Into Unscientific

Chapter 803: The Strongest Master's Degree Defense Team in History


Two hours later.

Looking at the cooperation agreement stamped in front of him, Xu Yun couldn't help showing some emotion on his face.

He has signed various agreements since the establishment of the company Huadun Biotech, some of which are cooperation projects with other units, and some of which are agreements on remuneration with individuals, etc.

Looking at these negotiations in the past, it has never been so smooth.

The intention was reached at lunch, the details were agreed upon an hour later, and the contract was signed two hours later.

What's more important is that this cooperation is not a small project, and there are many provisions to support it. It is not an exaggeration to say that it is a timely help for today's Huadun Biotech, but it is indeed a wave of critical blood transfusion.

For example, for the augmented reality technology toolkit of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, apart from BAT, only 19 domestic companies including Hikvision, Goertek, and DJI have received open source contracts.

Although Shangguang Institute’s Pancake technology seems to be able to get patent trial rights by paying a fee, in fact it also has very high requirements for partners, and there are only over a hundred authorized companies in the world.

Now that this level of resources has been written into the contract, it has saved Huadun Biotech at least one year of development time. Although one year does not seem to be long, for Internet projects, one year is enough for many changes to occur. .

Another more important point is that

The supercomputing time stipulated in the contract comes from Tianhe-3!

In June last year.

The international supercomputer ranking organization "TOP500", as usual, released the global supercomputing ranking list on time.

The E-class (exascale floating point operations per second) supercomputer "Frontier" across the sea continues to occupy the top spot, the Neon supercomputer "Fugaku" ranks second, and the Finnish supercomputer "LUMI" ranked first in November 2022. After the system upgrade, it still maintains the third position.

In this list, China's supercomputer "Sunway TaihuLight" ranked seventh, and "Tianhe-2" ranked tenth.

Judging from the list data alone, China’s supercomputing development seems to have lagged behind the top supercomputing in the United States, Japan and Europe.

But in fact, this list is not completely accurate, because due to the international situation, the Rabbits have a type of supercomputer that has not officially announced its parameters.

It is China’s E-class supercomputer, which is the three supercomputing equipment of Sunway E-class prototype, Tianhe-3 E-class prototype and Sugon E-class prototype.

In fact, Tianhe-3 originally had a prototype in 2018, when Rabbits publicly displayed the prototype design at the Second World Intelligence Conference held in Tianjin.

As a result, the unlucky Tianhe-3 happened to catch up with the exercise, so several cabinets on the Tianhe-3 were appropriated for use by aerodynamic research institutions.

As a result, this matter was hyped by the media across the country, saying that the Feiteng processor manufactured by TSMC was used to calculate advanced weapons for China. As a result, Feiteng was put on the entity list.

So Tianhe 3 has been difficult to deliver until now. At the end of 2021, it only won the Gordon Bell Award, the highest academic award in the field of international high-performance computing applications, based on a research result. It is as mysterious as Xu Yun's vest.

Therefore, the outside world also has different opinions on the specific performance of Tianhe-3. Some think it is not as good as the new generation Shenwei, and some think it can compete with Frontier but is far inferior to the next generation 2000p across the sea.

Others believe that with the new system of Tianhe Xingyi, Tianhe 3 can firmly rank first in the next generation of combat-after all, the Tianhe E-class prototype system once ranked 2054GTEPS in the Graph500 evaluation standard in 2021. He has won the first place in the world, but such information has not reached the top 20 on Weibo. Zhang Xuefeng's gold content is still increasing.

all in all.

This supercomputer is much better than Xu Yun’s artificially retarded machine. With the help of Tianhe-3, many of the company’s research topics can even be covered.

"Dr. Xu."

After Xu Yun signed his name and stamped the company seal, Jiang Chenggu smiled and extended his hand to Xu Yun:

"Dr. Xu, happy to work with you."

Xu Yun also shook hands with Jiang Chenggu:

"Director Jiang, it's a pleasure to work with you."

After letting go, Jiang Chenggu glanced at Academician Pan aside and said:

"A dedicated person will contact you about the details and resources in Dr. Xu's contract later. If you have any questions, just communicate with the contact person directly."

"Of course, if there are any special circumstances, you can contact me or Academician Pan at any time."

"If there is nothing else, I will take my leave first. There are still many matters regarding the "Yongle Dadian" that I need to handle."

Xu Yun nodded immediately:

"I'll see you off."

Xu Yun then sent Jiang Chenggu Weng and others to the door and waved goodbye to them.

As Jiang Chenggu said, although the "Yongle Dadian" has been unearthed, the task at hand is far from over.

Weng Tong and others need to discuss and implement the cultural relics protection plan, while Jiang Chenggu needs to summarize many aspects of the entire process into documents and submit them to the leadership. No link can be missed.

After Jiang Chenggu and others left, Xu Yun and Academician Pan returned to their seats.

Xu Yun first poured a cup of tea for Academician Pan, and then asked:

"Teacher, do you have something to do with me?"

Whether it was Jiang Chenggu's small gesture of looking at Academician Pan before or Academician Pan's behavior of staying in the room, it showed that Academician Pan still had something to talk to Xu Yun.


Academician Pan quickly nodded and stroked his sparse bangs out of habit:

"I just have this opportunity, so I have two things to talk to you about."

Xu Yun quickly put on a well-behaved expression.JPG.

Upon seeing this, Academician Pan stretched out his hand and pressed it down, signaling Xu Yun not to be too nervous:

"Xiao Xu, relax. It's not a serious matter. Don't be too formal."

"The first thing is mainly related to your studies. The specific time for this year's master's and doctoral defense at HKUST has been announced."

"The doctorate is on May 7th, and the master's degree is a little earlier, scheduled for April 26th."

"I don't know much about Director Tian's situation, but the candidates for the review committee for your master's defense have been decided."

Xu Yun was startled. He didn't expect that Academician Pan was talking about this.

Students who have studied for a PhD at HKUST should all know this.

The defense time for doctoral students at HKUST is usually in May, and for master's students at the end of May or early June.

However, everything has exceptions. Sometimes due to some reasons, the interview may be advanced or postponed, but the limit span will normally not exceed the April-July range.

Xu Yun remembers seeing some strange HKUST records on the HKUST BBS back then, including the latest and earliest graduate student defenses, which were on July 22 and March 27 respectively.

Xu Yun is currently studying for a PhD in biology and a master's degree in physics, and will prepare for two defenses respectively this year.

As for the committee that Academician Pan and Xu Yun are talking about, they refer to the thesis defense committee, which is organized by the degree-granting unit and is mainly responsible for reviewing the thesis, organizing the defense, etc., and then deciding whether to award the degree.

Of course.

Undergraduate degrees, that is, bachelor's degrees, do not have the participation of defense committees. The defense committees are for master's and doctoral degrees.

Generally, the number of defense committee members is four or five for a master's degree and six or seven for a doctoral program.

There are many specific rules that can be subdivided, but the core ones are that the supervisor cannot serve as the leader of the committee, several PhD students need to be experts from outside units, etc.

Compared with doctoral defense, the requirements for master's defense are lower.

Because there are generally not many things to learn in the master's defense, most students just tolerate each other and let the students pass.

Not an exaggeration.

The defense expert group, which is composed of subject teachers and outside experts, basically has only two attitudes when it comes to the defense:

One is to let you pass smoothly.

The second is to let you pass after scolding you. There is basically no situation where you will not be allowed to pass at the defense site.

If your supervisor agrees to let you participate in thesis defense, it is equivalent to letting you off. If you don't let you off, it is impossible to let you participate in the defense, or even send you for review-unless your supervisor is not very responsible, or this subject There is a problem with the professional construction of the subject. Your subject leader deliberately arranged it this way, or your performance is extremely outrageous. Otherwise, there will be no rejection at the defense.

Therefore, Xu Yun was quite confident about his master's degree defense. Hearing this, he just asked habitually:

"Teacher, who are on the review committee?"

When Xu Yun thought about it, Academician Pan would probably name a few names that Xu Yun had heard of but was not so familiar with. These people were either from other majors within the University of Science and Technology, or were full professors and associate professors from other universities.

After many, well, not that many but extremely high-quality copies, Xu Yun has actually surpassed many high-level professors or researchers in terms of ability.

So maybe many of the professors involved in degree evaluation are not even as good as Xu Yun.

The result was unexpected.

After hearing Xu Yun's question, the expression on Academician Pan's face instantly became a little subtle:

"Xiao Xu, you must be mentally prepared."

Xu Yun's originally casual expression was suddenly stunned:


What does this mean?

What does it mean to be mentally prepared?

Then Academician Pan thought for a while and took out a list of names from his briefcase:

"Xiao Xu, this is the review list of your defense committee. Take a look at it yourself."

Xu Yun blinked, took the list and read it.

The moment he saw the list clearly, Xu Yun's left hand suddenly shook, and he barely managed to slide off the chair.

I saw a few paragraphs written on this list:

[According to the provisions of Article 8, Paragraph 3 of the "Interim Implementation Measures of the Degree Regulations of the People's Republic of China", the master's and bachelor's thesis defense committee shall consist of 3 to 5 people. Generally, it shall be chaired by an expert thesis defense committee from an external unit, and shall consist of associate professors, professors and equivalents. Experts with professional titles serve as

[After deliberation at the 20th meeting of the 10th Academic Degree Evaluation Committee of Huaxia University of Science and Technology, the following review arrangements have been made for Xu Yun’s (student number 114514) master’s degree defense]

[Number of defense committee members: 5 people]

[Defense location: Hospital B, No. 19 Yuquan Road, Shijingshan District, Yanjing]

[Chairman of the Defense Committee: Yang Zhenning]

[Committee members: Wang Xiji, Zhou Guangzhao, Zhou Shaoping, Xue Qikun]

Xu Yun:


What did I see when I stepped on the horse?

After a long while, Xu Yun recovered from his confusion and suddenly looked at Academician Pan:

"Teacher, what's going on? Why are so many big guys reviewing my master's degree?"

Academician Pan shrugged at Xu Yun calmly. He would not tell Xu Yun that he was stunned for a while when he saw the list:

"What's so strange about this? The Degree Regulations only stipulate that the minimum number of defense committee members is associate professors, and it does not stipulate that academicians cannot serve as reviewers."

"In fact, there is no precedent for academicians acting as reviewers in doctoral defenses. There is nothing to make a fuss about."

Xu Yun still stared at him blankly:


Perhaps it was because he was a little embarrassed by Xu Yun's look and he felt a little weak in his heart. After a while, Academician Pan couldn't help but laugh:

"Actually, this matter can be traced back to the dark matter press conference. At that time, several big guys talked about you backstage, and Dean Hou asked [Is Xiao Xu about to graduate with a master's degree]?"

"I casually replied [Hurry up, we'll be able to start the process once all the defense committee members are found], but I didn't expect Mr. Yang and the others to show interest."

When mentioning this incident, Academician Pan felt a little confused.

To be fair.

At that time, whether it was President Hou, that is, Hou Xingyuan, the president of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, or Academician Pan himself, the questions and answers they had were all in the category of ordinary small talk.

Just like a gathering of parents in their 50s and 60s, they usually ask questions like "Is your child going to work soon?" during small talk. The questioner has no purpose at all.

The result was unexpected.

Mr. Yang, Mr. Wang, and Zhou Shaoping actually became interested. Later, Mr. Yang called Zhou Guangzhao and Xue Qikun, and they suddenly put together an ultimate heavenly group.

Not an exaggeration.

These guys, plus the four big guys including Academician Pan, Chen Jia'er, Wang Yifang and Zhu Shining, are basically the few people at the top of Chinese physics today.

Moreover, except for Wang Xiji, also known as Mr. Wang, whose major was slightly different, the direction of the other people happened to coincide with the condensed matter that Xu Yun had learned.

Although the degree of overlap is not 100% high, it is still easy to review a small master's degree.

It just so happens that at the same time.

Mr. Yang, Zhou Shaoping and Mr. Zhou Guangzhao have been recuperating in Yanjing all year round. Mr. Wang had been staying in Yunnan Province before, but he also stayed in Yanjing after his critical illness not long ago.

Among the five, only Academician Xue Qikun, who serves as the president of Southern University of Science and Technology, is not in the capital. However, Academician Xue Qikun is only in his early 60s. Taking a plane or a train will hardly put any pressure on his body.

In other words.

As long as Xu Yun can arrive in the capital on time during the entire process, there will be no problems at all whether it is professional or review schedule.

Ever since.

The University of Science and Technology of China. No, to be precise, it should be the strongest master's defense team in the history of China. This is how it was born.

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