:

Would you like to meet a German?

This situation was completely unplanned, and he had never received any relevant instructions from the beginning to the end—no matter how adequate the plan above was, it was impossible to take this into consideration.

Thinking of this, Liu Yunquan exchanged a few more words with Yang Wen, and finally turned to look at Yuri:

"Comrade Yuri, I'm sorry, this situation has exceeded my scope of authority, so I need to report to the capital, do you think it's okay?"

As a high-level secretary, Yuri naturally understood Liu Yunquan's difficulties, so he nodded graciously:

"no problem."

Liu Yunquan thanked Yuri, and hurriedly took Yang Wen out of the reception room.

Huaxia's outreach station in Maoxiong is not very far from Gum Department Store. After walking for about ten minutes, Liu Yunquan and the two returned to the outreach station. (Don’t ask what department Wailian is, I don’t think there is any need to explain this word, why Huaxia has no Wailian department from the beginning to the end)

The communication conditions in the station are very safe, so Liu Yunquan immediately reported the matter to the capital.

ten minutes later.

A reply came from the capital:

In principle, it is agreed to meet with the Germans, but no conditions can be promised or agreed to, no political discussions can be involved, and at least four of our personnel must be present, and the interpreter will be selected by us.

Liu Yunquan and Yang Wen had no objection to this. It just so happened that neither of them could speak German, so they would definitely need an interpreter to help during the meeting.

At the same time, in order to avoid the semantic risk brought by one translator, the number of translators carried must be at least two, which just meet the organizational requirements.

half an hour later.

Liu Yunquan and Yang Wen found Yuri with two translators, a man and a woman, and said they could meet the Germans.

The place where the two sides met was chosen by the Germans, and it was located in a small park behind the Kazan Cathedral, and Mao Xiong imposed simple martial law on the park.

Another fifteen minutes passed.

When the time came to twelve noon, Liu Yunquan finally saw Yiles and his party in the park.

"Friends from the East, hello."

As soon as Illes met, he extended his hand enthusiastically, but the pronunciation of this thing in German is really awkward. It sounds like hetui will make you phlegm when you follow:

"First of all, let me introduce myself. I am the head of the External Relations Department of the Federal Republic of Germany, Adolf Illes."

"These are my colleagues, Hermann Leohard and Conrad Bach."

Liu Yunquan also shook hands with Yilusi without losing his grace, and said with the cooperation of the translator:

"Mr. Illes, hello, I'm Liu Yunquan from Huaxia Wailian, this is my colleague Yang Wen, and these two are translators Liu Tao and Chen Qiao."

After letting go.

Liu Yunquan looked at Yilusi, looked him up and down, and asked after deliberation:

"Mr. Illus, I would like to ask, I don't know why you are looking for us this time."

Illes was silent for a moment when he heard the words, and turned his head to look at the surrounding woods. After confirming that there were no spies from Mao Xiong, he turned slightly and took out an object from his body like a movie salesman:

"Mr. Liu, is this something you produced?"

Liu Yunquan subconsciously looked at Yilusi's hand.

At this moment, there was a piece of .

Pale yellow film with a rubbery appearance.

Seeing this situation, even though the occasion was extremely formal at this time, Liu Yunquan couldn't help showing a momentary sluggishness on his face.

What's the situation?

It's not a Coke glass?

You know, whether it's Yuri's previous description or organizational judgment, Liu Yunquan almost confirmed one thing before meeting Yiles:

The purpose of Illes looking for him is probably because he had tasted the Coke of the rabbits at the tasting party, and wanted to buy a batch of Coca-Cola at a price much lower than that of Coca-Cola to test the water.

After all, the cost of Coca-Cola puree is still very high these days, not to mention places like Maoxiong East Germany, even in West Germany, the price is still high.

A 500ml bottle of Coca-Cola in West Germany costs about three rubles after conversion into rubles. This price is still very high when there are enough products on the supply side.

for example.

Both liquor and cola are in sufficient supply in later generations. The price of a bottle of ordinary Erguotou is about ten yuan, and a bottle of cola is about three yuan—this is the price ratio of standard liquor and cola.

Therefore, West Germany's desire to seek cheap Coca-Cola is also reasonable. Maybe it's just that Illes himself wants to act as an agent.

In the end, I didn't expect that Yilus would actually come up with such a thing when they met right now?

Then Liu Yunquan took the rubber-like light yellow film and looked at it for a while, and quickly remembered its origin:

As mentioned earlier, the Coke Liu Yunquan and the others brought this time were all made of 500ml glass, and they were transported by air from SJZ to Moscow.

Therefore, in order to ensure that these glass cups will not be damaged due to breakage, the 221 base specially sent a batch of protective film for reinforcement and cushioning instead of ordinary tape-that is, wrap it around the outside, and plug the gap in the middle with sponge up.

This protective film is much tougher than adhesive tape. Anyway, Liu Yunquan tried to pull it a few times at that time, and found that he, a big man, couldn't stop pulling this film.

Of course, Liu Yunquan's impression of the film was nothing more than that, and he didn't pay too much attention to it.

At that time, when Liu Yunquan left the country, the chief also specifically explained that the things brought to Mao Xiong were of no value. After dismantling the boxes and tapes, don't worry about them, just throw them to Mao Xiong's staff to clean up.

But right now, Illus seems to have picked up a piece of this thing, and is quite interested in it?

Then Liu Yunquan glanced at Yiles, adjusted his glasses on the bridge of his nose, and said the few information he knew:

"That's right, this is a material we produced, and the output is quite large, Mr. Illus, I don't know why you are asking this question"

The translator Liu Tao on the side translated this sentence together with the ellipsis into German.

As soon as Liu Tao finished speaking, Illes grabbed Liu Yunquan's wrist:

"Mr. Liu, are you sure it produces a lot?"

After getting Liu Yunquan's affirmation, Illes continued:

"So do you sell this kind of film to the outside world? I mean in large quantities-if you can, please quote me a price! Please!"

Liu Tao translated this sentence into Chinese again.

Liu Yunquan endured the pain in his wrist, and managed to make his tone look normal:

"Mr. Illus, please don't get excited. Can you introduce the specific situation to me? To tell you the truth, I have been at a loss until now."

Only then did Illes come back to his senses, and quickly let go of Liu Yunquan's shoulder.

He glanced at a man in the entourage calmly, then quickly withdrew his gaze, and explained:

"That's right. Mr. Liu, you should have heard of the German car brand Daimler-Benz, right?"

Liu Yunquan nodded lightly:

"heard about it."

Although the current domestic cars are mainly Changjiang, Daihatsu and Modu brands, most Chinese people may not know Daimler-Benz, but don’t forget that Liu Yunquan is an external contact person who stays in Maoxiong all the year round.

Nowadays, in addition to the exclusive brands of Volga, Lada, and Gas, there are many imported cars from Europe and the United States. Daimler-Benz is a typical representative of them. In fact, Daimler-Benz Mercedes-Benz was almost taken over by Mao Xiong.

Therefore, Liu Yunquan has naturally heard of this well-known German brand, at least not so much that he has never heard of the name.

Seeing that Liu Yunquan knew the brand of Daimler-Benz, Illes' expression relaxed a lot:

"Mr. Liu, to tell you the truth, a few years ago, Daimler-Benz engineers just cooperated with the government to develop a brand new model. This model is very perfect. Our internal definition of it is a A 'epoch-making car'."

"However, you also know the character of our Germans. We pursue the ultimate in everything, so we also strive to be the best for the parts that this car needs."

Having said that, Illus shook his head again, and sighed with some regret:

"However, it is a pity that in the development process of several years, we have optimized many links to the extreme, but encountered some problems in the rubber membrane required by the sealing ring and suspension materials."

"No matter how we adapt the material, the final effect is not satisfactory, so that our engineers can only choose to give up."

"But unexpectedly, today in Moscow, we encountered it"

Say it.

Yilusi looked down at the film in his hand again, with an infatuation in his eyes that he saw the lover of his dream.

Only then did Liu Yunquan realize that this was the case

Daimler-Benz, a brand he once heard mentioned by a bear engineer, is inextricably linked with the German government, and it is not surprising to cooperate with the official.

Of course, there is no need to say much about the level of German automobile technology. With the assistance of the national team, Liu Yunquan can brainstorm the level of the product.

And such an important model, there are some flaws in the design, as a result, when the official was about to give up, Illes actually saw this kind of film produced by Huaxia by chance.

No wonder Illus was so excited.

In addition, according to the situation that Yuri just introduced, it seems that Illes and the others contacted the bear after a while after getting the film. It seems that most of them have done some simple tests?

Liu Yunquan went through the whole incident in his mind, and combined with his own analysis, he almost had a general idea.

On the other side, seeing Liu Yunquan's eyes showing a little thought, Illes quickly added:

"By the way, Mr. Liu, there is something I almost forgot to say."

"That is, if you intend to sell the finished film or transfer technology, we are willing to use foreign exchange for settlement—not marks, but rubles or US dollars."

"As for the specific price, we need to discuss in detail, but I can guarantee that the price of a ton of this film will not be less than $5,000."

Hearing the figure of 5,000 US dollars, Yang Wen's pupils shrank fiercely.


To know.

The 5,000 U.S. dollars these days is really a big number. Last year, Huaxia's foreign exchange reserves were only 46 million U.S. dollars.

Today's JDZ pottery factory makes ceramics day and night, and the annual transaction volume is only 1 million US dollars.

But now if 100 tons of film can be exported at one time, the transaction value will be at least 500,000 US dollars!

To be honest, if it wasn't for the lack of authority, Yang Wen would have agreed to Illes' request on the spot.

And beside him, Liu Yunquan's inner excitement was not much lower than that of Yang Wen.

However, he still maintained the high-quality mentality of an old Wailian, and did not show too much emotion on his face:

"Mr. Illes, I almost understand the general situation, but you know, this kind of thing that involves international trade, especially transactions with Western countries, a small person like me must not have much power to decide."

"So I have to report this situation to the capital first, and then contact you when I have the result. What do you think?"

Illes had dealt with Mao Xiong several times in the past, and knowing that Mao Xiong and Huaxia had similar rules at this time, he nodded gracefully:

"OK, Mr. Liu, we will stay in Maoxiong territory for about a week, and hope to receive your reply as soon as possible."

"No problem, I will reply to you within three days, so let's stop here today?"



After parting.

Liu Yunquan took Yang Wen and the two translators back to the outreach station at a faster speed than when they came, and quickly reported the situation to the capital.

Two hours later.

221 base.

After reading the emergency telegram sent by the capital, Li Jue, the director of the base, looked up at Xu Yun in front of him:

"Comrade Han Li, what do you think?"

Opposite Li Jue, Xu Yun who just followed Lao Guo to the office shook his head:


Li Jue frowned, looking a little surprised:

"Bullshit? Where is the bullshit?"

Xu Yun pointed to the lower half of the telegram with his finger, and made a circle in the air:

"It's all nonsense since Daimler wanted to use rubber membranes. Those German devils are very evil-minded, and they want to use information gaps to catch leaks!"


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