Into Unscientific

Chapter 804 It Can Only Be You


At this moment.

Facing Xu Yun, who looked like he was in a state of shock, Academician Pan’s tone suddenly became serious:

“Xiao Xu, don’t look at the huge lineup of the committee. Mr. Yang and others are not here to support you without any bottom line.”

“If your defense performance is mediocre at that time, you should be able to guess what the consequences will be - I don’t mean in the academic field, but in the public opinion level.”

Xu Yun was still surprised by the content of the list. After hearing this, he was shocked.


This list lineup is a surprise for Xu Yun or any master’s student. It is an experience that can be boasted for a lifetime.

But on the other hand.

This lineup of big guys is not just a good thing. Another meaning of the peak lineup is that Xu Yun must show the performance of the supporting lineup.

After all,

from the perspective of paper ability, this review committee is more than enough to evaluate academicians.

Among the five people, Mr. Yang needs no introduction. He is the highest peak in the history of Chinese physics so far. His controversy mainly remains at the level of behavioral selection. In terms of ability alone, even haters can hardly question it.

In a sense.

If a person can be criticized, it means that he is worth being criticized - either because of his ability, traffic, or both. In short, it is impossible that he has neither.

Except for Mr. Yang.

The remaining Mr. Wang and Zhou Guangzhao are both meritorious men of the two bombs and one satellite. In the copy, Xu Yun also had an intersection with their youth version, or middle-aged version.

Zhou Shaoping is the second-generation pioneer of Chinese high-energy physics. After Zhao Zhongyao, Wang Ganchang and others paved the way, it was Zhou Shaoping and others who have been carrying the Chinese high-energy physics community forward step by step.

As for the remaining academician Xue Qikun, Xu Yun has been famous for a long time.

Today, Academician Xue Qikun is the third president of Southern University of Science and Technology. To be honest, I don’t know if it is a buff brought by Southern University of Science and Technology. Every president of it is more or less uneasy.

For example, the first president of Southern University of Science and Technology was Zhu Qingshi, the former president of Southern University of Science and Technology, who was recognized by students of Southern University of Science and Technology as the shame of Southern University of Science and Technology and the proposer of quantum Buddhism.

At that time, Zhu Qingshi proposed the "6+3+1" model for the enrollment of SUSTC, that is, the comprehensive score of admission is considered as "60% for the college entrance examination, 30% for the independent test, and 10% for the high school regular score".

Although it is not completely out of the college entrance examination, it is also out of the framework of "one test determines the whole life".


Among the 45 students enrolled in the first batch of SUSTC, 4 dropped out midway, 4 credits were not enough to postpone graduation, and only 37 people successfully graduated, and only two were admitted to Oxford University and University of London

Then, more than half of the people in the Department of Computer Science of SUSTC were engaged in evolutionary computing, and there were almost no teachers in computer graphics, databases, compilation, and software engineering. In addition, almost every group had several visual topics to facilitate water papers, which was a mess.

After Zhu Qingshi stepped down, Chen Shiyi took over.

Mr. Chen Shiyi's scientific research level was much higher than Zhu Qingshi, but as soon as he took office, he completely overturned the original enrollment plan of SUSTC and implemented the "2 plus 2" model.

That is, undergraduates first receive two years of general education, and then choose their favorite majors from the third year.

As a result, after less than five years of [international integration], the president of Southern University of Science and Technology was replaced by the current Academician Xue Qikun.

So many students of Southern University of Science and Technology regard Academician Chen Shiyi as a recruiting faction, thinking that he came with a mission to recruit, and after changing the rules of independent enrollment of Southern University of Science and Technology, he left with a wave of his sleeves.

The current president, Academician Xue Qikun, advocates localized schooling, and has done things such as hanging red lanterns during the evening party and posting Spring Festival couplets during the Spring Festival.

This makes many school leaders and alumni who have received "international" education feel very uncomfortable, so Academician Xue Qikun's position as the president of Southern University of Science and Technology is also quite controversial.

But on the other hand.

No one can question Academician Xue Qikun's achievements in the academic field. He is the discoverer of the quantum anomalous Hall effect and the first Chinese to win the Buckley Prize.

Xu Yun mentioned him more than once when he was writing novels in his previous life. After Salinger won the Nobel Prize for multi-particle entanglement, Academician Pan had basically lost the possibility of winning the Nobel Prize in the same direction. There were only two domestic achievements that had the chance to win the Nobel Prize.

One was Academician Wang Yifang's neutrino mixing angle, and the other was Xue Qikun's anomalous Hall effect.

In fact, both of the above are standard Nobel Prize-level achievements, but they do not have a discontinuity-like winning advantage. Therefore, under the current international situation, it is very difficult to win the Nobel Prize.

After all, the Nobel Prize in Science is not like the Nobel Prize in Literature that can be won by smearing China. The Nobel Prize in Science is still the highest peak in the academic world. One award is enough to make huge changes in China's science circle in all aspects.

Let's return to reality.

The above five big guys either retired or were busy with business. It was rare to get two of them together on weekdays, let alone five people gathered to review a master's graduation defense.

In this case, the whole thing will inevitably be fermented by public opinion reports.

If Xu Yun performs normally, then it is foreseeable that he will be labeled as "Crown Prince", "X Generation 2", "God Creator" and so on.

Of course.

Everything has two sides, and there will be gains if there are risks.

If Xu Yun can perform well enough, this lineup will help Xu Yun.


Then Academician Pan looked at Xu Yun and said with some emotion:

"Xiao Xu, when I heard the news, I wanted to talk to you first."

"After all, you are the core figure of the defense. It is a bit unfair to push you to the forefront without asking for your personal opinion."

"I asked a question at that time, which happened to be the sentence you said to Director Jiang."

"Director Jiang?"

Xu Yun was slightly stunned, but soon understood what Academician Pan meant:

"The sentence [Why me]?"

Academician Pan nodded, with a trace of reminiscence in his eyes:

"Yes, I asked Mr. Yang and Mr. Wang at that time why they put you at such a high level."

"Then. Mr. Wang gave me a very concise answer."

After that.

Academician Pan turned to look at Xu Yun, his expression serious, and said word by word:

"After the original press conference, this result was already determined, so it's not a question of why, but because the candidate who can be promoted can only be Xiao Xu."

It can only be you.

These four words exploded in Xu Yun's mind like thunder. Although the expression on his face did not change much, his heart had already set off a storm.

Xu Yun did not expect that Mr. Wang would actually evaluate himself in this way. In a sense, this sentence actually represents the views of certain groups on himself.

But soon, Xu Yun's heart reappeared a little relief.


In fact, all this has been determined since the original press conference, since the discovery of the solitary point particle.

Looking at the current Chinese scientific research circle, which peer can compare with Xu Yun in terms of popularity?

In terms of memes, he has a socially dead persona of "ChiChiChi", in academics, he has the verification results of solitary point particles and the infinity of Mersenne primes, and in business, he has imidacloprid insecticide and Yian bacteria anti-bad breath toothpaste.

It is no exaggeration to say that Xu Yun's current popularity is even close to the level of "authority".

Although it is not as exaggerated as raising one's hand to attract a large number of people, if Xu Yun now publicly publishes a paper saying that he has proved the strong Goldbach conjecture, at least many people will seriously read the content of the verification paper, instead of directly denying it as a folk scientist or nonsense without thinking.

In this case.

Whether Xu Yun is willing or not, he has been set up, and many people regard him as the representative of the new generation of scientific researchers in China-regardless of whether Xu Yun is willing or not.

In this case.

Mr. Yang and others will naturally not treat Xu Yun as gently as before:

This kind of "difficulty" actually started at the dark matter press conference. When Zhou Shaoping chose Xu Yun as his assistant, it was actually a test.

Later, Xu Yun passed Zhou Shaoping's test, so Zhou Shaoping personally served as a stepping stone for Xu Yun in front of countless audiences, allowing Xu Yun to show his face in front of the world.

The same sentence.

Whether it is China or the country's scientific research circle, there will never be a savior who is represented by an individual, but there must be one or two flag bearers in each generation.

They are benchmarks, guiding future generations forward.

At the same time, they are also targets, destined to suffer countless gunfire.

The first generation of flag bearers were Zhao Zhongyao and Wang Ganchang, who pioneered Chinese physics, established the Chinese modern physics system, and gave Chinese future generations books to read.

The second generation of flag bearers were Zhou Shaoping and Zhang Gongding, who braved the blockade and continuously enriched the cornerstone of the Chinese physics community, ensuring the accuracy of basic knowledge.

The third generation of flag bearers are Academician Pan, Xue Qikun, Wang Yifang and others. Their mission is to win as much honor as possible for China in the international arena and shorten the gap between top topics and the international arena.

They are also the main force of this era, the real backbone.

The fourth generation of flag bearers are the young and middle-aged talents aged 35-45, represented by Lu Chaoyang, Du Lingjie and others.

And what Mr. Yang and others expect from Xu Yun now is to become the fifth generation, or even the fourth generation flag bearer across ages!

Xu Yun is more than ten years behind Lu Chaoyang and others. If Xu Yun wants to catch up, the only way is to keep him sharpening and transforming.

So Mr. Yang and others did not hesitate to set up this jury at the age of 100. If Xu Yun can succeed, they are willing to use their reputation to build a high platform for Xu Yun!


After thinking through all this, Xu Yun's emotions became more and more complicated.

Xu Yun also doesn't think he is a savior, but after the two strange events of rebirth and halo happened to him, his mission or expectation must be different from that of ordinary people.


Since some things are inevitable, you can only face them head-on.

After all, he is a member of Factory 221.

At the same time, looking at Xu Yun with a complicated expression, Academician Pan, who was sitting opposite him, said again:

"Of course, Xiao Xu, you don't have to be too nervous about this matter."

"After all, this is just a master's thesis defense, and the tolerance rate is much higher than the live broadcast of the original press conference."

"If it doesn't work, it's okay for you to come up with a medium-quality defense paper, as long as the quality is higher than that of an ordinary master's degree, so don't get stuck in a dead end"

"I understand, teacher."

Before Academician Pan finished speaking, Xu Yun interrupted him with a smile:

"Don't worry, I know what's going on. If it doesn't work, I'll just use the fruit water derived from the lone point particles."

"Lone point particles are dark matter after all. Even if they are derivatives, they can be published in a Science magazine. Besides, I will still have to submit the paper to you, right?"

Academician Pan thought for a moment and finally nodded.


Xu Yun has the big killer weapon of lone point particles in his hands. If he really can't use the relevant results to mess around with it - as for being said to be resting on his laurels, there is no such thing. Witten can rely on string theory. I don’t know how many papers he has written.

Looking at Academician Pan who looked relieved, the corners of Xu Yun's mouth curled up slightly.

I'm stupid. Ahem, smart teacher, I'm afraid you don't know what ultimate cheats I have.

If it were an ordinary review committee, Xu Yun would probably just mess with the solitary point particles. After all, that's what a master's defense is all about.

But now that Mr. Yang and the others have set up such a stage, it would be a bit of a shame for these big guys if they don't bring something exciting.

Of course.

This degree still needs to be grasped.

It would be really cool to come up with results that can directly win the Nobel Prize, but Academician Pan and Zhao Zhengguo will probably be depressed - after all, they are still counting on using lone point particles to win this year's Nobel Prize.

If this year's Nobel Prize is snatched away by Xu Yun's big news, it would be too bizarre. Secondly, it would be a bit difficult for Academician Pan and his wife to win the Nobel Prize.

Therefore, Xu Yun wanted to make big news while ensuring that his paper would not steal the Nobel Prize from Pan and Zhao.

Xu Yun then thought quickly in his mind and made a decision quickly.

That being the case

Just choose that one

"By the way, Xiao Xu."

Then Academician Pan thought of something else and said to Xu Yun:

"Besides the defense committee, I have one more thing to tell you."

"But don't worry, it's not a troublesome matter. It has something to do with your company."

Xu Yun was stunned:


"Well, it's the cockroach poison from Huadun Biotech."

Academician Pan raised his chin and looked toward a certain direction outside the window, and explained:

"Didn't the Academy of Sciences help you get some compensation after your press conference? Dean Tian contacted me earlier and the license for your products to be exported to the EU has been issued."

"In other words, you can go to the headquarters of those foreign companies to steal their business. Ahem, that's wrong, you killed Xiaoqiang."


The book should be finished after the MR reproduction of "Yongle Dadian" and the defense plot are completed. It should not be finished this month, probably early next month, and other content will be updated later in the extra chapter.

After finishing the book, I will have an endoscopic surgery first, and the recovery period will be just right for acupuncture. After the acupuncture, I will prepare 20,000 yuan to visit Zibo, Qiqihar, and Kaifeng, and then take a Yangtze River cruise there. I will stay in Chengdu for half a month and prepare a new book. I will save the manuscript for a while and then publish it.

This pen name is the first chapter of the "Handbook" released on March 22, 2021. This book was opened four days after the "Handbook" was reported, and it has been updated for three years now.

I don’t know if 20,000 yuan is enough to travel on a budget for a month. I heard that the high-floor experience on the Yangtze River cruise ship is better, but it costs 500 yuan to go up to the next floor. This thing is really expensive.

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