Into Unscientific

Chapter 614 One gas into three hydrogens (updated)

"From today...all traces of us will disappear in the world."

Hearing Li Jue's words.

Two different expressions immediately appeared on the faces of the hundreds of middle and high-level personnel in the base.

Headed by Lu Guangda, Lao Guo, Cheng Kaijia, Wang Ganchang and others, that is, the leaders who came to Jinyintan Grassland a long time ago, their expressions hardly changed.

After all, they have been incognito for many years, and the outside world has long since found no trace of them.

Some of them have even publicly "died" due to illness, and even the original unit held a memorial service for them.

Therefore, for them, Li Jue's words will not bring much touch, and deleting the files will not cause too many waves at all.

This is the consciousness of veterans.

And another group of management personnel who arrived at the base, such as Lou Zhicen, Zhu Hongyuan, Wang Chengshu, etc., showed a trace of excitement and pride on their faces.

That's right.

Excitement and pride, no depression or sadness.

Although quite a few of them had just finished their conversation and learned about the real situation of Base 221 only half an hour ago.

But they didn't feel the anger of being cheated at all, or the regret of not being able to see their family members.

The fervent patriotism and the desire for the "dignity" of the country's possession of nuclear weapons made their bodies subconsciously react even more excitedly after hearing Li Jue's words.

This moment.

The eyes of the audience were fiery, excited, or calm as water staring at Li Jue, as if a fire was burning.

In silence, everyone gave a collective answer to Li Jue's sentence "All traces of us will disappear in the world":

"Oh, that's it?"

Isn't it just incognito?

Isn't the file closed?

Isn't it just being with the loess?

What's so difficult about it?

After a while.

Sitting next to Li Jue, Fifth Master Qian coughed lightly, put down the pen that was writing something in his hand, and expressed his opinion:

"Comrade Li Jue, you have seen the reactions of all comrades. Maybe everyone here has different abilities and areas of specialization, but everyone's level of thinking is the same."

"Maybe we will stay in this small grassland for five years, ten years or even longer, and maybe our old friends will visit our graves every year on the 'death day' outside, and eventually slowly disappear from everyone's memory. "

"But it doesn't matter if the people don't know us, I think as long as the motherland remembers us, that's enough."

Hearing Fifth Master Qian's words, many people at the scene also nodded.

What Qian Wushi said also represents the values ​​​​of devotees in this era, and it is also the perception of most people on the scene.

However, just as everyone nodded, another voice suddenly sounded from Fifth Master Qian's side, which was especially clear in the room at this time:

"No, Comrade Fifth Division."

Fifth Master Qian was startled for a moment, and subconsciously turned his head to look at the person who made the sound, that is,

Xu Yun.

"Comrade Han Li, what did you say?"

Facing Fifth Master Qian's puzzled eyes, Xu Yun shook his head firmly again, and said to him:

"Comrade Fifth Master, your awareness is admirable, but I don't think your last sentence is correct."

"I believe that our motherland will not forget you, but at the same time, the people will remember us even more. Everyone in the entire 221 base is destined not to be unknown."

Then Xu Yun looked around, took a deep breath, and continued:

"Comrade Fifth Division, in my opinion, everyone in this base is a hero, but since they are heroes, they should not be forgotten."

"It is true that Base 221 will remain top secret for many years, and will not unseal even a word."

"But as long as we successfully develop nuclear weapons, I believe that one day, this past of the base will appear in the public eye."

"Maybe the country will honor you and me at that time, and the base where we are located will become a commemorative attraction, and we will popularize everything about us to the outside world in the form of red education."

"At that time, even the ordinary workers at the base will be interviewed by the TV station, and they will write their own memoirs. They will even remember clearly how much money they spent playing cards at the pier."

"Maybe at that time, there will be a novel writer who will use this base as the subject to write a story about our base, and the local donkey can be the protagonist."

"The people will remember every name, and they will shed tears of reverence when they read the story. As long as the Chinese nation still exists in a hundred or a thousand years, no one will forget you."

Xu Yun has always admired Fifth Master Qian, but this time, he rarely refuted Fifth Master Qian.

Qian Wushi's idea actually represents the consciousness of many people in this era, that is, as long as they can contribute to the country, it is acceptable to remain unknown for a lifetime.

But Xu Yun did not agree with this idea.

In his opinion.

Any predecessor who has contributed to the country should not and will not be allowed to be forgotten by future generations.

Perhaps due to certain confidentiality needs, they really cannot appear in the public eye in the short term, or even passively "death".

But after the declassification period is over, they are eligible or must be written about in a big way, and they must be remembered by future generations.


Due to limited ability, Xu Yun couldn't make the stories of these seniors known to everyone, but he could at least give Qian Wushi and others a picture in this era.

as expected.

When Xu Yun first spoke, there were still many people at the scene whose expressions didn't change much, and they seemed to be business-like.

But after Xu Yun finished talking about various "possibilities", many people's eyes gradually began to glow.

This is a kind of "heresy" that is somewhat contrary to the current perception, but it sounds...inexplicably exciting?

They don't know the probability that Xu Yun's description will come true, but just thinking about that picture is deeply comforting.

The people will not forget us.

These short eight words brought another unspeakable motivation!

Fifth Master Qian was obviously also one of the people who was touched, but soon, his eyes narrowed slightly when he looked at Xu Yun.

Award? Base into a scenic spot? TV interviews and writing memoirs?

That's a bit too much information.

all in all.

Xu Yun's words made the atmosphere of the scene a little more lively than expected, but Li Jue is also a person who has seen big scenes, so he quickly regained the rhythm:

"Comrades, Advisor Han's statement is very novel, and there is some truth to it."

"Maybe after many years, our story will indeed be known to the world—maybe in that story, I am still a knowledgeable scholar-leader."

"Of course, I don't know the year when the archives will be unsealed, but it is foreseeable that the motherland must be rich and powerful at that time before these secrets will be made public."

"So if we say a thousand things and ten thousand things, the topic will come back to our base itself. Only when the atomic bomb is produced will our country have that kind of confidence."

"So for now, let's get down to business and get on with the meeting."

Then Li Jue paused, picked up the enamel cup from the table, took a sip, moistened his dry throat, and said:

"In order to cooperate with the increase in the level of confidentiality arranged by the organization, the base has now adjusted the process of obtaining personnel files."

"The first is the payment of wages to the employees of the base. From next month onwards, the financial accounts of the branch will not be attached to the names of the specific employees, and only the funds will be checked."

"At that time, the specific financial audit will be in charge of the general factory finance, and the salary slips of ordinary workers and scientific research personnel will be issued separately."

Xu Yun in the audience subconsciously nodded upon hearing this.

That's a nice change.

The wages of workers in this period are mainly cash + material tickets. Although the amount is not high, the specific process is still relatively complicated.

In the past, the wages of employees in the base were calculated by each branch factory first, and then submitted to the finance of the main factory after the statistics were completed.

This part of the statistics includes the specific working hours, whether there are additional rewards. That is, some methods to improve efficiency have been invented or certain properties have been rescued.

There are actually certain risks in this part of the statistics, especially the extra rewards.

It is easy to say if the equipment was simply rescued in an accident, but if an engineer discovers some loopholes in the production process, there will be a certain risk of leakage when summarizing the rewards.

Of course.

This kind of risk can be avoided by blurring the specific content, that is, only displaying the content of [XXX yuan is rewarded for outstanding contributions].

However, the ledger recorded in this way still has the possibility of leakage. Even if this possibility is very small, it still cannot be ignored under the current situation.

Therefore, the base adopted the simplest method and transferred the power of wage statistics to the main factory, reducing the contact personnel to the greatest extent.

Although this will greatly increase the financial workload of the main factory, there is one thing that must not be forgotten, that is——

Now the Computer Institute has moved the 103 machine and another semi-finished computer to the base, and can directly check the data at the base.

As long as some core time is allocated to finance, and the computer can cooperate to carry out data statistics, this work is not difficult.

As for the finance of each branch factory, from now on it will be mainly responsible for checking the funds, that is, how much money has been received and how much is left.

If there is spare manpower, they can be dispatched to the sideline team or the calculation team-the accountants have two extraordinary abilities, one is to take the blame, and the other is to calculate.

As for the salary slips of the scientific research personnel, it should be paid separately from the front-line workers because it involves some relations with the original unit.

Only if Xu Yun remembered correctly.

This kind of change should not be implemented until the base is relocated to the Ninth Hospital of Sichuan Province seven years later, but I didn't expect it to come out ahead of schedule.

Then Li Jue deliberately stopped for a few seconds, observed the expressions of everyone on the scene, and then continued:

"At the same time, in addition to the payment of wages, the organizational structure of our base also needs to be changed."

"The first point is that the base's light nuclear team is about to be formally established."

Hear the three words of light nuclear group.

This time, there was finally buzzing discussions in the audience, and many people showed a little surprise on their faces.

Mentioned long ago.

There are two types of nuclear reactions, one is fission, that is, one heavy nucleus splits into two light nuclei.

The other is fusion, where two light nuclei come together to form a heavy nucleus.

Nuclear fission is an atomic bomb, and nuclear fusion is a hydrogen bomb.

The so-called "light nuclei" refers to atomic nuclei with a small number of nucleons, such as protium, deuterium, tritium, helium and other nuclei are all light nuclei.

Therefore, the hydrogen bomb research group is called the Light Nuclear Group, and its full name is the Light Nuclear Reactor Theoretical Exploration Group.

The actual establishment of the light nuclear team can be traced back to last year, with Huang Zuqia as the team leader, and the team members include Liu Xianhui, Sa Benhao, He Zuoxiu and others.

However, the light nuclear group established last year is just an empty shell or a pre-vacated position.

The entire light nuclear team, from the team members to Huang Zuqia, the team leader, usually studies the nuclear fission theory related to atomic bombs.

But anyone with a discerning eye at the base knows that this is only temporarily vacant, and the country attaches no less importance to hydrogen bombs than atomic bombs.

as expected.

At today's welcome meeting, Li Jue released the heavy news of forming a light nuclear team.

Then Li Jue picked up a document from the table, opened a page, and said seriously:

"Okay, everyone, please be quiet first, and now I will read the relevant documents."

"According to the discussions and selections of the Second Ministry of Machinery and the 'Family', Base 221 is now ordered to formally set up a light nuclear reactor theory exploration team from now on."

"The light nuclear group will undertake the research related to the hydrogen bomb theory. The number of members of the whole group is proposed to be 91, and the group leader will be Comrade Huang Zuqia."

Li Jue just finished speaking.

A round-faced man in his thirties with extremely thinning hair quickly stood up on the three chairs on Xu Yun's left.

This person is Huang Zuqia.

In Xu Yun's later life, there is a TV series called "Meritorious Service", which narrates major projects and meritorious figures in various stages of the country.

In the plot about the development of the atomic bomb, there is a character named Lu Jie.

The role of Lu Jie belongs to the kneading type, and many people can be seen in it, but the main prototype is Huang Zuqia.

six years ago.

Qian Bingqiong led a "thermal engineering practice group" of nearly 40 people to study in Maoxiong, and Huang Zuqia was one of the members of the reactor team.

As a result, during the study period, Huang Zuqia discovered a problem in the opponent's design plan:

Bear's calculation was that the reactor would need 63 uranium rods to reach critical size, and he calculated 56.

If the reactor is supercritical, it will cause an accident.

After repeated calculations, the two parties finally decided that Huang Zuqia's data was correct.

When the reactor was actually built three years ago, the rabbits really only used 56 uranium rods. The results of the critical start-up experiment later also proved that Huang Zuqia was correct.

Other than that.

Huang Zuqia contributed a lot to the development of nuclear weapons and was one of the important leaders in the development of hydrogen bombs.

For example, in the hydrogen bomb theory research, Peng Mengxiong gave three models for Zhou Guangzhao, Huang Zuqia, and Yu Min to calculate.

Although the light-shielding model studied by Huang Zuqia proved to be unable to be implemented technically, his research results on the interaction of excited states of hydrogen molecules have brought important help to Yu Min's follow-up research.

It's just a pity.

The honor that Huang Zuqia got in the end was not high.

Of the four physicists among the famous "Eight Directors" of the Theoretical Department of the former Ninth Academy, the three other than him are considered successful:

Lu Guangda served as the president of the Ninth Academy, Zhou Guangzhao served as the president of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and Yu Min served as the vice president of the Ninth Academy and the director of the Ninth Institute, and they were all listed as "two bombs and one satellite".

Only Huang Zuqia neither won a medal nor held an important position, but chose to teach at Beijing Normal University in his later years, which is also regrettable.

Afterwards, everyone in the audience applauded Huang Zuqia with dignity, congratulating him for officially undertaking the research on hydrogen bomb theory.

Wait for the applause to rest.

Li Jue continued to announce other appointments:

"According to organizational arrangements, the light nuclear group will be divided into four research groups based on relevant theoretical research directions."

"A group leader is Comrade Zhou Guangzhao, who is mainly responsible for the theoretical derivation of two-dimensional fluid mechanics and polarized nuclear reactions."

"The leader of the second group is Comrade He Zuoxiu, responsible for the derivation of β particles."

"The leader of the three groups is Comrade Min, who is responsible for the configuration and computational design of unique particles."

"The leader of the fourth group is Comrade Hu Huachen, who is responsible for the derivation of high-explosive and scattering."

Same as Huang Zuqia before.

After Li Jue finished speaking, four members of different ages also stood up at the scene, three men and one woman.

Among them, the one closest to the top is Zhou Guangzhao, one of the famous feats of two bombs and one satellite.

It was mentioned earlier.

throughout the development of nuclear weapons.

The rabbits found a total of 11 errors across the sea and Mao Xiong, among which there are two most important errors that can shake the cornerstone of nuclear engineering.

One is the neutron transport equation, and the other is the error about the energy distribution and angle distribution of secondary neutrons discovered by Zhou Guangzhao.

And according to the later declassified documents, this mistake was not the wrong data deliberately given by Mao Xiong, but a major mistake made by Mao Xiong, the first person in nuclear weapons, Sakharov.

So don't look at Zhou Guangzhao's current position as Huang Zuqia's subordinate, in fact this is an arrangement to ensure research efficiency.

In terms of the current importance or right to speak in the base, Zhou Guangzhao is actually higher than Huang Zuqia—it's just that they don't care about these false rankings.

As for the other man with buck teeth next to Zhou Guangzhao, it was the famous He Zuoxiu.

This big guy who is easily pronounced as "He Zuo Ma" is also very controversial in later generations.

But his controversy has nothing to do with achievement honor, but because of his famous big mouth

In a sense.

This person is equivalent to Lu Xun in the scientific research circle, and he has sprayed it for fifty years.

For example, in Xu Yun's future generations.

This boss has dissed Huawei, belittling Chinese medicine, and attacking others as "speaking people". He is 95 years old and still typing on the headlines every day. He is as energetic as 59 years old.

To be honest, some of He Zuoxiu's remarks are really inappropriate, and Xu Yun doesn't quite agree with the criticism in this regard.

But on the other hand.

Just like the actor who plays the Youyou Prince sells tea, but does not affect the role of the Youyou Prince, which has childhood value, there are some things that need to be discussed separately.

Although He Zuoxiu later dissed wildly everywhere, this did not affect his own ability and early contributions.

Later generations said that he was an academician who became a secretary and did not conduct scientific research for a day, which is also a bit extreme.

At any rate, he is also a graduate of Shuimu University. He was selected to go to Maoxiong for further study. Later, he corrected the serious error in the equation derived by Chew-Mandelstam. He is also the main contributor to the straton model mentioned before.

When Cao Cao was young, he was also a loyal minister who dared to assassinate Dong Zhuo, not to mention that Mr. He just liked to spout people, and he was far from the situation where a brave man turned into a dragon.

By the way, by the way.

Later generations heard that He Zuoxiu once said [China's contribution to physics is zero], which is a classic rumor.

His original words are in 2022, and the content is as follows:

[Compared with the other side of the sea, there is still a huge gap between China's scientific research level. For example, 95% of the medical equipment used to go to the hospital is imported, and most of these equipment use the principles of physics. In this regard, our The contribution is 0, and the patents are all abroad. 】


The data of "95% are imported" in this sentence is also old-fashioned, with a strong sense of public knowledge. Nowadays, domestic products such as Mindray, Neusoft, United Imaging, and Wandong have already established a strong position in the domestic medical equipment market. More than half of the country is gone.

But no matter how serious this problem is, it is not the same as [Academician Huaxia said that China's contribution to physics is zero]

all in all.

For this well-known troll in later generations, Xu Yun is going to keep him at a respectful distance, as long as there is no intersection as much as possible.

Except for Zhou Guangzhao and He Zuoxiu.

The positions of the remaining two leaders of the light nuclear team are at another conference table with lower positions.

Needless to say, it is greater than itself.

Yu · the father of China's hydrogen bomb · humanoid self-propelled plug-in · knee collector · bigger than Niu Pi · Min, the ultimate boss who wonders if there is something wrong with your lower limbs if you don't kneel.

However, Xu Yun, another comrade named Hu Huachen, didn't know much about it—he had never heard his name before.

This is a relatively rare lesbian in the base, and judging from her status as one of the four team leaders, she is obviously a very capable person.

In fact, what Xu Yun didn't know was.

This lesbian named Hu Huachen is also a slightly legendary figure.

Her husband is Mr. Yang Zhen from the Institute of Atomic Energy. Both of them were selected for the 596 project team very early, which is a relatively rare husband and wife team among the scientific research personnel of the base.

Later, she was neither listed in the meritorious service of two bombs and one satellite, nor was she elected as an academician of Huaxia like another Ms. Wang Chengshu in the project team, but she made a great contribution to an important research.

This research is the beta-plane neutron diffraction anomaly.

If Hu Huachen hadn't solved this problem at that time, the hydrogen bombs of the rabbits would have been detonated at least half a year later-this is the original words of Yu.

But after solving this problem, Hu Huachen, who was given a certain research and development right by the base, had no results.

In a sense.

Hu Huachen is a bit similar to Eder of the Portuguese team in the 2016 European Cup. He was unknown before the final. He killed the enemy with one shot at the most critical moment of the final, and disappeared afterwards.

Perhaps it was for this reason that Xu Yun had never heard of her name.

After reading the names of the four team leaders.

Li Jue recalled the list of other light nuclear team members:

"Sa Benhao Cai Shaohui. Liang Wenji. Ye Xuanhua. Huang Jiujiu (the real name)"

When he read the last line, Li Jue paused slightly for two seconds:

"In addition to several responsible comrades and members, the light nuclear team also has a special advisor, that is, Comrade Han Li."

Xu Yun in the audience was startled subconsciously when he heard the words, and a look of surprise flashed in his eyes.

After all, Li Jue didn't get along with him about this matter. It was an announcement on the spot, and he didn't know anything about it before.

Besides, theoretically speaking, I am already a special consultant of the base, so there is no need to specifically mention this matter, right? ——It is still the inexplicable title of special consultant.

But soon, a guess appeared in Xu Yun's mind.

Could it be

The organization is using this appointment to remind itself. Can the consulting work on the atomic bomb be reduced a bit and focus on the research and development of the hydrogen bomb?

That should be it.

After all, after Lu Guangda and others solved the neutron transport equation, more than half of the theoretical research on the atomic bomb has actually been done.

The rest basically belong to the situation where acceleration is the best, but it is not a big problem without acceleration.

Nowadays, the difficulty of the atomic bomb lies more in the application aspect, such as the actual structure, materials, detonation explosives, etc., and this part is beyond the scope of Xu Yun's understanding.

in this case.

It makes sense for the organization to shift its focus to the theoretical research of hydrogen bombs.

Organizational appointments still retain tasks that are greater than those calculated in their own teamwork, and can also confirm their guesses from the side.


In this way, the object I want to "point" can be replaced by a larger than .

To be honest, it is not a big problem for those stocks in his stomach to be emptied, Xu Yun can't wait to contribute all his knowledge to the country.

But the problem is that it is bigger than that magical brain, Xu Yun always feels that there will be something strange and weird derived from chatting.

If so, then the fun can be great.

And the other side.

The people at the scene didn't have much reaction to Xu Yun's appointment, and generally applauded politely.

Now Xu Yun's ability has been recognized by most people, and he has accumulated a very good reputation among the leadership of the base.

Especially after Xu Yun managed to get the tandem accelerator from the British, Cheng Kaijia and Wang Ganchang, who originally had some opinions on him, really had a +10+10 favorability.

After all, Cheng Kaijia's opinion on Xu Yun is mainly because he dismantled the only 2.5MeV electrostatic accelerator in China in order to assemble the meteorological Doppler radar. This is the painstaking effort of Cheng Kaijia's teacher Zhao Zhongyao.

Now that Xu Yun has exchanged for an 80MeV tandem accelerator to help the rabbits change their shotguns in the high-energy field, Cheng Kaijia's opinion is naturally thrown to the country of Java.

Then Li Jue turned the document in his hand to the back and continued to say:

"According to the organizational arrangement, the light nuclear team also belongs to the Theory Department and is directly managed by the base leadership - I will introduce the specific management method later, but let's talk about the project team first."

"In addition to the light nuclear group, the base will simultaneously set up a brand new research group, the full name is 'Enhanced Radiation Response Exploration Group', referred to as the Strong Radiation Group."

"The task of this group is somewhat similar to that of the light-nuclear group. It is mainly responsible for the development of neutron bombs—I mean the complete light-nuclear group."

"Because according to the news from the capital, the tandem accelerator is already on the way to be handed over. If it is fast, it should be shipped to the country in the middle of next month, if it is slow, it should be shipped to China at the beginning of next month."

"So the configuration of the strong radiation group will not have a vacancy period like the light nuclear group. After its establishment, it will be put into theoretical research immediately, and related experiments can be officially carried out after the accelerator is sent to the base."

I heard this.

The expressions of the rest of the audience were different, but Xu Yun's expression was very calm - he knew this before the meeting.

Fifth Master Qian found him on purpose yesterday and told him a piece of news:

The cooperation intention reached by the Rabbits with Britain, Germany and France has finally entered the practical stage after many discussions.

The general process of the whole operation is as follows:

The rabbits prepaid a batch of donkey pulp films to the Germans, and exchanged them for shock wave detection components from Hochtief. The transaction price was one ton of donkey pulp films for 100 complete components.

If these components are priced according to the standard price, each of them is more than 5 dollars-note that it is 5 dollars in this era, and the purchasing power is much higher than that of the same amount of money in later generations.

The cost of rabbits producing donkey pulp film is mainly the feed for donkeys and electricity.

It is said that both parties are very satisfied with the price, and privately feel that the other party is an idiot whose head was kicked by a donkey.

At the same time, the rabbits also generously prepaid the neutron transport equation to Gaul, which was regarded as part of the deposit for the cooperation.

Now the rabbits and Gaul are discussing the introduction of Bellier's heavy-duty truck technology. With this 14 million dollar project as the background, they are not very worried about Gaul's refusal.

As for the weather Doppler radar technology in the UK, it will not be delivered for the time being, and the settlement will not be made until the tandem accelerator is shipped to China.

I don't know what the rabbits have done. The two deadly enemies, Gaul and the United Kingdom, can agree to this plan of paying a deposit to Gaul in advance—Xu Yun doubts whether the rabbits have Harold McMee Lun's fruit photo, otherwise this plan can make Victoria angry

After the object-to-object link is settled, the rest is the problem of transporting the goods to the country.

According to Qian Wushi.

In about three days, this tandem accelerator will accidentally catch fire during the Normandy landing.

The cause of the fire was that a batch of flammable chemicals processed by Cambridge University and ready to be sent to the University of Paris arrived at the port at the same time, and they "accidentally" exploded while staying in the port overnight.

The cost of these chemicals is said to be around 2,000 pounds. The rabbit who was in charge of the handover reluctantly said that the loss could be borne by Huaxia, but the British foreign affairs officer smiled mysteriously and said that the money could be reimbursed by the royal family.

If the rabbit is not mistaken, the reimbursement account appears to be £20,000

While on fire, the real accelerator will be quietly transported from Europe to Asia, and arrive in China via Xiangjiang.

all in all.

As long as there are no major problems in the transportation process, this tandem accelerator will be sent to the capital soon, and then transferred to the base.

So in theory.

The strong radiation group can carry out relevant neutron research within a month at most, and there is no need to be vacant for a long time like the light nuclear group before, and even the group leader ran to deduce the atomic bomb.

Of course.

The positioning of the strong radiation group is parallel to that of the light nuclear group and the atomic bomb project group, and even the strong radiation group is a little more special in nature-after all, this thing has not even been tinkered with across the sea.

The atomic bomb project team is led by Lu Guangda and Lao Guo, and the light nuclear team has Huang Zuqia, Zhou Guangzhao, and Da Yu sitting in charge, so the strength of the team leader of the strong radiation team can't be too low.

Looking at the entire Chinese scientific research circle.

Nowadays, there are not many big bosses who are capable, professional and have spare time.

Therefore, Li Jue did not hide it, and generously reported the name of the person in charge of the strong radiation group:

"According to the decision made by the organization, Comrade Zhao Zhongyao is now appointed as the team leader of the strong radiation group, and Comrade Wang Jing (Wang Ganchang) is transferred from the Experimental Department to the strong radiation group as the deputy team leader."

"The Strong Spokes Group does not have an independent group. There are initially 24 members, and the number can be increased at any time according to demand."

Li Jue just finished speaking.

From a certain position under the stage, a little old man in his sixties stood up with thick lips and plump apple muscles.

This person is obviously Zhao Zhongyao.

Looking at Zhao Zhongyao with a serious face, Xu Yun was also filled with emotion.

Students who have read Chapter 443 of the bad book "Into Unscience" know it.

This boss is one of the founders of modern physics standards in China. He served as the tutor of Li and Yang in China. Academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and Chinese Academy of Sciences.

It's a pity that many people in later generations were moved by him but poured into the story of giving away radium from the marketing account, which is really embarrassing.

In this period.

Probably only this big guy who discovered the annihilation of positron and electron in 1930 is qualified to be the leader of the strong radiation group.

As for Wang Ganchang, who was the deputy team leader, it was unexpected and reasonable.

mentioned earlier.

There are three general directions for research on nuclear weapons in the base:

General Department, Theory Department and Experiment Department.

Lao Guo is currently the director of the General Department, mainly responsible for the research of fluid mechanics.

The director of the theory department is Peng Mengxiong, who is responsible for the analysis of the reactor theory.

The director of the experimental department is Wang Ganchang, and this department is mainly responsible for the performance experiments of non-nuclear components.

The Experimental Department and Theory Department are departments with relatively thick barriers, and the transfer of ordinary members is not common, let alone such a change in person in charge.

Xu Yun originally thought that the organization would select one of the new group of bigwigs as the deputy team leader, such as an expert like Li Zhengwu.

But now it seems that the top is still focusing on stability as always.

Moreover, based on the subsequent changes that Xu Yun learned about, Wang Ganchang's assignment to the strong radiation team is not considered "relegation".

Immediately afterwards.

Li Jue introduced the names of the other members of the strong spoke group:

"The members of the strong radiation team are Hu Jimin, Zhang Huanqiao, Wang Fangding, and Wang Chengshu, and the special advisor is still Comrade Han Li."

At this point, Xu Yun's expression was much calmer than when he saw Zhao Zhongyao.

The mission of Wang Fangding and others to come to the base belongs to the information that has been made public a long time ago. They came here for the neutron bomb, so naturally they can only join the strong radiation group.

Although Li Jue still didn't inform Xu Yun of Li Jue's last sentence, Xu Yun had already expected this matter with the consultant of the Light Nuclear Forces Group in front of him.

After all, compared with the light nuclear group, the establishment of the strong radiation group was almost done by him alone.

It is true that in terms of efficiency, the birth process of the strong radiation group was a bit unexpected, but this is not the reason for Xu Yun to shirk, or is it any different from the behavior of adding fried noodles and chicken essence and thinking about it?

The line of sight returns to reality.

After introducing the two newly established groups, Li Jue's expression softened a lot—he had already notified the two information on the project.

Then he put down the manuscript in his hand and looked at the people in front of him:

"In addition to the things mentioned before, the rest is the introduction of some new comrades in non-nuclear projects."

"This time the capital has sent us a lot of new comrades, such as Professor Lou Zhicen, who studies medicine, and his student Comrade Tu Luming. They will be incorporated into the base's chemical laboratory to purify the yew."

"The comrades in Longyou just sent a reply this morning. They have found many wild yew gathering places. According to the time estimate, they should have started cutting trees."

"Another example is Comrade Li Siguang and Comrade Mao Yisheng. They will be temporarily transferred to the construction sideline team of the base."

"There are also a few new chefs with good craftsmanship from the capital. After all, there will be no shortage of food and fish. Just now, Master Huang from Guangdong Province asked me if the base came from Fujian Province and brought them with them. As for the couple with the child, they said they wanted to make claypot rice."

Li Jue talked a lot eloquently, and introduced the new directors of some non-atomic energy projects, and everyone at the scene applauded respectfully.

After more than ten minutes.

After introducing the relevant information, Li Jue suddenly turned serious, and said the last thing:

"Okay, everyone must have understood the project personnel changes at the base, and that's about it."

"But now that our base's manpower and group size have been greatly improved, some of the original structure should naturally be changed."

"Now according to the instructions of the superior department, the structure of the base will be optimized as follows."

Say it.

Li Jue picked up another document from the table, took a deep breath, and said:

"From now on, Base 221 will cancel the establishment of the general department, and the specifications of the theoretical department and experimental department will be downgraded and classified into the three major project groups."

"After the members of the original general department were disrupted, they were transferred to the three major project teams in a ratio of 2:2:1. Comrade Guo Youlai, the head of the general department, and Comrade Peng Mengxiong, the former head of the theoretical department, served as the general manager and general manager of the integrated project team to which the three major project teams belonged. Deputy Commander."

"The director of the experimental department of the atomic bomb project team is Comrade Zhu Guangya, the director of the experimental department of the light nuclear group project team is Comrade Chen Nengkuan, and the director of the experimental department of the strong radiation group project team is Comrade Wang Jing."


Li Jue had just finished speaking.

The most heated discussion since the beginning of the meeting suddenly broke out in the audience:

"What? Cancel the General Department?"

"Director, is our experimental department downgraded?"

"...Here, the factory manager, is it really decided like this in the organization?"

Looking at the twittering scene, even though Xu Yun had known the news in advance, he was also a little shocked at this moment.

This is a really big change.

mentioned earlier.

The essence of Base 221 is actually the Ninth Bureau under the Second Ministry of Machinery, which is the Huaxia Nuclear Weapons Research Institute.

It was only a few years ago, when the 221 base was first built, that it was unrealistic to complete and put it into operation in a short period of time due to the huge amount of goods involved in the base construction project.

So three years ago, the Ministry of Second Machinery approved the Ninth Bureau to start construction on Huayuan Road in Yanjing to build a transitional institution. That is, the Ninth Research Institute of the Second Machinery in Yanjing.

After the 221 base is completed, it will be moved from the capital to Xihai.

That is to say, the 221 Base, the Ninth Institute, and the Ninth Institute are actually one unit. For example, Li Jue is now the director of the 221 Base, the director of the Ninth Institute, and the dean of the Ninth Institute.

Also because of this.

The structure of the entire base actually follows the path within the system, that is, the projects are placed under the department—for example, Xu Yun’s later excavation project of the Yongling Mausoleum was carried out under the Bureau of Cultural Relics.

But the current change of the base is tantamount to changing the original position.

The General Department, which was originally in charge of overall planning, was cancelled, and the Theory Department and Experimental Department became departments within the project.

That is, in the three groups of the atomic bomb project team, the light nuclear team, and the strong radiation team, each team has a theoretical department and an experimental department.

The theory department studies theories, and the experiment department is responsible for related explosion and parameter experiments.

This means that the base structure has broken away from its original nature, and the three projects go hand in hand, while being independent of each other and not interfering with each other.

The only thing that has not been changed in the entire base is the factories that produce the final parts. After all, the production of parts only needs to change the mold, and there is no need to separate the production line.

But if you think about it carefully, this kind of change is also inevitable.

After all, the reason why the three departments can exist in the original history is largely because the progress of the rabbits is gradual.

That is to say, the hydrogen bomb was started after the atomic bomb was successfully tested, and the neutron bomb was started only after the hydrogen bomb was successfully tested. Only one topic was studied in a specific period-there may be overlaps, but the overlapping time is very short.

For example, the theoretical research on the hydrogen bomb officially started at the end of this year. During this period of time, Lu Guangda and others were indeed still working on the theoretical research on the atomic bomb, but within a few months they had completed all of them, and the rest were breakthroughs in the application field.

This small amount of overlapping time is like a 4x100-meter relay. When the baton is handed over, the two players will run for a small part of the time, but this is actually to be able to complete the next step more smoothly.

But now it is different.

Now that the base has carried out three theoretical studies simultaneously, and there is Xu Yun as a consultant, it is very likely that the results will be produced at a similar or even the same time.

Therefore, it is imperative to change the structure of the base.

If you insist on this matter, you can only say that the organization trusts Xu Yun too much.

To be honest, this kind of trust has surpassed Li Jue's cognition, and Li Siguang's recitation of his words must have some inside information.

However, Li Jue has never been informed of the truth by the organization, so that he is a little depressed.

It's impossible for Han Li to be a future man, right?

Impossible, absolutely impossible!

Then he took a deep breath and continued:

"Dear comrades, in view of the successful completion of the previous 'Zhu Xian' project, the organization also decided to give the three projects a code name."

"According to repeated discussions in the organization, it was finally decided to name the three projects Yuqing, Shangqing and Taiqing respectively."

"As for the nuclear weapon research and development code name that coordinates the three projects, it is called"

"Too good!"


11,000 words, ask for a monthly ticket, everyone at the end of the month!

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