Into Unscientific

Chapter 811 The Yongle Encyclopedia begins (Part 1)

Just as Xu Yun introduced to Jiang Chenggu.

After Huadun Biotechnology's publicity machine started to launch, the popularity of the "Yongle Dian" exhibition instantly jumped to the top on the entire network.

In the second hour after the entry topped the hot search list, the cumulative number of visits to the National Museum exceeded 10 million.

To know.

Guobo has very strict requirements on the number of visitors, and the same IP will be recalculated only half an hour apart.

In other words.

Even if one IP provides four effective visits, the number of people who visited the official website of Guobo within two hours exceeded 2.5 million, let alone more than less.

As of 12 o'clock that evening.

The number of people who signed up through various channels officially exceeded 800,000.

A day later, that number increased to 1.2 million.

Then came 1.5 million and 1.6 million.

On the third day of registration, the MR modeling team led by Lu Xiao officially entered the National Museum and began collecting various data.

Three days later.

The first round of maternal data sampling in the exhibition hall has been completed, and at the same time, the National Expo has officially held a lottery for exhibition quotas.

Of course.

Although the two words "hold" may seem a bit lofty, the whole process is actually very simple:

There was no live broadcast, no interview, only the official blog posted a reminder on Weibo at 12 noon that day, and then at 8 o'clock in the evening, the lucky winner who qualified to participate in the exhibition was drawn through the lottery software.

It was half past nine that night.

A conference room in the National Museum.

"Dr. Xu, Director Jiang, Director Wang."

Gu Qunqing held a tablet in his hand and said to the people in front of him:

"Before the official draw, we have received more than 3.3 million registration applications through a series of channels such as the Guobo official website, mini programs, and mailboxes."

"Proportionally speaking, the probability of winning is about one in a thousand, which is almost the same as the proportion of students admitted to Qingbei in Qionghai Province's annual college entrance examination."

Hearing Gu Qunqing's introduction, Xu Yun, Jiang Chenggu, Lu Xiao and a rich man with gray hair nodded at the same time.

Then the rich man pondered for a moment and said to Gu Qunqing:

"Manager Gu, I have a question. Will there be a big discrepancy in the attendance rate on the opening day for the exhibition quotas obtained through this kind of online lottery?"

This wealthy man's name is Wang Chunfa, the director of the National Museum.

Unlike many fat-headed and big-eared leaders, Wang Chunfa's wealthy appearance seems to be quite amiable and elegant, and his reputation among the previous directors of the National Museum is enough to rank among the top.

After he became the director of the National Museum, he made many moves that catered to young people. For example, the "Shu Shuo Rhino" smart exhibition hall he promoted last year was full after it went online. It emphasized the combination of technology and cultural relics, which belongs to A very innovative leader.

This time the organization was willing to hold such an MR exhibition, and Wang Chunfa’s supportive attitude also played a key role in promoting it.

"Attendance rate."

Facing Wang Chunfa's question, Gu Qunqing nodded calmly:

"Director Wang, to tell you the truth, it is impossible to have a 100% attendance rate for the quotas distributed through this kind of online lottery."

"According to past data from some similar lottery activities, it is very rare for the actual attendance rate to reach 75% of the allocated places."

Just as Gu Qunqing said.

Large-scale Internet team building in China or anywhere in the world will never lack those who join in the fun.

After all, the entire application process does not require a registration fee. You only need to receive a verification code on your mobile phone to authorize the operator information.

In fact, let alone such free activities, there are all kinds of people who come to join in the fun like the Xiaomi Automobile launch, which requires paid reservations?

Some people may just sign up casually. After winning the prize, they may not be able to attend due to reasons such as distance, time, tolls, etc. This is really normal.

Therefore, in order to ensure the attendance rate, some activities will secretly change the winning rate - the probability of the IP being closer to the venue will be higher, and the probability of being far away will be lower, etc.

Then Gu Qunqing paused and continued:

"But we have made certain preparations for this situation."

"We have not made any changes to users' winning rates, but the text message notifying them of winning will require users outside the capital to upload the ticket or air ticket information set by their personal information."

"If the relevant vouchers are not uploaded 24 hours before the event, we will disqualify the winning users from participating in the exhibition."

"Of course, there may be some people who will place an order first and then refund the money after uploading screenshots, but such people are in the minority after all, and most people will not be that bad."

Wang Chunfa touched his chin and said:

"Well, this is a good preventive measure."

Lezi people have always been a very delicate group. The reason why many Lezi people join in the fun is simply because there is no cost and the process is convenient.

Although this kind of behavior is not a good behavior worthy of praise, most people are not bad enough to disgust you even further.

There may be some people who can do things like refund after taking screenshots of tickets, but the number is definitely limited.

Then Gu Qunqing smiled and made a few random gestures in the air with his right hand:

"In addition to uploading order screenshots, we have also made some increases in the actual number of people."

"For example, the lottery number we announced on the surface is 3,000, but the actual number of winners is around 3,700."

"Including the places we have donated to units such as China National Geographic, Yau Mathematics Center, and the Institute of High Energy of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, the total number can reach approximately 4,500 people."

"This way, even if some people are unable to attend due to various reasons, our exhibition will not appear too deserted."

“At the same time, based on the past average daily number of visitors to the National Expo, this number will not touch the capacity limit of the exhibition hall—it can even be said that it is still a long, long way from the limit.”

Wang Chunfa's brows suddenly raised.

During the past period of time, he had been busy with matters in Mawangdui. The preparations for the "Yongle Dadian" exhibition were all handled by people from the National Museum Operations Department, so he did not know too much about some arrangements.

Now it sounds like Gu Qunqing's plan is indeed good.

To know.

Last year, the National Expo was open for 314 days throughout the year and received a total of 6,757,067 visitors, with an average of 21,000 visitors per day, and even more than 56,000 visitors per day at most.

Therefore, even if the exhibition area of ​​"Yongle Dian" is only one of the many venues of the National Expo, it can still easily bear the traffic of more than 4,000 people.

After thinking about this, Wang Chunfa finally let go of his doubts:

"Manager Gu, your plan is very complete. In this case, I have no other comments."

Gu Qunqing secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

After learning about the lineup of Xu Yun's master's thesis review committee, Gu Qunqing took the initiative to take charge of the matters related to the "Yongle Dadian" MR exhibition, and there was no room for error from either a personal or company perspective.

Now that Wang Chunfa, the big boss of the National Museum, has expressed his stance, at least there are no problems with the implementation of the plan.

Then Xu Yun looked at Lu Xiao and asked him:

"Dr. Lu, how is the progress of MR modeling now?"

When Lu Xiao heard this, he immediately sat up straight with a solemn expression:

"It went pretty well. We just collected the first round of maternal data in the morning, and by dinner we had built the initial model two meters from the entrance."

"Based on the experience results of the simulator, there are basically no problems with our preset scanning system, except that a few parameters may need to be optimized in terms of optical angles."

"Optical angle?"

Xu Yun blinked and vaguely guessed something:

"Is it a matter of aberration control or something like that?"

Lu Xiao sighed helplessly.

Nonlinear optics has always been an extremely complex subject. Although there are top domestic institutions such as the Changguang Institute of Light to support the facade, there are still many difficulties in practical application.

Among these difficulties, aberration control is obviously the first concept that overlaps with MR technology.

Strictly speaking, aberration can be subdivided into many categories, such as spherical aberration, coma aberration, astigmatism, field curvature, etc., of which the latter two have a direct intersection with MR.

At the same time, Lu Xiao's return to China this time can be regarded as "cleansing and leaving home". A lot of the data he had at Microsoft cannot be brought back to China. Therefore, with certain barriers in the country, he can only try again step by step.

"Of course."

However, Lu Xiao quickly thought of something again and reached out to point out the window:

"We now have open source optical models and supercomputer assistance, and aberration control should be solved soon - more optimistically, we already have some clues."

"Once problems like field music are solved, the rest will just be side effects."

"Besides, it really doesn't work. We can still use plan B."

Xu Yun was silent for a moment after hearing this, and then nodded slowly.


The aberration control Lu Xiao is currently solving is a temporary advanced solution. If this technology can break through, some unexpected new tricks can be created at the exhibition.

If it is really difficult, Lu Xiao can also choose to put it on hold temporarily and make an ordinary "Yongle Dadian" exhibition according to the original plan.

In other words, no matter what the situation is, Xu Yun or Huadun Biotech has a certain guarantee.

Then Xu Yun, Wang Chunfa and others chatted about other things, and then the two parties parted ways.

in the coming time.

News related to the "Yongle Dian" exhibition is still stable in the middle of the hot searches on major platforms, and from time to time some "insiders" are revealed - although the comments below these Weibo are not as exaggerated as breaking 10,000, they can generally remain at 2 to three thousand.

Without brushing up on reviews, this number is already quite impressive.

At the same time, more and more lucky winners have submitted ticket screenshots and booked hotels, and many people have organized exhibition groups to make friends.

As for MR modeling, it is also progressing steadily, with new results being produced every day.

Xu Yun, as always, took care of both ends, sometimes understanding the exhibition preparation information, and sometimes working on the papers at hand.

that's all.

One day, two days, three days

Time passes day by day and it comes soon.

The day when "Yongle Dadian" was launched.


I visited my classmate's grave during the Qingming Festival. I went there in the afternoon. I didn't expect to meet her parents, let alone that they would recognize me. I was filled with emotions.

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