Into Unscientific

Chapter 798 Mission Reward (Part 2)


At this moment.

Looking at the text that appeared in front of him.

In addition to being surprised, Xu Yun felt a more subtle sense of relief.

Then Xu Yun reached out and stroked the cover of the document in front of him, sighing slightly:

“It is indeed it”

That’s right.

In fact, before the contents of the folded document were displayed, or more precisely, when he saw the deduction results before, Xu Yun had some guesses about this reward.

After all,

Dayu had already created the Nuwa mecha in 1999, and there must be some black technology in it.

Of course.

The black technology here definitely does not include the so-called operating system.

Influenced by anime or movies such as "Neon Genesis Evangelion" and "Pacific Rim", many people actually have extremely wrong perceptions of the technical barriers of mecha.

For example, Xu Yun once mentioned mecha when he wrote a novel in his previous life. Although Xu Yun used a relatively simple formula to explain the complexity of the materials at that time, some people still stubbornly believed that the operating system was the most complicated.

But in fact,

As early as around 2020, there were already many design schemes for the so-called operating procedures of mechas, and even related papers were published.

The more typical ones are 10.1019/J.JWPE.2023.10327 and 10.1016/J.JNGSE.2021.104332, and the design schemes are very detailed.

These two operating systems do not involve any so-called neural sensing principles. The core problem that needs to be solved is actually the problem of miniaturization of computing power.

As long as your computing power is high enough, the machine's reaction is much faster than the human body-some new energy vehicles in 2023 can achieve intelligent driving with millisecond-level reaction, let alone high-cost things like mechas.

For example, the F35 across the sea is already equipped with an ICP system, and the Orion of the bear and the Rainbow drone of the rabbit are all in the category of automated operation.

Real technology and film and television fantasy are two different things. The main reason why those animations and games are linked to concepts such as brain-computer ideas is that this setting looks very exciting.

In short.

For a mecha, the most important limitation will never be the control system, but the materials and energy.

Xu Yun didn't know how Dayu solved the problem of materials, after all, he was not a practitioner in the field of materials.

But the energy aspect was different, and there were not many options.

Either China suddenly got through the other world and got some magic crystal or fire source, or it made an unprecedented breakthrough in energy technology.

Adding the previous sentence [After completing the optimization of intercontinental missiles, the 404th Institute has turned its strategic perspective to the field of nuclear energy], a certain answer is about to come out.

Dayu should have solved the problem of cold nuclear fusion.

In the past one or two years, artificial nuclear fusion should be considered a hot topic.

For example, Mihoyo invested in Energy Singularity Company to make an artificial little sun, and my country's Ring 3 has made significant progress, achieving high confinement mode operation under 1 million amperes of plasma current for the first time, etc.

These nuclear fusion news are all [thermonuclear fusion] in nature, that is, reactions with temperatures starting from hundreds of millions.

But in the last century, some scientists proposed another idea:

Just like matter has positive and negative particles, in addition to thermonuclear fusion, will there be cold fusion?

This fusion reaction occurs below 1000K and has higher energy efficiency than tokamak reactors.

It was the Fleishman-Pons experiment in the 1980s that officially put cold fusion on the stage of scientific history. At that time, Stanley Pons, the head of the Department of Chemistry at Utah State University, and Martin Fleishman, a former professor at the University of Southampton in the UK, jointly released the results of the experiment, saying that they successfully gathered deuterium molecules in a test tube through metal palladium, and then observed a long-lasting exothermic reaction.

They believe that dense deuterium molecules undergo fusion reactions at room temperature and pressure, resulting in the release of a large amount of heat energy.

As soon as the news came out, the world was boiling.

At that time, even the officials across the sea personally came out to prepare to quickly patent the experimental results in order to gain a development advantage.

Energy companies were eager to move, and they expressed their willingness to provide funds for follow-up research, hoping to get a share of this invention after industrialization.

The American Chemical Society (ACS) organized a special report at its 197th annual meeting on April 12 of that year, entitled "Nuclear Fusion in a Test Tube".

However, in many subsequent experiments, no physicist in the world could reproduce this result.

As a result, the two professors lost their reputation, and many people regarded the whole thing as a scam.

Many people in China call the Fleishman-Pons experiment the "water-to-oil" version of the other side of the sea, believing that it is a scientific fantasy that will never be realized.

Many European and American folk scientists who are engaged in fusion energy release at room temperature and pressure have avoided the term "cold nuclear fusion" and renamed their research "low-energy nuclear fusion" or "condensed nuclear science".


What is fundamentally different from water-to-oil is that cold nuclear fusion is actually feasible in principle.

That is, a proton captures a neutrino and converts it into a neutron, and the neutron undergoes nuclear fusion reaction with other nuclides to release nuclear energy. This process is valid from a purely theoretical perspective. Note that it is purely theoretical - because there is a concept of quantum tunneling in theory that can be used as a small cheat.

The main difficulty is that when the temperature is very low, the density and confinement time requirements of the plasma are too stringent. Maintaining a high-density plasma at low temperature for a long time is enough for modern science to drink a pot. Yes.

However, even if the probability of success of cold nuclear fusion is very low, the scientific community of later generations still has not given up trying it.

For example, Nature magazine published a paper in 2019 titled "Revisiting the Cold Case of Cold Fusion". The doi is org/10.1038/s41586-019-1256-6.

At that time, many people were shocked by Nature's move, thinking that some institution had achieved some breakthrough results.

Another example is Google, which has been providing experimental funds for cold fusion research, with annual funding of up to US$10 million.

In addition, MIT, the University of British Columbia, the University of Maryland, and Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory are all conducting cold fusion experiments. Google even worked with TAE to develop a cold fusion algorithm.

China has also invested some resources in this area. Universities such as USTC, Southern University of Science and Technology, and Hanwu Liguo University all have teams conducting relevant research.

This is a highly controversial area, beyond pseudoscience, but the hope is equally slim.

But on the other hand.

What no one can deny is that, assuming there is a breakthrough in cold nuclear fusion, countries that master this technology will take off instantly!

What's more important is.

Cold fusion is far from the end of the track. This road ultimately leads to

Vacuum zero point energy!

That’s right, vacuum zero-point energy!

Controllable nuclear fusion - cold nuclear fusion - vacuum zero point energy, this is the final form of this track.

Of course.

It is absolutely impossible for Halo to give such an epoch-making technology to Xu Yun in vain.

Previously, whether it was the fifth-generation imidacloprid or the gravity gradiometer, Halo only gave a starting idea, and Xu Yun spent a lot of effort to achieve the actual results.

With this kind of psychological expectation, Xu Yun opened the stack of documents in front of him.

Then quickly.

Xu Yun was immediately stunned:

"Gun shrimp?"

On the initial page of this stack of documents, there was an introduction about gun shrimp.

The gun shrimp is a very magical shrimp. It has a pair of disproportionately large and small claws. When hunting, it will quickly close the giant claws and spray out a high-speed water stream with a speed of nearly one hundred kilometers per hour, directly hitting the prey. Stun or even kill.

Of course.

The document mentions gun shrimp not to popularize biological science, but to elicit initial ideas for the follow-up.

That is.

Sonoluminescence phenomenon in gun shrimp.

The concept of sonoluminescence can be traced back to 1933. N. Marinesco of the Romanian Academy of Sciences and J.J. Trillat of the French Academy of Sciences independently discovered this phenomenon.

In 1934, when H. Frenzel and H. Schultes of the University of Cologne in Germany were studying sonar, in order to speed up photo development, they placed an ultrasonic frequency converter in a water tank filled with developer.

Unexpectedly, whenever the ultrasonic wave is turned on, the bubbles in the liquid will emit light. This is the phenomenon of multi-bubble sonoluminescence.

Although this phenomenon has been confirmed many times, there is currently no unified theory that can perfectly explain it.

Even as of 2024, the physics community cannot agree on the specific processes of some sonoluminescence.

For example, some researchers believe that the instantaneous temperature of a bubble is as high as 1 million K when it emits light, while others calculate that it is only 20,000 K.

When the gun shrimp emits water flow, it triggers the phenomenon of sonoluminescence, thereby emitting a special 'shrimp light'.

And this kind of instantaneous ultra-high temperature bubble can theoretically be used as a carrier of nuclear fusion.

in the microscopic realm.

This idea can be extended to using muons instead of electrons to reduce the atomic radius to lower the electromagnetic barrier, or using magnetic monopoles to catalyze fusion.


Xu Yun roughly flipped through the document several times and found that the initial guidance above was somewhat similar to muon catalytic fusion, but it was more focused on the specific effects of oxygen atoms.

That is, oxygen atoms make "high-energy isotopes" of other elements more stable under certain factors, thereby releasing energy to complete cold fusion.


As he looked at it, Xu Yun's eyes stopped on one of the columns.

What is recorded in this column is a particle distribution map with a somewhat strange behavior. The energy density value on it is about 783K.

This distribution trajectory is vaguely familiar to Xu Yun, it seems like...

Xu Yun realized something and moved the chart a few centimeters in front of him:

"Is this a lone point particle?"

Then Xu Yun rubbed his eyes, concentrated on checking it again, and became more and more sure of his guess.

That's right.

At this time, the particle distribution trajectory on this chart is suddenly the solitary point particle that Xu Yun is very familiar with!

But why do solitary point particles appear here?

solitary point particle

cold fusion

Suddenly, Xu Yun's pupils suddenly dilated a bit.


The essence of cold fusion is to give a single particle the energy needed for fusion, while the essence of reducing the electromagnetic barrier is to make the barrier 'thinner', making it easier for particles to rush through.

In this situation.

What if there was a particle that could perfectly play the role of carrying bubbles and move from one side of the barrier to the other in an instant?

"Oh my god."

After figuring this out, Xu Yun instantly felt a tingling sensation going straight to Tianling Gai.

No wonder.

No wonder Ada can handle cold fusion.

The experimental particles he relies on are dark matter that has never been discovered in history.

Smart classmates should all remember it.

When he first tested the electrostatic accelerator at the base, Wang Ganchang discovered signs of 4685 hyperons. (See Chapter 629)

And this hyperon is the key to opening the door to solitary point particles, that is, dark matter.

At that time, Xu Yun didn't pay too much attention to this, but now it seems that the discovery of lone point particles is actually the biggest variable that has happened in the entire copy!

It appeared 62 years earlier. Even without Xu Yun's intervention, in reality, the lone point particle may not be found until 2034.

What impact will dark matter, which was discovered 62 years in advance, have on the physics world?

To know.

The concept directly linked to dark matter is energy.

With the variable of dark matter in hand, plus the wall-mounted thinking of cold nuclear fusion and mecha, wouldn't it be a natural progression? (Some comments say that it is unrealistic for me to develop cold nuclear fusion. This is a foreshadowing that I have laid down for almost two hundred chapters since Chapter 629. Dark matter is the core key of this technology.)


A few minutes later.

Xu Yun slowly closed the stack of documents.

Although this is only a rough overview at this time, although there are still many areas that require discussion, calculation, and experimentation in the entire theory.

But now that he knows that dark matter is related to cold nuclear fusion, Xu Yun can return to reality and slowly show off his skills.

After all, although Xu Yun's status in reality is not as high as that of a national treasure in the dungeon, the resources he can mobilize are quite large now, so he doesn't have to worry about manpower and material resources.

At the same time, the moment the file is closed.

A very strange thought suddenly appeared in Xu Yun's mind:

Is this cold fusion technology a gift that Yu Da left just for himself?

After all, Yu is very clear about his origins, and he also knows that he will receive certain rewards after the time travel. The only difficulty in logic is to determine that the rewards will be related to the future technology of the rabbits in the copy, but in actual operation, this is actually irrelevant. small problem


The more Xu Yun thought about it, the more possible it became.

The name Nuwa Mecha, Tian Mending Stone is just right.

Half a minute later.

This stack of documents also turned into a ball of light and disappeared.

At this moment.

Only the last two balls of light were left in front of Xu Yun.


Xu Yun hesitated for a few seconds, then reached out and poked the light ball on the right. After all, he was used to using the right side.


Another familiar breaking sound sounded, and this time, the ball of light condensed in front of Xu Yun.

Another slightly larger ball of light.

Xu Yun:


Xu Yun then reached out and held the ball of light, which was about 15 centimeters in diameter.


The moment Xu Yun held the big ball of light, a prism necklace appeared in front of him without any warning.

at the same time.

A reminder also quietly reappeared:

[Aveline’s soul fragments, after being fused into the prism, can increase Aveline’s recovery progress by 37.5%]

[Current Aveline recovery progress: 16%]

[Progress after fusion: 53.5%]

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