Into Unscientific

Chapter 801 Why me?

“How to deal with the Yongle Ceremony?”

Hearing what Academician Pan said, Xu Yundang was stunned.

This doesn't seem like a topic he should and is qualified to participate in, right?

Besides, if "Yongle Dadian" was unearthed elsewhere, it's a matter of course. The provincial expo of the local province may try to win over it. There are many similar examples.

But the area where "Yongle Dadian" was unearthed is located in Yongling, which is under the jurisdiction of the capital, and it has its own importance. Apart from the National Museum, which is the National Museum of China, where else is there a place worthy of it?

The Stepmother Wu Ding, which is also known as the national treasure, is lying quietly in the National Museum of China. The original name of this tripod was Simu Wu Ding, but in 2011, the National Museum adopted the latest As a result of the interpretation of the inscription, it was officially changed to Houmu Wuding.

It's just that not many people pay attention to the news in this area, so most of the "old people" who graduated from high school before 2011 and took the Houmuwuding class subconsciously continue to call it Simuwuding.

However, Xu Yun did not think that Academician Pan would ask him such a boring question, so Xu Yun thought carefully for a few seconds and had a vague guess in his heart:

"Teacher, what do you mean to do before "Yongle Dadian" is included in the National Museum?"

"That's right."

Academician Pan glanced at Xu Yun secretly, and then said seriously:

""Yongle Dadian" will definitely be included in the National Museum in the end, but it has just been unearthed after all, and it still needs to go through some corresponding processes."

"So the first thing we have to solve is the protection and proofreading work. Only after these two processes are completed can the admission process be carried out."

Jiang Chenggu and others on the side also nodded.

The Yongle Dadian contains more than 20,000 volumes, two volumes form one volume, and a total of more than 10,000 books were unearthed. Therefore, before entering the National Museum, protection methods and a summary of the status of the books must be completed.

At the same time, details such as where the "Yongle Dian" will be placed after entering the museum, the intensity and angle of light received, and the number of visitors every day also need to be discussed.

Even if a group of people worked overtime to do something special, it would probably take about one to two months.

Then Academician Pan paused and continued to explain:

"Xiao Xu, the previous live broadcast of "Yongle Dian" was very effective, so the organization expressed approval and also put forward an idea."

"That is, can we use the time spent dealing with the "Yongle Dadian" to organize another event that can attract social attention?"

Xu Yun raised his eyebrows and quickly scanned the people present:

"Teacher, what do you mean? Did the organization assign this task to HKUST?"

Academician Pan nodded slightly, picked up the barley tea on the table and took a sip to moisten his throat:

"Well, that was originally the case. After all, HKUST has participated in two national and even global live broadcasts before, so it has relatively rich experience in this area."

"At the same time, your young ahem, outstanding personality has been established. Even if you don't do anything, there will be program effects at that station. To use a more popular term nowadays, it means it brings its own traffic."

Xu Yun:


Xu Yun suddenly wanted to cry loudly, I will be famous all my life.

But before Xu Yun could speak, Academician Pan continued:

"Of course, the organization is not planning to engage in live video broadcasts in the traditional sense this time. After all, too many such forms can easily cause aesthetic fatigue."

"Well, in a sense, there is a certain possibility that this attempt will fail, so the organization will think of you."

"Thinking of me?"

Xu Yun was stunned for a moment. This time he was really confused:

"Teacher, what do you mean?"

Academician Pan smiled at him and suddenly changed the topic:

"Xiao Xu, do you know about Musk's starship?"

Xu Yun glanced at his mentor, and the long-term tacit understanding allowed him to follow Academician Pan's rhythm:

"You know, it's a very huge project. The first two phases failed cleanly. The third phase was successfully launched but lost contact after re-entering the atmosphere."


When mentioning starships, Academician Pan's tone became more solemn:

"Let's not discuss the other meanings of the starship for now. Do you know who is behind it?"

Xu Yun nodded immediately:


The technical support behind the starship comes from NASA, which is not a secret - after all, it is the result of an open tender.

At that time, SpaceX, Dynetics and the "National Team" of Haiduang were competing for the lander technology. SpaceX took the lead based on multiple test results and became the supplier of Haidu's lunar exploration plan.

Since then, NASA has been exporting technology to starships.

Nowadays, almost all of SpaceX’s core technologies come from NASA, but they are just covered with a layer of skin.

Academician Pan paused and asked again:

"Then why doesn't NASA launch the starship itself?"

This time Xu Yun thought for a few more seconds. After all, there were other people around:

"There should be both commercial and political factors. For example, if NASA were to leave in person, it would be difficult to compete with us for orders."

"But one of the most important reasons should be that Tesla, as a business group, has a certain tolerance for public opinion on this kind of project."

"If the starship launch is successful, everyone will be happy, and NASA will deserve a lot of rewards. If the launch fails, the company's pioneering spirit can be used for public relations, and NASA or the officials across the sea will not bear too much pressure from public opinion."

"well said."

Academician Pan nodded heavily:

"What the organization is going to do this time also follows this logic, so Xiao Xu, would you, or Huadun Biotech, be willing to be a mini version of a starship?"

Xu Yun's eyes suddenly condensed.

After a moment, he slowly asked:

"Teacher, what do the organization want our company to do?"

Academician Pan said that for this reason, no matter how slow Xu Yun was, he could understand what he meant - the organization wanted to push Huadun Biotech to the forefront and create something in the name of the company rather than the official name.

Academician Pan glanced at him and asked meaningfully:

"Xiao Xu, I remember that your company started a research and development project on Mr technology?"

Xu Yun nodded subconsciously:

"Yes, Dr. Lu Xiao, who is responsible for Mr. technology, was invited back to China with the help of the Academy of Sciences."

At that time, after the press conference on Xu Yunshe's death, several foreign companies targeting Xu Yun encountered serious public backlash. In order to minimize losses, these foreign companies took the initiative to make some transactions with the Academy of Sciences or the country.

Among them, there are two points of compensation related to Huadun Biotech, that is, Xuyun Company. One is to open up a complete European export right and allow products to be exported to Europe for normal sales.

Another compensation is to ensure that Lu Xiao returns to China smoothly. Lu Xiao is the chief designer of HealthTOHO, the Mr. app that made a splash at the CIIE, and a top international Mr. technology expert.

In the early years, Lu Xiao went abroad to work because of the high salary offered by a foreign company. After reaching middle age, as she gained more experience, she gradually began to want to return to her hometown.

However, it is too difficult for top talents like him to return to China. An accident may happen at any time before returning to China - even Princess Kate can be missing these days, let alone a technical expert like him.

Fortunately, Lu Xiao was lucky. When AstraZeneca surrendered to Rabbit, he hit it off with the staff at the Academy of Sciences and successfully returned to his hometown under the operation of the giant AstraZeneca.

Now Lu Xiao is working at Huadun Biotechnology, and is responsible for MR technology.

Academician Pan snorted upon seeing this and pointed to Jiang Chenggu beside him:

"Well, the organizational idea this time is to try it out through MR technology."

Xu Yun was immediately stunned:

"MR technology? Try it?"


Seeing that Xu Yun was a little confused, Jiang Chenggu on the side answered:

"Dr. Xu, haven't we mentioned before that one of the current processes that "Yongle Dadian" needs to operate is to first collect and summarize its contents."

"This process requires detailed screening and verification of the book's cover and content. The workload can be almost said to be a rubbing."

"In that case, why don't we remove the word [almost]?"

As he spoke, Jiang Chenggu made several gestures with his hands in the air:

"That is, we use technical means to record the content of the screening process into the computer."

"Then use MR to model it into a hybrid scene where the background is real, such as the National Museum or the National Library, and then release the MR model."

"In this way, experiencers wearing MR glasses can flip through "Yongle Dadian" with their own hands. This kind of topic and interest should be relatively high. What do you think, Dr. Xu?"


Looking at Jiang Chenggu talking eloquently, Xu Yun seemed a little confused.

Good guy.

He could never have imagined that what Academician Pan and Jiang Chenggu said was causing trouble was actually like this.

Combining MR technology with "Yongle Dadian"?

This idea is too fucking big, right?

But soon, another thought came to Xu Yun's mind:

This idea seems to work!

Mentioned earlier.

The gap between VR and MR technology mainly lies in the difference between the interaction between the model and reality.

The characteristic of VR is complete immersion, which means that all the images seen by the glasses are virtual.

Take the classic anime "Sword Art Online" as an example. After Kirito, Honzina, Asuna and other characters wear VR helmets, their bodies are still in the real world, but their spirits have completely entered a virtual world.

They can live and play games in the virtual world without seeing the real world.

Of course.

VR technology like "Sword Art Online" has already reached the level of consciousness. Currently, relatively reliable VR applications are mainly indoor scenes similar to the movie "Ready Player One" that require body movement.

As for MR technology, it is between virtual and reality.

For example, if you are in the same room with a friend and wear MR glasses, you can still see your real self and your real friend. The things you hold in your hand can be virtual or real.

You could pull a 98K off your bedside table or grab a Fiji cup from your desk, depending on the exact model you scanned.

Another example is Lu Xiao’s HealthTOHO application, which became popular at the CIIE.

This application scans the patient's body model and then displays it on other devices through data modeling, so that doctors can provide surgical guidance in other places or even use robotic arms to perform remote surgery.

After MR technology matures.

Installation novices no longer need to watch installation videos or find installation guys to come to their homes. As long as they build models through MR technology, they can directly go to suppliers such as graphics cards and ask for remote technical guidance, and the guys will help them remotely. Teach you how to install it.

In other words.

The idea of ​​scanning to build "Yongle Dian" is logically consistent with MR technology.

It can even be said that.

Scanning a book into a model that is open to the public, allowing users to access books at home or in a coffee shop, is one of the promising applications of MR technology.

Xu Yun then thought for a while, without discussing the specific feasibility, but asked inexplicably:

"Director Jiang, why did the organization choose me?"

Although the person Jiang Chenggu mentioned was Huadun Biotech, Xu Yun knew very well that this organizational decision was made for him.

To be fair.

The idea put forward by Jiang Chenggu and others may have certain risks, but compared with the possible returns, these risks are completely within the tolerable range.

At the same time, there are not many or few domestic companies currently researching MR technology. For example, BAT has some teams that are tinkering with MR, but the investment is not that high.

It is no exaggeration to say that this is absolutely good news for these listed companies.

For example, Jia Ling's "Hot and Spicy" caused Penguin's stock price to rise several points after its release, not to mention the companies that directly participated in the investment, including Xu Yun's old employer who wrote novels.

If this opportunity is used properly, let alone doubling the stock price, it is not an exaggeration to say that the stock price will increase by 10% or even 20% - considering the size of BAT, 10% is an astronomical figure.

However, facing Xu Yun's question, Jiang Chenggu just picked up the tea cup and took a sip of tea. Academician Pan and others beside him also laughed and said nothing, leaving Xu Yun confused.

after all

You can't tell Xu Yun that you have made so many contributions in the past period, and the organization didn't know how to pay for it, right?

Of course.

The organization in the above sentence is still different from the writers in the copy.

The writers really can't come up with a reward that can match Xu Yun's contribution, and in reality, the country can't find anything suitable to reward Xu Yun for the time being.

After all, the rewards prepared by the country at the beginning corresponded to the Tweet Tweet press conference. At that time, Xu Yun sacrificed his "innocence", cooperated with the organization to eliminate a group of trolls, and made several foreign companies bow their heads. The country gained some good rewards. Return.

At that time, the organization's definition of Xu Yun was roughly "the little guy did a good job."

Unexpectedly, not long after, Xu Yun discovered dark matter again - this thing is amazing. Unless gravitons are discovered abroad in the next few months, this year's Nobel Prize will definitely go to China.

A Nobel Prize, especially a Nobel Prize in science, is worth thousands of dollars to today's Chinese academic and public opinion circles.

This is not over yet.

During the dark matter press conference, Atsushi Suzuki jumped out and questioned the results of the Academy of Sciences. Xu Yun, Zhou Shaoping and Yang Lao stood up to resist the heavy pressure. During this period, hackers across the sea launched a wave of sneak attacks. Internet security still relied on Huadun Biotech. It was only the supercomputing that broke the situation

Then Xu Yun and Wang Lao developed a youth version of the gravity gradiometer and unearthed the Yongle Dadian. The value of the gravity gradiometer in national defense is even more valuable.

Under this situation, the organization really didn't know how to reward Xu Yun.

Therefore, after organizational discussions, it was finally decided to sprinkle this round of wealth on the head of Huadun Biotechnology established by Xu Yun.

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