Into Unscientific

Chapter 655 The hydrogen bomb project is launched!

"In addition to the neutron source project team, what about other comrades? What other equipment and manpower do you need?"


Zhu Guangya just finished speaking.

Wang Chengshu in the audience immediately raised his hand:

"Director Zhu, I have a request!"

Zhu Guangya was not surprised when he saw this, and made a gesture of invitation to her:

"Comrade Chengshu, please speak."

Upon hearing this, Wang Chengshu stood up from his seat and said:

"Director Zhu, I need about eight, no, seven comrades with a certain level of expertise in metal structures, and two experienced metallurgical engineers."

"In addition, in terms of equipment, an independent metallurgical workshop is required. The area is not required but it must be closed. In addition, a high-pressure forging equipment is needed to cast the mold."

"And that's it."

Wang Chengshu made a lot of scattered demands, which were several times more than Wang Fangding's demands.

But this is understandable.

Although Wang Chengshu and Wang Fangding were both dispatched to the base during the [Tai Shang] project stage not long ago, their situations are very different.

Wang Fangding started researching reflective nuclides two years ago - the kind indicated in the red-headed document above.

Although he is not a director-level leader in the Institute of Atomic Energy, he is more or less the head of a department.

This time, Wang Fangding's team moved to Base 221 in full strength, without even leaving a single person behind.

In addition, Qian Bingqiong gave him barium radium carbonate, and the manpower and materials to develop the neutron source were actually sufficient. At most, they were just supplementary.

But Wang Chengshu is different.

She is currently not responsible for a clear project or team, it is a personal transfer, and she is still adapting to life at the base.

Nowadays, there are not even ten colleagues she has dealt with and can barely be considered friends with.

Therefore, if she wanted to be responsible for project research and development, she obviously had to "recruit people."

For example, this time she was assigned to produce fragments of fuel layer balls.

This link can be said to be simple or complex - the main difficulty lies in the need to produce 32 hexagonal metal blocks of the same size, and the accuracy must be as fine as micron level.

Therefore, the production team must have senior experts in charge of both structure and metallurgy.

Zhu Guangya obviously understood Wang Chengshu's difficulties, so he nodded happily:

"No problem. Metallurgical experts are easy to come by. As for metal structure comrades, just dispatch them from the No. 3 Factory."

"Comrade Bowen, if I remember correctly, Comrade Ai Rong's group seems to be seven people?"

Hear Zhu Guangya's question.

On his right side, a man wearing black glasses and a slicked back hair nodded immediately.

He is one of the main persons in charge of personnel at the base, named Zhou Bowen, and is one of the few experts in China who has received professional personnel management education:

"Yes, including Comrade Ai Rong himself, there are seven people in the 382 team."

"Do they have any production tasks now?"

Zhou Bowen adjusted his glasses frame, opened a small book in front of him, glanced at it a few times, and said after careful consideration:

"There is no production task for a metal curved cavity, but the design drawings were completed the day before yesterday."

"Has the design drawing been completed? Then the production process can be handed over to other comrades to complete it on your behalf!"

Upon hearing this, Zhu Guangya waved his hand decisively and looked at Wang Chengshu:

"Comrade Chengshu, how about transferring Comrade Ai Rong and his team to your place?"

"Comrade Ai Rong."

Wang Chengshu recalled for a few seconds, and suddenly thought of something, and a hint of surprise flashed in his eyes:

"Director Zhu, are you talking about Comrade Chen Airong, the chief engineer of Wuling Liuji who designed and produced the 1101 gasoline engine?"

Zhu Guangya nodded:

"Yes, it's him!"

When Wang Chengshu heard this, he immediately slapped the table with great enthusiasm:

"Director Zhu, I want this comrade!"

Although Wang Chengshu only returned to China five years ago, she is no stranger to the 1101 gasoline engine that came out eight years ago.

after all

That was a gasoline engine produced after the founding of the People's Republic of China.

As an industrial man, it is impossible for Wang Chengshu not to know its existence.

The designer and producer of this gasoline engine is the Chen Airong mentioned by Zhu Guangya.

To be able to get help from such a great person is, in the words of the ancients.

Great things can happen!

Zhu Guangya then reported several more names, and after screening by Wang Chengshu, the team members for the production of fuel layer spheres were finally determined.

Immediately afterwards.

One after another, group leaders began to make their own requests:

"Director Zhu, I need three comrades who are accomplished in ferromagnetism."

"Director Zhu, can you transfer Director Lu and Comrade Yu Min to me? We can have a team member dedicated to pouring water."

"Comrade Guangya, I need two rigid body moment of inertia testers with an accuracy of 0.01P and a fixed string vibration tester."

Zhu Guangya was discussing with everyone while making arrangements for personnel and equipment through Zhang He and Zhou Bowen:

"No problem, the base currently has manpower in this field."

"Oh? If you need to add an egg for a midnight snack if you work overtime, it's no problem. I can promise you this right now - you can also add half a steamed bun."

"Comrade Wang Gang, there are currently only six potentiometers in the base, and other teams have to reserve some, so five won't work."

Half an hour later.

Zhu Guangya wiped the sweat from his forehead and let out a light breath.


The coordination is finally completed.

But before Zhu Guangya could finish breathing, he was interrupted by a voice:

"Director Zhu, how much available equipment is left in our base now?"

Zhu Guangya took advantage of the situation and looked around.

Comrade Wang Hai, who asked him the question before, stood up from his seat at some point.

In fact, it’s not just Wang Hai.

Some other experts at the scene who were not assigned tasks were staring at him eagerly.

In addition, Zhu Guangya himself wanted to know the specific situation, so he hurriedly picked up the water glass and briefly moistened his throat, then turned to look at Zhang He:

"Comrade Zhang He, how is the equipment inventory at the base now?"

Zhang He has been counting the distribution of various instruments and equipment from the beginning, and immediately gave a reply after hearing this:

"Reporting to Director Zhu, as of today, the base has 71 sets of equipment above Class A and 254 instruments above Class A."

"There are 59 sets of vacant equipment and 177 vacant instruments."

"After the allocation at today's meeting, there are still 31 sets of vacant Class A nuclear-related equipment and 95 vacant instruments."

"The equipment is the coolant pump from the first branch factory and the spherical machine tool improved by former Comrade Gongpu."

Students who have a little knowledge of China's industrial situation after the founding of the People's Republic of China should all know this.

In the early years of the founding of the People's Republic of China.

The rabbits' industrial reserves are really nothing.

Therefore, in order to accurately control and allocate each piece of equipment while trying to ensure maximum utilization efficiency, the 221 base set up an equipment dispatching office when it was first established.

Zhang He is the director of the Equipment Scheduling Department, which was originally subordinate to the General Department led by Lao Guo.

Now after the General Affairs Office has been disbanded and restructured.

The dispatch office became an independent unit, directly led by Li Jue.

The task of the dispatching office is to conduct statistics and classification of all equipment.

The statistics are not difficult to understand.

That is, which component has to be checked into which device, and when the task is completed, it must be returned to its place in time, which is somewhat similar to borrowing books from a library.

As for grading.

It is to rate the importance of each device.

The definition of Class A equipment is [nuclear-related equipment], which is an indispensable tool in the production process of nuclear weapons.

Like the tandem electrostatic accelerator and base that Xu Yun brought back. It is also the only spherical machine tool in China, etc.

Then there are some special forging tools:

For example, the hydraulic pumps produced by Jinmen Hydraulic Parts Factory and the 12,500-ton hydraulic press produced by No. 1 Heavy Industry Co., Ltd. (this one is currently not at the base) are also considered Class A nuclear-related equipment.

As for the size of Class A instruments, they are relatively smaller.

For example, the liquid ion exchange column brought back by Zhao Zhongyao, there are only 12 acetylene blowtorches in the entire base, etc.

It can be said like this.

The current base is a unit that combines calculation and courage.

Being careful with money means that they must mark every match in the base with a number and never use a match to light a lamp when it can be illuminated by the sun or a bald head.

Courage is that once you need matches, let alone a match, even hundreds of millions of matches can be taken out with a wave of your hand.

"There are still 31 units of vacant Class A equipment."

After Zhu Guangya listened quietly to Zhang He's introduction, he had a vague outline in his mind.

After all, he is one of the future two bombs and one satellite. Now the director of the experimental department of the atomic bomb project team, there is no doubt about his judgment in this regard.

In the future life where Xu Yun traveled through time.

Among the 23 meritorious deeds, there are two recognized handsome men, one is Qian Bingqiong and the other is Zhu Guangya, known as the handsome man.

Although Qian Wushi, Lu Guangda and others are very capable, they still have to be obviously humble in terms of strategic vision. Zhu Guangya and Qian are poorer than you.

After considering the situation in your mind.

Zhu Guangya turned to look at Yu Min beside him:

"More than a comrade, what do you think?"

After saying that, Zhu Guangya recalled something, patted his head gently, and explained to everyone:

"Comrades, there is something I forgot to mention just now."

"With the efforts of Comrade Yu Da in the past few days, we have made a key breakthrough in the configuration of the hydrogen bomb."

"Some comrades have participated in the calculation of this configuration in the past two days, and some comrades may not have been notified due to mission reasons, so I will synchronize the news with everyone now."

"The principle of this configuration is very delicate, mainly beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep.

After another large amount of Xu Yun's content sounded like a telegram.


Dozens of people at the scene paid attention to Yu Da at the same time.

The eyes of some experts showed a look of surprise for the first time.

I see

No wonder the base is preparing to simultaneously conduct research on hydrogen bombs. It turns out that a huge breakthrough has been made in terms of configuration.

Da Wenyan scratched his hair naively again, but fortunately, he had already been seen by comrades from the theory department once before, so the time for him to come to his senses this time was relatively short.

After a few seconds.

Daubian straightened his posture and said to Zhu Guangya calmly:

"Director Zhu, I think these equipment should be enough or there is a possibility that the entire components of the hydrogen bomb can be produced."

“The most basic equipment such as compressors, expanders, heat exchangers and absorbers are all available.”

"In addition, advanced radiant heat transfer furnace tops, aluminum foil driven rollers, beep beep beeps, etc. can also be made up - I roughly calculated that there are about five to eight equipment errors in total. For this part, please ask the capital for support. It should be possible to get it all together in one go.”

"At the same time, our domestic 101 heavy water research reactor reached criticality three years ago, and reactor 492 is also under planning."

"Although these two reactors were originally used as 'bait', there is no problem in temporarily turning them into regular ones now."

"So although time is tight, I personally think that the project can still be formulated according to the plan of the complete set of equipment. If the efficiency is really not as good as expected after a few months, it will be okay to make adjustments at that time."

Hear more than these words.

Xu Yun also nodded subconsciously.

He had never had much contact with some of the above-mentioned equipment, or had never heard of them at all.

But if they really only lack five to eight units in the entire plan as introduced by Da Da, then the capital does have the ability to get it together.

After all, the most important thing about a hydrogen bomb is the configuration and the enrichment of fusion materials. The instruments involved do not need to be too precise.

The rabbits are poor, but they are still as big as a country.

It is not a particularly high-precision device, and there is a high probability that one or two can be found in China.

As for the above-mentioned 101 heavy water research reactor and 492 reactor, they are both reactors operating in China.

The former is a product supported by the original furry bears, while the latter is independently developed by the rabbits and is also called a swimming pool pile.

The current mission of these two reactors is to confuse the public and provide false intelligence to enemy agents across the sea - and it turns out that they did exactly that.

Judging from the information decrypted by later generations.

People across the sea thought that the Rabbits would use these two reactors to provide plutonium until next year. It was not until later when the Rabbits started to produce parts that they learned that they were working on uranium bombs.

But now that the U2 reconnaissance plane has been shot down, Yang Shiju, who woke up not long ago, has provided some information about enemy agents. It can be said that the eyes of enemy agents in China are half blind.

In this case, the disguise of the two reactors is meaningless, at least the "profit" is not as high as before.

That being the case.

It is better to straighten them directly and use them to provide the required fusion materials for the hydrogen bomb.

And once this "regularization" is completed.

In fact, a complete set of equipment for producing hydrogen bombs can barely be put together.

Think of this.

Zhu Guangya couldn't help but look up at Qian Bingqiong.

The founder of China's nuclear industry thought for a moment, and finally nodded firmly towards Zhu Guangya.

See this situation.

Zhu Guangya also made a decision and turned to look at the audience:

"That being the case, comrades, let's bite the bullet and mount the horse in accordance with the full set of specifications."

"Hydrogen bomb project!"


Let me tell you something quite outrageous. A blogger who recommended books did an inventory of novels and classified this book for me as harem flow.

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