Into Unscientific

Chapter 800 Back to reality (Thanks to the leader of the bamboo-clothed golden man who gave me the r


After Xu Yun spoke, there was a moment of silence in the aura space.

I don’t know if it was Xu Yun’s illusion.

He suddenly felt that the aura space seemed very humane and was stunned for a moment.

But soon, another prompt appeared in front of Xu Yun:

[It is detected that the wall-facer has made a choice. The location of the jade seal is the Monument to the People’s Heroes of China, 116 degrees 23 minutes 30 seconds east longitude, 39 degrees 54 minutes 12 seconds north latitude. ]

[Now for the last confirmation, do you choose this location? It cannot be modified after confirmation]


Xu Yun saw this without any hesitation and made a choice immediately:



Compared with other locations, the difficulty of ‘excavating’ the Monument to the People’s Heroes is obviously higher.

The only chance for the jade seal to be excavated under the Monument to the People is when the Monument to the People’s Heroes is undergoing large-scale repairs.

And the Monument to the People’s Heroes has only undergone four repairs since its construction.

The first renovation was in 1971, when the original gilded inscription "The People's Heroes Will Live Forever" on the north side of the monument was changed to red fiberglass characters.

The second time was before the National Day in 1980, when the monument removed the red fiberglass characters, replaced the damaged and broken stones, and restored the original gilded characters.

The third time was in June 1999, when Tiananmen Square was undergoing a large-scale renovation and it was thoroughly cleaned and maintained.

The fourth time was in 2006, when the monument was repaired for problems such as water leakage, cracks, partial dislocation, and severe weathering. It was also the largest renovation in 47 years.

According to this schedule.

The next renovation of the People's Monument will probably be around the military parade in 2029, which is the 80th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China.


The same thing.

After the third rain in the copy, Xu Yun's understanding of this national destiny buff is different from before.

Compared with the excavation of the jade seal, Xu Yun believes that the place where it is buried is more important.

Without the blessing of national destiny, the rabbits still made nuclear bombs, J-20, and big black fish, and even the fourth aircraft carrier is about to come out - here should be the cry of the cousins ​​in Gan Province

Although in 2024, due to various reasons, internal traitors continued to emerge frequently, but if the timeline is extended a little, it will be found that the current public opinion environment is actually much more popular than 10 years ago.

If a country's public opinion and values ​​need to be given values ​​by external forces to change fundamentally, then there are big problems with this matter itself.

In this case.

Xu Yun feels that there is no better place for the jade seal to be manifested than the Monument to the People's Heroes.

The meaning of the jade seal in ancient times is the symbol of the emperor, "received the mandate from heaven, and longevity and prosperity."

The Monument to the People's Heroes is engraved with the immortal words of the people's heroes. It is not an inscription of a certain person, but represents a group of people, the masses, and countless sparks.

If there is an "emperor" in this era, then it can only be the people!

Countless heroes and martyrs used their lives to build the country and open up a new path. Why not say that the people are the emperor?

The jade seal is buried under the Monument to the People's Heroes. It can be understood as the handover between the feudal dynasty and the new China, and it can also be considered as the inheritance of the "throne".

In the past, Li Congke burned himself in the flames with the imperial seal in his arms. Thousands of years have passed, and the jade seal has returned to the world in a cluster of sparks. Isn't this a kind of Chinese romance?


The Monument to the People's Heroes, that's it!

At the moment Xu Yun made the decision.


The jade seal held in Xu Yun's hands turned into a stream of light, flew around Xu Yun twice, as if to thank Xu Yun, and then disappeared at the end of the space with a long tail of light.

At the same time.

At the Monument to the People's Heroes.

5.7 meters below the inscription "The People's Heroes Will Live Forever", a warm seal quietly appeared.

It just lay quietly deep underground, and it was unknown how long it would take for someone to discover it.

It was also unable to see the light, but compared to the small bag in the copy, this time the jade seal

It was not alone.

It was accompanied by countless heroic souls, and would never walk alone.


After bidding farewell to the jade seal.


Another light curtain appeared in front of Xu Yun:

[The imperial seal has been moved to the bottom of the Monument to the People's Heroes according to the requirements of the wall-facer, and the two bombs and one satellite copy rewards have been settled. If you have any objections, please hold it in.]

[In addition, it was detected that the relevant points of the wall-facer have met the conditions. The 1665 copy can be opened for the second time. Please choose the time to enter the wall-facer.]

After reading these two light curtains, Xu Yun subconsciously raised his eyebrows and turned to look at another direction around him.

That is.

The entrance to each copy.

This entrance is located on the right side of the halo. There are three special light gates each time, and behind the light gates is the mission world.

Every time three tasks are completed, the light gate will change once.

Previously, Xu Yun completed the novice mission of the 1665th copy, which is the Mavericks copy, as well as the 1100 and 1850 copies, and the entrance was refreshed with three doors.

Two of them are still unknown, and the other is the advanced entrance of the Mavericks copy.

However, it is different from usual.

The 100 points of reward required to open other regular copies are relatively simple. Xu Yun calls them knowledge points.

The accumulation of knowledge points is related to Xu Yun's academic qualifications and research results. When he was studying normally, he could accumulate a knowledge point in about 12 days. Later, Xu Yun achieved many academic results, and the accumulation speed of knowledge points was much faster.

The qualification for opening the advanced entrance is much more difficult. The knowledge points it requires are related to Xu Yun's popularity.

After the cockroach extermination live broadcast of the University of Science and Technology, the press conference of the social death of the Jiujiujiu, and the press conference of the dark matter, Xu Yun's advanced knowledge points were increased.

However, the knowledge points of the advanced entrance still did not reach the full value of 100 at that time. I didn't expect that after the completion of this copy task, the secondary entrance could be opened?

Mavericks copy.

This is the beginning of everything. Both Mavericks himself and other people in the Aesku family have had a great impact on Xu Yun and even his subsequent copies.

Among them, the reward for Yang Hui's triangle even affected the present world, directly replacing the name of Pascal's triangle.

Of course.

This replacement is not as unreasonable as those YYs like [Xiao Niu is a descendant of Chongzhen]. There are a lot of records and evidence about Yang Hui's triangle.

It's just that the direction of modern knowledge dissemination is from west to east, so everyone calls this theorem Pascal's triangle.

Then Xu Yun walked to the light gate.

As expected, at the entrance of the originally dim light gate, there was a 100/100 sign shining.

This means that Xu Yun can open this copy with just a light push.

However, Xu Yun was not in a hurry to do so. After all, the two bombs and one satellite copy had just ended. No matter from which angle, he needed to return to reality and adjust his state.

Otherwise, if this goes on, he will easily become Li Huowang.

Not to mention that there are still many things in reality that he needs to deal with. After all, reality and copies need to be balanced with each other.

After thinking this through.

Xu Yun returned to his original position again, looked up and looked around the aura space, and said:

"Aura, return to reality."


As soon as the voice fell.

Xu Yun felt the scene in front of him sway slightly, and when he came to his senses, he had appeared on a bed.

The appearance of this bed is not luxurious but very clean, with a width of about 1.5 meters. Then Xu Yun slowly climbed up from the bed and looked around the surrounding environment.

This is a room of only more than ten square meters. The overall design is as simple and clean as the bed under him, which has a sense of small but complete.

At the same time, Xu Yun's left hand subconsciously touched around a few times, and soon touched a hard card.

Xu Yun put the card in front of him, and saw a few big words written on the card:

Chinese Academy of Sciences Expert Guesthouse.

Expert Guesthouse

Looking at this gray room card, Xu Yun's mind gradually emerged with some memory fragments.

Oh, I remember

Before entering the copy, the Academy of Sciences and the Cultural Relics Bureau cooperated to detect the Yongling Mausoleum through a gravity gradient meter, and successfully unearthed the "Yongle Encyclopedia".

Then Xu Yun touched the mobile phone on the other side and checked the time.

March 15, 2023, 18:14.

This time is exactly the same as before he entered the dungeon, but at this moment Xu Yun felt as if he was in another world.

At the same time, along with this feeling of being in another world, there was also a strong sense of fatigue.

Although Xu Yun's real body has hardly changed before and after, his spirit has spent more than a year in the dungeon, and he hardly closed his eyes in the days before the nuclear explosion.

So when he returned to reality at this time, the mental fatigue suddenly emerged, and Xu Yun felt that he was about to run away.

So he quickly lay back on the bed, and just after closing his eyes for a while, the whole person fell into a deep sleep.

No words all night.

Xu Yun slept for a full 15 hours. When he woke up, it was almost noon.


Xu Yun stretched hard, looked at his mobile phone in bed for a long time, and soon turned over and got out of bed.

Ten minutes later.

After Xu Yun finished washing up, he took a sip of the nasal spray he brought with him to refresh his mind, and left the room refreshed.

Guesthouses are a relatively early type of comprehensive product. Now, with the development of the times, the reception and accommodation locations of many large conferences have gradually changed to high-end hotels, and the hardware facilities of guesthouses are relatively backward.

However, the guesthouse where Xu Yun lives is a direct institution of the Institute of High Energy Physics after all, which is much better than local guesthouses. In addition to the room facilities being almost at the four-star level, it also provides three meals a day.

It was lunch time at this time, so Xu Yun slowly walked to the restaurant of the guesthouse to have some lunch.

"Xiao Xu!"

As soon as Xu Yun entered the restaurant, a familiar greeting sounded from his right.

Xu Yun subconsciously turned his head and found that the person calling him was Pan Shuai.

Then Xu Yun quickly recalled in his mind, yes, Pan Shuai had also attended the excavation of Yongling before as a representative of the University of Science and Technology, and it was Pan Shuai who even took him to the guesthouse to check in.

So Xu Yun hurried over:

"Hello, Director Pan."

I don’t know if it’s because he saw Lu Guangda and other top bosses in the dungeon, Xu Yun subconsciously wanted to say Xiao Pan, but fortunately his brain stopped him in time before he said it, otherwise Xu Yun would have been kicked out.

“Well, good afternoon.”

Pan Shuai didn’t notice Xu Yun’s abnormality, after all, the two had just met yesterday. He just pointed to a seat next to him:

“Haven’t you eaten yet? Go to the dining table to get some food and sit here.”

Pan Shuai and his friends’ seats are different from traditional round tables. They are four double tables that are moved and spliced ​​into a ‘long table’. The dining table was probably designed and decorated with this kind of splicing scene in mind, and there is almost no gap between the spliced ​​tables for air leakage.

At this time, in addition to Academician Pan, there are several other acquaintances of Xu Yun sitting on this long table:

Jiang Chenggu from a department of GWY, who is also the general dispatcher of the excavation of Yongling.

Weng Tong, professor of archaeology at Jinling University, the original applicant for the excavation of Yongling, and Weng Yujing, the father of the young Weng who had a blind date with Xu Yun and was then arranged by Xu Yun to have a job interview.

There were also Huang Danian's daughter Huang Yuting, Tong Huaijun, the head of the Department of Archaeology at Jinling University, and Zhang Ziang, an academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering and the chief engineer of the Yongling excavation project, etc.

There were two or three small plates in front of each person, and it was obvious that they were eating and chatting.

Seeing this, Xu Yun immediately said yes to Academician Pan, walked to the dining table and casually took two plates of food, one of which contained several buns with different meat fillings, and the other was a mixture of green vegetables, chicken and beef.

The standard of the guesthouse's meals was not high compared to those commercial buffets, and with so many big guys present, Xu Yun naturally couldn't just eat without caring about anything - this had nothing to do with respect or formalism, it was a matter of etiquette.

After Xu Yun sat down.

Academician Pan poured Xu Yun a cup of coconut juice from Coco Tree. Whether intentionally or unintentionally, he turned Xu Dongdong's side towards Xu Yun.

Good teacher.JPG.

After Xu Yun ate a meat bun to fill his stomach, Academician Pan suddenly asked:

"Xiao Xu, do you have any suggestions for the follow-up arrangements of "Yongle Encyclopedia"? "


The plot of the copy ends here. The rest is to finish it as mentioned before. I postponed the endoscopic surgery to next month. Let's do it together after the book is finished, otherwise there will be no enough time to recuperate after the surgery.

As for taking a long vacation mentioned by many classmates, I can only say that everyone thinks writing is too easy. Writing a novel is a very state-required thing. It is difficult to get into the current rhythm after a few months of interruption. Among the authors I know in the writer circle, almost few people can end well after taking a long vacation.

Almost all books that have taken a long vacation will have a serious decline in quality after the update, and then they will start to update one chapter every five or six days. Both the author and the readers are tortured, and in the end, either the ending is directly unfinished or the author simply stops writing and changes his pen name - I am not convenient to give specific examples of my peers, but you can think of many examples as long as you think about it.

So instead of being criticized at that time, it is better to give this book a relatively good ending now. Although I will earn less royalties (according to the current royalties, writing one less copy will lose about 150,000-200,000), but at least when people talk about my book in the future, at most they will sigh with some regret [It’s a pity that the author is in poor health and has one or two fewer copies], instead of angrily criticizing [a garbage ending that only knows how to make money and fails]

The above is my arrangement and related explanations, I hope you can understand.

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