Into Unscientific

Chapter 658 Going out for the first time since time travel

"Native donkey?"

As soon as Xu Yun said this word.

Zhu Guangya's first reaction was not to question, but to blurt out another sentence:

"What the hell? Why is this happening again?"

Being able to make a big boss like Zhu Guangya, known as the handsomest of handsomes in later generations, unable to stop spouting dirty words shows how lethal this answer is.

But if you think about it carefully, Zhu Guangya's gaffe is not particularly surprising.

after all

Brother Donkey has indeed paid too much for this base.

For example, the folk remedy Xu Yun used to heal his wounds was a decoction made from donkey hair,

Next, the capsule membrane of the Zhuxianjian platform is made from the apical secretion of local donkeys. This stuff is still the main commodity traded between rabbits and Germany.

In addition, the PCR technology that Liu Youcheng's chemical laboratory is steadily advancing also uses the genes of local donkeys to identify DNA points,

And Brother Lu’s liquid is also one of the main materials used in the base at present.

How about adding in Brother Lu’s first contribution to the thesis, which is a truly meritorious contribution?

It is said that some honorary matters are already being discussed in the capital. Although it is impossible to award Brother Lu with any top medal (those students who are counting on Brother Lu to win the two bombs and one star medal are overthinking it, that is a very formal honor. Give Brother Lu It is an insult to those achievements in history).


If we just use the donkey as the image, it is still feasible to set up a Fenlu Science and Technology Progress Award.

After all, hard-working old cows can be used as samples to establish the "Ox Ear Award", "Bull Award", and "Golden Bull Award", so it is reasonable to extend it to the donkey pulling the millstone, right?

But on the other hand.

Zhu Guangya originally thought that the contribution of local donkeys would end here, but he didn't expect that it was not over yet. Now Brother Donkey's daddy could actually be used?

Think of this.

Zhu Guangya couldn't help but glance at Xu Yun suspiciously, and couldn't help but ask:

"Xiao Xu, is it because you drink donkey hair soup every day that you have some revenge on the local donkeys?"

"Donkey feces has a blessing effect on sodium alginate. I have never heard of this - I told you that I graduated from the University of Michigan with a Ph.D. and read a lot of books. Don't lie to me."

Xu Yun looked at him sincerely, as if he was about to reach out and swear:

"How can this be possible? Director Zhu, what I told you is the honest truth, and there is absolutely no personal emotion mixed in with it!"

"As for using local donkeys, this is purely a coincidence, purely a coincidence."

Students who have watched "Into Unscience" should know that Xu Yun does not have the slightest idea of ​​persecuting Brother Lu.

It's just that by various coincidences, Brother Donkey happened to meet his preset goals.

After all, his plan is supported by papers.

And this time it was not an ordinary magazine that made the conclusion, but the Annual Review of Animal Biosciences.

This is a top journal in the field of veterinary medicine, with an impact factor of 13+, ranking in Area 1 of the Chinese Academy of Sciences.

The doi of the paper is

This is also one of the few local donkey papers published in international journals.

This paper is a reference material provided to Xu Yun by Zhou Shan, the former academician who was imprisoned for ten years for "corruption" when he joined Huadun Biotechnology.

After all, Zhou Shan himself is engaged in cloning and specializes in the field of organs. Papers on the intestines and stomach of local donkeys will definitely attract attention.

According to this paper.

Local donkeys have obvious digestion abnormalities in the digestion process of brown algae and green algae, and will have a non-digestive reaction similar to civet cats eating coffee beans.

But at the same time, this low digestibility will not cause appetite disorders. In layman's terms, it is a bit like people eating enoki mushrooms. They will not suffer from diarrhea and allergies, and will only see you tomorrow.

More importantly.

The two enzymes RM62 and KC72 in local donkeys will affect β-D-mannuronic acid and α-L-guluronic acid in brown algae and green algae, increasing their ionization degree.

And these two uronic acids happen to be the key to the composition of sodium alginate.

According to clinical test reports.

The ionization degree of sodium alginate made from green algae excrement eaten by local donkeys is 27.6% higher than that of conventional sodium alginate, and its barrier property against strontium can reach 80.4%, which is 10% higher than the 70% of conventional sodium alginate. percentage points.

Although the experimental team did not detect other radioactive elements such as lithium, radium, and cobalt, Xu Yun imagined that the effect would not be much worse. After all, the blocking principle is similar.

This flavor-enhanced version of sodium alginate is a pure dimensionality-reducing blow to Prussian blue, which is commonly used these days.


Xu Yun's purpose was not simply to compete with Prussian Blue, but to ensure the safety of the comrades in Factory 504 as much as possible.


After listening to Xu Yun's explanation, Zhu Guangya's expression also became a little subtle.

At this time, he still didn't understand Xu Yun's origin, so some cracks in his whole world view inevitably appeared.

how to say.

Xu Yun seems to be able to come up with some weird things every time, and then use theory to prove his point of view seriously.

However, this desire to complain only existed for a short time, and was forgotten by Zhu Guangya:

"Comrade Xu Yun, that means this donkey shit coffee is wrong. Donkey shit seaweed is indeed theoretically feasible?"

Xu Yun nodded:

"Yes, and the feasibility is not low."

Zhu Guangya then asked again:

"So what's the specific operation process?"

When mentioning the specific process, Xu Yun's expression became more formal:

"Director Zhu, the production method of sodium alginate is still the same as what I mentioned before, that is, the process of extracting it with strong alkaline water and precipitating it with calcium chloride."

"But the only difference is that before this process, the seaweed must be made into feed and fed to the donkeys."

"Then a dedicated person will be arranged to observe the donkey's follow-up situation. Once defecation occurs, it will be collected immediately for screening, and the seaweed will be selected for subsequent steps."

Zhu Guangya was silent for a few seconds:

"What if donkeys don't eat seaweed? I remember donkeys like food like straw, right?"

Xu Yun shook his head casually and explained:

"No, Director Zhu, you may not know much about it. Donkeys like dry and hard fodder, but sometimes there are exceptions."

"For example, the black soldier fly feed at our base, do you think it has anything to do with hardness and brittleness? Those donkeys eat it better than straw and wheat bran."

"It's not that donkeys don't eat softened grass, but this kind of grass may cause gastrointestinal obstruction in donkeys, so we only need to dry the seaweed and mix it into the wheat bran."

Xu Yun told the truth.

The grain and grass eaten by meat donkeys in later generations are basically inseparable from the three words "hard", which belongs to the "experience" category of breeding.

But this experience is actually just a superficial phenomenon. The essence of the phenomenon is that donkeys will suffer from gastrointestinal obstruction and intestinal wall edema if they eat too much softened food.

So if you want donkeys to eat the seaweed normally, you only need to dry it and add it to the feed.

Seaweed has a high resistance to pressure in a sense. In theory, as long as it is not burned, the ordinary air-drying process will basically not affect the extraction of sodium alginate.

Not to mention that the current local donkeys and the meat donkeys of later generations are not strictly at the same level of physical fitness.

The breeding of meat donkeys or all poultry in later generations has formed a situation similar to an assembly line.

While this kind of assembly line ensures that the slaughter time is relatively efficient, it actually reduces the animals' ability to resist disease.

In other words, today's local donkeys are a bit more "skinned" and less delicate than the hybrid donkeys of later generations.

Therefore, it is completely feasible to add seaweed to feed, and it is a sustainable method of fishing from the lake.

Then Zhu Guangya thought for a while and asked again:

"Xiao Xu, if the feed can be solved, how can you ensure the excretion of local donkeys?"

"It's easy."

Xu Yun had already thought up the draft during the meeting, so he could answer the questions very fluently:

"Donkeys are herbivorous monogastric animals. They cannot ruminate like cows or sheep. So if we want to speed up the frequency of excretion, our idea is to speed up digestion."

"For example, we can add some ginger tincture and cysteamine hydrochloride to the fodder. These are proven donkey fattening and digestive aids, and they do not cause any harm to the donkeys themselves."

"If time is tight, we can also add some croton and polyethylene glycol electrolytes. Don't you think Brother Donkey has any objections?"

Zhu Guangya was silent for a moment, and the whole person fell into deep thought.

be honest.


A little excited.

After all, as an expert in nuclear engineering, he knows better than anyone the dangers of radioactive nuclides when enriching uranium - this is something that can really kill people.

Mentioned earlier.

The anti-radiation drug used in China today is Prussian blue, which is an oil paint used for coloring.

For example, Van Gogh's "Starry Night" and Katsushika Hokusai's "The Great Wave off Kanagawa" used this kind of paint extensively.

Its chemical name is ferric ferrocyanide, which has a strong affinity for thallium and cesium ions and can react with them to form insoluble substances that are excreted from the body.

However, the actual anti-radiation effect of this thing is not very good, certainly not that of a placebo, but the clinical rejection rate is only about 40%.

Of course.

It should be emphasized that Prussian blue, used as a pigment and fuel, is not designed to treat radioactive contamination, so it should not be taken casually.

Medically used to treat radioactive thallium and cesium are Prussian blue capsules, which are prescription drugs.

all in all.

Zhu Guangya felt particularly uncomfortable every time he thought about the working environment of the comrades in Factory 504 but that he was powerless to do anything about it.

If the project at hand were not too important, he would even want to personally replace those comrades in enriching uranium.

In this situation.

Now Xu Yun has come up with a plan that looks more efficient and practical than Prussian Blue. Why doesn't this make him excited?


The sodium alginate in this solution needs to be extracted from donkey manure. Whether it is collecting and screening seaweed, the user may feel a little nervous or psychologically stressed.

But compared with the life-saving effect, what does this little thing about mysophobia mean?

If that doesn't work, the base should be a villain and not tell the comrades in Factory 504 the origin of this anti-radiation drug.

Think of this.

Zhu Guangya couldn't help but glance at Wang Ganchang on the side:

"Old Wang, what do you think?"

Wang Ganchang was invited to the podium by Zhu Guangya in the second half of the meeting. When Xu Yun came forward to propose, he was also packing up the manuscripts and did not leave, so he was able to observe the entire donkey dung and seaweed project.

Hearing Zhu Guangya's words.

Wang Ganchang touched his chin and said slowly:

"Director Zhu, I really don't know the fermentation effect of local donkeys on seaweed, but I think the possibility of seaweed's blocking effect on nuclear radiation is not low."


Zhu Guangya suddenly became interested:

"What do you mean?"

He has known Wang Ganchang for more than ten years, and he knows that this old Wang is not the kind of person who dares to make casual judgments.

The fact that he dares to say such a thing now is probably supported by some solid evidence.

After a few seconds, Wang Ganchang asked Zhu Guangya:

"Director Zhu, do you remember when I went to Dubna as a researcher at the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research?"

Zhu Guangya nodded immediately.

Wang Ganchang was sent to Mao Xiong five years ago to learn about nuclear weapons. He once served as a researcher at the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research in Dubna, and was later promoted to deputy director.

Even though the word "deputy director" seems frivolous, you can imagine what it is like for a person from North Korea to be the deputy director of our Atomic Energy Institute.

It was also in the process of working at the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research in Dubna that Wang Ganchang led a team to discover the anti-sigma negative hyperon, which was the first antiparticle with strange quarks discovered in human history. Comrades become famous in one battle.

Then Wang Ganchang turned his head and looked at the sky outside the window, with a trace of reminiscence in his eyes:

"It was probably in July three years ago. At that time, I led a team to a reactor for routine equipment inspection."

"During the inspection, we found that the concrete side of one of the units had collapsed slightly due to age. Fortunately, the core was not exposed, and there were no residents living around the reactor, so we used Mao Xiong's three Conduct regular repairs and inspections according to similar standards.”

"The patching process is irrelevant, but during inspection we discovered an anomaly."

"The reactor is located near the mouth of the sea, and the cracked concrete is connected to the seawater. When we conducted equivalent tests on the seawater, we found that the amount of radiation in one area was slightly smaller than in other areas."

Say it.

In order to facilitate Xu Yun and Zhu Guangya's understanding, Wang Ganchang raised an index finger on each hand and put it together:

"The base of my finger is equivalent to the break, and the radioactive nuclides will spread along the fingertip."

"The radiation value at the fingernail of the left finger is the same as the reactor parameters, but the radiation value at the fingernail of the right finger is lower than the left."

"Later, during the inspection, we discovered that a large mass of Sargassum seaweed was growing at the front end of the small area, which is equivalent to the first knuckle of the index finger."

Zhu Guangya's pupils shrank slightly:

"So Lao Wang, you mean these seaweeds block radioactive nuclides?"

"Mostly yes."

Wang Ganchang nodded, and then sighed:

"It's just that what was leaked was not the reactor core, and the intensity of the nuclides emitted was not high. In addition, we were busy with other tasks, so the bear experts and I ignored the situation."

"If we could pay attention to this at that time, perhaps sodium alginate would have been available earlier."

"It's not too late now!"

Zhu Guangya subconsciously clapped his hands and said:

"Factory 504 has not yet begun large-scale uranium enrichment. If we can seize the time to produce sodium alginate, we can still protect many comrades."

"In this way, I will immediately arrange for personnel to contact the comrades of the fishing team and ask them to urgently catch some Cladophora algae and return it to the base."

"Old Wang, please do some hard work. Go back to the team and hand over the tasks for the meeting, and then personally lead the team to test the effect of seaweed."

"As for the donkey used for the experiment, let's use the local donkey that provided hair for Xiao Xu, the one that Comrade Xie Yu brought back from his home."

Wang Ganchang readily agreed:

"no problem!"

Zhu Guangya is a leader with strong execution ability. Seeing that the tasks have been assigned, he immediately started to contact the fishing team.

See this situation.

Xu Yun said goodbye to the two of them in a sensible manner and left the house with the help of Mou Fangdong.

But just after he was hoisted to the ground like a princess in distress (the conference room is on the third floor), a voice suddenly sounded in Xu Yun's ears:

"Xiao Xu!"

Xu Yun took advantage of the situation and looked around.

He saw Li Jue and Lu Guangda standing on the ground ten meters away from him.

Seeing this, Xu Yun waved to them:

"Factory Director, Director Lu, are you two looking for me?"

Li Jue quickly brought Lu Guangda to his side and looked Xu Yun up and down:

"Xiao Xu, how is your physical recovery recently?"


Although Xu Yun didn't know what kind of medicine Li Jue bought in his gourd, he still said honestly:

"It's not bad. The wound has started to scab, but I still can't move my lower limbs. I guess I won't be able to recover."

"But it doesn't matter, it's just a skin."

At this time, more than four months had passed since Xu Yun was rescued from the fire. Even a patient with 50% third-degree burns could almost be discharged from the hospital.

Not to mention that Xu Yun was given a bunch of antibiotics and donkey hair soup, and the halo made it impossible for Xu Yun to die. His recovery speed was even faster than a regular severe burn.

Although there was no skin grafting, Xu Yun's basic mobility of his upper limbs was still close to normal.

But his lower limbs still showed no signs of recovery, and as expected they were completely paralyzed.

Fortunately, this is just the body in the copy, so Xu Yun doesn't have any psychological pressure on it.

Li Jue and Lu Guangda were both people who knew Xu Yun's origins and knew what Xu Yun meant by "skin bag", so Li Jue just patted Xu Yun's shoulder to express comfort:

"In that case, Xiao Xu, would you like to go out for a walk?"

"Going out?"

Xu Yun blinked:

"Where to go?"

Li Jue pointed to Lu Guangda beside him:

"Let's go with Lao Lu."

"Lop Nur."

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