Into Unscientific

Chapter 624: A Poisonous Scheme

"There is a problem with the blueprint given by the British guy!"

Xu Yun's words were extremely clear in the empty and quiet operating room at this time, making the already quiet scene a bit quiet again.

Big bosses such as Wang Ganchang, Lao Guo, Cheng Kaijia, etc., all froze on their faces at the same time, with expressions that expected the accelerator to be turned on.


More than ten seconds passed.

Zhao Zhongyao, who was not far from Xu Yun, just rolled his eyes twice, and after recovering, he quickly looked at Xu Yun and confirmed:

"Comrade Han Li, what are you talking about? There is something wrong with the blueprint given by the British?"

Seeing that Wang Ganchang on the other side had stopped, Xu Yun also let go of the armrest of the wheelchair, turned his head and nodded towards Zhao Zhongyao:

"That's right, Director Zhao, if I'm not mistaken, the British should have made some manipulations on the drawings...or dug a hole."

The corners of Zhao Zhongyao's mouth muttered a few times, and his face, which was originally very kind and friendly, was covered with an unbelievably dark color:

"But it's unlikely. Xiao Han, these devices have been checked once in Xiangjiang, and it's even been three rounds since we arrived at our base. If there is a problem, it should have been discovered long ago."

"In the past two days, Gan Chang and I have personally inspected these parts, not even a single screw was spared. How could there be a problem?"

Zhao Zhongyao's tone was full of confusion, and he subconsciously shook his head when he spoke.

mentioned earlier.

The transaction of this tandem electrostatic accelerator is considered a big transaction even in the history of the Republic, and it is a well-deserved No. 1 in the field of scientific research.

Although the rabbits are not considered a powerful country these days, their behavior is still the same as that of future generations.

The price of an item is a matter of negotiating skills, but for a deal that has been agreed, the rabbits ask themselves that they will not play any tricks on the relevant data.

But on the other hand.

It's one thing to have this character yourself, but the rabbits are not so simple as to think that if they don't do it, others won't do it.

Therefore, for the whole transaction process, the rabbits did not relax at all from the beginning to the end.

To know.

Even the machine of the gas diffusion membrane that the bear supported the rabbits at the beginning has been tampered with, let alone European countries such as the United Kingdom, not everyone is at risk.

So after receiving the tandem electrostatic accelerator from the UK, the capital immediately organized a group of reliable experts to conduct an extremely careful inspection of these equipment components on the spot.

This inspection process took a full two days, unless it was the kind of parts that were welded so that they could not be separated, the rabbits of each other module turned upside down.

The final result of this round of inspections is that there is nothing abnormal about these parts, and they have not even been replaced much.

Then, on the night when the tandem electrostatic accelerator was transported to the base, Zhao Zhongyao took Wang Ganchang and the others to conduct a detailed inspection.

At that time, Xu Yun was doing some theoretical assistance work in Yu Min's light nuclear team, and Zhao Zhongyao and his team had a lot of experience in this kind of hardware testing - after all, the first electrostatic accelerator in China was created by the old man, so he didn't I deliberately went to inform Xu Yun.

This round of testing at the base also took two days, and the final result was still that there was nothing wrong with the equipment.

At that time, Wang Ganchang complained to Zhao Zhongyao in private.

He said that he didn't expect that the British guy's deal was quite gentlemanly, and he was a bit of a villain, and to show his respect, he planned not to blacken British food for two years.

The result was unexpected.

At this time Xu Yun said that the British guy had tampered with, how could Zhao Zhongyao not be shocked?

In a sense, Xu Yun's words are negating the old man's professional ability.

Fortunately, Xu Yun on the side soon realized this, so he quickly explained before Zhao Zhongyao doubted himself:

"Ahem. Director Zhao, maybe I was in a hurry and didn't let you fully understand my thoughts."

"What I mean is that the parts of this accelerator are fine, but some additional steps have been tampered with."

Zhao Zhongyao was taken aback for a moment:


Xu Yun hummed to him, and troubled Lao Guo to push his wheelchair to the wall where the schematic diagram was hung, pointing to the schematic diagram and saying:

"Look here."

Zhao Zhongyao followed to the wall, looking in the direction Xu Yun pointed:

"This is... shielding gas?"

Xu Yun took a deep breath, nodded, and said:

"That's right, the protective gas has been tampered with."


When Zhao Zhongyao heard the words, a trace of astonishment appeared on his face again, and it could be seen that the big man should be quite surprised at this time.

He thought that there might be a problem with the ion source, or that the parameters of the beam tube had been changed, or even whether the wires had been overpressured, but he didn't think about the shielding gas.

mentioned earlier.

The structure of the tandem electrostatic accelerator has a total of seven modules:

High voltage generators, ion sources, accelerating tubes, analyzers, voltage stabilization and control systems, and vacuum systems.

Among them, the high-voltage generator is regarded as a starting module, and its main function is to supply the positive and negative DC high voltages of the X-ray tube and the heating voltage of the filament.

It is mainly composed of high-voltage transformer, X-ray tube filament transformer, high-voltage rectifier, transformer box and high-voltage socket and other components.

Of course.

The specific functions of these components do not need to be understood. Just because of the word high voltage, it is not difficult to think of another thing-this kind of equipment must be equipped with high-pressure gas with strong insulation during operation.

According to the operating norms given by the British.

The high-pressure gas required by the high-pressure generator is argon, which is also a rare gas widely used in industry.

Unlike nitrogen, which is very active at high temperature and easily reacts with some metals, argon is a very reliable inert protective gas, which can neither burn nor support combustion.

This thing is very common in aerospace and industrial production. The so-called "argon arc welding" of arc welding uses argon gas.

The rabbits have a high level of knowledge and use of argon, so after obtaining the operating specifications from the UK, neither the capital nor the 221 base experts raised any doubts.

But now it seems

Argon seems to be the problem?

Then under Zhao Zhongyao's gaze, Xu Yun couldn't help taking a deep breath and said:

"Director Zhao, argon gas is indeed an ideal shielding gas under general conditions—the ideal conditions here do not only refer to general industries, but also cover special fields such as aerospace and missiles."

"But in terms of accelerators, especially high-pressure accelerators, argon actually poses a huge safety hazard."

"Hidden danger?"

Zhao Zhongyao raised his eyebrows slightly, subconsciously said:

"What hidden danger?"

Xu Yun glanced at him, and slowly gave the answer:

"When the gradient of the high-voltage electrode exceeds a certain number, the argon gas will reduce the voltage factor of the axial insulation, thus losing the lateral protection effect."

Say it.

Xu Yun also wiped the cold sweat from his forehead.

I have to admit that the British guy's trick is really poisonous.

Students who were high-voltage accelerators in their previous lives should know this.

The high-pressure accelerator is one of the few devices where argon cannot be used as a shielding gas.

Because it is different from other scenarios, there are two parameters in the high-voltage accelerator, that is, the gradient of the high-voltage electrode and the gradient of the insulating column.

Under the action of these two gradients, argon will have a characteristic called fusion under the barrier, or coupling.

This coupling will cause a change in the height of the potential barrier and increase the probability of penetration of the potential barrier, thereby affecting the emission of the beam.

The principle of the tandem accelerator was mentioned earlier, this thing is a series mode, the negative ions generated by the ion source are accelerated in the accelerator tube, and then the charges are stripped in the charge exchange chamber to become positive ions.

Once this stripping process is changed the barrier penetration probability.

Let me give you an example.

There are three one-way two-lane lanes A, B, and C on the road, and they converge at a certain position to form a one-way four-lane lane.

Originally, the Traffic Management Bureau can achieve smooth scheduling through the cycle of traffic lights, that is, when AB is green, C is red, or when A is red, BC is green.

As a result, one day the traffic lights, that is, the probability of barrier penetration was changed.

If it is two red and one green, it is okay to say, at most, the efficiency is slower, and two lanes are wasted.

But it would be more fun if all three lights were green.

Traffic jams are considered trivial, and serious traffic accidents may occur-because the speed of traffic in these lanes (beam tubes) is very high. No one will stop you at a speed of 180 per hour.

If the number of cars accumulates and the accidents become more and more serious, then the road facilities will naturally be affected next.


Think here.

A row of thick beads of sweat suddenly appeared on Zhao Zhongyao's forehead.

The position and operation of the tandem accelerator are separated by a layer of glass. Theoretically speaking, if an accident happens to the equipment, people will die, at least in terms of harm, it must be much lower than the explosion of explosives in the detonation test site.

But unlike explosives, which can be developed again if the formula of explosives is wrong, once something goes wrong with the tandem accelerator, it cannot even be repaired.

Today, due to the limitation of industrial means, the rabbits may be able to produce one-tenth of the parts of this accelerator.

If this equipment, which the rabbits paid a huge price for, fails due to this reason, even if the organization does not punish him, Zhao Zhongyao will definitely not be able to forgive himself.

And unlike other glitches.

These pipes inside the tandem accelerator have a certain load strength, that is, under normal circumstances, they have to be used at least a few times before problems arise.

With the previously inspected parts reported first, the rabbits would only think that there were irregularities in their own operations, and they would not reflect on the British.

It will take at least ten years for the rabbits to have the industrial capacity to produce this kind of accelerator, but what's the use of waiting until then to discover the problem?

This trick is really poisonous.

Think here.

Lao Guo couldn't help taking a deep breath, and said to Zhao Zhongyao:

"Old Zhao, I remember that there should be a similar high-pressure vessel here in the Seventh Branch Factory? Can you do a simple experiment to verify Xiao Han's statement?"

Zhao Zhongyao nodded with a face as heavy as water, pointed to a certain direction and said:

"Well, the capital sent our original equipment to the base this time. Although the accelerator no longer has an electrostatic analysis module, it is not difficult to test high-pressure gas."

The equipment Zhao Zhongyao mentioned is the 2.5MeV electrostatic accelerator assembled by the rabbits themselves, which is the instrument that was dismantled in order to assemble the meteorological Doppler radar.

Now with the arrival of the accelerator at Cambridge University, this accelerator without the electrostatic analysis module is no longer so useful.

Therefore, after discussion, the organization decided that instead of putting it in the warehouse and waiting for the electrostatic analysis module to be assembled and used in the future, it is better to transport it to the base,

If there is a problem with some small links of the accelerator in Cambridge—for example, if it is deformed due to bumps during transportation, maybe it can be filled with parts from the original accelerator.

But now that the situation is special, this 2.5MeV accelerator may have to be sacrificed.

Of course.

Seeing this, some students may have a question:

No, since argon cannot be used as a protective gas, why didn't Zhao Zhongyao and the others discover it?

The reason is very simple. The conditions for fusion under the barrier of argon gas are relatively high. For example, the electrode gradient must exceed 80KV per centimeter.

The original 2.5MeV accelerator had a normal working electrode gradient of only 14.6KV per centimeter, and the rabbits regarded it as a treasure. Naturally, it was impossible to test its reaction with an overloaded electrode without any problems—let alone today’s technology. The level is still not aware of the level of fusion under the base, after all, it involves the spin of particles.

It's like you expect Mendeleev to realize that hydrogen can become a conductive non-metallic substance under high pressure when he is alive, which is obviously impossible.

The line of sight returns to reality.

The warehouse where the 2.5MeV accelerator is stored is not very far from the scene, so Zhao Zhongyao quickly asked Wang Ganchang to do the inspection, and everyone stayed in place and waited.

half an hour later.

Wang Ganchang trotted back into the house. As soon as he entered the door, he waved the document in his hand to Zhao Zhongyao:

"Teacher, the result is out!"

Seeing that Wang Ganchang's face was flushed at this time, Zhao Zhongyao immediately guessed the result:

"Why, Xiao Wang, is there really a problem with the argon gas?"

Wang Ganchang gasped for breath when he heard the words, and nodded his head like a chicken pecking at rice:

"That's right, after we increased the load voltage and formed the gradient, the argon did reduce the insulating effect."

"Perhaps because of the low load capacity of our equipment, the beam tube exploded in less than five minutes, and the entire head module was damaged."


Zhao Zhongyao was silent for a long time after hearing the words, and finally waved his fist heavily:

"Hey! These Brits!"

Zhao Zhongyao's actions seemed to resonate with some people at the scene. A younger-looking scholar couldn't help looking at Li Jue and asked:

"Factory manager, those British guys treated us like this, can we counter it? For example, cancel the transaction or something?"

The voice just fell.

Old Guo on the side shook his head immediately, and explained before Li Jue:

"Don't even think about canceling the deal. When we receive the goods, we will hand over the weather Doppler radar technology to the other party. This is the agreed one-hand delivery of information."

"As for countermeasures. Do you think the British will admit it?"

"They can spread their hands and say [we don't understand the nature of matter] to fool them."

The young man suddenly fell silent:



The British didn't play tricks on the hardware this time. It's very troublesome to argue about the protective gas. If they don't admit it, you can't do anything about it.

But when Lao Guo shook his head and sighed, Xu Yun's voice quietly sounded in his ears:

"Well, Guo Gong, if you want to make the British guy pay some price, there is no way."

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