Into Unscientific

Chapter 793: The Flower of Hope Blooming in the Sea of ​​Death (Part 2)

"Xiao Xu, wake up, we're at the headquarters."

Lao Guo's voice, combined with the push on the back when the jeep braked, pulled Xu Yun back to reality from his dazed state.

Then he stretched hard and yawned:


Lao Guo, who was in the driver's seat, also took off his glasses, and rubbed his eyes with the back of his hand, regardless of whether his hands were clean or not. He also looked a little tired.

There was no way.

Whether it was Lao Guo or Xu Yun, they had basically not rested much in the past few days.

Two weeks ago, on September 4, the organization officially made the decision to transport the experimental atomic bomb from Base 221 to the test site.

In response to a series of complex situations, in order to ensure the smooth progress of the nuclear test, the organization has made all preparations.

The day after the instructions were issued, in order to further strengthen the leadership of security and confidentiality work, the General Political Department Security Department established the Joint Office for Security, Security and Confidentiality of the First Nuclear Test, which consists of four groups: secretary, security, confidentiality and transportation.

The main task of the transport team is to transport the nuclear bomb to the test site safely and confidentially until it is installed on the test tower and safely tested.

This task sounds simple, but it is difficult to carry out in practice.

Not only must the enemy's sabotage and theft be prevented throughout the process, but more importantly, there are technical requirements, such as how to prevent radioactive leakage, how to ensure that the temperature, humidity, vibration, etc. are within the standard safety factor range?

Moreover, the nuclear bomb manufacturing plant is thousands of kilometers away from the test base, and the staff involved have no idea what problems will be encountered during transportation.

So Xu Yun, who barely understands nuclear testing, was drafted into the army, and cooperated with Lao Guo, Lu Guangda and others to formulate specific regulations for these staff members.

Finally, after comprehensive assessment by various departments, everyone unanimously agreed to transport the atomic bomb by means of separate packaging.

The key core components of the atomic bomb, the uranium ball and the ignition neutron source, were transported by air in advance. These core components were escorted by the second-in-command of the Second Machine Ministry and a vice president of the Ninth Institute. They flew from Xining to Zhuzhou Malan Airport on a modified Il-14 transport plane. After unloading at Malan Airport, they were directly loaded onto a helicopter and transported to the Lop Nur nuclear test site.

The part of the atomic bomb without the nuclear explosive device was transported by land by train. The train was a special train. Each carriage was equipped with communication equipment. The coal used on the train was sieved with a sieve to prevent explosives such as detonators that did not explode from the coal mine from mixing with the coal.

In addition, the iron hammers used by train inspectors along the way were replaced with special copper hammers to prevent sparks from hitting the wheels of the train. All high-voltage lines crossing the railway along the special train were shut down before the train passed to avoid accidents caused by static electricity and ensure the safe operation of the special train.

In addition, all the forks along the train were locked, and the special train carriages were marked with the "Triangle Seven" symbol (a red triangle with a 7 inside). Railway personnel knew at a glance that this was the highest-level military special train, but the stations and even the railway command had no idea what the special train was carrying.

This was not the end. When the atomic bomb was loaded on the train, extraordinary security measures of "no needle could be inserted and no water could be poured in" were taken:

The officers and soldiers of the 221 Factory Guard Regiment were responsible for guarding the periphery, with a post every ten steps and a sentry every five steps. In the middle, there were always hat uncles, motorcycle teams and cavalry teams patrolling continuously. The inner layer was responsible for carrying the products by specially selected workers and scientific and technological personnel from the 221 Factory.

Since the departure, Xu Yun and Lao Guo have been staying in the cab.

In order to ensure the absolute safety of the special train along the way, a sentry was set up every 25 meters along the railway during transportation. In addition, PLA soldiers patrolled the railway day and night, and a large number of militias were deployed on the periphery.

At every crossing and platform the special train passed, there were special railway police and local public security personnel guarding every few steps. Every culvert and every bridge passed by was equipped with special guards.

During the whole process, considering that the Mao Bears were familiar with this area, the rabbits also prepared another camouflaged transport vehicle with a large number of expert stand-ins, even Xu Yun was no exception - of course, Xu Yun's stand-in was easier, just find someone to sit in a wheelchair, and then use bandages to tie it up like a mummy.

It took Xu Yun and others seven days to successfully escort the atomic bomb to the Malan base.

During this period, he and Lao Guo hardly closed their eyes, and even a comrade in the expert group had a sudden heart attack due to overwork. Fortunately, he was rescued in time to save his life.

In this situation, coupled with Xu Yun's own paralysis, he had to take a nap almost every once in a while.

Then, with the assistance of guards Mou Fangdong and Lao Guo, Xu Yun got off the train smoothly.

"Comrade Youlai, Xiao Xu!"

As soon as Xu Yun's wheelchair landed, several figures came over:

"Thank you for your hard work."

Xu Yun was a little confused because he had just woken up, but he straightened up when he saw this person:

"Hello, Chief!"

That's right.

Now the rabbits are penniless, Xu Yun has made amazing achievements but has not received any rewards, so the rabbits can only use people to express their sincerity.


While Xu Yun was talking to the writer and others, Lao Guo also walked over quickly:

"Report to the chief, we just received a message from Comrade Jilin, everything is ready at the main control station, please give instructions!"

This time, in order to ensure the smooth progress of the nuclear experiment, the rabbits set up a total of three points in the experimental area.

The first point is the test explosion site where the atomic bomb and the tower are located, which is the so-called explosion core.

The second point is the main control station, located under the ground 25 kilometers away from the center of the explosion.

The main control station is mainly responsible for the starting process of the atomic bomb. To put it bluntly, it is responsible for pressing the switch.

This underground facility was built by Ge Shuping of the 19th Institute and was code-named 'Room 12'. There were seven radio lines installed in the room, which could directly guide the detonation of the atomic bomb.

The third point is the Baiyungang command post where Xu Yun and the writer are located. It is located by the Kongque River, surrounded by a large number of red willows, and is 60 kilometers away from the center of the explosion.

Follow prior planning.

A chemical defense team of 20 people will be arranged in the main control station. The nature of this team is somewhat similar to a death squad. They will rush to the core of the explosion immediately after the nuclear explosion to collect nuclear explosion data.

Then the headquarters will dispatch a large force of hundreds of people to the scene to collect dust and radioactive residues, plus process and search for various samples after the nuclear explosion.

The former's goals tend to be more fixed-point, while the latter is carpet scanning.

Then under the guidance of Lao Guo.

The group quickly entered the core area of ​​the command post, a large open-air shed.

Then everyone stood in a row in front of the writer like a troop reporting. Li Jue held a pamphlet in his hand and said:

"Comrades, we are now very close to the scheduled time for the detonation of the atomic bomb. Now, in accordance with the relevant regulations of the Joint Office of Nuclear Test Safety, Security and Secrecy, I will conduct the final summary of the pre-nuclear detonation process."

"The content of this summary will be included in the archives as nuclear experiment minutes. The first unit is the weather forecast team. Comrade Ye Duzheng, has the breath data been collected and verified?"

Hearing Li Jue's words.

Ye Duzheng, who was standing on the far left, suddenly had a solemn expression:

"Report to the factory director, the weather data is consistent with the situation simulated a few days ago, report completed!"

Li Jue nodded and checked the weather data column.

The links he confirmed at this time have been verified countless times. To put it bluntly, if any link was really problematic, today's nuclear explosion plan would not be able to advance to this point, but this qualitative process still needs to be followed.

Just like the handprint in Xiaogang Village back then, it was not only to clarify responsibilities, but also to be a witness.

Then Li Jue paused and continued;

"The second unit, the survey team, Comrade Zhang Bingcheng, are the survey vehicles, equipment, and personnel ready?"

The person who answered Li Jue's question this time was a dark-skinned soldier. He immediately replied:

"Report to the leader, all personnel and equipment of the measurement module are in place, report completed!"

"Decontamination Team."


A few minutes later.

Li Jue put down the pen in his hand, came to the writer with a serious expression, and handed over the pamphlet:

"Reporting to the chief, the nuclear test minutes have been entered and there are no problems in all aspects. Please give instructions to the chief!"

The leader who was always smiling on weekdays also looked very serious at this time. Hearing this, he took the pamphlet and read it carefully, and then said to Li Jue:

"Comrade Li Jue, please contact the capital and tell me that Miss Qiu has braided her hair and entered the upper chamber and will be here at midnight."

Li Jue nodded:


Mentioned earlier.

In order to keep the atomic bomb secret, the rabbits once set up a very special set of code words.

For example, the platform where the atomic bomb is installed is called the "dressing table", and the cable connecting the pyrotechnics is as long as hair and is called the "braid"; the assembly of the atomic bomb is called "dressing", and the password of the atomic bomb assembly workshop is "living room"; The working platform on the tower is "live in the house"; the weather code is "blood pressure"; the detonation time is "zero hour".

As for Miss Qiu, she naturally refers to Miss Qiu, the round atomic bomb.

What the writer means by this is that the atomic bomb has been assembled on the tower and can be officially prepared for test explosion.

Five minutes passed.

Li Jue returned to the writer with a new telegram, which contained one sentence:

"Everything is normal at my mother's house, don't worry, I can pick you up on time."


Looking at this telegram, even though the writer has seen countless storms and waves, his heart is also a little difficult to calm down at this time.

After a few seconds.

The writer said to Li Jue:

"Comrade Li Jue, please contact the main control station and tell them that the wedding is ready."

Li Jue took a deep breath:


After Li Jue leaves.

The writer also pushed Xu Yun's wheelchair outside the pergola and asked the security guards to distribute a pair of sunglasses to everyone.

There is no so-called trend or design in sunglasses these days. The style you wear after wearing them completely depends on your personal image.

For example, when a handsome and elegant man like the writer puts on sunglasses, he looks extremely handsome and can be called a true national handsome man.

On the other hand, Xu Yun, who has half of his hair burned off, should look at the snow-capped mountains in the distance, family.

Then the group of people stayed on the hillside like this, with many staff members who had completed their tasks standing around, chatting in twos and threes, or secretly looking at the big boss group next to Xu Yun.

Of course.

At this time, there are far more than just a few hundred people paying attention to the area in the distance. There are hundreds of millions of pairs of eyes in the Malan Base, 221 Base, and households with TVs or in open spaces across China, looking forward to that moment. The moment comes.

At this moment.

Xu Yun had forgotten to think, and he just stared at the distance, with only his occasional eyelashes to prove that he was not a sculpture.

After an unknown amount of time, the writer's voice suddenly rang in Xu Yun's ears:

"Time is almost up, one minute left."


Not long after the writer finished speaking, some young workers who were originally sitting on the hillside stood up.

Xu Yun saw many familiar faces among them, such as Mr. Wang when he was young, Ge Tongyou who he had met at the Xichang Satellite Base, and Zhou Shaoping who was also a young version.

Everyone couldn't help but half open their mouths and stared at the northwest direction.


A female comrade from Shanghai held a pocket watch in both hands and slowly read it out.

At first, not many people echoed her, but as the numbers decreased, a countdown sound was faintly heard on the hillside:


More and more people were reading the countdown, and the voices were getting louder and louder, but there was no confusion at all.


The big rabbit with the same surname as Xu Yun also started to read the countdown, followed by the domineering old man, and finally the writer joined in:


This voice was like a stone falling into the water, causing ripples on the water surface and spreading farther and farther.

I don't know if it was an illusion.

Xu Yun's left ear rang another distant countdown sound, and the direction seemed to be. Malan Base?

Then quickly.

He heard another voice in his right ear, among which were Dr. Lin Yu, Lou Zhicen and his student Tu Luming. Is this Base 221?

Before Xu Yun could react, the third voice came over, which seemed to be Yuan Guoliang and Zhou Kaida. Is that Qionghai?


In an instant.

Xu Yun's ears were filled with countdowns in unfamiliar accents without any warning.

There are bold Northeastern men, gentle Jiangnan women, old men with missing teeth and some air leakage, and lively and crisp children.

Xu Yun's body suddenly felt a little hot. Was it an illusion? He seemed to hear every cell in his body shouting!


Countless voices rang in Xu Yun's ear canal, but after a while, these voices began to slowly merge, and finally formed a chorus that could not tell the gender or age:


This chorus was sometimes vicissitudes, sometimes young, sometimes excited, and sometimes sad.


Xu Yun's heart flashed with enlightenment.

This is

the cry of the entire Chinese nation!












As the last countdown sounded.


Xu Yun first felt a heavy shock under his feet, and then, at the end of the northwest sky.

A huge and spectacular mushroom cloud rose into the sky, the top soaring into the clouds, as if to touch the end of the sky, and the bottom was filled with thick black smoke and dust, which intertwined, rolling and rising, like.

A flower of hope unfolding from the sea of ​​death.


Huh. The plot of the dungeon is finally finished, and the next step is the subsequent deduction. Oh yes, there is also a side story.

This month's fan title is available, and you will have a chance to get it if you leave a message in the comment area. If I can update every day this month, this should be the last time. If it is still one chapter every two days, there should be another next month. In short, it is either the last time or the second to last. Hurry up if you want the title.

The dungeon is finished, everyone can vote for the monthly ticket. The hospitalization expenses are a bit high, sigh

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