Into Unscientific

Chapter 810 Warm-up!

".The promotion of the exhibition should have started now, right?"

Hearing Jiang Chenggu's words.

Xu Yun was slightly startled subconsciously, then nodded and replied:

"Well, the promotion started yesterday, and we are very well prepared this time."

"By the way, if nothing else, it should be on the hot search list by now."

Say it.

Xu Yun took out a Huawei mate70 from his pocket, fiddled with it for a few times and then turned the screen towards Jiang Chenggu:

"Here, Director Jiang, look."

Hearing this, Jiang Chenggu looked at his phone and saw that at this moment, the Weibo hot search interface was clearly displayed on the screen.

The top-ranked topic on the hot search is [#新鱼人人日综合40,000#], and there is a big hot word behind it.

And the second one is surprisingly

[#"Yongle Ceremony" is about to be launched#].

The publisher of the topic content is called [National Museum], which is the official account of the National Museum, with more than 5 million fans:

【Please look here! "Yongle Dadian" is waving to you! After the "Yongle Dadian", which had disappeared for more than 400 years, was unearthed last week, Xiaobo received countless private messages backstage, asking Xiaobo when he would snatch up the "Yongle Dadian" and include it for display in the museum]

[Now after approval and coordination by the superior department, Xiaobo and Huadun Biotech officially jointly announced today that they will hold the 2R Equipment Park Exhibition in April]

[At that time, not only can you visit the National Museum, but you can also read the book "Yongle Dadian" with your own hands. There are only 3,000 experience places, first come, first served! You can click on the link at the end of Weibo to enter the registration address, or log in to the official Xiaobo website to register.]

Then Jiang Chenggu stretched out his finger and pulled the screen down. After seeing the number of retweets and comments, he raised his eyebrows slightly:

"The number of comments has exceeded 30,000? Dr. Xu, have you performed any human intervention on the comment data?"

Considering that there were other people present, Jiang Chenggu's words were more tactful. To put it bluntly, the words "human intervention" were asking Xu Yun if he had brushed the data.

When Xu Yun heard this, he immediately shook his head and explained:

"No, although we bought hot searches, we just bought the popularity of the list."

"As for the comments, there is no increase in numbers or praise. This can be regarded as an unwritten internal rule of our company - in fact, we have been doing this since the earliest cockroach disinfecting live broadcast."

Just like an atomic bomb needs high-energy explosives as a primer, in today's era, if a topic wants to ferment quickly on the Internet as expected, it must have a certain amount of initial traffic to complete the guided exposure.

Therefore, for a company, especially a company related to the Internet, buying hot searches is an indispensable part of the company's development, and even top large companies cannot avoid it.

The same is true even for Huawei and Xiaomi. In recent years, the only electronic product that really does not require spending money to promote and distribute is the mate60. Other Xiaomi cars, Apple 15, Huawei folding screens, etc. all have sky-high promotion costs.

But on the other hand.

Publicity is publicity, but commenting is another matter.

Xu Yun specifically explained this to Gu Qunqing that all products of Huadun Biotech can be bought on the platform to buy hot searches, and they can spend money to find bloggers to advertise for evaluation, but they must not manipulate the reviews.

You can say that Xu Yun is a bit naive, or you can say that his heart is not that dark. In short, he is really disgusted with this approach - especially many human-machine comments look very stupid.

He didn't know how many times he had encountered a Weibo that looked like it had two to three hundred comments on the outside, but when he entered it, he found that it was all mentally retarded content like [This is it] [Looking forward to the launch of the product] [It's really great]

Now that he had the opportunity to become a boss, the first thing Xu Yun did was to ban buying reviews.

Xu Yun then turned the phone to himself and glanced quickly. Sure enough, as Gu Qunqing said, the number of comments under this Weibo had reached 36,000.

Then Xu Yun pressed his thumb lightly and clicked on the comment details.

The most popular account on Weibo is called [p70 will not be renamed until it is published], and this person posted this sentence:

[Trivia, "Yongle Dadian" has two versions: the original and the second version. The books from hundreds of years ago all have partners, and you are still a poor single]

Xu Yun:


It breaks my heart, old man.

This comment has as many as 29,000 likes, and there are more than 300 replies below. Most of them are complaints such as "Thank you very much, thank you very much", and some are sweethearts and lovers showing off their affection.

Ranked second is a blogger who also wears a certification mark, with an ID called [Chen Liang’s Popular Science Daily]:

[Tibetan fox emoticon package.JPG, I have already signed up, but since I am very much a non-chief, I would like to ask if there is anything like an invitation letter? 】

Seeing this, Xu Yun looked at Gu Qunqing who was standing aside. Gu Qunqing quickly said with a smile:

"We have sent invitations to some well-known self-media and official media. There are five places in China Geographic Magazine, and Teacher Zanghu will definitely get them."

"And we proposed these quotas last week. Teacher Zanghu doesn't even know about this news, so I guess he is working hard to help us increase the popularity."

Xu Yun nodded.

Then he and Jiang Chenggu and others briefly looked at the comments and found that they were basically positive content.

As for the square, which is the real-time column of Weibo, the dynamics are more complicated. About 80% of the comments are also friendly, but occasionally you can still see some unfriendly content.

For example, Xu Yun saw some Ming Dynasty black fans spraying "Yongle Encyclopedia" for wasting manpower and materials, and the Ming Dynasty deserved to be overthrown for doing this thing, with a very obvious personal perspective.

There are also conspiracy theories that this matter is a play performed by the rabbits from beginning to end. They keep talking about your country. When you go to your personal space, you will find that it is indeed a hater of the country. The top Weibo is still commemorating Abe.

The Internet is like this. There are all kinds of people, so Xu Yun didn't care much about it and chose to ignore it directly.

At this moment.

In addition to Weibo.

B station, a certain audio, Tieba. Most platforms can see this topic that has rushed to the top, and some browsers have also pushed related information flows.

This time, in order to do a good job of publicity, Huadun Biosciences has prepared a list fee of 3 million, and the exposure is basically maximized.

Of course.

The effect of such high expenditure is also very gratifying. After all, the Yongle Encyclopedia can be said to be a staged focus of the whole nation in the past period of time.

For example, does the Yongle Encyclopedia really contain a large number of lost medical skills?

Can historians find out from it that Japan and Korea are complete records of the descendants of the Chinese ancestors?

How much history did the Qing Dynasty modify and conceal?

Is Zhu Yuanzhang's shoe-horn face a distorted portrait that is used to discredit him? Is there an original version of the Yongle Encyclopedia?

Are there accurate clues to the Nine Cauldrons of the Western Zhou Dynasty?

Too many historical mysteries are waiting to be revealed, especially after MR technology has been listed in the top ten hot searches and the public has learned about what this technology is, the emotions of netizens have also boiled.

"MR technology is a further development of virtual reality technology, also known as mixed reality technology."

In a rental house in Yanjing, Wang Tong was holding his girlfriend Zhang Ying's shoulders with one hand, while slowly reading the content of the popular science microblog:

"MR technology achieves the integration of virtual and real by introducing virtual scene information into real scenes, allowing users to interact naturally with virtual objects and the real world in real time."

After hearing Wang Tong's introduction, Zhang Ying rubbed her head on Wang Tong's shoulder:

"Hey, doesn't that mean that with this MR device, tourists can directly read the "Yongle Encyclopedia" in the air?"

Wang Tong nodded:

"It looks like this"

Then he suddenly sighed and said with some emotion:

"I didn't expect that the thing at the beginning has reached such a height now, cooperating with the National Museum"

As an associate researcher at the Qiu Chengtong Mathematics Center of Wudaokou Vocational and Technical School, Wang Tong and Xu Yun are not alumni, and the two sides have no friendship, but by accident, Wang Tong witnessed Xu Yun's growth path on the Internet with his own eyes.

Wang Tong first met Xu Yun because Xu Yun was slandered as a scumbag by several foreign companies. At that time, Xu Yun published a paper proving the infinity of Mersenne primes in order to turn the tables.

Qiu Chengtong Mathematics Center was the first batch of verification units for the paper at that time, so Wang Tong gave up the sukiyaki with Zhang Ying and rushed to the school to participate in the relevant proof.

At that time, because the proof result was correct, Wang Tong also spoke up for Xu Yun on the Internet and watched the press conference of Xu Yun's social death with Zhang Ying.

This is not over yet.

Later, Wang Tong also witnessed the dark matter press conference. Not long ago, when he was preparing to visit the Ming Tombs with Zhang Ying, he encountered the Yongling excavation project, which caused the homestay to be cancelled, so the two could only communicate at home for a few hours about the number of caves.

Now, Wang Tong wants to see this offline.

After all, in a sense, Wang Tong can be regarded as a life changer of Xu Yun. Similarly, Xu Yun also changed Wang Tong's attitude towards life. After watching the growth of this peer who is five years younger than him, Wang Tong has also been more active in work and academics.

So even though Wang Tong said Xu Yun was a troublemaker, he actually admired Xu Yun.

Then Wang Tong looked at Zhang Ying and asked:

"Wife, how about we sign up this time? Go see the Yongle Encyclopedia?"


Zhang Ying's eyes lit up, but she soon pursed her lips:

"But there are only 3,000 places, can we sign up? There are more than 300,000 reposts on Weibo alone, and the National Museum also said that the qualification cannot be transferred to prevent scalpers."

Wang Tong touched his chin:

"That's true, the probability of both winning the prize will be even lower. Assuming that there are 5 million people drawing the lottery, then the probability of one person winning the prize is .”

Just when Wang Tong subconsciously calculated his expectations, his phone screen suddenly changed to the incoming call interface, and the ringtone sounded simultaneously:

"If I can make it before dark, I will dig out your eyes~~~~"

Wang Tong was stunned for two seconds, and after seeing Director Zhao on the caller's note, he quickly sat up straight and said to Zhang Ying:

"Director Zhao's call, hush."

Hearing this, Zhang Ying pinched the upper and lower ends of her lips with her index fingers and thumbs, and then pulled them out, cooperating to make a "I shut up" gesture.

Wang Tong immediately answered the phone:

"Hello, Director Zhao, um, I'm at home. Ah? What? I want it, I want it!"

A minute later.

Wang Tong hung up the phone while thanking him:

"Okay, thank you very much, I'll treat you to dinner later!"

After Wang Tong pressed the hang-up button, Zhang Ying looked at her boyfriend with some curiosity:

"What happened? You look so happy as if you got a salary increase."

"It's not a salary increase."

Wang Tong touched Zhang Ying's head happily and explained:

"Just now, Director Zhao told me that Xu Yun gave our center ten exhibition tickets for the Yongle Encyclopedia to thank the Qiu Chengtong Mathematics Center for assisting in the calculation of his paper results."

"Our center organized an exchange group to Singapore last week, and there were less than 20 employees left in the center. My qualifications and titles are relatively advanced, so Director Zhao asked for my opinion first."

Speaking of this,

Wang Tong paused deliberately and added:

"And each quota can bring one family member in addition to yourself."

As soon as Wang Tong finished talking, Zhang Ying came to him:

"That means we don't have to draw a lottery, and we can go to the exhibition at that time?"

Wang Tong smiled:


Zhang Ying's eyes lit up instantly, and after a moment, she suddenly pulled Wang Tong's sleeve:

"Elbow, come in with me!"

Wang Tong:



My lumbar spine hurts so much that I can only get surgery on the 11th after using countless connections. Tomorrow I have to be hospitalized and write again. Fortunately, I have medical insurance and basically only have to pay for the daily bed fee. In the past period, I have been hospitalized for longer than at home.

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