Into Unscientific

Chapter 794 End of copy


At this moment.

Looking at the mushroom cloud rolling in the distance.

Xu Yun’s mind was almost empty, with only one thought floating repeatedly:

“It’s so beautiful”

This was the first time he witnessed a nuclear explosion with his own eyes. It is no exaggeration to say that this was the most spectacular “scenery” he had ever seen in his two lives.

Looking from afar.

The initial height of the mushroom cloud was about two to three thousand meters, towering into the clouds, as if it was about to break through the sky.

And this is far from the final state of the mushroom cloud.

As we all know.

In fluid mechanics, this mushroom cloud is actually a Vortex Ring, that is, a vortex ring or annular vortex.

It often occurs in areas of turbulent flow in liquid or gas flow fields, and the viscous friction at the interface between the two fluids slows down the outer layers of A relative to its core.

Then, these outer layers slide around A and gather behind it. The central mass continues to move forward, and the outer layers are “locked” in the ring. The final result is a polar flow in A, which evolves into a vortex ring.

The forward speed of the vortex ring is about half of the forward speed of the core mass, so the mushroom cloud in the actual nuclear explosion process will reach its highest height about 30 minutes after the explosion. The mushroom cloud in many video materials is not the picture recorded at the moment of the explosion.

Xu Yun just stared at the mushroom cloud in the distance, watching it getting higher and higher


A passage from a certain poem popped up in his mind again:

[Mountains dance like silver snakes, plains run like wax elephants, trying to compete with the sky]

By the way,

The [plain] in this sentence refers to the plateau, but it seems quite appropriate to translate it into atomic bomb at the moment, cough cough.

At this moment.

Xu Yun was far more than the only one who was shocked by the atomic bomb.

At the moment when the mushroom cloud appeared.

The comrades who were counting down at the scene suddenly jumped up from the ground as if they were spring-loaded, and cheers comparable to nuclear explosions broke out:

"Mushroom cloud, look! Mushroom cloud!!!"

"Ahhhhhhh!!! Nuclear explosion!!! The nuclear explosion was successful!!!"

"Long live the motherland! Long live the people!!!"

These nuclear industrialists of different genders and ages were like crazy, jumping and dancing on the hillside. Many people shouted meaningless interjections, regardless of whether they knew each other before, and hugged each other when they saw someone. Tears sparkled in the sun, and various hats and sunglasses rose and fell in the air. Almost no one could remain calm.

They waited too long for this day, and they paid too much.

They cut off their old ties with relatives and friends, gave up their bright future, and gathered from all corners of the country and even across the ocean to the western frontier of China. They went out in the wind and sand, and returned home in the snow. They were so hungry that they swelled and even vomited blood countless times. Isn't it just to hear this dragon roar that resounded through the universe?

What the enemy doesn't let us have, we must have, what the enemy is afraid of, we will develop!

From today on, China's history will be officially written in two sections!


A huge grip came from Xu Yun's shoulder. He turned his head subconsciously and found that Lao Guo was still stubbornly pursing his lips without saying a word, but his thin face was already covered with tears


Tick, tick.

Xu Yun suddenly felt a little cool on his face. He subconsciously reached out and wiped it, and a faint sense of moisture came from his fingertips.

Is this


Then he suddenly realized something and looked up at the sky.

The sky was still as bright as before, with no clouds in the sky, but there was a light rain falling gently.

Xu Yun lowered his head and stared at the water stains on his fingertips for a few seconds, with a thoughtful expression:

"The rain of national destiny."

This was his third time to encounter the rain of national destiny. The first time was after the end of Lao Su's copy. At that time, the system rewarded national destiny +1, and it rained lightly outside at the same time.

During that light rain, many subtle changes occurred in the whole of China, some of which even directly affected Xu Yun himself later.

The second rain appeared at the dark matter press conference. At that time, China's network security faced the corner tower across the sea. At the moment of the decisive battle between the two sides, light rain fell from the sky.

The current nuclear explosion was the third time Xu Yun saw the rain of national destiny.

When Xu Yun first encountered the rain of national destiny, he thought that national destiny was a simple reward. It was the national destiny that came first, and then there were many achievements later.

But he understood it at the press conference of the Academy of Sciences.

The national destiny rewarded by the halo is certainly important, but more often it is the icing on the cake.

The third rain at this moment gave him a new enlightenment.

There is no so-called savior in this world. It is always the people who truly determine the rise and fall of a country or a nation. As long as the will of this nation is still there, the national destiny will stand on their side.

When you look back on something many years later, it seems that it is favored by the national destiny, but in fact, the protagonists who create this miracle are always the people.

On the contrary, if a country or a nation does not even have the courage to stand up, then naturally there is no national destiny to talk about.

"Comrade Youlai, Comrade Guangda."

Just when Xu Yun was a little absent-minded, the writer next to him also spoke:

"Comrades, you are experts in nuclear weapons, I have a question to confirm-is our atomic bomb test successful? Is this a real nuclear explosion?"

As one of the big rabbits in the country, although the writer was equally excited at this time, he still remained sufficiently clear-headed.

As a non-professional, he had to first determine whether the power met the standards of a nuclear explosion - after all, the detonating explosive used this time was CL20.

Lao Guo also came back to his senses when he heard this. He turned his head and wiped the corners of his eyes calmly:

"Chief, based on the current formation speed of the mushroom cloud and the previous earthquakes on the ground, I can guarantee that this atomic bomb test explosion was successful."

"And based on simple visual inspection based on the logic of dimensional analysis, the material utilization rate of this nuclear explosion will never be low."

Lu Guangda on the side quickly nodded.

Mushroom cloud is a typical phenomenon of nuclear explosions. No matter how powerful the CL20 explosive is, it is impossible to erupt such a huge mushroom cloud under the limited preset magnitude.

At the same time, according to G.I. Taylor's idea of ​​dimensional analysis back then, it is assumed that the radius R of the spherical shock wave of a point source explosion depends only on the time t after the explosion, the energy E released at the instant of the explosion, the dimensionless constant C and the air density ρ. Ultimately, this complex problem It can be simplified to be described by only 5 parameters.

At present, Lu Guangda and others do not have the conditions for written calculations, so it is difficult to accurately calculate the data. However, based on visual inspection and simple mental calculations, they can roughly judge the power range of the atomic bomb.

If nothing unexpected happens.

This time the material utilization rate of the atomic bomb can probably reach 17% or 18%, and there is no chance that it will even exceed 20%.

To know.

The little boy back then was only 12%, and the fat man was only 7%. (Since we mentioned the little boy and the fat man, you can search for Yamaguchi Jiang. It’s very interesting.)


After hearing Lao Guo's answer, the writer quickly nodded:

"Very good. In that case, Comrade Youlai and Comrade Guangda, just follow the plan for the rest of the process. I'm sorry to bother you."

Lao Guo and Lu Guangda suddenly looked serious:

"Promise to complete the mission!"

The "remaining link" mentioned by the writer is the collection of explosion parameters related to the atomic bomb. This task is not technically difficult. You only need to bring collection equipment to collect various things, but it is risky from a safety perspective. great.

After all, it was the center of a nuclear explosion.

The writer explained some safety issues to Lao Guo and the two parties, and the two parties parted ways.

Looking at the retreating figures of Lao Guo and Lu Guangda, Xu Yun murmured a few times, but in the end he remained silent.

Upon seeing this, the writer patted Xu Yun's shoulder gently and said to him:

"Xiao Xu, how much time do you have?"

Xu Yun looked up at him and reported a number:

"46 minutes."

At this moment.

In Xu Yun's sight, there was a prompt flashing slightly:

[The mission has been completed, please choose to return within 60 minutes]

[Current countdown: 46 minutes and 24 seconds.]

This prompt appeared in front of Xu Yun at the same time as the mushroom cloud rose. The interface style was very familiar to Xu Yun. After all, he had seen it three times in previous copies.

This also means that Xu Yun can only stay in the dungeon for 46 minutes.

"46 minutes."

The writer also sighed after hearing this:

"Then let's go back to the tent first, report the situation to the capital, and then set off."

Xu Yun nodded again.

According to prior arrangements.

The writer will return to the capital immediately after reporting the situation, and the remaining big rabbits will first go to the border to finish Ah San's affairs - whether it is the domineering little old man or Xu Yun's family, they are all troops The boss of the system is here

Li Jue and several other senior personnel were responsible for the finishing work on the scene. The writer could receive the news almost simultaneously when he left Zhuzhou.

As for Xu Yun

On the surface, he will return to the capital with the writer, and it is said that he will participate in the development of another higher-level project.

The codename of that project is Nuwa, 24 years old. Wrong, 24 meters, it’s a mecha.

This kind of distinction is very common in this era, and many comrades in the 221 project were dispatched in this way.

At the same time, after all the Sanqings of the Taishang Project are "transformed into Dao", a large number of comrades in the entire 221 base will be transferred to other projects incognito again, and the proportion of the number will not even be less than 30% (referring to the scientific research personnel). Therefore, Xu Yun's departure will not be too noticeable.

Some comrades also left a mailbox for Xu Yun, and agreed to write to each other after arriving at the new unit.

Maybe when they reach the end of their lives decades later, they will think that they can't contact Xu Yun. In fact, it's because he has been participating in a certain project incognito.

This is a plan decided by Xu Yun and the organization after discussion. This kind of "disappearance" is gentler than death due to illness. Some letters sent to Xu Yun will also be replied by the organization on Xu Yun's behalf.

In this way, for many people, Xu Yun will be in a situation where they don't know where he is but everything is fine, which is much better than burning paper money in front of a black and white portrait every Qingming Festival.

Maybe some people are working hard to improve their abilities in order to be qualified to participate in that non-existent project, and maybe achieve higher achievements than themselves in the original history.

"Well, the experiment went very well. It has been determined to be a nuclear explosion. Okay."

ten minutes later.

The writer hung up the communication with the capital, pondered for a moment, and said to Xu Yun:

"Xiao Xu, let's get ready to go."

Xu Yun took a deep breath:


The writer nodded, walked behind Xu Yun, and pushed his wheelchair out of the tent.

The entrance of the tent was facing the sun, and the light was a bit dazzling, so when he just came out of the tent, Xu Yun subconsciously squinted his eyes, and opened his eyes again after a second or two.

However, at the moment when his vision was restored, Xu Yun's heart suddenly beat heavily.

At this moment, the open space in front of the tent was filled with rows and rows of people!

Li Jue, Dayu, Wang Ganchang, Zhao Zhongyao, Zhu Guangya, young Wang Lao and Zhou Shaoping, nurse Qiao Caihong and the chief physician of the hospital Lin Yu.

There are also two conspicuous bags wearing white protective clothing, with the names of Lao Guo and Lu Guangda written on them. No wonder they left so resolutely before.

There is also Xie Yu leading a donkey, the descendant of Xie Lao Duguan, the loyal servant of the old Su.

Xu Yun even saw Qian Wushi, who was supposed to be at the Jiuquan launch base. Did he rush over after the missile launch was successful? That's more than 600 kilometers away.

After Xu Yun appeared.

Everyone was silent for a few seconds, and then

thunderous applause!

Everyone was clapping hard, including the writer behind Xu Yun. Young workers like Zhou Shaoping even blushed.

Different from the cheers celebrating the nuclear explosion before, this was.applause for Xu Yun alone!

Xu Yun's vision suddenly became a little blurry.

What merits and abilities do I have to deserve this group of extremely lovely people to do this to me?

The applause lasted for a full minute before it gradually died down.

Then Li Jue walked to Xu Yun and patted Xu Yun's shoulder vigorously:

"Xiao Xu, everyone knows you are leaving, so they spontaneously come to see you off."

"Your situation is special, and you can't take anything with you, so we can only applaud you. Don't look down on us for being shabby."

"You are lucky to come from the future to our era. We are also lucky to meet you in this era. This may be the only such thing in China from ancient times to the present."

"Don't worry, we will not forget you, and you should not forget our friends and comrades in the 221 factory."

Xu Yun nodded vigorously.

How dare he forget? How could he forget?

This group of ancestors who fought hard for China deserves to be remembered and admired by everyone!

"Okay, that's all I have to say."

At this time, Li Jue showed the steadiness and carefreeness of a veteran:

"Take good care of yourself when you go back, don't stay up late every day like Lao Guo and others. If you write a biography, remember to portray me as a technical leader, and then...get out!"

After that, Li Jue patted Xu Yun on the shoulder for the last time, turned around and returned to the crowd without looking back.

The writer also held the back handle of Xu Yun's wheelchair:

"Xiao Xu, let's go."

Xu Yun looked deeply at the people in front of him again, and waved to them vigorously:

"Comrades, thank you!! See you!"

In response to Xu Yun, a pair of hands were raised high in the air and waved:

"Comrade Xiao Xu, goodbye!"

"Advisor Xu, take care of yourself!"

"Advisor Xu, remember to write a letter, goodbye!"

"Xiao Xu, remember to drink donkey hair soup on time!!!"

"Ah uh-ah uh-"

More than ten minutes later.

Xu Yun and the writer got into a jeep, and the writer's guard stood guard outside the car.


After a while, Xu Yun suddenly said:

"It's time, I have to go."

The writer nodded gently and asked:

"Should I get off the car and avoid it?"

Xu Yun shook his head.

Since Halo did not judge the mission failed after the writer guessed his origin, then the writer naturally did not need to avoid it when sending him away at this time - this can also be proved by the situation after Lao Su knew the truth in reality.

The writer didn't ask further, but touched his chin:

"Okay, then I'll take you on your last journey."

"By the way, Xiao Xu, what you said before about going to the future"

"Don't worry, I remember it."

Xu Yun smiled and patted his chest:

"I'll find a chance to deal with it after I go back, but I can't guarantee the time on your side."

"It may be the next second after I leave, or it may be a few days or even a few months, but it shouldn't be more than four years."

The writer showed a trace of curiosity:

"Why four years?"

Xu Yun shook his head without explaining too much:

"Ten seconds left."

The writer sat up straight.

"Nine seconds. Eight seconds"

"Five seconds. Four seconds"

"Three seconds."

"Two seconds."

"One second."

At the last second, Xu Yun waved to the writer:

"Chief, see you in the future!"


As soon as the voice fell.

Xu Yun disappeared completely.


The writer looked at the place where Xu Yun was sitting and was silent for a few seconds, muttering:

"Thank you, Xiao Xu."


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