Into Unscientific

Chapter 656 Things about the lithography machine

hydrogen bomb project

Mount up!

Although I was already prepared in my heart.

But the moment I heard this sentence.

Xu Yun's scalp still couldn't help but feel numb, and his shoulders shook involuntarily.

after all

This is a hydrogen bomb.

But there is nothing we can do.

Who made Xu Yun go from "an ordinary time traveler without revealing his identity" to a well-known tweet?

The gap between the two is even greater than the difference between the atomic bomb and the hydrogen bomb.

However, Zhu Guangya's considerations were obviously not so complicated. Seeing that the conference room was a bit noisy, he had to curl his index finger and tap heavily on the table:

"Comrades, please be quiet for a moment."

Dong dong dong——

Zhu Guangya's prestige in the base, especially in the experimental department, is still very high. In addition, his appearance is very majestic. If you are interested, you can search for the photo of this boss. His eyebrows are almost one-to-one. Got the [╰_╯] emoji

That's why he got angry.


The scene instantly became quiet.

Zhu Guangya nodded with satisfaction and looked at Wang Ganchang in the audience:

"Comrade Ganchang, please come on stage."

Wang Ganchang is currently the director of the base's light nuclear team project team, which is the experimental department for hydrogen bomb research and development. Now when we want to discuss the allocation of hydrogen bomb tasks, we must respect and refer to Wang Ganchang's opinions.

Wang Ganchang obviously understood this, and stood up from his seat naturally and came to Zhu Guangya's side.

Zhu Guangya then lowered his head to discuss a few words with him. After half a minute, he looked up again and looked at the audience:

"Okay, comrades, let's start assigning tasks related to the hydrogen bomb."

"The first is the detonation trigger of the hydrogen bomb. Unlike the neutron ignition source of the atomic bomb, the detonation of the hydrogen bomb must be carried out with a small atomic bomb."

"Therefore, each team assigned to the research and development of atomic bomb components must make certain margin arrangements in the production process - at least 50% of the planned margin. Is this okay?"

There was a chorus of neat replies from the audience:

"no problem!"

Seeing this, Xu Yun in the audience couldn't help but curl up the corner of his mouth.

One thing to say.

When it comes to margin, I guess there is really no country in the world that can compete with the rabbits.

The original Zhuxian platform was like this, and the atomic bomb at this time is also like this.

Lu Guangda and the others added some margin planning during the theoretical design. After the news was sent back to the capital, the capital also added a round of margin, and then Zhu Guangya added a batch of margin allocation when he assigned tasks just now.

Not to mention that there was a surplus in the original refining output of enriched uranium. Now it is too easy to make a small atomic bomb.

Even the most pessimistic scholars would not have any objection to this point.

Then Zhu Guangya drew a simple diagram on the blackboard and continued:

"In addition to the detonation trigger, another key point is the structure of the soft X-ray compression secondary."

"The soft X-ray and neutron streams are faster than the physical shock wave, which is a key point of the hydrogen bomb."

"So the equipment we need needs to reflect focused X-rays and gamma rays. It is said that polystyrene foam is used across the sea, and we are prepared to continue to follow this idea."

"But in addition, Comrade Yu also designed an aerosol structure filled with heavy metal salts. After discussions in the theoretical team, it was decided to launch this structure simultaneously."

"After the production is completed, we will compare based on the actual results. Which one works well and which one can be used universally? If they both work, we will compare their respective efficiencies."

Mentioned earlier.

The instantaneous temperature of hydrogen bombs or nuclear fusion is very high. At this time, nothing can withstand its temperature and physical shock wave - Boruto will not be published until 2016.

Therefore, in the detonation structure of the hydrogen bomb, there is an underlying logic that must be followed:

The conduction of detonating fusion energy + the detonation time of fusion material is faster than high temperature and physical shock wave.

The conduction of fusion energy is like an author who is coding crazily every day. If he is caught up by the readers of Hongwen, he will have to enter a small dark room.

This is also one of the few structures of the hydrogen bomb that can be openly discussed and studied. Even during this period, the rabbits also learned some information.

According to the information display.

Across the sea, polystyrene foam is used in this part, a very common material.

During the explosion, the X-rays generated by the atomic bomb are used to heat the foam plastic placed around the fusion material, causing it to quickly become a high-temperature and high-pressure plasma to heat and compress the fusion material, so that the fusion material reaches sufficient temperature and density to burn.

This is the so-called two-level structure.

However, when chatting with Xu Yun, Da Da heard Xu Yun complain that "Today's black soldier fly pancakes are a bit salty, I guess there is too much salt", and he thought of another inspiration:

Could Styrofoam be replaced with aerosol structures filled with heavy metal salts?

The heavy metal salts here are not the total nitrogen cation salts that Xu Yun mentioned before, but salts composed of heavy metals, that is, metals with a density greater than 4.5g/cm3, and acid ions.

The number of heavy metals is probably close to fifty, and there are even more types of heavy metal salts.

For example, lead acetate, mercury chloride, copper sulfate, silver nitrate and other substances are all heavy metal salts in nature.

Although the process of using heavy metal salts in aerosol state is a bit more difficult than that of polystyrene foam, according to calculations by \u003e, this structure seems to be about 11.4514% more efficient.

In addition, no matter how poor the rabbits are these days, they still have the equipment and manpower to add heavy metal salt production to the original plan.

So after organizational discussions, it was decided to include heavy metal salts in the production plan simultaneously.

Zhu Guangya was silent for a moment and looked at a middle-aged man with a square face in the corner:

"Comrade Daheng, this structure involves the focus of X-rays. I wonder if you are willing to take charge of this project?"

As soon as Zhu Guangya finished speaking, the man raised his hand:

"No problem, I do."

at the same time.

The other side of the conference room.

Looking at the tired little old man, Xu Yun's eyes twitched slightly.

As everyone knows.

The reason why many predecessors in the Chinese scientific research circle are respected is not only their own achievements and contributions, but also their influence on future generations.

The influence here is not only at the spiritual level, but also at the material or realistic level.

For example, Master Qian.

He is the founder of the Institute of Mechanics and the Institute of Space Technology of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and also trained legendary figures like Zheng Zhemin.

Nowadays, Li Shihai from the Institute of Mechanics and Yin Xiangchu, a researcher at the Earthquake Prediction Research Institute of the Earthquake Administration, are both disciples of Zheng Zhemin, and can also be regarded as disciples of Master Qian.

And Zhao Zhongyao.

Zhao Zhongyao single-handedly established the Department of Modern Physics at the University of Science and Technology of China and served as the department chair. It can be said that the Department of Physics at the University of Science and Technology of China currently ranks among the top three in the country, largely due to his strategic vision.

The same is true for Wang Ganchang, Yang Chengzong and others.

And if you want to rank these big names according to their influence on the Chinese scientific research circle in later generations. The top candidates may vary, but one person will definitely be able to firmly rank in the top three.

He is Wang Daheng.

Looking at his resume alone, Wang Daheng is actually as "ordinary" as many big guys:

In the early years, he studied abroad with the Geng Geng Grant and became famous in Europe while studying. Later, he resolutely refused the generous salary and returned to China, where he made outstanding contributions to the country.

This kind of resume is indeed admirable, but it is indeed not uncommon in the current base.

after all

This is where the most unwilling people in China gather to admit defeat.

What makes Academician Wang Daheng truly unique is that he personally founded a place of hope for China’s future:

Changguang Institute.

That's right.

Changguang Institute was established by Academician Wang Daheng.

This story can be traced back to ten years ago, when Academician Wang Daheng was ordered to build the Instrument Museum of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. The first "funding" for the construction of the Instrument Museum was 14 million kilograms of millet - the allocation was made of millet, and the salary was also millet.

Then in December eight years ago.

The birth of China's first furnace of optical glass completely ended the "cold winter" in which my country could not manufacture optical glass, and also opened the prelude to the development of China's optical industry.

Many years later, the Instrument Museum of the Chinese Academy of Sciences underwent several mergers and reorganizations, and was officially renamed the Changguang Institute.

In the era when Xu Yun traveled through time.

70% of all researchers at Changguang are the disciples and grandsons of Academician Wang Daheng. Even among all the achievements of two bombs and one satellite, there are not many big names who can compare with Academician Wang Daheng in the field of [inheritance].

at the same time.

In later generations, scientific research in that era has formed a close connection with politics or the international situation, either actively or passively.

In a sense, Changguang Institute is the backbone that supports the country for future generations!


Since Changguang Institute is mentioned, let me refute the rumor here by the way. I don’t mean to refute the rumor. I should say to correct a rumor:

During the time when Xu Yun traveled through time, a comment suddenly appeared on social media:

It is said that because small lithography machines were restricted in China, a large-scale radiation source accelerator, also known as a lithography factory, was built, thus achieving overtaking in accuracy.

This news, coupled with the launch of the Huawei mate60 Kirin 9000S chip, quickly set off a wave of public opinion.

But in fact, there are some distortions in this news - at least the above two are actually not much related.

First, let’s mention the synchrotron radiation light source.

The concept of synchrotron radiation light source should be familiar to readers of this book. It first appeared in Chapter 178 released on March 28, 2022. The 4685 hyperon was created by this thing. (Stack a armor first)

Xu Yun worked as a donkey in the Synchrotron Radiation Laboratory of USTC back then, so when it comes to these domestic synchrotron radiation light sources, Xu Yun should be considered one of the people who know the inside story better.

how to say

The "large-scale lithography machine" being developed by Shuimu University in China is called HEPS. In terms of academic aspects, it was first published in the journal "Nature" by the research group of Professor Tang Chuanxiang of the Department of Engineering Physics of Shuimu University and a German cooperation team in 2021. The doi is org/10.1038/s41586-021-03203.

But in fact, the HEPS project was approved in May 2017, and the document is called the "Yanjing Huairou Comprehensive National Science Center Construction Plan."

In other words, the project was initiated in 2017 and the theoretical analysis was completed in 21 years.

The synchrotron radiation light source of HKUST is a second-generation light source, and HEPS is a fourth-generation light source.

This set of equipment has only completed its first full-energy beam emission so far, and there is still a long way to go before it can be put into production.

There is no doubt about its potential, and it may really become a photolithography factory that subverts the industry in the future.

But at least at this time, it is indeed just a potential project, and no scientific research results have yet been produced.

What is really achieving results now is actually the lithography machine research and development team of Changguang Institute, which recently won four national awards.

The results of it?

Nowadays, many people have ignored the contribution of Changguang Institute and focused their attention on HEPS.

Those remarks loudly claimed that the rabbits had used the [lithography factory] to break through the blockade of the lithography machine, and ignored the real contributors for some awesome-sounding gimmicks. For the comrades of the Changguang Institute, this is actually Very unfair.

Xu Yun even had some conspiracy theories and wondered if someone was deliberately setting the pace. After all, this was not the first time some people had done this, and it suddenly aroused hatred between the two sides.

Moreover, the concept of synchronized light sources was originally very unpopular, but now it is better. Inexplicably, there are a lot of knowledgeable people in this field.

It may be a bit bragging to say so.

There are so many novels about lithography machines in Qidian. Apart from our popular book, have you ever seen anyone write about synchrotron radiation light sources? ——This thing and an accelerator are two different things.

This unpopular concept suddenly becomes popular and everyone can comment on it, so its spread will inevitably suffer a great degree of distortion.

So it’s still the same sentence.

These days, the kind of QQ group chat records that are composed of screenshots and a bunch of comments with a tone of "Oh shit, this is going to change", you have to discount the credibility by at least 30% when you read it.


His eyes returned to reality.

Academician Wang Daheng had a bronchial surgery at the beginning of this year due to physical reasons. Now he looks a little sluggish, so he didn't stand up from his seat when he answered Zhu Guangya.

But at this time, the expression on his face was very determined, which inexplicably gave people an excellent sense of trust.

At the same time, Zhu Guangya and Wang Daheng are old partners, and they understand Wang Daheng's character well.

Seeing him accept the relevant tasks so quickly, Zhu Guangya felt inexplicably at ease even though he had not yet seen the actual product.

So he took a deep breath and turned his attention to the task arrangement:

"Then in addition to the structure of the soft X-ray compression secondary, let's continue to assign the next task."

"The next component that needs to be distributed is the forging of hydrogen balls. Is there any comrade who can volunteer?"

Someone in the audience quickly raised their hands:

"Director Zhu, I can do it!"

Zhu Guangya nodded upon seeing this:

"Comrade Lei An, what equipment and manpower do you need?"

"There is no need for manpower. Our team member No. 15 is here. The equipment is beeping, beeping, beeping."

in the coming time.

Xu Yun suddenly realized that he had made a big mistake:

I should have left this meeting room early.

After he began to assign hydrogen bomb tasks, he felt as if he had traveled to a certain telegraph center, and his ears were filled with beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep.

An hour and a half later.

Zhu Guangya breathed a long sigh of relief:

"Okay, comrades, this is almost the end of the research and development of the hydrogen bomb."

"Please report the situation of each group to the team members after you return. The base will report the situation to the capital - and remember to keep it confidential."

"If nothing else goes wrong, the space you need will be available today. As for the equipment and personnel, it may take two to three days. Just wait for further notice."

"Are there any gays who have problems now?"

Say it.

Zhu Guangya looked at the scene again.

His answer was silence.

Seeing this situation, Zhu Guangya waved his hand neatly:

"In this case, I will adjourn the meeting now! Everyone, please leave in an orderly manner!"


The sound of people getting up and moving chairs quickly sounded in the audience.

Xu Yun, who was full of @@, glanced at the scene subconsciously, and the only one with a similar expression to him was Li Jue of 0v0.

Fortunately, Xu Yun still retained more or less sobriety. After the people around him gradually started to get up, he quickly shook his head to force his thoughts to return to normal, and tried hard to push the chair and walked to Zhu Guangya:

"Director Zhu."

"Oh, it's Xiao Xu."

Zhu Guangya was sorting out the manuscripts on the table. When he saw Xu Yun, he stopped and asked:

"Xiao Xu, what's the matter?"

Xu Yun glanced around, made sure no one was paying attention to him, nodded, and said:

"Well, I have something I want to talk to you about - Director Zhu, I heard that most of the comrades who enriched uranium have written suicide notes?"

After hearing these three words "Death Book", Zhu Guangya's face became a little heavy:

"Yes, after all, the radiation from enriched uranium is very harmful, and something may happen if you are not careful."

Xu Yun was silent for a few seconds:

"Director Zhu, to be honest with you, I have an idea about radiation resistance. I wonder if you would like to hear it?"

"Radiation resistant?"

Zhu Guangya blinked and his pupils shrank:

"Xiao Xu, are you saying that you can solve the harm of nuclear radiation to comrades?"

Xu Yun touched his chin, considered and said:

"It's definitely impossible to completely solve it, but it shouldn't be difficult to reduce the harm by 70%."


Zhu Guangya's decibel level subconsciously increased a lot, and he couldn't wait to ask:

"What specific method is it? Can it be applied on a large scale? How long does it take to prepare?"

"It can be applied to a large area. If the time goes well, it will take a week or two."

Xu Yun first answered Zhu Guangya's first two questions, and then gave him a meaningful look:

"As for the method, Director Zhu, have you heard of the concept of cat poop coffee?"


Today is 918, don’t forget the national humiliation

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