Into Unscientific

Chapter 796 Deduction and Settlement (Part 2) (Thanks to Gulang for the reward!!)


At this moment.

Looking at the light curtain in front of him, Xu Yun was completely confused:


What the hell did I see?

Mecha? ? ? ?

Did Da Yu really make this thing?

You know.

The so-called [developing mecha] is a kind of rhetoric prepared by Xu Yun and the organization after discussion. On the one hand, it is to make Xu Yun’s disappearance more normal, and on the other hand, it can give those scientific researchers a benchmark to strive for.

As for the 404th Institute, it is an institution established by the organization.

Its main function is to make utopian planning for front-end technology, and at the same time undertake some research projects that can be applied.

This kind of unit also existed in the original history or in 2024 in the future, and it was more inclined to the nature of a kind of intelligent brain.

Da Yu became the director of the 404th Institute as a result of the discussion between Xu Yun and the organization, and Da Yu himself was also aware of Xu Yun’s origins.


Da Yu actually made a mecha?

Xu Yun felt like he had a big mouthful of vomit in his throat.

Those who have driven a Gundam should know this.

The Gundam is not complicated because of its operating system, but because of its materials and structure.


As the length L increases, the volume is proportional to L^3, that is, the mass is proportional to L^3.

In terms of structural strength, the structural cross-sectional area is proportional to L^2.

From this, it can be concluded that the bearing capacity required by the structural cross-section per unit area is proportional to aL^3L^2=aL.

That is to say, under the condition of constant acceleration, the larger the mecha, the higher the requirements for materials. If the size of the mecha doubles, the material performance requirements will basically double.


With the speed of the rabbits in the copy, it is not unacceptable to make a breakthrough in the material aspect. After all, this happened nearly forty years after Xu Yun disappeared.


What about the energy source of the mecha?

This thing is not coal-fired. Wait!


Xu Yun seemed to realize something, and lowered his head suddenly, and refocused his attention on the previous sentence of the mecha:

[After completing the optimization of intercontinental missiles, the 404th Institute has turned its strategic perspective to the field of nuclear energy]

Nuclear energy field.

Nuclear energy field.

Looking at these five words, plus the theoretical energy supply required by the mecha

Xu Yun couldn't help but open his mouth.

Oh my god. Could it be that it is really what he thinks?

However, apart from that sentence, Halo did not provide an in-depth introduction to the relevant content, so Xu Yun's guess naturally had no solid evidence to prove it.

Then Xu Yun shook his head, put these thoughts behind him, and continued to read:

[In 1999, Yu Min was awarded the Two Bombs and One Satellite Medal]

[In 2015, Yu Min won the 2014 National Highest Science and Technology Award]

[In 2022, 96-year-old Yu Min returned to the Atomic City and participated in the 60th anniversary of the atomic bomb explosion. He stopped for a long time outside a ward at the site of the employee hospital]

[In 2026, Yu Min died at the age of 100].


Xu Yun stared at the light screen for a long time, and then sighed with great emotion:


During the entire atomic bomb copy, in addition to the young nurse Qiao Caihong and the guard Mou Fangdong, the people Xu Yun contacted the most were Lao Guo and Dayu.

Although Xu Yun was far behind Dayu in terms of ability, his experience from the future was there after all, so he could barely keep up with Dayu's pace in many cases.

After years of contact, Xu Yun and Dayu have formed a relationship of both teacher and friend, and they can be called comrades-in-arms.

At the same time, Dayu is also one of the few members of the base who knows Xu Yun's origin. Perhaps because of this, Dayu will show such a variety of deduction results:

He knows very well that Xu Yun does not exist in the so-called 404 Institute at all, but he is the director of the 404 Institute. In the eyes of outsiders, he and Xu Yun are fighting side by side, but in fact, he is the only one who is moving forward alone.

So Dayu's feelings for the 404 Institute must be very complicated, and it is even possible that this mentality directly prompted Dayu to create the so-called Nuwa mecha.

So it is conceivable that Dayu must be much more tired than in the original history.

Then Xu Yun's eyes moved down again and looked at the subsequent content of the deduction.

[Yang Kaiqu]:

[Initial line]:

Yang Kaiqu, born on October 27, 1902, from Zhuji, Zhejiang Province.

A well-known Chinese agronomist, a pioneer and founder of regenerated rice research.

In 1927, Yang Kaiqu went to the Agricultural Department of the Agricultural Department of the Neon Imperial University to study agricultural knowledge. After the September 18th Incident broke out, he left Neon angrily and returned to China.

During the Anti-Japanese War, Yang Kaiqu served as the head of the double-season rice experiment in Sichuan Province, providing a stable food supply for the Chinese anti-Japanese rear area.

In early 1961, Yang Kaiqu was diagnosed with lung cancer and died in Chengdu on February 2, 1962 at the age of 59.

[Dungeon Line]:

Influenced by the wall-facer, Yang Kaiqu received relevant drug treatment after being diagnosed with cancer.

In September of the following year, Yang Kaiqu witnessed the grand scene of the three bombs of China.

Later, Yang Kaiqu was transferred to the capital for further treatment of cancer. One year after the wall-facer returned, China successfully developed the first generation of targeted drugs.

Yang Kaiqu volunteered to become an experimenter of targeted drugs, and during the period of taking the drugs, he persisted in completing many works such as "Research on Regenerated Rice" (Second Edition), "Agricultural Management and Production Summary", and authored "Reminiscence 221 - Impressions" "The Patient Xu Yun" and other memoirs.

Eleven years after the return of the Wallfacer, Yang Kaiqu died of illness at the age of 70.

"Professor Yang"

Looking at Yang Kaiqu's deduction results, Xu Yun finally had a smile on his face.

In the copy, due to the lack of supporting facilities in the staff hospital, Yang Kaiqu and Xu Yun lived in the same ward for a long time, and they were "patients" in the standard sense.

After Yang Kaiqu recovered, Xu Yun also communicated with him about his condition.

At that time, in order to prolong Yang Kaiqu's life as much as possible, Xu Yun also came up with targeted drugs and PCR technology. Tu Luming and Lou Zhicen obtained the first batch of extracts by extracting paclitaxel, successfully allowing Yang Kaiqu to overcome the original historical situation of Yang Kaiqu's death. time hurdle.

But on the other hand.

After all, there is still a clear gap between the paclitaxel extract and the finished targeted drug, so Xu Yun honestly has no idea how long Yang Kaiqu can last.

But now it seems that the effect of targeted drugs is still very good, and Yang Kaiqu successfully lived for eleven more years.

Seventy years old may not be a long life, but it is already a good ending for a lung cancer patient. It is unrealistic to expect everyone to live a long life.

After reading about Yang Kaiqu, Xu Yun continued reading.

[Tu Luming]:

[Initial line]:

Tu Luming, born on December 30, 1930 in Ningbo, Zhejiang Province, is a well-known pharmacologist, chief scientist of the China Academy of Traditional Chinese Medicine, and a recipient of the Medal of the Republic.

Tu Luming successfully extracted a colorless crystal with the molecular formula C15H22O5 in 1972 and named it artemisinin. In October 2015, he won the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine.

Before the wall-facer traveled through, Tu Luming was still alive.

[Copy Line]:

Influenced by the Wallfacer, the writer established China's "Xinhuo" elite talent reserve based on the relevant lists provided by the Wallfacer after his return. Tu Luming was one of the first batch of young employees selected into the Xinhuo talent pool.

The year following Wallfacer's departure.

Tu Luming, his mentor Lou Zhicen, Liu Youcheng, head of the 221 Base Chemistry Laboratory, and others jointly developed China's first-generation targeted drug for lung cancer, and achieved excellent test results during the drug trial.

Fourteen months later, Tu Luming independently led a team to extract artemisinin.

Artemisinin has shown high efficiency and rapid effect in treating malaria-related symptoms, and it was quickly promoted and popularized throughout the country after its successful extraction.

Years later, tetracycline and artemisinin have become special memories for a certain generation.

In 1999, Tu Luming won the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine.

Later, Tu Luming participated in the national discussion on the optimization of Chinese herbal medicine cultivation and foreign sales channels, customized standardized Chinese medicine processing standards, and secured a large number of overseas Chinese medicine patent rights. As of the copy date of 2024, China has always occupied the right to speak and take the lead in the export of Chinese herbal medicines. department share.


After reading Tu Luming's deduction results, Xu Yun couldn't help but clenched his right hand into a small fist and waved it gently in the air a few times.

When he met the writer for the first time, he gave him a list, which recorded the names of some big guys who were still in the youth version and had not yet completed the version upgrade, including Tu Luming.

Now it seems that after he left, this list should have had the effect it was supposed to have.

Otherwise, as Tu Luming, he would not be able to lead a team alone to extract artemisinin - this is an area that only the leader of the science and technology team of the compound unit is qualified to contact.

As for the subsequent export of traditional Chinese medicines, this was an unexpected surprise for Xu Yun.

In the original history, the so-called "Kampic medicines" of Neon and Bangzi accounted for most of the overseas Chinese medicine patent rights, but China, the country of origin of Chinese medicine, seemed a bit weak in terms of exports.

There are many reasons for this situation. For example, ancient prescriptions cannot be patented, and squatting patents can only improve the ancient prescriptions. Neon and Bangzi's progress or development time in this regard is much earlier than that of China.

Another example is that the FDA will ban the export of some Chinese medicines containing banned ingredients. Japan and South Korea have adapted early to export Chinese medicines, but rabbits have been relatively slow.

A typical representative in this regard is Tongrentang. At the beginning, the export was blocked by various problems, until the Akebia was removed from the Longdan Xiegan Pills and Cough Pills, and the bezoar was removed from the Angong Niuhuang Pills, and then it was allowed to be put on the market by the FDA.

However, at that time, most of the overseas Chinese medicine patents were occupied by Japan and South Korea, and the only audience for many of China's products abroad was overseas Chinese.

Unexpectedly, Tu Luming actually participated in the discussion and decision-making of sales channels in the dungeon. When the rabbits began to pay attention to a certain market, especially when no one else had entered the market, the ending of the story was basically decided.

This is obviously a good thing.

Let’s not discuss the usefulness of traditional Chinese medicine for now. Just the fact that medicinal materials originating from China are labeled as so-called ‘Kampo medicine’ is emotionally disgusting.

"Grandma Tu is really awesome."

Xu Yun then continued to pull down the light screen and looked at the remaining content.

In fact, at this point, the rest of the deduction results are basically the same.

The characters involved have all changed in their original trajectories, but the extent of the changes is not as great as that of Lao Guo and others.

For example, Mr. Wang.

In the copy, Mr. Wang still served as the technical director of China's first liquid-fuel sounding rocket. His later related resume was also related to aerospace. The biggest change was that he was later promoted to the head of the Space Technology Research Institute.

Another example is Ye Duzheng.

After leaving the 221 base, Ye Duzheng devoted himself to the research of chaos theory, which led to the rapid development of China's meteorological detection field.

Although Ye Duzheng did not receive the Two Bombs and One Star Medal, he still won the special prize of the National Science and Technology Progress Award in 1996, and served as the dean of the Academy of Sciences before retirement.

Another example is Xu Yun's nurse Qiao Caihong and Sun Junren's student Lin Yu.

Qiao Caihong was later transferred to work at the Capital Union Hospital, married Zheng Tao, a young worker at the base, and had a son and a daughter.

Because of her young age, Qiao Caihong was still sharp-eyed and sharp-eared until Xu Yun crossed over, and she could go downstairs for a walk with Zheng Tao every day.

After Xu Yun left, Lin Yu entered Xidian University as a lecturer. Many years later, she was promoted to vice president of the School of Telecommunications Engineering. In 1982, she became one of the few female academicians in China.

The situation of the rest of the people was basically the same. They generally lived a few years longer than the original trajectory. After all, the development speed of China in the copy was much faster than that in reality, and both living and medical conditions were more favorable.


More than ten minutes later.

Xu Yun cast his eyes on the last deduction object:

[Local donkey]:

[Initial line]:

Pure-bred local donkeys living carefree on the land of China are distributed all over China. They are hardworking and capable, and their meat is delicious.

Later, due to the introduction of a large number of Pakistani donkeys into China for hybridization, local donkeys gradually became hybridized, and pure-bred local donkeys are no longer common.

[Copy line]:

Influenced by the wall-facer.

Huaxia established a native donkey cultivation base in Guizhou Province, and introduced black soldier flies to form a special ecological cycle - donkey excrement is used to feed black soldier flies, black soldier fly larvae are used to produce protein powder and transported to the outside world, and adults that died after giving birth to larvae are made into feed to feed native donkeys.

As of 2012, the copy time.

The number of native donkeys in Huaxia has exceeded 1 million. A sculpture of a native donkey pulling a mill is erected at the Atomic City Patriotic Base and the entrance of the Chinese Academy of Sciences to commemorate the two donkeys who made outstanding contributions in the development of nuclear weapons.

Xu Yun:


Okay, Halo, you are happy.

What does the two donkeys mean?

If he remembered correctly, the biggest contribution in the copy was not the donkey brought by Xie Yu, the descendant of Xie Laoduguan?

If I remembered correctly, that donkey seemed to be the descendant of the donkey brother in reality? ——Don't forget, Brother Donkey came directly from the old Su family.

Then Xu Yun shook his head and said, "Never mind, just two ends, as long as those old friends are all well."

Then he adjusted his mood and looked at the next paragraph, which is.

[Dungeon Reward].


I'm so excited after updating for two consecutive days!!! Please give me a monthly ticket!!!

But I may take a day off tomorrow, because I need to get an IV drip tomorrow. If the back of my hand hurts too much, I can't write. In addition, I would like to thank the leader of the alliance for the reward from Gulang! ! The boss is generous!!!

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