Into Unscientific

Chapter 615 The Unexpected Person (Still updated)



Hearing the words "Taishang", "Shangqing" and "Yuqing" coming out of Li Jue's mouth, Xu Yun couldn't help showing a subtle expression.

According to the records of "Taizhenke" published in the Eastern Jin Dynasty or the early years of the Southern and Northern Dynasties:

"The highest of the three days is called Da Luo, which is the extreme land of Taoism, and the wonderful energy is originally one. Only this Da Luo gave birth to Xuanyuan Shi Sanyan, and turned into Sanqingtian.

"The first is the Qingwei Tianyu Qingjing, which is formed by the primordial qi; the second is the Yu Yutian Shangqingjing, which is formed by the vitality; the third is the Taiqing realm of the Great Chitian, which is formed by the profound energy."

Therefore, the word [Yuqing] refers to the atomic bomb project, meaning the beginning of the entire nuclear weapon research and development, the starting point of the atomic energy business.

[Supernacle] refers to the research and development of the hydrogen bomb in charge of the light nuclear group. After all, the tactical value and deterrent power of the hydrogen bomb are much higher than that of the atomic bomb, and it belongs to the main vitality of the "human body" of the country.

As for [Taiqing], it naturally refers to the neutron bomb project.

The name of this project has a strong Chinese cultural color, and it will not be surprising if it is left to future generations.

After all, don't talk about Sanqing.

The names of mythological characters such as Wukong, Chang'e, and Zhu Rong in later generations have also been used in the naming of various scientific research equipment.

If nothing unexpected.

Probably in a few years, apart from Zhu Gangguan and Black Bear Spirit, other Chinese mythological characters will also come out to make guest appearances.

But in the current period, this oriental naming seems very individual.

At present, the projects of the rabbits are either 596, 823 or 614. The Zhuxian project that Xu Yun took out was the first time in history.

And it is different from the previous Zhu Xian project.

The naming of the Taishang project this time was an operation independently thought up by the capital side, and Xu Yun didn't even mention half of the radicals throughout the whole process.

now it seems

Perhaps the organization has awakened some strange attributes in advance, and pursued the unique classical romance of China?

Of course, Xu Yun thought it was a good thing.

Although this change in addressing habits has no effect on the scientific research of the rabbits, some barriers that should be spent on energy still require a lot of manpower and material resources.

But in the area of ​​communication studies, this appellation is of some help to ordinary people's cognition.

for example.

The original code name of the Dongfanghong project was 581, which was later changed to 651, but no matter which number it is called, it is not as easy to remember as the three words Dongfanghong.

The same goes for the atomic bomb project.

Most people in later generations know the related code name is Ms. Qiu, as for its standard title 596, few people know it.

So in Xu Yun's view, this should be a good change.

all in all.

At this stage, the content that should be announced at the meeting has already been said.

Considering that many bigwigs have just experienced a lot of exhaustion and exhaustion of physical and energy, Li Jue quickly announced the end of the meeting on the spot.

"Little Han."

However, when Xu Yun was about to ask Lao Guo to help him push the wheelchair out of the door, Li Jue called out to him:

"Xiao Han, don't leave yet. I have something to tell you. Friends come, you also stay. Xiao Han may ask you to see him off later."

Xu Yun was slightly taken aback, but quickly nodded:


Afterwards, Li Jue chatted with a few leaders who stayed at the scene and had personal affairs to deal with, and then asked Zhou Cai to stay in the conference room to pack up the materials, and walked to Xu Yun by himself:

"Xiao Han, let's talk in my office."

Xu Yun had no opinion.

Then Li Jue pushed Xu Yun's wheelchair and walked with Lao Guo for a while, and soon came outside his office.

After pushing open the door, he pushed Xu Yun's wheelchair into the room together.

Xu Yun originally thought that Li Jue was looking for him for a one-on-one chat, at most there was an old Guo listening or giving some advice.

After entering the office, he realized that there were already two people waiting in the room.

Among them, the man sitting on the left is about twenty years old, with a dark complexion and a childish face.

When sitting on the chair, his back was stretched straight, his hands were neatly placed on his knees, and his eyes were not squinted. He looked like a capable soldier.

Sitting next to the young man was a man with a square face about forty years old. This man's eyes were small, but the ratio of pupils to pupils was very high, and the whites of his eyes were hardly visible.

Xu Yun has been staying at the base for some time now, and when he saw this, he immediately recognized the other party's identity:

"Comrade Yulin? Why are you here?"

In Xu Yun's future generations.

If you only briefly mentioned the nuclear weapons development process of the rabbits, many people would probably think of the words Lu Guangda and Lop Nur in their minds.

But if you're going to dig deep into the development of nuclear weapons, there's one group you can't get around anyway.

This group is the "Eight Directors" of the Theory Department, known as the Eight King Kongs, who are mainly responsible for tackling various difficult projects.

They are Lu Guangda, Zhou Guangzhao, Yu Min, Huang Zuqia, Qin Yuanxun, ** Pei, He Guilian and

Zhou Yulin in front of Xu Yun.

Compared with Lu Guangda, the Fifth Master of Qian, Zhou Yulin's life experience may not be regarded as a legend, and his popularity is far less than the two, but he is quite respectable.

Like Wang Lao and Yu Min, he had changed careers halfway for the sake of the country, and the number of [changed jobs] was not just once.

Using the concept of later generations of online games to describe, this is a proper three-rank boss.

That's right.

For the cause of the country, he changed his professional direction three times.

Zhou Yulin graduated from the Department of Mathematics of Datong University and joined Shuimu University after graduation. During this period, he has been engaged in topology research.

His papers on topology were praised repeatedly by Hua Luogeng, Duan Xuefu and other senior mathematicians.

At this time, he is enough to be called an expert in the field of topology.

But seven years ago.

Due to the needs of the motherland, Zhou Yulin, who was sent to Maoxiong, was asked to learn the theory of partial differential equations that he had never learned before—because the country was in urgent need of talents with partial differential equation theory at that time.

After arriving in Maoxiong, Zhou Yulin became a graduate student in the Department of Mathematics and Mechanics of Moscow State University, and studied knowledge related to the theory of partial differential equations with the internationally renowned female mathematician Olenik.

In this completely unfamiliar field of study, Zhou Yulin scored sixth in the department in the first exam, and has never lost the first place since the second exam—the entire Department of Mathematics and Mechanics is not only filled with Chinese students. There are more than 70 people in the whole department.

Later, he also collaborated with his mentor Olenik to publish a paper on the seepage equation, and his pioneering classic work was affirmed by the academic circle.

Even by 2023, research related to the seepage equation will basically still be carried out along the framework of this paper.

Zhou Yulin is also the first foreign student in the history of China to graduate from the direction of partial differential equations.

However, three years ago.

Zhou Yulin ushered in his second job change.

At that time, he was assigned to Base 221 and was asked to be responsible for the numerical simulation and fluid dynamics in the theoretical research of nuclear weapons.

mentioned earlier.

At present, the atomic bomb, that is, the [Yuqing] project has three main theoretical directions.

They are fluid mechanics, properties of matter at high temperature and pressure, and neutron physics.

Now Lu Guangda is in charge of neutron physics, while Lao Guo is in charge of fluid mechanics.

At the same time.

The topic of fluid mechanics is divided into two directions: multi-medium radiation fluid mechanics and detonation fluid mechanics.

And the person in charge of Multimedia Radiation Fluid Mechanics is Zhou Yulin.

This was yet another field he was completely unfamiliar with, but he still relearned this knowledge without any complaints.

Later, Zhou Yulin won the first prize of the National Natural Science Award and the special prize of the National Science and Technology Progress Award by relying on the work of the second turn.

It's not over yet.

At the age of fifty-five, he made a career change for the third time in his life.

Also in need of the country, he delayed his retirement, shifted his direction to the field of computer applications, and then

He also won the special award of the first CSIAM Su Buqing Applied Mathematics Award.

In 1991, the old man was officially selected as an academician, which is the best affirmation of the old man's burning life.

In early 2010.

Mr. Li Deyuan, who has experienced the development of nuclear weapons, directed the creation of a large-scale oil painting "Contemporary Heroes". There are eight people in the front row, of which Zhou Yulin is the first from the left.

Mr. Zhou is also a well-known birthday star. He was born in 23 years and didn't pass away until 21 years.

In the past period of time, Xu Yun and Zhou Yulin didn't have many interactions, but no matter what, they can still be called by name.

Seeing Xu Yun call out his name, Zhou Yulin also had a smile on his face:

"Comrade Han Li, good afternoon."

Afterwards, Li Jue pushed Xu Yun to the side of the two, and he went to the desk to drink a glass of water before explaining:

"Xiao Han, I left you here in the office today mainly because I have two things to talk to you about."

"The first thing is about Comrade Yulin. Their project team has encountered some problems or disputes in argumentation, so I would like to ask you for a favor and see if we can solve this problem."

Xu Yun couldn't help blinking when he heard this, and asked curiously:

"what is the problem?"

Seeing this, Li Jue cast a wink at Zhou Yulin, the meaning was obvious:

I don't understand theoretical knowledge, you say!

Zhou Yulin nodded politely to Xu Yun first, as a compliment, then took out a stack of documents from the document bag beside him, and handed them to Xu Yun:

"Comrade Han Li, take a look at this first."

Xu Yun followed suit and took the document from Zhou Yulin, and became more careful.


A few minutes later.

Xu Yun raised his head slowly, pinched the corner of the file with his fingers, and asked Zhou Yulin in surprise:

"Comrade Yulin, you have already calculated the relevant category of fluid viscosity?"

"That's right."

Zhou Yulin nodded, pointed to the document in Xu Yun's hand and explained:

"Comrade Han Li, didn't you help Lao Lu and the others calculate the nonlinear neutron transport equation before?"

"Later, the Theory Department sent the entire derivation process to each core group, and our group also studied and discussed it collectively."

"Our original idea was to expand our ideas and horizons, but we didn't expect that the nonlinear calculation process of the energy level of the single-energy strong neutron source in the calculation process gave us a lot of inspiration."

"After the discussion, we used some ideas and successfully solved the original difficult problem of piecewise polynomial function reconstruction and the problem of one-dimensional complete gas."

Only then did Xu Yun understand.

I see

Although Xu Yun didn't know exactly how Zhou Yulin and the others made the breakthrough because there was no specific calculation process in the document, but in the final analysis, there are only a few possibilities for this kind of thing.

Either start with a single unknown pressure, or use the gradient of mechanical energy as a combined transformation, at least the direction is not difficult to guess.

These ideas are indeed strongly related to the nonlinear solution he mentioned before, and it is normal for Zhou Yulin's team to get inspiration from them.

Therefore, Xu Yun didn't delve into the matter that had already been resolved, but directly asked the problem Zhou Yulin was facing now:

"Comrade Yulin, I don't know what your current progress is."

Zhou Yulin sighed faintly when he heard the words, the expression on his face became much darker, and he said with a somber face:

"I'll tell you the truth, Comrade Han Li."

"Although the breakthrough of piecewise polynomial function reconstruction and one-dimensional complete gas is gratifying, it also makes our group's computational work somewhat disjointed."

"Our original grouping method is that most of the team members calculate a certain problem, and another small group of team members prepares for the expected link after the breakthrough-this is a bit similar to the practice of setting up a light nuclear team when the base studies the atomic bomb."

"However, with the continuous breakthrough of the previous two problems, those preset links that should have been solved disappeared at once, and our entire team can only start from scratch in the field of fluid viscosity."

"As a result, there have been some serious differences and derivation barriers, and no one can convince anyone."

"Our group discussed for three or four days without reaching a conclusion, so we can only find you here."

Xu Yun nodded slightly, and he guessed it was the same.

As a well-known steady force.

Rabbits have always left a certain amount of preset space in front of the current node in their subject research, which can be regarded as a kind of advance.

That is, when the problem of A is about to break through, part of the manpower is allocated to prepare for the next B project.

These assigned members may calculate some initial problems, or translate and retrieve some materials in advance, and may also sort out the general structure, which is a bit like the ancient soldiers and horses before they move their food and grass.

But now Zhou Yulin and the others broke through the two problems that were stuck in the front in an extremely abrupt manner, which meant that the soldiers and horses rushed to the front of the grain transportation convoy, and the so-called reserved space naturally disappeared.

In this situation.

In a brand-new field, everyone's eyes are darkened, and the overall direction is not even cleared up. There is still a high possibility of encountering problems or disputes.

Then Zhou Yulin pointed to the document in Xu Yun's hand, signaling him to turn to the second side:

"Comrade Han Li, currently our research team has mainly encountered two problems - to be precise, it should be a controversy and a deduction barrier."

Xu Yun blinked, and subconsciously blurted out:


Zhou Yulin hummed and explained:

"Yeah, a controversy."

"That is why when the fluid is moving, it will cause the normal stress to appear?"


Zhou Yulin raised the palm of his left hand upright in the air, and laid the palm of his right hand flat. The two presented a vertical state:

"There is friction between solids in viscous fluids, and the tangential friction is caused by roughness, which is understandable."

"When flowing at the same time, there is a velocity gradient, which causes a tangential force. This is also understandable, but how does the normal force come from?"

"If this problem is not explained clearly, our next derivation will be impossible."

Xu Yun was taken aback again, but this time he was not in a hurry to speak.

It turned out to be the normal stress?

well known.

The so-called viscous fluid is simply a fluid whose viscous effect cannot be ignored.

In nature, that is, macro fluids are more or less viscous, so viscous fluids are also called actual fluids, for example, that thing-yes, it is the thing you think about for a second, you LSP.

But on the other hand.

The above sentence does not mean that microscopic fluids are not viscous fluids, and some microscopic fluids also have this viscosity.

For example.

The interior of an atomic bomb during detonation.

Therefore, for Zhou Yulin's team, it is obvious that many properties of viscous fluids must be clarified in advance, which is the basis for their research on new topics.

Among them, the tangential force and friction force are the simplest, but the normal stress is somewhat difficult to understand.

After all, Zhou Yulin wanted to come.

The pressure is brought by the surrounding fluid, and the state of the fluid is determined by the density and velocity gradient, so where does the normal stress come from?

Yesterday, there was an intense discussion in the research group about this, and two members with more fiery personalities almost started fighting.

Looking at Zhou Yulin who was a bit bored, a trace of remembrance appeared in Xu Yun's eyes.

Unexpectedly, in the dungeon, he also encountered this problem

Is it a coincidence?

Or fate?

When Xu Yun was studying fluid mechanics, he also had doubts about this question. Later, a kind-hearted senior gave him an answer in the library.

The senior went to the Jincheng Academy of Sciences after graduation, but unfortunately his left foot was amputated due to a traffic accident in 12 years, and finally left the field of scientific research, and now Xu Yun can't contact him.

And what impressed Xu Yun deeply.

This question needs to be answered through the isotropic assumption of the constitutive equation, but the senior's explanation does not involve mathematical calculations at all, and only tests one person's understanding ability.

Now that I have encountered the same problem again, let the senior answer to clarify Zhou Yulin's confusion. Maybe this explanation will become a little famous in this time and space because of it.

Then Xu Yun paused, and gestured with both hands in the air in a posture similar to the Tianjin Fan Taiyang Fist, explaining to Zhou Yulin Zhou Yulin:

"Comrade Yulin, don't consider the thermal effect for now, please visualize a mass of constant-temperature gas that expands or contracts uniformly, and there is no shearing motion at this time."

"First of all, let's imagine that the gas expands uniformly to a certain volume, and then shrinks uniformly back to the initial volume. If there is no viscous force and the stress is just equal to the pressure, then the total work of the two processes is zero, right?"

Zhou Yulin thought for a moment, touched his chin and nodded.

Xu Yun then said:

"But various experimental phenomena tell us that the real world is not so perfect, and losses often exist."

"That is to say, as long as we disturb this lump of gas, even if we restore it to its original state in the end, we still have to pay a little work."

"To achieve this, it is required that when the gas expands uniformly, the stress is smaller than the pressure, and less work is done externally; when the gas shrinks uniformly, the stress is stronger than the pressure, so that the outside world does more work."

"So, this fluid, which suffers loss when it expands uniformly, also has a viscous force when there is no shear motion, and this viscous force is normal like the pressure—this is the origin of the normal force."

Zhou Yulin was a little dazed at first, and he didn't understand Xu Yun's example.

But halfway through Xu Yun's speech, his eyes gradually glowed with an inexplicable brilliance, and it became brighter and brighter.

At the end, his eyes were already filled with excitement!


I saw him clapping his hands vigorously, subconsciously admiring:

"Wonderful, this is really wonderful, Comrade Han Li, you are a fucking genius!"

Zhou Yulin couldn't think of it anyway, how can this problem be explained in this way?

Previously, everyone in the research group tried to start from the theorems of thermodynamics, and tried to discuss from the inequality of free energy, but Xu Yun's angle was the only one they didn't expect.

Today he thought that Xu Yun would list a lot of formulas like he wanted to deduce the nonlinear neutron transport equation, so he specially brought a thick stack of calculation paper.

In the end, Xu Yun actually found another way, and explained the whole problem clearly with an air-polymerized particle.

After a few seconds.

Zhou Yulin suddenly thought of something, clapped his hands again, and said to Xu Yun faster:

"Comrade Han Li, can your statement be understood in this way?"

"The essence of the so-called viscosity is actually the momentum exchange between molecules and the interaction force between molecules."

"Molecules pass through each other continuously, that is, there is mass exchange on this surface, so there is a normal velocity."

"And if the molecules in front of a fluid micelle have a normal velocity with it, then it is equivalent to the molecules pulling or pushing the fluid micelle, thus producing a viscous normal stress?"

The voice just fell.

This time, the person who was in a daze changed from Zhou Yulin to Xu Yun.

Good guy.

Although Zhou Yulin's counterexample is not so exaggerated, and the nature is still not divorced from the concept itself, but this comprehension ability is really amazing.

And if Zhou Yulin followed this line of thinking, he would discover another thing.

That is.

The force integration result of the viscous normal stress in some fluids is equal to 0, that is to say, it does not actually work.

Once Zhou Yulin finds out about this situation, the fun will be great.

Then Xu Yun took a deep breath, tried to calm himself down, and said to Zhou Yulin:

"That's right, Comrade Yulin, your example is also correct, and this question can also be explained according to the normal speed you mentioned."

"However, no matter what kind of statement it is, with their interpretation, the controversy in your group should be temporarily suspended, right?"

Zhou Yulin nodded repeatedly when he heard the words, with a hint of helplessness in his tone:

"Okay, okay."

"Comrade Han Li, you don't know something. Yesterday, two comrades in our group had disagreements during the discussion, and finally got really angry."

"If we hadn't opened up early, maybe we would have had the Quanwu Xing yesterday—they are usually very quiet."

"In the final analysis, the pressure of our project is too great. Many people have been tense for a long time, and it is easy to be unable to release the psychological pressure. Hey"

The speaker has no intention, but the listener has the heart.

Zhou Yulin's seemingly casual complaints made Xu Yun notice something he had neglected before:

The psychological construction of base members.

Base 221 has been isolated from the outside world for a long time due to confidentiality reasons. Although it covers an area of ​​more than 1,000 square kilometers on the surface, most of it is vast grassland.

For the employees of the 221 base, they can only go to and from the two o'clock and one line monotonously for several years. At most, they can go to the 18th branch factory to watch movies occasionally.

Although ordinary people these days are not as diligent and convenient as later generations, they are not bound to a certain place for a long time-it is still very common for ordinary workers to visit relatives and friends in towns and villages during the holidays.

Under such circumstances, many workers live separately from their husbands, wives, parents and children for a long time, and even cannot make a phone call for a year or two.

Researchers have the burden of the "mission" of atomic bomb development, so the mental health of base members is not a small problem that can be ignored.

Although this kind of pressure wouldn't make people become as crazy as Li Huowang, but the anger didn't run away.

Especially some young workers in the base, they would bicker and fight every now and then - but usually they would be pulled away by the people around them after only two punches, so no one was killed.

According to the archives of the later generations of Atomic City, 30% of the employees in the 221 base were deducted excessive points or even recorded minor demerits.


In a factory with more than 10,000 people, most of the workers are not well-educated, so many problems are destined to occur in daily life.

This kind of problem does not mean that it can be solved by enlightenment or food and fish. It must have appropriate psychological counseling.

In the past few days, Xu Yun has been focusing on the technical layout, but he has indeed neglected the mental health of the base employees.

Think about it now.

Can you think of a suitable method to relieve everyone's pressure relatively effectively?

For example, collectively shaving donkey hair to reduce stress?

Xu Yun frowned and thought about it carefully for a while, and found that it was still a bit difficult to think hard in this environment.

So he put this matter aside for the time being, and was going to take some time to think carefully about whether there was any good solution.

The most urgent task right now is to solve Zhou Yulin's second problem:

"Comrade Yulin, what is the other question you mentioned?"

"Another question"

Zhou Yulin's expression immediately became more serious when he heard the words. Obviously, this problem is more serious. He only heard him say to Xu Yun:

"Comrade Han Li, this problem is much more complicated than the normal stress, and it is related to the radiation transfer equation."

"Our original derivation of the radiative transfer equation did not consider the case of nonlinear neutrons, and the constructed medium fluid dynamics framework has now been scrapped. There is nothing to say."

"But after considering the local thermal equilibrium state, we can't find a suitable idea for the base equation of the frame structure."

"Comrade Han Li, you have high attainments in thermodynamics, so today I want to ask you for a favor, to see if I can give you a more suitable idea."

Xu Yun frowned subconsciously when he heard this.

radiative transfer equation

This is indeed a difficult point in the development of the atomic bomb.

mentioned earlier.

The mean free path of charged particles is much smaller than that of neutrons.

Under the first approximation, the charged particles in the system can be regarded as being in a local thermal equilibrium state at any time, and the mass, momentum, and energy transport of neutrons in a larger range can be considered.

In the nonlinear state, the mathematical expression of this transport process is the nonlinear neutron transport equation derived by Xu Yun and Lu Guangda.

at the same time.

This non-stereotyped neutron Φ value will also affect the derivation of the radiative transfer equation model.

the reason is simple.

Heat is transferred in three ways:

conduction, convection, radiation.

The radiation is the transfer of heat energy by particles such as electrons, photons and neutrons as a medium.

But the behavior of these particles is more like dissipation or outflow. In addition to transporting energy, these particles also take away part of the momentum.

Therefore, the derivation of the correlation equation needs to introduce many complicated parameters, and even consider the absorption coefficient and scattering angle.

The construction of this kind of framework is already very difficult, and the addition of the neutron Φ value is equivalent to giving Zhou Yulin and others another parameter to consider.

It's like solving a quadratic equation with one variable is definitely less difficult than a quadratic equation with two variables, because the former has only one unknown when the power is the same.

It's a coincidence.

The piecewise polynomial function reconstruction and one-dimensional complete gas that Zhou Yulin and the others solved before are actually not proficient, and they only belong to the situation where they can roughly guess the solution but don’t know much about it—just like many people know that turbulence must involve NS equations , but if you ask him to write the expressions of the NS equations, you will not be able to write them.

However, the establishment of the architecture after considering the local thermal equilibrium state happened to be his familiar direction.

Because he happened to be in charge of theoretical research in this area when he was working in Chengfei, but the research framework was not the atomic bomb, but to study a solution of coupled BGK molecular dynamics. (It’s not that the dynamics is wrongly typed, it’s called kinetics)

So he paused, considered and said:

"Comrade Yulin, to tell you the truth, when I was studying at Cambridge University, I met a senior who was proficient in thermodynamics, named Xiao Yan."

"At that time, senior Xiao Yan once said a word when he was researching a high-temperature substance called Buddha's Fury Lotus. It was called Thirty Years Riverside Keke. It was wrong."

"At extremely high temperatures, the mean free path of radiation in matter of constant density can reach considerable values, so can it be considered that the temperature distribution in the medium can be approximately regarded as having nothing to do with space due to the strong heat conduction?"

"In this way, can the temperature gradient be ignored?"

Students who were radiation sources in their previous lives should know this.

In the case of ultra-high temperature.

The mean free path of radiation in light matter can reach appreciable values, for example, the mean free path of radiation in constant-density hydrogenated files or quilts is about 6 or 3 cm, which is completely determined by Compton scattering at high temperatures.

Therefore, in a system in which the radiative energy transport in such a medium proceeds extremely rapidly and the size does not exceed a few radiative mean free paths, the temperature in the medium can be considered almost uniform.

That is to say, the temperature gradient in the medium can be omitted except for the very short time when the radiation passes through, almost 10^-9 seconds.

That's what's famous.

Isothermal approximation of radiative hydrodynamics in high temperature light media.

A well-known lol female commentator in later generations said a law called canyon relativity:

As long as you accelerate your teammates, it is equivalent to slowing down the opponent.

The same reason.

In the case of isothermal approximation, although Zhou Yulin and his colleagues had an extra neutron Φ value, they lost a temperature gradient.

Therefore, in terms of the nature of the equation, the unknowns are still those few, and the difficulty is not much different from the original one.

Of course.

Xu Yun is fully capable of showing the specific derivation process on the spot, but doing so is too illogical, and it is easy to reveal some abnormalities.

Now his identity should be perfectly concealed, without any possibility of being exposed, so naturally this kind of low-key should be maintained as before.

"cough cough cough"

Just when Xu Yun was full of confidence, Lao Guo suddenly coughed a few times, and quickly took out a small pill from his body and swallowed it.

For some reason, Xu Yun felt that this little pill looked familiar.

Well, it must be an illusion, I must be thinking too much.

Then Xu Yun forced himself to pull his mind back to reality, and asked Zhou Yulin:

"Comrade Yulin, what do you think of my thoughts?"

Zhou Yulin didn't answer Xu Yun directly when he heard the words, but took out some data from the briefcase and looked it up carefully.

These data are the results of the rabbits' past experiments. As one of the current research team leaders, Zhou Yulin naturally has the right to bring these files with him.

Then he selected a parameter related to the sparse wave, and began to calculate with a pen.

Like isentropic flow, rarefaction or compression waves are easy to determine at high temperature, so they are also called simple waves.

r or s is a constant in the simple wave zone,

When s is constant, the C+ characteristic line is a straight line, the wave is forward, and the streamline enters each C from the right.

On the contrary, when r is a constant, the C-characteristic line is a straight line, and the wave is backward.

Therefore, we can preliminarily determine whether Xu Yun's idea is feasible by comparing whether there is a finite escape velocity in the backward sparse wave.

"The change of intensity flow first subtracts one cnIν, that is, Iνt+cnIν=0"

"Then the newly generated radiation Jν absorption coefficient kν at the right end is below, so Iνct+nIν=Jν(kν+σν)Iν+σνIν""

"The azimuth Ω on the unit direction vector n must also be averaged at all levels, that is, Jν=14π∫IνdΩHν=14π∫IνndΩKν=14π∫IνnndΩ"

"Then this and that and that and that"

Ten minutes later.

Zhou Yulin put down the pen with a snap, raised his head excitedly and looked at Xu Yun:

"Comrade Han Li, there is still a limited escape velocity, this idea is feasible!"

Xu Yun raised his eyebrows with some "surprise":

"Oh? That's really great. If you can find the right direction, then the rest is just a matter of calculation."

Zhou Yulin also nodded in agreement:

"Yes, we are most afraid of being out of ideas when we are engaged in scientific research. Consultant Han, you have helped our project team a lot this time."

Naturally, Xu Yun did not dare to accept Zhou Yulin's gratitude. After all, most of his ideas came from a paper written by Zhou Yulin 27 years later.

all in all.

After solving these problems, Zhou Yulin's goal today has been achieved.

So he said goodbye to several people politely, and happily left the office to go back to the project team to announce the good news.

After Zhou Yulin left.

Xu Yun then set his sights on the male soldier who had been sitting aside like a sculpture and hadn't said a word from the beginning to the end.

It is clear.

The other thing Li Jue said must have something to do with this person.

as expected.

Li Jue quickly turned his attention to this young man, and then said to Xu Yun:

"Xiao Han, you are now the special consultant of the base, and the two project teams of Shangqing and Taiqing also serve as commissioners."

"Although you haven't officially joined the party yet, your status in the base can already be regarded as the core."

"But you don't feel it. Do you seem to be missing something?"

"What's missing?"

Xu Yun shook his head in doubt:

"Director, what do you mean?"

Li Jue smiled and pointed at him with his index finger, but he didn't give a damn and said:

"You need a guard."

Xu Yun was startled for a moment.


For a non-military person like him in later generations, this term is indeed a bit strange and abrupt.

But he quickly realized that, indeed, in the current era, it seems that he really lacks a guard?

After all, I am now at the core of the base. Although the administrative level does not have a specific official title such as a few cents or division level, the salary and other treatment are paid according to the first level of deputy factory directors like Lao Guo and the others. of.

And it is not an exaggeration to say.

From the perspective of importance, Xu Yun's current strategic value overwhelms the entire base, and it can be considered a base tyrant. Keke, Jibao.

Although Qiao Caihong is by Xu Yun's side for daily care, this girl can't be treated as a soldier.

Therefore, it is normal for the organization to equip him with guards. This has nothing to do with whether the base is safe or not, it is mainly an insurance.

Then under the watchful eyes of Xu Yun and Lao Guo.

Li Jue walked slowly to the soldier, patted his shoulder, and said:

"Xiao Han, this comrade is the security guard assigned to you by the organization. Although he is only 19 years old this year, he has been in the army for more than five years."

"He is the security officer of Unit 819. The organization specially transferred him to Jinyintan to be responsible for your security."

"Oh, by the way, I haven't introduced his name yet, this comrade is called"

"Mou Fangdong."


The defense of the vest has been successfully completed~ On the last day of the month, everyone who has a monthly pass votes.

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