Into Unscientific

Chapter 809 Butterfly Wings

inside the house.

In the third minute after the results were obtained.

Xu Yun suddenly felt his body shake slightly, the various operators flying in his eyes suddenly disappeared, and his entire consciousness returned to its original state.

Chen Jingrun’s thinking card has expired.


Seeing this, Xu Yun looked at his palm again, remained silent for a few seconds, and then breathed out a complex breath:

"Mr. Jingrun, thank you very much."

Although Xu Yun didn't have much interaction with Chen Jingrun in the dungeon, he was still deeply impressed by this peak genius in the history of Chinese mathematics.

In countless direct cooperations, Chen Jingrun perfectly completed the tasks assigned to him by Xu Yun.

And is somewhat similar to greater than.

When Chen Jingrun is dealing with problems, he will also come up with some ideas outside the existing (copy time) knowledge framework from time to time.

Although most of the ideas were ultimately rejected by Chen Jingrun himself, a small number of them proved to be highly feasible.

In other words.

In Chen Jingrun’s mind, some Western concepts are not so ‘authoritative’.

This was very rare at that time when the overall education was still in a backward stage. Later, Xu Yun thought about it and thought that this should have something to do with the fact that neither Chen Jingrun nor Chen Jingrun had a background in studying abroad.

Having no experience of studying abroad made them lack a certain understanding of European and American knowledge. To be honest, this was not a good thing at the time. Note that it was not a good thing in the social environment at that time.

After all, at that time, the West had not yet carried out cognitive warfare for remote breeding, and secondly, their knowledge system at that time was indeed much more advanced than ours.

However, Chen Jingrun and Yu Yu turned this shortcoming into their own advantages. They became outstanding people by relying on their local education background, and they dared to challenge certain "authorities" in the Western knowledge system, which is really commendable.

Xu Yun then carefully collected and stored this part of the derivation results, preparing to surprise several big bosses during the defense.


Academician Xue Qikun will be surprised if he sees this result, right?

After collecting the deduction results, Xu Yun rubbed his sore eyes, went to the bathroom to wash up, and went to bed early.

Although it was only half past eight in the evening, Xu Yun's full hour of high-load derivation still consumed a lot of energy, and he basically fell asleep within a few minutes of touching the pillow.

in the coming time.

While Xu Yun was optimizing his essay, he was paying attention to matters related to MR modeling. Time passed day by day in this back and forth.

Half a month later.

National Museum (Note: The previously arranged location was the Workers’ Stadium, but I thought of a better plot two days ago, so the location was changed to the National Museum)

Under the leadership of Jiang Chenggu, Xu Yun, Weng Tong, Lu Xiao, Gu Qunqing and others entered the highest historical, cultural and artistic palace in China.

The predecessor of the National Museum can be traced back to the National History Museum Preparatory Office established by the Beiyang Government in 1912. After its opening, it collected the early results of modern archaeological excavations in China, including the ruins of the Song Dynasty in Julu, Hebei in 1920, and later Zhongzhou, Shanxi, and Shaanxi. Excavations from the province, etc.

October 1949.

The National Museum of History was renamed the National Yanjing Museum of History and was under the management of the Ministry of Culture.

In 1958, the Chinese Revolutionary History Museum designed by the famous architect Kaiji Kaiji started construction and was completed in August 1959. It became one of the top ten buildings on the tenth anniversary of the founding of New China.

By 2003.

The Chinese History Museum and the Chinese Revolution Museum were officially merged to form the Chinese National Museum. In March 2011, the new National Museum was completed and opened.

The new museum has a building height of 42.5 meters, 5 floors above ground, 2 floors underground, 48 exhibition halls, and a construction area of ​​nearly 200,000 square meters. It is also the museum with the largest single building area in the world.

"Dr. Xu, Manager Gu, look."

After walking into North Hall 12, which is the entrance passage of the original Fuxing Road exhibition hall, Gu Qunqing pointed to the surrounding walls and explained:

"As you can see, we have added a lot of cultural relic-related promotional posters around the passage, and the overall atmosphere of the entire exhibition hall has been fully mobilized."

"At that time, some promotional videos of ancient culture will be broadcast in these locations in turn. In addition, we have also obtained cooperation intentions with the ancient style societies of several universities in the capital. At that time, they will perform ancient style performances or Chinese traditional music in the entrance area. Shows like Feng COS.”

When Xu Yun and Gu Qunqing heard this, they all nodded with satisfaction.

Because the National Expo venue contains a large number of precious cultural relics, its entire modification and coordination process was handed over to Jiang Chenggu. The specific design drawings were also produced by the Academy of Engineering. In terms of Huadun Biotechnology, only Gu Qunqing participated in some venues. Coordinated work.

At 3:30 yesterday afternoon, Xu Yun received news from Jiang Chenggu. The other party told Xu Yun on the phone that the exhibition hall had been basically renovated, and invited Xu Yun to come and visit the venue.

So Xu Yun immediately called Gu Qunqing and others, and arrived at the National Expo location on time this morning.

Now that he has walked around the outside, Xu Yun does feel quite satisfied.

For example, the passage pointed out by Jiang Chenggu is the main path for experience tourists to enter the site.

In a sense, this passage is an intermediate station for scene transition:

Outside the passage is a modern city with many high-rise buildings, while inside the passage is the exhibition site of "Yongle Dadian".

These are two completely different and even very separate styles of painting. It is difficult for normal people to complete the switching of perspectives in a short period of time and devote themselves to visiting the site.

In this case, the layout of this passage is very important.

At this time, this passage has been covered with posters and paintings with Chinese classical elements. During the march, you can also see some placed musical instruments, and the standard Chinese style is everywhere.

It can be predicted that on the day of the opening, this place should be a small-scale ancient style performance site.

Visitors can slowly walk through this passage while looking at posters, performances, and listening to music, and gradually complete the change of perspective or mentality.

During this period, Xu Yun also saw several young ladies wearing horse-faced skirts rehearsing. Well, at least there were no "Hanfu" wearing Qing Dynasty style clothes like at a comic exhibition. Otherwise, Jiajing would have to pop out of Yongling.

Then Jiang Chenggu took Xu Yun and others forward, and soon came to the end of the entrance passage of the venue.

As soon as they approached the exit, Xu Yun and others heard the sound of decoration and conversation:

"Lao Gao, raise it a little higher! Just half a meter is enough! That's enough!"

"Mazi, give me the scaffolding!"

"Where's the electric drill? Drill a hole here!"

"Awei, you are good at your craftsmanship. Come over here and apply glue! Apply it a few more times! Then introduce a tube over here!"

Then everyone moved forward a few steps, and soon an open field appeared in front of them:

This is a rectangular closed exhibition hall covering an area of ​​approximately 1,500 square meters. At this time, a lot of scaffolding has been set up inside the exhibition hall, and several relatively obvious aisles have been planned.

Around the aisle are signs with a height of about 1.5 meters. They look like an enlarged version of a badminton racket. The lower half is a long tube standing on the ground, and the top is an oval the size of a papaya. A cardboard with some cultural relic numbers written on it.

It is clear.

These signs refer to the exhibited cultural relics, and they will be replaced by exhibition counters on the opening day.

This time, the organization planned multiple exhibition halls for Huadun Biotech to use. These exhibition halls are touring venues specially prepared for temporary exhibitions by the National Expo. There are a total of 17 such temporary exhibition halls (not counting the ancient Chinese exhibition hall on the B1 floor), so There is still plenty of space in the venue.

"Dr. Xu, this is our North 12th Exhibition Hall."

Jiang Chenggu pointed to the signboard closest to everyone, and made a rectangular shape in the air with his hands:

"The construction area of ​​North Hall 12 is 1,426 square meters. Excluding areas such as drinking water areas, the actual exhibition area is 1,325 square meters."

"At present, the renovation work of the exhibition hall has been basically completed, and the rest are just small details."

"According to the execution schedule, your MR team will be able to scan the exhibition hall model two days later, that is, after 12 noon on Wednesday."

Hearing Jiang Chenggu's words, Xu Yun subconsciously turned to look at Lu Xiao.

Lu Xiao cast a knowing look at Xu Yun, saying that everything was going well, and said:

"Well, I have received the notification email, and our team has been ready to enter the venue very early."

“Don’t mention Wednesday, it’s okay to enter today.”

Jiang Chenggu nodded when he heard this, with a smile on his lips:

"The modeling work will be left to Dr. Lu. My assistant will give you the admission ticket to the National Expo later. Remember to complete the face recognition 24 hours in advance."

Say it.

Jiang Chenggu hesitated for a few seconds, glanced at Xu Yun and Lu Xiao, and said pointedly:

"Dr. Lu, there is no room for failure in this mission. I hope you will pay more attention to it."

"If everything goes well this time, maybe we will have a chance to cooperate in the future."

Lu Xiao's expression was suddenly startled, and a trace of doubt appeared in Xu Yun's eyes:

"Director Jiang, what do you mean?"

Jiang Chenggu stopped talking and waved his hand towards Xu Yun with an inscrutable expression, obviously unwilling to say more.

It's not that he is pretending to be mysterious, but that the matter he mentioned is still under discussion at the top.

Before a formal decision was made, he couldn't tell Xu Yun that the Monument to the People's Heroes was about to start a new round of renovations, right?

That's right.

The Monument to the People's Heroes is about to be repaired.

Mentioned earlier.

The Monument to the People's Heroes has been repaired four times since its construction, in 1971, 1980, 1999 and 2006.

At this time, eighteen years have passed since the last renovation of the Monument to the People's Heroes, and at the same time, it is also very close to the node of the Chinese Military Parade.

Therefore, the issue of repairing the Monument to the People's Heroes has long been put on the agenda for discussion without the outside world hearing about it.

However, due to various concerns, the organization has never made a formal decision - after all, the entire monument has been there for many years, and now it needs to be completely renovated. The scale of the project can be said to be the largest ever.

However, the recent successful excavation of Yongling Tomb has greatly increased the organization's confidence in large-scale repairs.

Some responsible comrades who were originally neutral or opposed have begun to tilt their attitude towards supporting the repair of the monument.

Someone from Big Rabbit who also participated in the discussion raised an idea, that is, can existing MR or VR technology be used in the repair process?

After all, the repair simulation completed by this technology is much more reliable than any animation effect.

Of course.

This is just an idea of ​​some leaders, and whether it can be implemented needs further discussion.

Besides, if the Monument to the People's Heroes is really to be restored, it should be 25 or even 26 years.

So Jiang Chenggu did not reveal the news in too much detail. Huadun Biosciences is currently just one of the candidates who has the opportunity to undertake MR modeling.

He was able to mention this to Xu Yun because Xu Yun made a great contribution in the excavation of Yongling, which indirectly promoted the development of this matter.

Then Jiang Chenggu coughed lightly, changed the topic, and said to Xu Yun:

"By the way, Dr. Xu, the publicity of the exhibition should have started now, right?"


It is expected to be completed on the 6th or 7th, and the specific time may fluctuate a little. If you have monthly tickets, can you come to the guaranteed monthly tickets?

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