Into Unscientific

Chapter 680 Causes and Consequences

At this moment.

Inside the office.


Looking at the small plastic bag in John's hand in front of him, Chen Shengshen couldn't help but have a question mark in his heart:

"Mr. John, what is this?"

The thin blue tablet looks like a certain type of medicine.

But let alone Chen Shengshen's impression that there is no medicine that looks like this at all. Even if it is really a certain kind of medicine, what does it have to do with China and the politicians across the sea?

This question also appeared on the faces of Li Jingjun and Xiao Yang. It was obvious that the two bosses were also a little confused.

However, a hint of greed quietly appeared on the face of John opposite them, staring at the small pill in his palm as if he were looking at a naked beauty:

"Professor Chen, this is a good thing. Its production technology comes from China, and its name is..."

"Sildenafil Citrate."

"Citron. Sildenafil acid?"

Chen Shengshen repeated the word a little awkwardly, and the confusion in his tone became more intense:

"Mr. John, what does this sildenafil drug have to do with our return to China?"

Say it.

Chen Shengshen suddenly realized something in his mind, and he sat up straighter in an instant:

"Mr. John, are you saying that the use of sildenafil in China has bought us the right to return to the country?"


John couldn't help but lick the corner of his mouth with the tip of his tongue and corrected:

"To be precise, it is using the agency rights for the next ten years in exchange for the promise to allow Chinese students to return to China."

"Of course, the requirement to return to China is voluntary. The other side of the sea will not assist China in forcing any scholar to return to the mainland."

Chen Shengshen:


Even though Chen Shengshen had a superior IQ, he couldn't help but fall into some kind of downtime at this time.

How many little blue pills can be used to exchange for the qualification of a Chinese scholar to return to the country?

When did the politicians across the sea become so easy to talk to?

To know.

This kind of commitment cannot be made by one or a few people. This kind of resolution must involve at least some core groups, so that those groups can choose to relent.

Is the little blue pill really that attractive?

At this moment.

Looking at Chen Shengshen, whose face was full of intense confusion, John Crump also had a trace of emotion on his face.

be honest.

When they received the little blue pill earlier, no one, including John Troupe himself, took this strange-looking drug to heart.

after all

But it's just a so-called new medicine sent by the Chinese.

Although it claims to have some local donkey essence added to it, this gimmick won't attract many people's attention.

Although the country across the sea has little history, such "earthwork" is not uncommon on this side of the American continent.

For example, countries such as Mexico and Peru have some so-called earth recipes.

So at first, John Crump just had a coping mentality and handed about half of the little blue pills to the MIT medical laboratory for clinical research.

What I didn't expect was that

On the night when the trial began, John Crump was picked up alive from the bed by Shamshad Heaton, the director of the MIT Medical Laboratory.

John and Shamshad Heaton can be considered friends who have known each other for more than 30 years. Shamshad Heaton is older than him and just turned 72 this year.

Everyone knows that people at the age of 72 have reached the middle and later stages of life in a sense.

Most of them usually water the flowers and make tea, and in winter they lie on wicker chairs and read books. To put it bluntly, they are in the period of recuperation, and many young people's affairs are no longer relevant to them.

For example, bungee jumping, skydiving, and eight and a half.

Shamshad Heaton's physical condition is worse than that of an ordinary 72-year-old man. The reason why he still works at MIT is mainly for the salary of re-employment.

But on the night when he was picked up from the bed by Shamshad Heaton, John Crump saw a scene that he will never forget:

His friend slapped him awake first, then quickly took off his pants, holding a certain part of his body like everyone caught a snail when they were children, and excitedly shouted to John:

"Hey, John, look what this is! God, I'm hard again!!!!"

John, who was still a little sleepy at the time, subconsciously wanted to reach out and touch a few, but fortunately he woke up in time.

Then John learned about the cause and effect from Shamshad Heaton, and finally learned a shocking news:

The medicine that gave Shamshad Sidon a second spring was, surprisingly, those small pills sent by China!

Later, John personally tried the pills himself, and the final result was naturally extremely gratifying.

These days, PCR and LC-MS technologies are in the early stages of development, and the deciphering technology is not yet mature. In addition, John has not cooperated with China once or twice, so he immediately contacted his contacts in China to learn about the situation.

In the end, the contactor told John a piece of news that almost made him burst into tears:

China is willing to authorize the production process of the small pills and the agency rights for the next ten years to John and his family. The Rabbits will only take 20% of the profits during this period, and the remaining part can be distributed by John independently - John can take 10% , you can also get 50%, but you must ensure that Chinese students who are willing to return to China can smoothly return to the mainland.

At the same time, the contactor also gave John 200 brand-new drug samples, allowing him to use them as evidence to convince those who needed to be convinced.

Finally, under the near-invincible power of the little blue pill, John truly experienced a tailwind.

Then there was today's conversation and John's assurance that Chen Shengshen and others could return to China smoothly.

While John and Chen Shengshen were introducing the causes and consequences.

Tens of thousands of kilometers away on the other side of the ocean.

Li Jue and Lao Guo were also looking at Xu Yun in front of them with some confusion:

"Xiao Xu, this is strange. How can you guarantee that the politicians across the sea will agree to our conditions?"

"No matter how important the issue of the lower body is, it won't cause them to directly change their political stance, right?"

Looking at Li Jue with a question mark on his face, Xu Yun, who had just returned to the base from Lop Nur not long ago, smiled:

"Director, you have to think about it simply - for those old white-skinned pigs, ahem, white politicians, the stance of the lower body is much more important than the stance they shout out."

"Besides, what we did this time does not violate the so-called political correctness. For them, it is just a piece of cake."

"If we change the question - for example, if we ask them to state internationally that logistics is not orthodox, then I guess it won't be possible."

"So in the final analysis, we found a suitable opportunity to operate. They thought we were stupid, and we thought their brains were kicked by a donkey. It's as simple as that."


Xu Yun spread his hands towards Li Jue in a very Western style and shrugged his shoulders twice.

Not long ago.

After it was decided to publish the paper as a collection, a brand new question also appeared in front of everyone:

After the paper is published, there will definitely be many Chinese scholars who want to return to China. So how should they operate the process of returning to China?

The process here does not refer to the personnel arrangements after returning to the country, but how to escape from under the nose across the sea.

after all

The opposite side of the sea has always been very strict with these talents, and some of them are still being watched outside their residences.

It is basically an impossible "fairy tale" for them to return home by boat according to standard procedures and have the customs officers across the sea enthusiastically wave goodbye at the port.

At that time, Lao Guo and others thought of many ways, but in the end they were all rejected one after another.

Some of those plans are too idealistic, some are too violent, and there are very thick barriers to their implementation.

While discussing the situation, Xu Yun, who had just finished checking the synthesis of paclitaxel, came up with an idea:

Why not make a transaction?

After all, there is a difference between the return of talents and other equipment blockades, and the political overtones are not particularly bright. It is a situation that is calm on the surface but has turbulent undercurrents.

Even when Hai Duan put Qian Wushi under house arrest, the reason was just that he leaked the secret. The authenticity of this excuse is not discussed. At least Hai Duan never dared to say clearly that "he wanted to return to China, so we stopped him".

This approach is shameless, but it also leaves some room for maneuver.

If the two sides can reach a certain exchange of interests, maybe the other side of the sea will really let those international students come back.

Since there were previous transaction records with Britain, France and Germany, the supervisors did not lose their temper too much after Xu Yun proposed this idea - they were already used to it.

The trading items Xu Yun took out were

Sildenafil citrate, also known as Viagra, was the Viagra that many classmates in later generations liked to take.

Papapapa medication, this drug category is basically synchronized with the length of the history of human civilization.

Its demand can be said to run through ancient and modern times and span regions.

For example, as early as the Western Han Dynasty, my country's first pharmaceutical monograph "Shen Nong's Materia Medica" recorded many drugs that improve the function of nasha.

By the time of the "Compendium of Materia Medica", there were 193 types of drugs for improving and correcting Nasal dysfunction, and 78 prescriptions were attached, covering all aspects of regulation from the kidneys to the heart to the blood.

The earliest extant works "Zheraping Prescriptions" and "Health Prescriptions" were unearthed in Mawangdui, Changsha, Hunan. There is also a type of prescription called "Neijia".

In the West, saltwater fish began to be eaten during the Roman period. In India, South Asia, it is also said that certain animals and plants were used to prepare aphrodisiac products from the agricultural civilization.

It is said that hundreds of animals have this function, but due to different cultures, different ethnic groups have different favorite species - everything else is easy to say, but the mummy powder thing is really a bit outrageous

But sadly.

A variety of aphrodisiac drugs have appeared one after another, but there has never been an ideal one, until.

"Viagra" was launched.

The earliest scene where Viagra appeared was in the study of cardiovascular disease. At that time, scientists discovered that the signaling molecule in the body's cardiovascular system that regulates blood pressure and blood flow is nitric oxide, so they began to develop cardiovascular drugs from this perspective.

In 1991.

They put the drug they developed into the trial stage, but the drug did not achieve the expected effect, but at the same time, a completely unexpected phenomenon occurred.

That is, they found that patients who received this drug had an "erection" phenomenon. Subsequent trials showed that the drug was miraculous in eliminating male sexual dysfunction.

So as if the scientific researchers had found a treasure, they immediately changed their direction and devoted themselves to developing the drug into a drug specifically designed to treat impotence.

When Viagra was successfully developed, three scientists involved in the project won the 1998 Nobel Prize in Medicine.

In the future life where Xu Yun traveled through time.

Since its global launch, Viagra has treated more than 66 million men. 5.3 tablets of Viagra are taken every second around the world. Xu Yun’s good friends Pei Tugou, Golden Jasmine, and Tianrui Shuofu all rely on this small drug. Pills get a new lease of life.

Therefore, after much thought, Xu Yun took this little blue pill as a trading commodity.

The ingredients of Viagra are not a secret to Xu Yun, a doctoral student in biomedicine. It is still very easy to produce it now that Liu Youcheng and his laboratory have achieved technological breakthroughs.


after awhile.

Li Jue looked at Xu Yun again and continued to ask:

"Xiao Xu, I heard that we will lose a lot of money in this transaction?"

This time, Xu Yun was silent for a long time:

"Well, there are gains and losses in everything - if we can exchange Mr. Yang, ahem, Mr. Yang and the others back to the country, the money lost is still worth it."

"Not to mention that with the current international situation, it is impossible for us to trade with the other side of the sea for a long time, so even if this does not happen, we will not be able to eat this money in the short term."

“So instead of worrying about the amount of losses, it’s better to focus on those scholars who have returned to China.”

be honest.

No one in this era knows the value of sildenafil citrate better than Xu Yun. In 2023, when he traveled back in time, it was worth billions of dollars.


In the face of the return of Mr. Yang, Chen Shengshen and others, this part of the market seems less important.

Now that Xu Yun has planted a large number of scientific and technological seeds in the country, these talents will have an immeasurable impact on the scientific education of the Republic after returning to the country - if nothing else, if Li Jingjun's genetics research can develop, then It is not comparable to Sildenafil Citrate.

Not to mention, as Xu Yun said before, with the current international situation here, even if this hadn't happened, it would be impossible for the rabbits to do pharmaceutical business with the other side of the sea for a long time.

So instead of worrying about this money, it is better to find a spokesperson like John across the sea, and the annual dividend can be 20%.

more importantly.

After Xu Yun had an extra chat with the writer, he no longer had to worry about these returning scholars encountering talent shortages in the future. In this case, what else was there to worry about?

Of course, you have to pull people back with all your strength.


I was originally going to write another one about international influence, but I changed it because it was too sensitive. (As a quick aside, I originally just wanted to write about Yoichiro Nanbu and then persecute Ahem again, and tease Suzuki Atsushi once, but it’s a pity. .)

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