Into Unscientific

Chapter 623: Sure enough, I have no good intentions

be honest.

Due to the limitations of concepts and technologies of this era, the procedures of many laboratories in Base 221 are actually not standardized.

For example, Liu Youcheng is in charge of the biochemical laboratory.

In addition to studying donkey hair and apocrine secretions, that laboratory also undertakes various complex and even high-risk research projects.

For example, the development and synthesis of flammable and explosive materials, highly corrosive or highly toxic substances, etc.

But even for those high-risk projects, Liu Youcheng's protective equipment is nothing more than masks and cotton lab coats-the rest such as goggles and high-clean rooms are all absent.

Once Xu Yun even saw that Liu Youcheng was still carrying cigarettes and matches in his pocket. This kind of behavior is left to future generations, and it is estimated that graduate students will never even think about graduating.

no way.

Although this point in time has broken away from the category of "modern times", it is still different from the real modern concept.

Because of this, Xu Yun originally thought that the warehouse of the tandem electrostatic accelerator would be similar to Liu Youcheng's laboratory, but after entering the laboratory, he realized that he seemed to be wrong.

What Xu Yun and others saw after entering the factory was not the operating table of the tandem accelerator, but a special ventilation room.

Two fans are set up on both sides of the ventilation room, and every base leader who enters the factory must be blown through before entering the next location.

This model is somewhat similar to the air shower of later generations. Although there is no equipment like a rotating spray ball, it is very close in principle.

After passing through this youthful version of the air shower.

The base is also equipped with latex gloves and white work clothes, which have a strong smell of disinfectant water - 84 has not been produced in this year, so this thing should be Lysol.

Lysol, also known as cresol soap or cresol soap, is a medium-efficiency disinfectant whose name comes from the transliteration of Lysol.

These days, Su'er is a real rare commodity, even the staff hospital doesn't use it very frequently.

This is probably the most delicate cleaning process that Xu Yuntra has seen so far. In a sense, this already has a part of the prototype required by later generations of laboratories.

This is undoubtedly a good thing, although these processes are somewhat complicated and cumbersome, they are actually indispensable processes.

After more than ten minutes.

Xu Yun, Lao Guo and others who were dressed were just put into a standard room.

The area of ​​this room is about 80 square meters, and the layout is a standard rectangle, which is about 4X20 by visual inspection.

At the same time, the room is divided into left and right sides with the door as the central axis. A group of army green consoles are placed on the ground on each side. The height of the consoles is about one meter, and many buttons and indicator lights can be seen on the top.

Behind the console is a piece of transparent glass, and on the other side of the glass is a huge piece of equipment:

This device is like a clarinet placed horizontally, with a circular chassis on the far left, and the area of ​​the chassis exceeds all other structures.

To the right of the chassis is a cylinder with a height of about three meters. The bottom of the cylinder is connected to a circular pipe more than ten meters long, with a diameter of about 1.5 meters, and a large number of silver-white coils are wound on the pipe.

At the far right end of the pipe are a large number of indicator meters and square metal boxes, and some hydraulic equipment similar to water pipes can also be seen.


Seeing that everyone locked their eyes on this equipment as soon as they entered the room, Zhao Zhongyao, who had not spoken much before, said:

"Comrades, let me introduce you formally. The room we are in is the operation room specially prepared for this tandem accelerator."

"The two sets of equipment on the left and right sides of the room are the accelerator's console, which can perform operations such as timing, device startup, and command input."

"As for the equipment behind the operating room, which is on the other side of the glass, it is naturally the main body of the accelerator."

I heard this.

Many leaders looked at the pipeline equipment behind the glass again.

These gazes are probing, expecting, bewildered, but also questioning.

After all, the concept of particle accelerators these days is so unpopular that it cannot be more unpopular, and there are even fewer relevant researchers than those engaged in nuclear weapons.

When Zhao Zhongyao was working on the electrostatic accelerator, some leaders of the ministries and commissions even thought it was an enhanced version of power transmission equipment that could use static electricity to generate electricity.

Therefore, it is normal for some leaders to have doubts about the so-called [accelerators can analyze the essence of the world] right now.

Compared with the complicated emotions of other leaders, Xu Yun's eyes were purely curious.

As a practitioner of particle physics in his previous life, Xu Yun has heard of this tandem electrostatic accelerator named PICK by Cambridge University because it is so special.

mentioned earlier.

Particle accelerators can be divided into two main categories: rotary accelerators and linear accelerators.

A rotary accelerator is also called a cyclotron, which accelerates particles through an electromagnetic field, and its orbit is a circle. For example, the synchrotron of the LHC, the world's largest particle collider, is of this type.

A linear accelerator is a straight line that uses electromagnetic fields and electron traps to accelerate particles.

The history of the linear accelerator can be traced back to 1931, when Van de Graaff invented the electrostatic accelerator, and the proton energy could reach 1.5MeV.

However, the history of the tandem accelerator is much later. The world's first tandem accelerator was not invented until after the negative ion source and atom stripping technology were successful.

If the electrostatic accelerator is regarded as Huawei mate30, then the serial electrostatic accelerator is the pro version of mate30.

And why do you say that the PICK tandem accelerator is special?

Because before this accelerator was produced, the highest energy level tandem accelerator in the world was only 13.4MeV.

At that time, there were about seven or eight devices in the gear of 13.4MeV, and they were all dawdling in the range of 10-13.

As a result, Cambridge University didn't know what the wind was, but it came up with this accelerator that can reach 80MeV

It's not over yet.

This accelerator is also the first device in human history to discover W and Z bosons, the first to verify J particles, and the first to complete magnetic field focusing.

In a sense.

This accelerator is equivalent to the iPhone 4 launched by Jobs that year, which opened the prelude to a new field.

It's a pity that this accelerator has been retired for many years in 2023. Xu Yun only heard its name and could not see its true face.

So now that the accelerator appeared in front of him, it was impossible for Xu Yun not to be curious.

While Xu Yun was observing the accelerator, Li Jue on the side raised his hand like a curious baby:

"Comrade Zhongyao, I have a question. How does the particle accelerator you are talking about accelerate those particles?"

"I heard from Lida and the others when they were doing chain analysis that the lifespan of particles is generally very short, so how do you ensure that particles can continue to exist?"

Hearing Li Jue's words.

Zhao Zhongyao and Wang Ganchang next to him looked at each other, and there were smiles on their faces at the same time.

As the person in charge of the base's Experimental Department, Wang Ganchang has heard this question many times in the past.

Then Zhao Zhongyao gave Wang Ganchang a "tell me" look, and Wang Ganchang started a science popularization for Li Jue:

"Director Li, the lifetime of the particles you mentioned actually refers to the lifetime of the particles in the air."

"The particles in our particle accelerator mainly come from the ion source, and are injected into the acceleration pipeline through the injector for high-speed motion, and the experiment can be completed before they decay."

"The negative ion beam is generated from the negative ion source, and injected into an accelerating tube of the tandem accelerator after pre-acceleration and analysis magnets. Since the high-voltage electrode of the accelerator is positive and high voltage, it generates attraction for the negative ions, and the particles are accelerated toward the high-voltage electrode once."

"When the negative ions enter the high-voltage electrode, they are converted into positive ions with N charge units through the charge stripper, and then the positive ions enter the second acceleration tube, and are repelled by the positive high voltage, and are accelerated for the second time. .”

"The particles after two accelerations have gained enough energy, and at the same time, the life span has not exceeded the decay time, so the experiment can be completed naturally."

Xu Yun at the side nodded in agreement when he heard the words.

particle lifetime.

This is actually a concept that is easily misunderstood in particle accelerators.

For example, when Xu Yun wrote a novel in his last life, he happened to write about the accelerator in the 1960s, so some readers expressed confusion—how did particles survive under the technological level at that time?

This is actually a very serious mistake. Even in 2023, when Xu Yun travels, most particles cannot be preserved for a long time.

Note that the [long-term] here is not a few days or a few hours, but seconds.

It is extremely rare for Xu Yun to prolong the lifespan of solitary point particles to more than four hours, and it may be seen in novels

The particles used in almost all particle accelerators are not used stocks, but particles generated in real time by various means.

So even in the current era of particle accelerators, there is no problem of particle transportation and storage - not because the technology is immature, but because there is no such concept at all.

After listening to Wang Ganchang's explanation, Li Jue touched his chin half-understanding:

"So that's it. I understand, that's what co-authoring is all about."

The old Guo next to Xu Yun gave Li Jue a slanted glance, so you can pretend

Then Zhao Zhongyao led the crowd to the wall on the left. There was a relatively simple structure diagram of the accelerator hanging on the wall.

Zhao Zhongyao picked up a feather duster from the table beside him, and used it as a pointer to introduce the drawings:

"Comrades, this is the schematic diagram of the accelerator sent by Cambridge, and we assembled it according to this diagram."

"This tandem accelerator is a horizontal linear accelerator, and its structure is a high-voltage generator equipped with an ion source, an accelerating tube, an analyzer, a voltage stabilization and control system, and a vacuum system."

"The terminal voltage of the accelerator is 15 megavolts, the height of the high-voltage generator is 3.2 meters, and the length of the accelerating tube is 17.6 meters."

"There is high-pressure gas with good insulation performance in the high-voltage generator, and the insulating pillars are equipped with components such as voltage divider rings and corona needle components."

"During the entire acceleration process, firstly, the positive ion beam generated by the positive ion source will be transformed into a neutral beam through the charge neutralization pipeline, and then injected into the two-stage tandem accelerator of the negative high-voltage electrode, and the first acceleration tube will not be accelerated. .”

"When the particles reach the inside of the high-voltage electrode, the neutral beam becomes a negative ion beam by adding electron channels, and the first acceleration is completed in the second acceleration tube, and the second two accelerations are performed by a two-stage serial series of a positive high-voltage electrode Accelerators to get the job done.”

Looking at Zhao Zhongyao who was talking eloquently, Xu Yun frowned slightly.

There is nothing wrong with the principle Zhao Zhongyao said. The tandem accelerator is exactly what it means, it is an electrostatic accelerator with multiple components connected in series.

There are usually two stages in this series structure, and there are more than three stages or even four stages.

From an architectural point of view.

The two ends of the tandem accelerator are at ground potential, and the electric transmission chain driven by the motor transmits positive charges to the high-voltage electrodes.

The negative ions generated by the ion source are accelerated in the acceleration tube, and when they reach the high-voltage end charge exchange chamber, they are stripped of charges and become positive ions, and then can continue to accelerate in another acceleration tube.

In general, the total equivalent accelerating voltage can be several times higher than that of ordinary electrostatic accelerators.

But I don't know why.

Xu Yun always felt that there was something strange about it, but for a while it seemed that he couldn't quite figure it out.

After a while.

Zhao Zhongyao finally finished introducing the structure of the tandem electrostatic accelerator. Except for Li Jue, all the bigwigs on the scene have a certain intersection with theoretical physics. Electrostatic accelerator has a general understanding.

See this situation.

Cheng Kaijia, Zhao Zhongyao's disciple, couldn't help rubbing his hands, and said to Zhao Zhongyao:

"Teacher, since that's the case. Let's try turning it on now?"

Zhao Zhongyao turned his head to look at Li Jue when he heard the words, and nodded after getting Li Jue's approval:

"Okay, the purpose of inviting everyone here today is to try out this device. Now that the introduction is over, let's start the trial run."

"Xiao Wang, get ready, it will start up in twenty minutes!"

Wang Ganchang nodded upon hearing this:


After saying that, he turned around and was about to leave the house from the air shower and go to the equipment room opposite the glass to make preparations.

And just when Wang Ganchang walked to the edge of the air shower.

Looking at the whirring fan in the air shower, a flash of lightning suddenly flashed in Xu Yun's mind.

He suddenly grabbed the handle of the wheelchair and shouted loudly:

"Comrade Wang Jing, please wait a moment!"

Seeing this, Wang Ganchang couldn't help but stop, and looked at Xu Yun in a daze:

"Consultant Han, what's the matter?"


Xu Yun was silent for a few seconds, then turned his head to confirm the icon on the wall, then took a deep breath, and said word by word:

"Comrade Wang Jing, you can't start the machine!"


"There is a problem with the blueprint given by the British guy!"


In the past few days, the experiment has reached the most critical time. Ten groups of materials have been sintered, so the update may be unstable. I hope everyone will forgive me, and it should be back to normal in a few days.

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