Into Unscientific

Chapter 797 Mission Rewards (Part 1)


Within the halo space.

Xu Yun scanned the deduction results up and down again, then stretched out his finger and clicked on the [Task Reward] below.


[The timeline deduction is completed, and the copy of ‘Rebirth from the Fire’ is now permanently closed]

[Task Difficulty: ★☆☆☆☆-★★★★★★]

[Task requirements: None, this task is a special dungeon, the wall-facer can make decisions freely, but cannot actively reveal the origin and future events of the wall-facer in the dungeon, otherwise the task will be judged to have failed]

[Mission time limit: four years]

[Task reward: The Jade Seal of the Kingdom is now alive, the rest of the rewards depend on the score]

[Punishment for unfinished tasks: The Imperial Seal will disappear permanently]

[Additional explanation: This is a turning point in history. Your ability and decision-making will have an unimaginable impact on certain events. Are you going to emerge from the sky and look at the sky like you did back then? Or overlook the world and fly higher? 】

[Subsequent settlement]


[Duplicate Completion Time: Understanding]

[Task completion rating: ★★★★★★]

[Task completion score/expected completion score (weighted score): 114514/28]

[Task evaluation: Six-star mission, my evaluation is 6]

[Note: Facts have proved that roast chicken can also rise from the ashes]

[Rewards at task settlement have been determined! 】


The next second.

Five light balls appeared in front of Xu Yun.

Then Xu Yun recalled that after the Mavericks copy ended, he had obtained three light balls, Lao Su's copy had eight, and the Wheat copy had ten.

So the number of five light balls doesn't seem to be too much according to the difficulty of previous tasks?

Of course.

Strictly speaking, the quantity doesn't mean anything. It can only mean that the coverage of the rewards will be wider. The quality of the light ball rewards is the key after all.

Xu Yun then stared at the five light balls for a few seconds, then poked the second light ball on the right irregularly.


The moment Xu Yun touched it, the light ball burst like a soap bubble and turned into countless tiny light spots.

These light spots rose and fell slowly in the sky, and finally formed in front of Xu Yun.


Xu Yun:


Then he looked carefully and confirmed again that this thing was a DVD that was very common in the past but is now almost extinct.

There should be a lot of discs like this in Xu Yun's locker in his hometown. They are basically Ultraman discs such as Tiga Severn.

Seeing this, Xu Yun carefully stretched out his hand, clamped the edge of the disc with his middle finger and thumb, and picked it up in front of him.

at the same time.

A prompt also quietly appeared on the light screen:

[An ordinary disc, burned with the official documentary on the 50th anniversary of the atomic bomb "Three Hydrogen in One Gas" filmed in the duplicate timeline]

[Note 1: It can be played by inserting it into any DVD device. The quality is several times higher than that of conventional discs, but it cannot withstand the impact of large vehicles being crushed, explosions, etc.]

[Note 2: This reward and the space-time photo album are both memory props and will not appear in the reward list at the same time]

[Note 3: The content related to "One Gas to Three Hydrogens" can only be viewed by wall-facers. Creatures other than wall-facers who come into contact with this disc will see a neon who weighs 150 kilograms, is 150 centimeters tall, and has measurements of 120/120/120. The short film starring a female teacher, please destroy it in time before the death of the wall-facer. This halo does not make any guarantee for the posthumous name of the wall-facer]

Xu Yun:


Why do I feel like there is a hole in my throat and I want to spit out but can't?

"One Gas to Three Hydrogens".

This documentary has appeared many times in previous deductions, and is obviously more special than other documentaries.

This documentary was filmed in 2012, the original time. At this point in time, many of Xu Yun's old friends have reached their later years, and this is likely to be the last image left in their lives.

So if nothing unexpected happens.

This documentary should be an authoritative documentary that combines archival revelations and recollections of those who experienced it. It can be called a treasure in terms of both historical and emotional value.

At the same time, according to Halo’s reminder, this documentary and the previous time and space photo album should be props of the same nature, and the two will not appear at the same time.

The so-called space-time photo album is a special scene captured and frozen by the halo.

For example, the time and space photo album in the 1100 Lao Su copy is the scene when Xiao Zhao ascended the throne. Lao Su, Xiao Zhao, Xiao Li, Lao Zhong (Zhong Shidao) and others are all in it.

The time and space photo album of the 1850 Wheat copy shows the scene when Aveline took Xu Yun to Mavericks’ hometown, which is the former residence of the Aisku family. At that time, Aveline also awakened the excellent bloodline of the Aisku family and gave Xu Yun a wave of cow dung. Who is Aveline talking about when washing your hair?


All in all, this arrangement is quite reasonable. Too many reminiscences make it boring.

As for the attribute that only Xu Yun can watch it and others see it as a small movie, it is obviously the bad taste of Halo.

But this is not a big problem. After all, Xu Yun has long been prepared to destroy all electronic equipment in front of him.


Xu Yun then hesitated for a while, but still did not choose to play the documentary in the space.

If you want to watch the movie (?) and have a lot of time after returning to reality, you should sort out the rewards first.

So he gently pushed the disc in front of him, and the disc turned into light particles and disappeared again - he had done this many times before, and now he was very familiar with it.

After the disc disappeared, Xu Yun cast his eyes on the remaining four light balls in front of him.

After a moment, he stretched out his hand and pointed at the one on the far right.


Another cracking sound was heard, and the light ball formed a wallet-like thing in front of Xu Yun again.

This thing is about the size of a palm, with a leather surface, and there is no zipper at the opening, but a small flap with a magnetic buckle design.

The moment he saw it, Xu Yun immediately understood what was inside the 'wallet'.


After the wheat copy ended, he once got an identical thing.

Moreover, from a logical point of view, the appearance of this thing is quite reasonable - after all, there are a lot of wall hangings in the copy.

Then Xu Yun directly took over this "wallet". The moment he got it, the relevant introduction appeared in front of him again:

[Character Thinking Experience Card-Modern Chinese All-Star Set]:

Limited edition special reward, the combination contains multiple character thinking experience cards, which can be activated to have the brain power of the corresponding character within a specific time.

The specific configuration is as follows:

Bronze card:

Peak Wang Xiji Thinking Experience Card X1, activation time 60 minutes.

Peak Zhu Hongyuan Thinking Experience Card X1, activation time 60 minutes.

Peak Guo Youlai Thinking Experience Card X1, activation time 60 minutes.

Peak Chen Jingrun Thinking Experience Card X1, activation time 60 minutes

Silver card:

Peak Lu Guangda Thinking Experience Card X1, activation time 40 minutes.

Peak Zhao Zhongyao Thinking Experience Card X1, activation time 40 minutes

Peak Yang Zhenning Thinking Experience Card X1, activation time 40 minutes

Peak Wang Ganchang Thinking Experience Card X1, activation time 40 minutes.

Peak Qian Wushi Thinking Experience Card X1, activation time 40 minutes.

Gold Card:

Peak Yu Min Thinking Experience Card X1, activation time 30 minutes.

Special Card:

Peak Li Jue Thinking Experience Card X1, activation time 60 minutes.

Peak Zhang Taofang Thinking Experience Card X1, activation time 60 minutes.

Note: Special cards are only applicable to war scenarios. Activating Li Jue Thinking Card during academic research will reduce IQ by 30%.

Holding this thick stack of cards, Xu Yun's expression was thoughtful.

That's right.

The reward in the second light ball was the thinking card that Xu Yun was also familiar with - or the set.

Xu Yun also got the same card set in the 1850 copy. The specific configuration is as follows:

Gold Card:

Peak Gauss Thinking Experience Card X1, activation time 30 minutes.

Silver Card:

Peak Maxwell Thinking Experience Card X1, activation time 60 minutes.

50% Peak State Riemann Thinking Experience Card X1, activation time 50 minutes.

Bronze Card:

Peak Jacobi Thinking Experience Card X1, activation time 60 minutes.

Peak Dirichlet Thinking Experience Card X1, activation time 80 minutes.

Peak Dedekind Thinking Experience Card X1, activation time 90 minutes.

Special Card:

Peak Abel Thinking Experience Card X1, activation time 40 minutes.

Peak Eisenstein Thinking Experience Card X1, activation time 90 minutes.

Objectively speaking, the positioning of the two sets of thinking cards for gold, silver and bronze is relatively accurate.

The bronze card tasks in the wheat copy are Jacobi, Dirichlet and Dedekind. The three are ranked between 40-60 in the history of mathematics, and they are quite advanced mathematics masters.

The reason why wheat can only be classified as a silver card is because that set of thinking cards is arranged according to mathematical ability.

Although wheat's physical level can be ranked third in the history of physics, it is inferior in mathematics.

Let's take a look at this set of Chinese All-Stars.

Wang Xiji in the bronze card is the old Wang that Xu Yun is familiar with, the founder of Chinese aerospace. Although he has not won any awards internationally, the reason for this is not his ability, but the situation at that time.

Just looking at his achievements in presiding over China's first self-designed and developed liquid propellant sounding rocket is enough to get a rough idea of ​​Wang's strength.

To be honest, Xu Yun doesn't know how long Wang's thinking peak lasted, but he can be sure that Wang at his peak is definitely qualified to be shortlisted for the bronze card level.

Zhu Hongyuan, who came after Wang, is one of the proposers of the Yuanqiang model, which is quite close to Gell-Mann's results.


There is still a clear gap between the Yuanqiang model and the quark model, and the two are by no means the same concept.

But don't forget.

What kind of physical experimental conditions were there in the West where Gell-Mann was? What were the conditions for Zhu Hongyuan and others at that time?

Zhu Hongyuan and Hu Ning relied on a few people to come up with the Yuanqiangzi model without any high-energy equipment. In a sense, this is actually more exaggerated than the rabbits coming up with the atomic bomb.

If it weren't for Weinberg's endorsement, few people in the physics community would believe that the rabbits had ever come up with such a thing.

In this case, it may be a bit exaggerated to shortlist Zhu Hongyuan and Hu Ning for bronze cards at the same time, but there would be no problem if either of them became bronze cards.

As for Lao Guo

Let me say something more objective.

Lao Guo's fame comes more from his tragic death in a plane crash. If we want to discuss his ability, there is still a big gap between him and Lu Guangda and Qian Wushi.

Lao Guo's first appearance can be traced back to the seventh overseas student admission examination held by the Sino-British Boxer Indemnity Foundation Overseas Study Committee. Among more than 3,000 candidates, Guo Yonghuai, Qian Weichang and Lin Jiaqiao were ranked in the top three and were able to go abroad. Before his doctorate, Lao Guo could only be regarded as a relatively diligent genius.

The result that really made Lao Guo famous was the singular perturbation theory he proposed in 1949. This theory made Lao Guo famous all over the world and officially entered the level of first-class physicists.

However, this theory is still a long way from the Nobel Prize in Physics. It is a case where it can be shortlisted for the Nobel Prize, but basically has no chance of winning.

Because singular perturbation is an approximation method.

For example.

Find the solution of the following quadratic equation:

x2+2x=1 is very small, such as 0.1.

Theoretically, we can use the root-finding formula to immediately get x=±12, but this expression looks more complicated.

And if there is no such term, does it look much more comfortable? .

This is the most original idea of ​​the perturbation method, which is to treat this very small term as a disturbance to the original equation.

In the above example, we put x=x0+x1+2x2+ into the original equation and classify it according to the power of:

O(1):x02=1x0=±1, O():2x0x1+2x0=0x1=1.

So it is accurate to the first-order small quantity, and the approximate solution of the original equation is:


This solution is different from the solution calculated by the root-finding formula. If we expand the square root term of the root-finding formula according to the power series of, the whole result retains the first-order small quantity, which is the expression of the perturbation method.

Similarly, if the solution of the perturbation method is infinitely calculated according to the order, the final result is the Taylor expansion of the exact solution.

In other words,

The singular perturbation theory proposed by Lao Guo is closer to a mathematical tool, so although Lao Guo is famous, he can only be ranked as a bronze card.

After all

Although only Yang Zhenning won the Nobel Prize among the five big men of the silver card, the remaining four are undoubtedly also Nobel Prize-level masters.

If these four stayed abroad, it would only be a matter of time for them to win the Nobel Prize.

Zhao Zhongyao's positron-electron annihilation directly opened the door to microscopic particles, Wang Ganchang's anti-sigma negative hyperon proved the orthodoxy of singular numbers, and Qian Wushi was the founder of JPL.

It is not an exaggeration to say.

These four are not only at the level of the Nobel Prize, but also in the upper middle level among the Nobel Prizes.

For example, Darren's Nobel Prize would be instantly defeated by these four people without leaving any residue - this sentence does not contain any national filter.

As for the last gold card,

This should be the least controversial card.

A wall-hanger who can simulate a nuclear explosion in his mind, to be honest, Jin Ka may have underestimated him.

I didn't expect that after leaving the dungeon, Xu Yun's water cooling would have a chance to match this top CPU.

Then Xu Yun looked at Li Jue and Zhang Taofang's special cards again, and his mouth twitched slightly.

Is this to let him go to the war-torn area as a mercenary.

Or when Wanwan is recovered, he can go up and get some military merits?

Then Xu Yun no longer cared about the bad taste of the halo, and carefully put the card back.

Five light balls minus two, there are currently three left.

Xu Yun hesitated for a few seconds, stretched out his finger and poked the light ball in the middle.


The light ball exploded into countless pieces again like Melody's head, and then formed a thick stack of documents in front of Xu Yun.


Compared with the previous two rewards, the third light ball should be engraved with an application-type technology.

The gravity gradient meter, fifth-generation imidacloprid, and MR technology that Xu Yun obtained before were all similar papers, and the difference was nothing more than thickness.

Xu Yun gently took the stack of documents in his hand. After a moment, a line of words appeared in front of him:

[Task Reward 3]:

[Code: Bu Tian Shi]

[Technology Name].

[Cold Nuclear Fusion].

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