Into Unscientific

Chapter 679 The way to return to the motherland! (Down)

At this moment.

Look at the English on the paper in front of you.

The faces of three well-known Chinese scholars, Chen Shengshen, Li Jingjun, and Xiao Yang, couldn't help but reveal a hint of wonder, or rather a subtle look.

This time the docking person was actually John Crump, who would have thought of this.

To know.

Overseas students returning home need to arrange for the assistance of a matchmaker, which is a very basic configuration or link.

However, generally speaking, such contacts usually have very pure Chinese ancestry, such as those contacts from overseas students who returned to China ten years ago.

At that time, Zhu Guangya, Hua Luogeng and others organized hundreds of international students to return to China. At that time, the organization went through several screenings and finally selected Li Hengde, who was still studying for a doctorate across the sea, as the liaison person.

During the entire group of international students returning to China.

Li Hengde has been secretly keeping in touch with his motherland. He uses his relatively unremarkable status as a student to purchase ferry tickets for international students. He is considered one of the people who has made the greatest hidden contribution to the entire wave of international students returning to China.

There were subsequent small and medium-sized evacuations of international students, and the liaison officers were all Chinese.

This time the liaison officer turned out to be the white-skinned John Crump. Except for the red tie on his chest, which looked like a red scarf, he felt that he had nothing to do with him.

Think of this.

Chen Shengshen suddenly guessed something and asked John:

"Mr. John, could it be that you are a comrade from across the sea? - I mean the political kind."

Thinking about it, Chen Shengshen thought that if the other party was a comrade on the other side of the ocean, then it would be more reasonable to serve as a liaison officer.

In the past, there were many foreign comrades who helped and even sacrificed their lives because of similar ideas.

But Clinker John shook his head and quickly denied his guess:

"I'm sorry, but I'm not a Communist Party member."

Then John paused, took a deep breath, and said:

"Professor Chen, in short, you don't have to guess too much about my political identity. It's not as mysterious as you think."

"I'm just a businessman in the standard sense, and I just have some dealings with China."

"Although money is not very reliable, at certain times the relationship it pulls may not be much looser than faith and ideas, don't you think so?"

Chen Shengshen was suddenly startled.

John was actually telling the truth.

Nowadays, the relationship between John and the rabbits is almost entirely maintained by money. From a long-term perspective, this is indeed a very unstable relationship or state.

Once the transaction between the two parties is terminated, John may help deal with the rabbits across the sea - for businessmen, as long as it is profitable.


on the other hand.

For businessmen, during the "honeymoon" period when money transactions are most intense, this relationship is actually much more reliable than other relationships.

Now John still has a large order for rabbits. In order to pay the generous balance for the order, he is almost more concerned about the rabbits than his own father.

See this situation.

Chen Shengshen also more or less guessed some of the stories behind it, so he wisely did not ask about John's identity again, but went straight to the topic:

"Mr. John, to tell you the truth, the three of us were just discussing some matters about returning to China."

"You came at just the right time. There are some things we would like to ask you for advice."

John straightened his body immediately and put on a very reliable expression:

"Gentlemen, if you have any questions, feel free to ask and I will tell you everything."

Hear this.

Chen Shengshen glanced at Xiao Yang and gave him the right to speak.

Xiao Yang quickly nodded knowingly, pondered for a moment, and asked John:

"Mr. John, first of all, I have a question. What is this paper in "Physical Review Letters" about? Is it really a paper from the mainland?"

John nodded vigorously and affirmed:

"That's right, the package went through my logistics channel after it was sent from Xiangjiang. It is guaranteed to be a genuine Chinese paper."

Xiao Yang continued to ask:

"So what's going on with the experimental data in the paper? How could China be able to get those parameters?"

John glanced at the Nobel Prize winner. Xiao Yang's question reminded him of the Gell-Mann he met a few days ago.

At that time, Gelman immediately determined the origin of the data, but now it seems that Xiao Yang has not guessed that level yet.

But this is normal.

After all, they are both theoretical physicists, but Xiao Yang and Gell-Mann's directions are not the same.

Xiao Yang's area of ​​strength lies in mathematical calculations. Similar scholars include future Tehuft and Witten.

Gelman's proficiency is in data analysis, and he is very sensitive to data sources. Weinberg, who met Xiao Yang not long ago, is also a scholar of this type.

In addition, Xiao Yang was more emotionally focused on returning to China at this time, so it was reasonable that he did not have enough energy to analyze the data sources.

So John didn't show off too much. He came to the door again to check and said:

"Yang, have you heard about the 80MeV tandem accelerator at CERN?"


Xiao Yang nodded subconsciously, and before he could finish a single word, his eyes widened:

"Mr. John, are you saying that the equipment that provided the experimental parameters for that paper was the accelerator at CERN?"


John snapped his fingers happily:


Xiao Yang's breathing immediately stopped.

At this moment, he fell into the same contradiction as Gell-Mann:

CERN's answer can indeed explain the origin of these data, because that accelerator does have the ability to measure the relevant energy levels.


How did it fall into the hands of the Chinese?

No, to be precise it should be.

How could Cambridge University send it to the Chinese people?

Looking at Xiao Yang, whose face was gloomy and uncertain, John explained in advance:

"Yang, I can roughly guess the question you want to ask next, but I'm sorry, I don't know much about the deeper truth either."

"I only know that China should have reached certain agreements with Britain, Gaul, and Germany. As for anything more in-depth, I have no way of knowing."

Xiao Yang continued to be silent.

Some things in the world are like this. After knowing the truth, it will be more painful than before knowing the truth.

Less than half a minute passed.

Seeing that the rhythm of the scene was somewhat frozen, Chen Shengshen couldn't help coughing lightly and asked John:

"Mr. John, let's change the topic - China has asked you to be the intermediary this time. What specific arrangements are there to convey to us?"

"For example, should we return to China directly and openly this time, or should we sneak back secretly?"

After Chen Shengshen finished speaking, Li Jingjun also sat up a little straighter, with a little curiosity in his eyes.

Different from Xiao Yang.

Chen Shengshen and Li Jingjun, who are not physics majors, are not very able to get the impact of the news of the CERN accelerator, so their focus is more on how to return to their hometown.

If they go back secretly, they will have to make some preparations - such as dealing with social circles, work circles, etc., as well as various luggage and family arrangements.

At the same time, the explicit or covert method of returning to China will inevitably affect the choices of other international students, and the aspects involved are still very wide.

“What a way to return home”

Hearing this, John looked at John with a half-smile but said:

"Professor Chen, Professor Li, don't worry."

"China is fully prepared this time and we will arrange everything."

As he spoke, John continued to organize his words and said:

"The specific plan is this. You first count the number and list of scholars who want to return to China. After the count is completed, hand over the specific list to me."

"The scholars on the list will be invited to spend the Chinese Spring Festival in Arizona, adjacent to the Mexican border, in one to two months. Everyone knows the security level in those places, and it is normal for 'accidental' kidnappings or armed attacks to occur."

"Then these ordinary scholars will leave the American continent through the Gulf of Mexico, pass through the Malay Peninsula, and finally arrive in Xiangjiang and return to the Chinese mainland."

Chen Shengshen frowned subconsciously:

"Mr. John, wouldn't this arrangement be too childish - would the people in the corner tower be stupid enough to believe this?"

be honest.

John's logic is actually quite simple. To put it bluntly, it's just a disappearance.


It's okay to deceive ordinary people with this reason. If those politicians who want to deceive the other side of the sea can even believe this reason, the other side of the sea can be disintegrated directly.

Faced with Chen Shengshen's questioning, John waved his hand:

"Hey, Professor Chen, don't be impatient."

"Yes, this approach seems a bit deceptive, but the question is how do you know those politicians will not act stupid?"

Chen Shengshen was suddenly startled:

"What's the meaning?"

John spread his hands towards him, shook his head and explained:

"Professor Chen, this is just an act. Those politicians have reached certain agreements with China."

"But if we directly let those Chinese scholars return to China, the pressure from public opinion will be too great after all, and it may even affect some votes among the people."

"So the politicians made a decision to shift the blame to the Mexican gangs and gangs, and by the way, it would also boost support in Arizona and New Mexico."

Chen Shengshen was shocked again.

Good guy, is this tmd okay?

But if you think about it carefully, this approach is in line with the style across the sea.

When Qian Wushi and his group of Chinese students returned to China, the media across the sea carried out overwhelming reports, and some of the sharp media organizations even rose to the level of "definite questions".

Today's international situation is more complex and tense than ten years ago. If Xiao Yang and others are returned to the country at this time,

To know.

Xiao Yang just won the Nobel Prize a few years ago, and his reputation is even greater than that of Qian Wushi.

The same goes for Chen Shengshen. Nowadays, he is involved in the compilation of mathematics textbooks across the sea. Once the news of his return to China spreads, there will definitely be another big wave.

But it would be different if a group of people were attacked and killed.

First of all, China's blockade is very strict these days. To be honest, the international influence of returning scholars is no different from those who died in attacks.

Secondly, this situation can perfectly transfer hatred from the political system across the sea to the violent groups in Mexico - the violent groups in Colombia have just ended this year, the Juarez group in Mexico is gaining momentum, and the entire country is in chaos.

Not an exaggeration.

With the level of chaos in Mexico right now, it wouldn't be surprising if this happened.

Because there is precedent for this.

Two years ago, a team led by Angelis Norman, a geneticist at the University of Arizona, disappeared at the Mexican border. The remains of the entire team of 23 people were not discovered until three months later. The murderers were violent groups in Mexico.

It’s hard to say the exact number of people Chen Shengshen and the others returned this time, but it was estimated that there would only be fifty or sixty people in the end, so it was quite “normal” to actually [disappear].

Moreover, such violent incidents will not have any impact on the political system on the other side of the sea. People will only call for strengthening border security issues, which is originally part of the plan on the other side of the sea.

So the biggest unreasonable point of the whole thing is not the plan itself, but...

I saw Chen Shengshen taking a deep breath and staring at John in front of him extremely seriously:

"Mr. John, how did China reach an agreement with Haidian?"

That's right.

This is the most critical issue.


Although under this situation, there is still a certain degree of trade with the rabbits across the sea, but what is that trade? It's all material aid.

To put it bluntly, in order to establish a so-called humane image, the other side of the sea will sell you a batch of food at a low price and pity you.

If you exclude the import and export of grain, the trade volume with China across the sea is still no more than that of China and Finland.

Under such circumstances, you allowed so many Chinese students to be released across the sea, and at the same time, you willingly cooperated in the performance?

At least according to Chen Shengshen's knowledge, this is absolutely impossible.

Back then, the Rabbits were able to release those talents across the sea, relying on the prisoners captured during the Peninsular War, including extremely valuable pilots.

Those prisoners cooperated with the pressure of domestic public opinion from Shanghai, and only then did Qian Wushi and others return home.

But now that the rabbits obviously don’t have these bargaining chips, how can they force the politicians across the sea to let go?

You can’t rely on love, right?

Looking at the famous mathematician whose face was full of confusion and even confusion, John smiled meaningfully.

I saw him reaching out and digging around a few times, and quickly took out a transparent plastic bag.

Then he carefully opened the transparent plastic bag and carefully took out a small blue pill:

"Of course it's through love."


The fever is almost gone, but the cough is still severe. I guess there is something wrong with the bronchus. If it is the lungs, it should be a low fever.

It is said that the weight of "Handbook of Conquest of Different Worlds" has been restored. In the past, the monthly ticket ranking did not display the specific number, but now the ranking is displayed, laugh.

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