Into Unscientific

Chapter 681 The rooster that lays eggs


Although I feel a little sad about the money that the rabbits are about to lose.

But after careful consideration, Li Jue and Lao Guo finally decided to accept Xu Yun's statement.

Although their vision is not as long-term as Xu Yun, the time traveler, they still have some basic judgments.

Now is indeed the best time for the Rabbits to recruit overseas talents. No international organization or organization knows about the amazing progress of the Rabbits in the development of nuclear weapons.

At the same time, quite the opposite.

This approach of the Rabbits can easily be interpreted by the outside world, especially across the sea, as being stuck in the development of nuclear weapons, so it is necessary to recall talents to promote research.

But once this time is missed, many things will be different.

If the Western countries, led by those across the sea, knew that the Rabbits were close to mastering even the hydrogen bomb, they would definitely not be able to let anyone return to the country, and they might even put aside their shame and attack some scholars who wanted to return to the country.

In this case, the focus should really be on the stable return of talents to the country, and there should be no need to think too much about money and income.


Then Li Jue thought of something again, picked up the topic again, and asked Xu Yun:

"Xiao Xu, how was Lop Nur's trip this time? Was the road bumpy?"

"It went pretty well."

When mentioning Lop Nur this time, Xu Yun's tone became much more relaxed:

"There were no major problems throughout the whole process. Director Lu and I also met Comrade Peng Jiamu from the Zhuzhou Branch of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. We all got along very happily."

"As for small-scale nuclear explosion experiments, we have collected a lot of important radioactivity data, such as ERO, KTP values, etc., and the collectors are also in good physical condition."

"At present, there are no big problems with the parameters of the atomic bomb we designed, but there are some areas - for example, the triggering angle of the ignition neutron needs to be optimized."

Lao Guo on the side nodded slightly.

As mentioned earlier, the purpose of al-Qaida's small-scale atomic bomb test explosion this time is to try to find out the problems, so it is normal to find some errors.

For example, what Xu Yun said is the triggering angle of ignition neutrons.

The angle originally designed by the theoretical team was 17.6°. Mathematically, there should be no problem with the refractive efficiency at this angle.

However, during the experiment, Lu Guangda and others found that this angle was not actually the technically optimal solution—because they ignored the geometric state of the reflective layer in the actual process.

The so-called geometric state refers to the specific configuration of the structure. In pure mathematical calculations, this geometric state will not change. However, in real explosions, due to high temperatures and shock waves, the geometric state of the reflective layer will inevitably deform.

This deformation will eventually cause the optimal triggering angle of the ignition neutron to be inconsistent with the derivation process. The actual triggering angle should be corrected to 19.8°.

Similar situations occurred several times throughout the process. It can be considered a good thing that Xu Yun and Lu Guangda have gained some experience.

Although Li Jue doesn't know much about the specific concept, he still understands this principle.

So he nodded quickly and continued to ask:

"Xiao Xu, I heard that you also found a living chicken at the scene this time? And it also laid eggs?"

Hear the word chicken.

A subtle look suddenly appeared on Xu Yun's face.

I saw him gently touching his chin, thinking carefully and saying:

"Well, we found a reed chicken at the heart-breaking location. It's about two and a half years old."

"Originally, I wanted to send this chicken to Director Liu Youcheng and his colleagues for research, but I didn't expect that it actually laid an egg on the way back."


The corners of Xu Yun's mouth couldn't help but twitch a few times.

He really didn't expect that the rooster would develop into the current style of painting.

Not long ago, Xu Yun and Lu Guangda discovered a living big rooster at the nuclear explosion site. Although Xu Yun was a little surprised at the time, he really didn't take this thing to heart.

After all, the place where the big rooster lived was inside the cabin. If there was a bunker, it was just like that.

In addition, there are actually many animals that have been exposed to nuclear radiation in later generations. The nuclear sewage next door has been drained for two rounds and there is no Godzilla, right?

So Xu Yun simply kept this in mind and prepared to go back to the base to make a handover.

The result was unexpected.

On the way back to the base from Lop Nur, this rooster actually laid an egg!

This tmd is outrageous.

To know.

Roosters do not have the ability to lay eggs. There are basically only three possibilities for roosters to lay eggs in later generations.

The first type is the second creation of suspense novels. Many suspense novels like to start with a rooster laying an egg, and they slowly spread from person to person.

The second is when the rooster drops infertile eggs while adding chicken essence to the hen, and others mistakenly think that the rooster is laying eggs.

This kind of situation is relatively common in rural areas. After "Satire and Humor" reported it in the last century, it has gradually become the mainstream of roosters laying eggs.

The third is that hormones in the feed cause the hen to overgrow, making the hen's comb appear to be about the same size as a rooster, so that it is mistaken for a rooster.

throughout nature.

A simple 'rooster lays eggs' does not actually exist, but there is a special situation that indirectly leads to the so-called 'rooster lays eggs'.

That is, for some reason (not related to feed), the hen has undergone natural degeneration over a period of time, transforming from a hen into a complete rooster.

The essential reason for this situation is that a hen usually only has one left ovary that is functioning. When it is damaged, the right ovary will take over.

This alternation process may cause a significant increase in androgen levels in the hen's body, eventually acquiring the sexual characteristics of a rooster.

In addition, one of the causes of this situation may also be the lack of other male individuals in the chicken group. Just like if there are too many male netizens in the gay group, there will always be one or two who are forced to become man-girls or group RBQs.

But the big rooster that Xu Yun and the others discovered now did not fall into any of the above situations. It laid eggs in a purely male body.

Then Li Jue leaned back in his seat, rested his head on the chair, and asked:

"Xiao Xu, how are those eggs doing now?"

A slightly embarrassed smile appeared on Xu Yun's lips:

"No one dared to touch it. They were afraid of nuclear radiation if they ate it, and they were afraid of damaging the samples during shell-breaking research, so they kept it in the chicken coop."

Say it.

Xu Yun scratched his hair again and continued to laugh twice.

The rooster brought back from Lop Nur this time only laid one egg, so both Xu Yun and Lu Guangda were in rare trouble:

It's easy to boil or fry the egg, but its 'father' is the rooster who survived the atomic bomb after all. No one can say whether there will be any radioactive nuclide inside the egg.

If you eat it forcefully, you won't be able to protect yourself. Before Neon has time to mutate, the rabbits will have their own Godzilla.

Lu Guangda was a little reluctant to do direct dissection and research. After all, this egg was truly a unique one, and no one could say whether the rooster would lay another one.

Ever since.

This special egg was temporarily placed in the chicken coop, and for a while no one knew what to do with it.

"No one dares to move"

Li Jue thought for a few seconds after hearing this, and suddenly his eyes lit up:

"In that case, Xiao Xu, why don't you put it in the donkey shed and try it?"

"Those local donkeys are full of treasures. Maybe they can also provide some surprises when it comes to hatching eggs - at least there should be no difference between roosters and male donkeys in terms of egg hatching experience."

Xu Yun:


The eggs laid by the rooster are hatched by the donkey. Why does this style of painting look so like the basilisk in Harry Potter?

If I remember correctly, the basilisk in "Harry Potter" was hatched from a male egg by a toad.

But soon.

Xu Yun understood Li Jue's thoughts.


The rooster itself had no experience in hatching eggs, so there was essentially no difference between whether the rooster or the donkey took care of the eggs. It was the first time in their lives for both men to dress up as women.

At the same time, during this period of time, the local donkeys at the base were physically exhausted. They were either grinding or having their hair cut off every day. The first thing they did when they returned to the donkey shed was to fall asleep.

In this case, there is no need to worry about them crushing the eggs—in fact, a few donkey calves have been born at the base recently.

After all, the number of local donkeys in the base now exceeds 1,000, so it is quite normal for some little donkeys to be born.

In this case, the safety of putting eggs in the donkey shed is actually quite high.

After ensuring basic security, the rest is "reward".

Do not know why.

Although there was no evidence, Xu Yun always felt that the eggs hatched by local donkeys might bring him some little surprises.

Anyway, if you don't do anything now, the egg will probably go bad in a short time.

Think of this.

He then looked up at Li Jue and said:

"Director, I think you can give this idea a try."


Li Jue looked very happy and couldn't help but laugh twice:

"Anyway, I understand. If there's anything we can't handle in our base, we'll go to you first. If you can't help it, just go to the donkey. This sequence is correct."

Xu Yun:


Why does this sound a little wrong?

However, before Xu Yun had time to carefully reflect on the meaning of these words, Li Jue changed the topic again:

"By the way, Xiao Xu, the New Year will be here in just over a month. Do you have any ideas about the New Year's party?"

Xu Yun was suddenly startled.

New Year?

But he soon realized that indeed, it will be almost Chinese New Year in a while

At the same time, the time when he came to this era was approaching half a year without realizing it.

Soon it will be his first Chinese Spring Festival in this era, and it will also be the last special holiday before leaving.

After this Spring Festival, his time in this era will completely enter the countdown.

I'm really reluctant to give up. I always feel like there are still many things that haven't been done.

While Xu Yun was having a lot of thoughts in his heart, Li Jue on the opposite side couldn't help but call his name again:

"Xiao Xu, what's wrong with you?"

"Oh, I'm fine."

Xu Yun quickly came to his senses, shook his head quickly, and explained:

"I just thought of something. As for the Spring Festival. Director, how do we usually spend it?"

"As usual"

A trace of recollection flashed through Li Jue's eyes. From the time the base was first built to now, he has also spent three Spring Festivals at the base:

"Usually, each person has an extra steamed bun, half a fish and three ounces of meat. A group of seven people in the workshop will share a can of beef and cook soup for themselves. Then when the time comes, everyone will sing a few songs and set off some firecrackers. On New Year's Eve, Even if it’s passed.”

"Last year we were a little short on supplies, so we only got one tael of meat and the fish were not that big."

"At that time, a lottery was held to distribute the base fairly. For example, the comrades in the second branch factory generally received less than 2 taels of fish, but no one said anything."

Talking and talking.

Li Jue couldn't help but sigh.

He was the first leader of the entire base to come to Jinyintan, and he could recall a lot of the difficulties the base encountered in its early days just by thinking about it.

Among them, what he regrets most is that he has not been able to give everyone a better Spring Festival in the early years.

To know.

Jinyintan itself has a very high altitude, and the temperature in winter is extremely cold. The human body's demand for heating and food is inherently much higher than in the plains.

At the same time, the Spring Festival is the most important festival in China, and the meal on New Year's Eve has extraordinary significance in all aspects.

However, the base has been so poor in the past three years that it has been unable to give its employees a good year for three consecutive years.

Although most employees did not blame the base leaders, Li felt that there was always a thorn in their hearts.


This year is different.

This year, with the emergence of Xu Yun, the base ushered in a new wave of changes in the second half of the year:

The equipment is available, U2 has been defeated, there are more talents, and supplies are sufficient.

Today, there are more than a thousand tons of winter wheat piled in the base's warehouse, and the daily staple food quota for an adult is only about 500 grams.

These wheat can be used to make steamed buns, pancakes, or even just add some corn kernels to make porridge as a staple food.

Even if the weight of wheat husks is removed, there is enough for the base to survive the coldest winter with a surplus.

This is also the reason why most base leaders are so friendly to Xu Yun - there are only five leaders in the base who really know Xu Yun's origins. The main reason why others rarely object to Xu Yun's various plans is because Xu Yun's contribution to the food industry.

It is precisely for this reason.

Li Jue is also full of certain expectations for the upcoming Spring Festival.

after all

He also knew very well that this would be Xu Yun's last Spring Festival in the base.

Whether it is for the morale of the base employees or for Xu Yun himself, this Spring Festival should leave some special memories.

This is also part of the gratitude that Li Jue can express within his ability.


You can guess what the eggs will produce, it’s very interesting~

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