Into Unscientific

Chapter 802 Huadun Bioscience’s Request (Thanks to Wen Dao Bamboo Clothes Golden Man’s Silver Allian


After a while.

Jiang Chenggu just put down the teacup leisurely and said to Xu Yun:

“Dr. Xu, this aspect is more complicated to explain. If you have time, you can ask Academician Pan.”

“In short, the organization is still very concerned about new companies like Huadun Biosciences. Some support and policies will take care of you.”

“Okay, we are a little off topic, let’s get back to the topic - Dr. Xu, I wonder if you are interested in this matter?”

Xu Yun was silent for a few seconds:

“Of course I am interested.”

Although I don’t know what the inside story is, Jiang Chenggu’s background is extraordinary, and to a certain extent, he can even represent the will of the country.

In addition, Academician Pan and Zhang Ziang and other bigwigs are present. This matter is at least reliable on the surface.

Therefore, Xu Yun did not hesitate and immediately expressed his attitude.

Jiang Chenggu had expected Xu Yun's answer. After all, under normal circumstances, Xu Yun would have made this choice unless he had been kicked in the head by Brother Donkey:

"In that case, Dr. Xu, let's talk about the details later - is Dr. Lucian from your company convenient to have an online meeting with us?"

Xu Yun nodded immediately:

"No problem."

There is no time difference between Luzhou and Yanjing in a broad sense. At this time, most companies are probably having lunch, so it is not difficult to make some time for a meeting after lunch.

Xu Yun then stood up and left the table, walked outside the restaurant door and called Lu Xiao.

After a few seconds, the call was successfully connected:

"Mr. Xu?"

The title of Mr. Xu made Xu Yun, who was always called Xiao Xu in the past, stunned for half a second, but he soon came back to his senses:

"Dr. Lu, is it convenient now?"

"Please wait."

After Xu Yun finished speaking, Lu Xiao on the other end of the phone simply replied, and then there was a little chatter in the microphone. After about ten seconds, the background sound of the microphone was completely quiet:

"Mr. Xu, I was just talking about some project details with my teammate. Now I am outside. What do you want to say?"

Now Lu Xiao has just returned from abroad not long ago, so he is still used to mixing Chinese and English when speaking, which is fundamentally different from those who like to use foreign words to show off.

Xu Yun then paused and briefly described the situation to Lu Xiao:

"That's about it, Dr. Lu, do you think we should take it on?"

Although Xu Yun had reached a preliminary agreement with Jiang Chenggu, Lu Xiao was the direct person in charge of MR technology after all, so this kind of question always had to go through the process - even though both parties knew that there was only one answer to this easy question.

Sure enough, after listening to Xu Yun's introduction, Lu Xiao's voice on the other end of the phone rose a few points:

"Fuck, MR technology modeling of the Yongle Encyclopedia? Mr. Xu, we have to take this!"

Xu Yun nodded, Lu If Xiao didn't dare to take on this challenge, Xu Yun would probably have to re-evaluate his ability:

"Well, Dr. Lu, I think so too. This project must be taken on."

"After all, although our company has played some roles in the previous activities, the main characters are still the Academy of Sciences and other units."

"Although we have gained a lot of hidden benefits, they are more inclined to the policy perspective, and the purely commercial benefits are not high."

"So we must not miss this MR modeling. If it works well, the popularity may even exceed the original cockroach disinfecting live broadcast."

Lu Xiao quickly agreed.

In fact, compared with Xu Yun, Lu Xiao considered more.

In addition to being a gain for the company's image and reputation, this MR modeling is also of great benefit to the MR project that Lu Xiao is responsible for.

After all, the number of MR employees recruited by Huadun Biosciences is not large now, and a considerable part of them are talents that Lu Xiao has dug up through his own connections. Lu Xiao has been teased by his HR colleagues more than once to take over personnel matters.

In this case, if you can make a big news, the original "Black Myth Wukong" is a very successful typical representative.

The first video of "Black Myth Wukong" was released that year, which immediately aroused countless expectations among the public. At the same time, Youke received a large number of resumes from people with lofty ideals, and even solved the funding problem later.

Today, Huadun Biosciences is not short of money, but it is in urgent need of manpower. Although every employee, including Lu Xiao, is very motivated (because Xu Yun gives a lot of money), the ecology itself is not healthy.

If you want to integrate Huadun Biosciences' MR project into the normal track, this opportunity cannot be missed in any case!


Then Xu Yun paused for a while, letting Lu Xiao digest the information, and continued:

"Dr. Lu, since we agree, let's roughly determine our demands next - what policies do we need from the top?"

Lu Xiao was stunned, and the whole person seemed very surprised:

"Mr. Xu, can we still make requests?"

Xu Yun smiled:

"Of course, otherwise why do you think Director Jiang would give me the opportunity to call?"

Academician Pan once mentioned Musk's Starship, and asked Xu Yun about the supporters behind the Starship. The purpose of this "test" is actually to hint Xu Yun one thing:

NASA can support Starship with various resources, and the Academy of Sciences can do the same this time. Just ask for whatever you want.

In fact, this is not the first time that the rabbits have done this. When Huawei was in the most difficult time, the rabbits did a similar operation. It seems to be selling Honor, but in fact, the rabbits are supporting Huawei with funds.

If it weren't for the 100 billion, Huawei might not be able to survive until the mate60 has passed the mountains.

Xu Yun did not expect the Academy of Sciences to give Huadun Bioscience 100 billion. This is a plot that even the YY novels of Qidian, which start with nuclear fusion, dare not think of. However, some inferior resources in the corners can always come, right?


Lu Xiao on the other end of the phone quickly understood the meaning, and quickly got into the state:

"If you ask for it, we have no shortage of funds, and there is no direct money transfer for this kind of thing, so we can only consider other aspects."

"Well, the first thing to guarantee is the core time of the supercomputer. The supercomputer in our company may not be enough for this project. According to Director Jiang, this project will be implemented in about one to two months. After all, if it takes too long, the popularity of the unearthed "Yongle Encyclopedia" will also decrease."

"So I hope that the Academy of Sciences can coordinate to give us enough supercomputer core time, and it is best to have a top-ranked supercomputer."

Xu Yun nodded:

"Tomorrow Bai, what else?"

"Another thing is to open source a database."

Lu Xiao spoke very quickly at this time, and in a short time he sorted out a logical line:

"I know that the Institute of Computer Science has a toolkit for augmented reality technology. This data package can use a certain algorithm to efficiently realize the confirmation of anchor position information during modeling."

"This database of the Institute of Computer Science is at the top of the world. If it can be open sourced to us, it will be very beneficial to the future development of our company!"

Although Xu Yun and Lu Xiao were separated by a mobile phone at this time, Xu Yun seemed to see the picture of Lu Xiao's eyes shining.

"Open source database?"

Xu Yun touched his chin when he heard it. He was in the computer. The degree of his understanding of computers is basically consistent with the love experience of many of his single readers:

"Dr. Lu, will this database be confidential? If it requires a political review process, I'm afraid it will take time."

As a result, Xu Yun was interrupted by Lu Xiao with a smile before he finished speaking:

"Mr. Xu, don't worry, there won't be any big problems."

"This database is considered a confidential tool, but the confidentiality here is not the same as the top secret in the public concept, it's not that strict."

"For example, BAT and some other companies in China are allowed to open source, which is very common in today's computer field-such as the recently popular AI field."

"Are you Haven't you noticed that, whether it is domestic or foreign AI models, they are basically from Internet companies. Whether it is the Chinese Academy of Sciences or the Academy of Sciences across the sea, they don't have much presence in this process. "

"They are not really invisible, but provide some national-level technical support behind the scenes. This kind of support is usually some key nodes rather than core technologies, so there will be differences in the AI ​​levels of each company. "

"This kind of official downplaying of presence will be the norm in the future, just like chess players in a game, they will not fight in person, but fight through chess pieces. "

Xu Yun listened to Lu Xiao's words quietly, and was silent for a while, and then a hint of realization appeared in his eyes.

So that's it


At present, more and more private enterprises have begun to master high-end technologies. After entering the national sight, these enterprises often undertake some confidential tasks with low confidentiality.

During the period of contact with these tasks, they usually get some corresponding technical rewards.

These technologies are more like a certain entry threshold than a secret. After reaching the threshold, you are qualified to understand these contents.

At the same time, as Lu Xiao said.

Nowadays, commercial competition that downplays the presence of the government has become a trend. In a sense, this trend is inevitable after the development of Internet public opinion.

Because unlike the monopoly of traditional media in the past, the speed of information dissemination has increased countless times after the emergence of Internet media, and the influence of public opinion has also increased a lot.

In this case, even if you are a superpower, it is difficult to withstand the impact of public opinion caused by the government's open involvement in certain industries.

Then Xu Yun kept the database in mind and said to Lu Xiao:

"Dr. Lu, do you have any other requirements?"

Lu Xiao quickly gave an answer:

"Yes, in addition to the nuclear time and database, I suggest applying for the Pancake solution license of the Shanghai Institute of Optics."


Xu Yun raised his eyebrows slightly. He was not unfamiliar with this word:

"Is this the advanced technology path of Fresnel lens? I seem to have read relevant papers."


Lu Xiao continued:

"This is a very advanced technology mastered by the Shanghai Institute of Optics. This technology has a very significant improvement in the ability of MR glasses to capture light."

"In addition, this technology is not confidential and belongs to a licensed patent, but the previous licensing price is very high - about 10 million US dollars for eight years."

"This technology has always been on our project planning table, but the original plan was to consider introducing reinforcement after the product structure was finalized, but now there is a chance to get it for free."

At this point, Lu Xiao couldn't help but chuckle twice.

Xu Yun also showed the same smile on his face.

He had heard about the Pancake technology of the Institute of Optoelectronics. The real strength of the Institute of Optoelectronics was actually lasers, but in 2013, for some reason, the technology tree was distorted and the company made great achievements in optical capture. breakthrough.

Nowadays, Pancake is mainly used to license to foreign companies, and the profits are huge!

According to Lu Xiao’s original thoughts.

Although today's Huadun Biotech is financially healthy, it is far from being able to throw away money at will. Therefore, the short-term plan for the MR project is still to finalize the product.

After the product is finalized and the core technology is in place, and the company has enough money on its books, it can then consider introducing Pancake.

But I didn’t expect that the plan could not keep up with the changes. Now, an opportunity for free prostitution appeared in front of Huadun Biotech.

If you don’t come now, when will you wait?

This is more than 10 million US dollars.

For a guarantor like Xu Yun who has never seen 10 million Happy Beans, this is a huge fortune in every sense of the word.

Xu Yun then briefly communicated with Lu Xiao for a few words, and basically determined the next request:

Supercomputing, open source of five technologies, free licensing of three large and small patents, as well as publicity and distribution of activities, etc.

ten minutes later.

Xu Yun, who had a good relationship with Lu Xiao, hung up the phone and returned to the dining table.

After another half hour, everyone had lunch and moved to a conference room under the leadership of Jiang Chenggu.

At this point, the rest is relatively simple.

After all, Xu Yun and Lu Xiao had already agreed on their opinions, Jiang Chenggu had been granted the corresponding authority before coming, and Academician Pan was there to help calm the situation, so the entire negotiation process went smoothly.

An hour later.

Xu Yun, on behalf of Huadun Biotech, formally reached a cooperation agreement with the official will of Jiang Chenggu:

The official will provide patents, database open source and other support to Huadun Biotech as agreed, and will also allocate sufficient supercomputing time to assist the project, and there will also be a number of small cooperation projects.

Huadun Biotechnology will use MR modeling technology within a month to scan and model the "Yongle Dadian" under the guidance of the Department of Archeology and the Institute of Cultural Relics of Jinling University.

After the modeling is completed, Huadun Biotechnology will hold an MR equipment experience event in the name of the cooperative channel of the Institute of Cultural Relics.

The event location is preset at the National Museum (the venue is coordinated by Jiang Chenggu). The experience process is divided into an online and offline dual-end mode. The number of offline experience participants is initially set at 3,000 people and is divided into two sessions.

Simultaneous live broadcast will be started online, and the website will also be coordinated by Jiang Chenggu.

During the experience activity, in addition to the "Yongle Ceremony", the National Museum will also provide some cultural relics for scanning and entry depending on the situation.

The event will be held at:

April 26th.


Thanks to the Silver Alliance of the Golden Man in Wen Dao! ! I coded this chapter all night and sent it out first.

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