Into Unscientific

Chapter 659 Heading to Lop Nur!

"Lop Nur?"

Hearing these three words spoken by Li Jue.

Xu Yun's eyes subconsciously widened a little, and a clear sound came from his nose.

He originally thought that Li Jue and Lu Guangda came to him to discuss some technical or theoretical matters. After all, the group meeting had just ended at this time, so it was normal for some details to be reviewed again.

In the end, he didn't expect that Li Jue and the others didn't want to find him because of technical problems, but wanted him to accompany Lu Guangda to Lop Nur?

Mentioned earlier.

Throughout the entire process of nuclear weapons development, the Rabbits had three core locations:

The first is Base 221, which is responsible for theoretical research and development and atomic bomb assembly, that is, Mine 221, later known as Xihai Atomic City.

The second is the Jincheng 504 Factory, which performs uranium enrichment purification and separation membrane preparation. The chemical materials for nuclear explosions all come from here.

Three is.

The Lop Nur Malan base used for the final nuclear explosion.

Objectively speaking, this is a very clear and easy-to-understand division of labor system.

It's a coincidence.

When Xu Yun wrote a novel in his previous life, he also wrote about the protagonist going from Base 221 to Lop Nur. As a result, a reader posted a comment [Aren’t the protagonists and the others at Lop Nur base now?].

This sentence made Xu Yun fall into deep self-doubt, and he was quite confused.

It's understandable if you can't remember Xu Yun's name. After all, some characters have few appearances and are not very famous, but it's helpless that 221 Base and Lop Nur can be mixed together.

This is like a group of people who traveled to the Han Dynasty and worked hard to become a member of Huo Qubing's army. They were preparing to send troops to fight against the Huns. At this time, a fellow traveler said: "Hey, we are not traveling to the Northern Song Dynasty." After the Yan Agu beating? ].

Okay, let’s return to reality.

However, although Xu Yun was a little surprised when Li Jue said Lop Nur, he soon came to his senses.

This is actually a very normal thing.

Now that all aspects of the base are on track, and the barriers to extracting enriched uranium at Plant 504 have been broken through, the live-fire experiment will undoubtedly start.

Among them, cold explosion is an explosion experiment without radioactive materials, which can be solved at the detonation test site.

But for a small radioactive explosion, you must go to the Gobi Desert in Lop Nur to have explosion conditions.

Therefore, what restricted Xu Yun from going to Lop Nur at this time was not a matter of timing, but his own body.

Xu Yun then looked at his palms and made a fist in the air.

how to say

It's definitely not easy to store and store, and it's impossible to easily carry a 25 kilogram bag of rice with one hand like in reality. It's roughly at the level where you can pick up a 1.5L Sprite.

As for the neck and back, which can also withstand bumps, we won’t talk about it for now.

Looking at the whole body, the most dangerous place is that there are several unhealed wounds around the waist and abdomen.

When Xu Yun was helped from bed to a wheelchair every day, the feedback was more obvious in this part.


Compared with going to Lop Nur, the pain is still bearable.

Thinking of this, Xu Yun also made a decision in his heart.

He looked up at Li Jue and Lu Guangda, and nodded vigorously towards them:

"Factory Director, Director Lu, there is nothing wrong with my health. I am willing to go to Malan!"

"That would be great!"

Although he had already guessed Xu Yun's answer, after hearing his affirmation, Li Jue still showed a smile on his face:

"Xiao Xu, with you and Director Lu going to Lop Nur this time, the organizational worries will be completely dispelled!"


Xu Yun blinked and asked curiously:

"Director, what are you planning to do this time as an organization?"

When Li Jue saw this, he first glanced at the sun, leading Lu Guangda to push Xu Yun's wheelchair to a relatively shady place nearby, and then explained:

"Xiao Xu, didn't you come up with that CL20 explosive formula before? Comrade Yu Yongzhong from the Second Branch Factory has already developed a sample and conducted a cold explosion experiment at the detonation test site."

"In addition, didn't Comrade Yang Chengzong be invited from Factory 504 for this meeting? Also arriving at the base with them was a 50-gram enriched uranium pellet."

"So the capital is planning to conduct a small nuclear explosion experiment in Lop Nur. It is not to verify the structure of the atomic bomb, but to observe the actual detonation effect of the explosive and collect some parameters at the moment of the nuclear explosion."

"But this is the first time we have conducted this kind of experiment, so I want you and Guangda to work together as commanders and staff officers."

Xu Yun nodded clearly.

I see

At this time, a month and a half had passed since he mentioned the CL20 explosive. With Xu Yun giving an almost complete formula, it was not difficult for Yu Yongzhong and the others to produce some laboratory samples.

In addition, with the breakthrough of gas exchange membranes, the refining of enriched uranium is gradually on the right track.

With these two blessings, it is not surprising that the capital would organize an inspection meeting.

This 50 grams of enriched uranium is really a bit miserable. The rabbits of later generations basically enriched uranium in tons.

For example, when the Rabbits were building the CFR-600 fast neutron demonstration reactor, Yi Yi and Da Mao introduced 25 tons of high-abundance enriched uranium.

To know.

The CFR-600 fast neutron demonstration reactor is clearly a civilian project and has nothing to do with military use.

But just for these 50 grams of enriched uranium, Xu Yun estimated that Yang Chengzong and the others would have to stay up late for at least a week to get it.

"Okay, Xiao Xu."

Seeing that Xu Yun said that there was nothing wrong with his body, Li Jue patted the steel armrest of the wheelchair twice:

"Since you are willing to go to Malan with Guangda, then go back and make preparations. Bring all the clothes, medicine, donkey hair, etc., and put your health first in everything."

"You will set off on time at eight o'clock in the morning three days later. You will fly from Lejiawan Airport in Shanzhou to WLMQ. A fleet will pick you up at that time and take you to Malan."

Xu Yun nodded:


There are currently two aviation routes involved in the base. One is from the base to the capital, usually by taking a jeep to Jincheng, then transferring from Jincheng Airport to the capital.

This approach is mainly to guard against enemy agents in the capital. Even if the opponent has the ability to master the flight information, at most it can only be traced back to Jincheng.

Later, the flight on which Lao Guo died also took this route.

The other one is from Shanzhou to WLMQ, which is considered a "dedicated line" to the Malan base.

Because the Lejiawan Airport these days is mainly used for military purposes, the first and last stops to Zhuzhou are very confidential and will not be as risky as the former.

Confirm these matters.

Li Jue took Lu Guangda to say goodbye, and Xu Yun returned to his ward with Mou Fangdong.

Over the next three days.

Various tasks at the baton handover meeting also began to be divided into the hands of various project teams one after another. Several branches at the front of the base carried out equipment and personnel scheduling in a hidden manner.

The trajectories of some of them have undergone relatively large changes from their original history.

For example, Zhou Shaoping is familiar to Xu Yun.

Due to his age, Zhou Shaoping could only be regarded as a small soldier in the development process of the atomic bomb. Originally, he had always worked in the theoretical department.

But now he was transferred to Wu Xuelin in the first branch factory to assist in the research and development of metal structures.

If things continue like this, Xu Yun doubts whether Zhou Shaoping will "rebel" from being an academician of the Academy of Sciences to the Academy of Engineering.

Three days later.

Xu Yun woke up from bed on time. After washing, he met Lu Guangda who was waiting at the door and rushed to the second branch factory with large and small bags.

Today's Second Branch Factory is the same as before. The only difference is that the vehicles parked by the fishing team have been replaced by several CA10 Jiefang trucks.

There were some soldiers with live ammunition standing beside the truck. Although they were not as powerful and neatly equipped as the later military parades, there was an aura of solemnity on everyone's face.

Even if Xu Yun has never dealt with any of them, he can still guess their origins——

Definitely a veteran of the Peninsular War!

Li Jueze had been waiting in the pergola nearby for a long time. When he saw Xu Yun and Lu Guangda appeared, he quickly came up with a few people:

"Guangda, Comrade Xu Yun, you are here."

"Hello, director."

Xu Yun and Lu Guangda greeted Li Jue, and then his eyes moved to the people Li Jue brought.

I don’t know whether he noticed Xu Yun’s movements or whether he had planned to introduce him. Li Jue consciously stepped aside and said:

"Xiao Xu, these comrades are all accompanying you and Guangda this time. Let me introduce them to you."

Say it.

Li Jue patted the nearest man on the shoulder:

"Xiao Xu, you should know this comrade, right?"

Xu Yun nodded and extended his hand to the other party politely:

"Comrade Pingsheng, I haven't seen you for a while."

The other party also shook hands with Xu Yun equally enthusiastically:

"Comrade Xu Yun, hello, hello."

This person was surprisingly Chen Pingsheng, whom Xu Yun had not seen for a while. He was the pilot who flew the MiG-15bis from Qingshui Base 14 as a target in order to test the performance of the missile before shooting down the U2.

At that time, Chen Pingsheng parachuted down from an altitude of 10,000 meters and suffered several fractures in his body, so he was left at the base to recuperate.

Now that several months have passed, Chen Pingsheng's injury has almost recovered.

He appeared here today obviously to return to the team.

as expected.

After saying hello, Li Jue said:

"Comrade Pingsheng's injury has almost recovered. At his personal request, the organization decided to let him return to Qingshui Base 14 to prepare for the next round of test flights of the J-6 fighter jet."

"This time he will go to Shanzhou with you. After arriving in Shanzhou, someone will pick him up and return him to Qingshui Base 14."

Chen Pingsheng laughed shyly and scratched his hair a little shyly.

As the saying goes, it takes a hundred days to break a muscle, so in a strict sense, Chen Pingsheng has not yet fully recovered to his best physical condition.

However, the next round of test flights of the J-6, the next generation of main fighter jets, was about to begin. Chen Pingsheng couldn't wait to report, hoping to return to the team in time.

After discussion, the organization decided to respect his ideas and there was no need to extinguish the comrades' patriotic enthusiasm.

After all, the test flight will require a detailed physical examination. If the hardware conditions are not up to standard, Chen Pingsheng will definitely not be able to fly. The physical examination report is much more convincing than a direct rejection.

Although Xu Yun didn't interact with Chen Pingsheng many times, he still respected this first-class hero who shot down the legendary pilot George Davis across the sea.

I saw him shaking hands with Chen Pingsheng again and saying:

"Comrade Pingsheng, the battlefield of Base 221 is on the ground, but your battlefield is in the sky."

"The dragon will surely enter the sea, and the Kunpeng will eventually ascend to heaven."

"So I will not say those polite words to persuade you to stay, but I wish you a great future and create greater glory with the Chinese Air Force!"

Chen Pingsheng patted Xu Yun's shoulder hard:

"Comrade Han Li, please rest assured, I will definitely work harder. If you have the opportunity to come to our base in the future, I will take you to visit our J-6!"

"To tell you the truth, that will be our main fighter jet in the future."


When Xu Yun heard this, a subtle smile appeared at the corner of his mouth:

"Comrade Pingsheng, your last sentence may not be correct."

A question mark suddenly appeared on Chen Pingsheng's face.

Xu Yun just shook his head without explaining too much.

However, although Xu Yun chose to remain silent, his words were more than mere words.

after all

When the pilot wakes up, the Rabbits' fighter plan will inevitably undergo major changes, and may even be completely overturned.

The J-6 fighter jet will most likely become a transitional model by then, changing from Liu Xiu to Wang Mang.

Of course, these things were not suitable to be told to Chen Pingsheng right now, so Xu Yun chose to remain silent.

Then Li Jue pointed to a soldier a little further away and said:

"Xiao Xu, as for this, he is the head of the base security department, Lin Fenglin. In fact, you have some relationship with him."

Xu Yun's brows suddenly raised:


Li Jue pointed to a scar on Xu Yun's hand and explained:

"It was Captain Lin who escorted Lao Guo to Guide County to pick up foreign journals. You came back in his car. Do you think you two are related?"

Xu Yun was stunned when he heard this. After he came to his senses, a trace of gratitude quickly appeared on his face:

"It turns out to be you!"

This look on his face was not fake.

Although Halo's guarantee ensured that Xu Yun would not die easily in the dungeon, without Lao Guo's decision and the cooperation of Captain Lin, Xu Yun would not even be able to enter the 221 base.

After all, Lin Feng and Lao Guo are not the kind of NPCs in games. Even the halo can only be guided through hints.

So now that he suddenly saw Lin Feng, Xu Yun would be lying if he said he wasn't excited.

He saw too many admirable seniors in the dungeon, changed many regrets in history, and even met someone he had never met but was extremely familiar with.

And all of this started with the decision of Lao Guo and Lin Feng in Guide County.

Facing Xu Yun's gratitude, Lin Feng just curled his lips slightly:

"Comrade Xu Yun, this is what you should do, you don't have to be polite."

See this situation.

Li Jue quietly approached Xu Yun and lowered his voice and said:

"Xiao Xu, Captain Lin was injured in the face during the Peninsular War. Experts said some nerves were damaged, so he couldn't cry or laugh. Don't get me wrong."

Xu Yun was startled again.

After coming back to his senses, he looked at Lin Feng with even more admiration.

Li Jue then introduced several of his entourage, whose main task was to observe and collect the parameters of the explosion - after all, such a large task was obviously impossible for Xu Yun and Lu Guangda alone.

Lin Feng then called on several soldiers to carry Xu Yun and Lao Guo's luggage into the car, and then carried Xu Yun into the carriage of a car on a stretcher covered with white cloth (?).

After everything is ready.

The convoy started in an orderly manner and slowly left the base.


Don’t get me wrong, some students, the protagonist will not leave like this.

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