Into Unscientific

Chapter 598: The Most Important Decision Since Traveling (Part 1)

"The Germans are using information gaps to catch leaks?"

Hearing the word that came out of Xu Yun's mouth, the interest on Li Jue's face became more intense:

"Xiao Han, why did you say that?"

Xu Yun thought for a moment, looked up at Lao Guo, then at Li Jue, and said:

"Mr. Guo, factory manager, this matter is more complicated to explain, so let's start from the beginning."

"First of all, the factory manager, do you still remember the purpose of supporting the film with the Coke sample we sent to Mao Xiong this time?"

Li Jue took a sip of the teacup on the table, put it down and said:

"Of course I remember that at that time, the leaders of the base discussed several times in order to do this, and they almost turned the table in the end."

Old Guo on the side also nodded slightly after hearing the words.

Students with a good memory should remember them all.

When developing the carrying airship of the 'Zhuxian Platform', the rabbits had put a lot of effort into the skin material of the capsule.

Because the flying altitude of the airship is more than 30,000 meters, it needs to withstand huge pressure, tension and friction.

Therefore, the capsule material of the airship must have the characteristics of light weight, high strength, high thermal conductivity and high toughness.

Among them, the basic materials mainly include polyester fiber and polyester, and the heat conduction is solved by the aluminum layer of fluorine film.

The braided load-carrying layer Xu Yun once encountered difficulties for a short time at that time, but by coincidence, it was solved by the gas exchange membrane that failed to produce at the 504 factory because of being tampered with by the bear.

As for the ultimate and at the same time the most special tough material, it is made of the top slurry secretion of local donkeys, that is, donkey pulp film.

Due to the ballistic requirements of waverider missiles, this airship made of composite materials even reached a flight height of more than 40,000 meters and successfully completed its mission.

Also worth mentioning.

40,000 meters is still only the limit of gas lift, that is, the power is not enough after reaching that height, not the critical point of capsule damage.

As for the actual upper limit of the material of the capsule, no one knows until now, even Xu Yun himself is no exception.

Ever since.

After three U2s were shot down.

The rabbits immediately included the two key links of the capsule material and the design of the waverider missile in the highest level of protection list.

Of course.

Although these two links are on the top secret list at the same time, their protection methods are different.

Waverider missiles belong to the document protection of the design structure and related principles, that is, the kind of top-secret documents written in a file bag.

From then on, the rivers and lakes have only heard its name but not its people. It is the same as the configuration of the hydrogen bomb. I don't admit its existence, but I don't deny that it doesn't exist.

In a word, you can guess if you have the ability.

But the capsule material

It is to protect native donkeys.

After all, the composition of the capsule material is not complicated, and the most important thing is the apical secretion of a local donkey—and this thing is a unique donkey species in China.

Therefore, as long as the living local donkeys are not seriously leaked out, let alone the composition list of the capsule material, it is not a problem even if a couple of jacks of pulp secretion leak out.

As far as Xu Yun knows.

Now the capital is planning to build a high-density local donkey breeding base in Guizhou Province. It is expected that more than 10,000 local donkeys will be bred in the first phase after completion. The feed will come from the dead black soldier fly adults.

After all, it will take about one to two years for the entire base to be completed, and by then the black soldier fly breeding technology should have formed a system.

at the same time.

Customs has also begun to strengthen the monitoring of the exit of live local donkeys. In addition, some overseas people have quietly contacted those Chinese families with local donkeys.

Although the number of the latter is small, this situation does exist:

For example, the reason why Lin Yu thought of using donkey hair to make soup to save Xu Yun was because he had seen similar things when he was abroad.

While carrying out local donkey protection in the capital.

However, Lao Guo rarely put forward an idea at a regular meeting not long ago:

Since the main raw material of this kind of capsule or donkey pulp film is in our hands, we are not afraid of making it public, let alone imitated by others.

Then, can we send some of it to Mao Xiong in the name of "Coke Protected Items" along with the Coke?

At that time, as long as it is pretended to be discarded waste, Mao Xiong will definitely collect it quietly.


For these 'waste products', Mao Xiong's side may just have the mentality of cleaning up the sundries at first, and will not devote too much energy to research.

But as long as you test it casually, let alone testing it, even if you just pull it a few times with your hands, you can find the particularity of this material.

At that time, Mao Xiong might be interested in this kind of material, so it is possible to propose some trading plans.

Because there are actually many similar examples in marketing.

Leaving aside, let’s just talk about the trade fair held across the sea in Moscow three years ago.

In addition to Coca-Cola's success at that trade show, the even more famous kitchen debate was born.

The content of this debate is not the point, the point is that Mao Xiong's big shot found a kitchen knife very useful during the debate, and then introduced it into Mao Xiong's country after the meeting.

That brand is the well-known DEXTER kitchen utensils, and this accident laid the cornerstone of the status of western food knives in one fell swoop.

Later DEXTER merged with RUSSELL and became one of the regular knife sets for fishermen across the sea.

Therefore, if the donkey pulp film can also become the DEXTER at the cola tasting party, it will be worth a penny.

Think here.

Li Jue, who was sitting behind the desk, couldn't help looking at Xu Yun, and said to him:

"Comrade Han Li, I remember that you were very supportive of Lao Guo's idea, and even argued with Yaoping and the others, right?"

Xu Yun nodded:

"That's right."

At that time, after Lao Guo proposed this plan, the 221 base quickly followed the standard process to vote on Lao Guo's plan.

The results are in the process of voting.

There are many leaders who do not agree with Lao Guo's ideas, including some experts and scholars or the absolute core of the base.

For example, Xu Yun and Cheng Kaijia, Lu Guangda, and Wang Lao, who are familiar with Lao Guo, all clearly expressed their opposition.

They believe that low risk still means risk after all, and now the base can exchange a large amount of winter wheat with only Coke, so there is no need to add more to the snake.

After all, the bear man is not stupid, and the things he exchanged would definitely not be very good.

For example, no matter what they do, it is impossible for them to trade the core data of the atomic bomb, and they still have to rely on themselves for all research and development.

But it is different from Lu Guangda et al.

Qian Bingqiong and Qian Wushi, the two bigwigs surnamed Qian, both expressed their support, and Sun Junren and Ye Duzheng also quickly voted for it.

They believe that the risk is worth trying compared with the possible benefits.

What about the situation at that time?

To use the scene of "Saint Seiya" to describe it, it is Saga, Camus, Shura, Mu, Aiolia, and Miro who use Athena's exclamation to make waves.

And when the two sides were at a stalemate, Zilong, that is, Xu Yun, appeared, and he expressed his support for Lao Guo with an extremely firm attitude.

As far as Li Jue knows.

Xu Yun's statement not only affected the choice of the base, it is said that the reason why the capital side agreed to this plan was largely because of Xu Yun's statement.

recall here.

Xu Yun paused, and continued to say to Li Jue:

"Director, do you still remember the reason why I supported Mr. Guo?"

Although Li Jue's professional theoretical reserves are close to 0, his overall memory is still very good. Hearing this, he immediately gave a reply:

"Of course I remember, when you said that this kind of donkey pulp film will have high use value in the aerospace field, such as the application of space shuttles."

"At that time, you also discussed the feasibility of the space shuttle with Comrade Yaoping, and finally attributed it to that word. Oh, remember, Tiankeng, right?"

Xu Yun smiled and nodded.

That's right.

The reason he used to convince the base leaders at that time was that if the capsule was operated properly, it would have a miraculous effect in the aviation field.

For example.

space shuttle.

Students who are still alive in 2023 should know it.

In the current period, Mao Xiong and Haidian are in a state of fierce competition, and they must compete for the top and bottom in all aspects.

Especially after the end of the costly "Apollo Moon Landing Program", the two sides have been almost bewildered by the exploration of space.

For example, the two sides launched a total of 17 Mars probes that year, 11 in Maoxiong, and 6 across the sea.

That's right.

Mars rovers, not the moon.

Among them, only 5 were successfully launched by Maoxiong, and only one Mars 3 landed successfully, and most of the others only completed flyby and orbit missions.

The success rate on the other side of the sea is not high. It was not until 1975 that Pirates 1 and 2 landed smoothly.

And except for the Mars rover.

Another direction of competition that has to be mentioned is naturally the space shuttle.

The space shuttles across the sea are Pathfinder, Space Shuttle Enterprise, Space Shuttle Columbia, Challenger, Discovery, Atlantis and Endeavour.

On the bear side, there are the Buran, the Little Bird space shuttle and the Baikal space shuttle.

At the same time, compared to the Mars rover, this thing is a truly bottomless sinkhole-at least the original space shuttle concept is.

The so-called space shuttle refers to a reusable vehicle that travels to and from low-earth orbit.

It can not only take off vertically like a launch vehicle, but also land at an airport after returning to the atmosphere like an airplane.

In fact, strictly speaking, the idea of ​​the space shuttle is very good.

But the problem is that it has serious limitations of the times, and it is a staged and reasonable product, beyond which it will be eliminated.

First, one of the things that led to the retirement of the Space Shuttle was its accident rate:

Take across the sea as an example.

Until 2023.

A total of 22 astronauts across the sea died, of which 14 were contributed by the space shuttle, which is a proper accident generator.

But what really made the space shuttle gradually sidelined was its "setting" problem.

The original purpose of the space shuttle concept was that the scientific community at that time believed that with the development of the times, there would be a lot of creative work in orbit that required non-professional astronauts to exert their ingenuity.

Therefore, in the mission of the space shuttle, the transportation of human brains. Or the human body is far ahead of the transportation of goods.

At the same time, the peak overload of 3G landing and 1.5G landing perfectly realizes the goal of ordinary people to go to space with a little training.

However, with the rapid development of computer technology, the functions of spacecraft gradually began to be implemented from hardware to software.

This change directly leads to a fundamental change in the control and maintenance mode of the spacecraft. Human on-site manipulation is no longer the optimal solution, and the urgency of transporting people is greatly reduced.

A large number of space scientific research work and maintenance work expected by scientists disappeared, and the "mission" of the space shuttle was like a eunuch novel.

for example.

KH-9 Hexagon, also known as the keyhole satellite.

Its LEO film has a full load of ten tons, and the film will be GG when it is used up, and its lifespan is less than one year.

At that time, NASA planned to use the space shuttle to replace the film, but if you look at it with the eyes of later generations, you will find that this idea is meaningless.

Although aerospace planes such as X-37B and Huaxia Shenlong in later generations are strictly considered advanced versions of space shuttles, they have long been different concepts from the earliest space shuttles. At most, they are vertical launches and horizontal landings. the same.

But on the other hand.

The current Mao Xiong and Haidian don't know this at all because of the time limit, the two brothers are holding their breath and fighting each other.

So here comes the problem.

I would like to ask if Mao Xiong discovered that this film can withstand stronger tensile, bending and shearing forces than high-temperature tapes in the splicing of the core material of the space shuttle, what would they do?

To know.

Core material splicing can be said to be a major core difficulty of the space shuttle!

Once this problem is resolved, Mao Xiong will undoubtedly all in the space shuttle.

A tiankeng that costs a lot of money every year, but actually has no impact on future generations, and at the same time allows the other side of the sea to follow you up.

to be honest.

Xu Yun was about to lose his temper at that time.

Therefore, he rarely showed a strong image at the meeting, and even discussed the disadvantages of the space shuttle with the extremely respected Wang Lao in real life.

In the end, under his three-inch tongue, the base finally passed Lao Guo's idea.

Seeing Xu Yun mentioning this matter again at this time, Lao Guo was the first to react:

"Wait, Xiaohan, do you mean that?"

"The purpose of those Germans wanting to buy the donkey pulp film is also to develop the space shuttle?"

"Well, that's not the case."

Xu Yun shook his head quickly when he heard the words, offered to pour a glass of water for Lao Guo, and explained:

"Guo Gong, you are also an expert in aerospace. You should know that one of the technical foundations of the space shuttle is that it can enter low-earth orbit."

"Currently, only the two superpowers have this technology, as for Germany."

"Unless those well-known German wall hangings from World War II are resurrected, there is no possibility that Germany will have this technology."

Lao Guo has gotten used to Xu Yun's strange oral habits these days, so he didn't ask what the meaning of "hanging the wall" means, but followed Xu Yun's thinking:

".That's true. After Operation Paperclip, there aren't many top talents in Germany anymore."

"But instead of a space shuttle, what can they do!"


Lao Guo seemed to have realized something, and looked at Xu Yun in surprise:

"Xiao Han, what do you mean?"

"Those Germans also want to use donkey pulp films to develop satellites?"


Xu Yun snapped his fingers briskly. Now that two months have passed, his fingers have almost recovered:

"Guo Gong, if there are no accidents, those Germans are planning for this, so I said use the information gap to catch the leak."

"Obviously I want to use the film for satellite research and development, but I insist on pretending that it is an urgent shortage of automotive materials-can the value of these two things be the same?"

"It's $5,000 per ton, just kidding, we won't sell it for 50,000!"

As he spoke, Xu Yun couldn't help shaking his head.

That's right.

In addition to the space shuttle, another use of donkey pulp film is.

Key material for artificial satellites.

Students who were artificial satellites in their previous life should know it.

In the structure of artificial satellites, there are two places where high toughness films are required.

One is an off-track sail.

The other is a thermally controlled film that is vacuum vented.

Among them, the word deorbit sail is as it means, which is a means of deorbiting after the satellite completes its mission.

It mainly uses the aerodynamic resistance formed by the thin atmosphere in the low-orbit environment to slow down the satellite slowly, and finally gradually leave the original orbit.

It belongs to the technology with a very early design period and a very late implementation time. It was probably designed at the beginning of the birth of satellites, but not many people cared about it before the appearance of space junk.

Even in 2023 when Xu Yun travels, not all satellites will be equipped with this thing.

But thermal control films are different.

It is a substrate structure for satellites, which requires high film formation rate and dense film characteristics, and is an indispensable link in the operation of satellites.

For example, it must be able to withstand the impact of high-intensity cosmic rays, and at the same time have a tough tensile force that resists high deformation.

The importance of these two films together is not to mention the first, at least it can be ranked in the top three in the difficulty of satellite research and development.

At the same time.

As a country with 99 satellites and the seventh largest number of satellites in the world, Germany still has a high interest in aviation exploration after World War II.

However, due to the famous paperclip operation, Germany lost a large number of scientists, so that Germany's research and development capabilities are far from being comparable to those during World War II.

The physics major that Xu Yun has chosen in his life is condensed matter physics, so he knows one thing very well:

in the original history.

It is because of the delay in breaking through the thermal control film that Germany has no choice but to give up independent research and development after three years and choose to cooperate with NASA.

In the end, at the humiliating price of publishing all satellite data and any results can only be published in journals across the sea, Azur, the first artificial satellite in German history, was launched eight years later.


In later generations, many people in China were thinking that West Germany at that time was the back garden across the sea, but the problem is that they themselves didn’t think so.

For example, Prof Mayer, who was responsible for the R\u0026D of Azur at that time, was equivalent to Prof Mayer, the dean of the Huaxia Academy of Sciences, who wrote the words [this is a shame to the entire Federal Republic of Germany] in his memoirs.

In addition, after reaching a cooperation agreement with the opposite side of the sea, 20 researchers of the Space Research Society to which the Azur project belongs submitted their resignations at the same time.

After all, almost everyone has the feeling of national pride. Even across the sea in future generations, there are still people who will shout USA with enthusiasm.

As a result, some people in the country are just admiring themselves. If they think that Germans also like to recognize their fathers decades ago, it is hard to say.

The line of sight returns to reality.

Seeing that Xu Yun was so sure that Illes was lying, Lao Guo couldn't help asking:

"Xiao Han, I admit that the donkey pulp film is indeed very useful for satellites, but how do you know that the German named Illus is lying?"

"After all, auto parts do need a special film for parts. For example, the connection of bearings, what he said may not be true, right?"

Unexpectedly, Xu Yun quickly shook his head and explained:

"Guo Gong, there seems to be no problem with the logic of what you said, but do you know one thing?"

Old Guo blinked:

"What's the matter? Did you find out that Xiao Qiao put a donkey hair mask on you every day while you were sleeping?"

Xu Yun:


Wait, I seem to have heard something weird?

Li Jue, who was on the side, was always looking at him curiously, so Xu Yun had no choice but to bring his attention back to reality:

"Guo Gong, I'm afraid you don't know much about it. Daimler-Benz just bought a considerable share of Audi three years ago, it is said to be more than 80%. Last year, it bought Maybach."

"So now that Daimler-Benz's R\u0026D line is still in the iterative period, how could they cooperate with German officials to design a model?"

"This is obviously a lie that Illus lied without any other good reason. After all, under the temptation of that kind of price, we probably won't confirm the authenticity of this kind of news-our resources in Europe are limited. , Obtaining information costs money.”

"Moreover, news related to auto companies has more industry barriers than political content, and ordinary intelligence personnel may not be able to figure it out."

Lao Guo was stunned for a moment, and subconsciously asked:

"Xiao Han, how did you know about this?"

Xu Yun was already prepared for this, and he spread his hands at Lao Guo very calmly:

"I read it in the newspapers. This matter is more or less big news in Europe. After all, it involves so many car companies."

"In addition, I also have many friends in Cambridge University. They like to install broadswords and mines on Mercedes-Benz cars. I understand when everyone chats."

Lao Guo understood this.

That's right, this one is a half-familiar person who came back from the West.

Xu Yun's explanation is quite clear, so it is rare for Li Jue to keep up with Xu Yun's train of thought:

"Xiao Han, what do you think we should do next?"


Xu Yun thought for a while, then subconsciously blurted out:

"Of course it's a life with a German"

As a result, while talking, Xu Yun's pupils shrank suddenly without warning:

"Wait, Germany??? Shit?!?!"

The volume of Xu Yun's "fuck" was so loud that the glass in Li Jue's office vibrated slightly.


Li Jue and Lao Guo covered their ears at the same time, and Qi Qi looked at Xu Yun blankly.

What's the situation?

How come people who were fine before, why are they transferred to A4 all of a sudden?

And under the watchful eyes of the two.

Xu Yun's expression was quite subtle, and he even wanted to slap himself twice.



Germany? !

As the word "Germany" was repeated in his mind over and over again, Xu Yun's heartbeat rate also exceeded one second.

Maybe it's because too many brain cells have been consumed recently.

It wasn't until this moment that Xu Yun found out.

The protagonist of their discussion today is the one they didn't know how to solve before.


In other words.

Now, with the emergence of donkey pulp film trading intentions, the last piece of the puzzle of Xu Yun's previous ultimate chain has also quietly fallen into place.

After realizing this.

Xu Yun's face suddenly became serious.

after all

He is very clear that what he said next will sound shocking to the people of this era, even a little outrageous.

It is not an exaggeration to say.

These words are likely to turn him from a distinguished special consultant of the base into a prisoner under strict supervision in an instant!

What awaits Xu Yun at that time will be extremely strict censorship, which may even endanger his personal safety.


If that idea can really be realized, then the benefits it will bring to the Chinese nation will be endless.

Think here.

Xu Yun quickly went over what he did at the base in his mind:


Weather Doppler Radar,

waverider missiles,

industrial software,

Computer Industry,

chaotic system,

neutron transport equation,

Male sterile strains and cola, which were discovered in advance

Oh, and native donkeys.

It is not an exaggeration to say.

With these foundations laid by Xu Yun.

Even if he is locked in a cage and achieves nothing until the end of the mission, the rabbits of this era should be able to live very well.

That being the case

You can do the next thing!

After a few seconds.

I saw Xu Yun took a deep breath, raised his head and looked at Li Jue:

"Director, do you dare to play a big one?"


I haven't asked for a ticket for several days, please ask for a monthly ticket, the explosive update will resume today, everyone should be able to see the number of words, continue tomorrow

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