Into Unscientific

Chapter 812 The Yongle Encyclopedia begins (Part 2)

April 26th, the seventh day of the third month of the lunar calendar.

It is suitable for getting married, traveling and holding celebrations.

It is forbidden to bury, build bridges, consecrate, or code words.

be honest.

From an almanac perspective, this is a very ordinary day.

But a long, long time later, when people look from the future to the past, they will realize how extraordinary this day was.

In a sense.

These two events that happened today are enough to occupy a place in the history of human archeology and physics respectively.

What makes future generations even more emotional is that.

These two incidents can be traced back to their origins and are related to a certain chick who was still young at the time.

Of course.

As a person involved, Xu Yun did not know what future generations would say about today. At this time, this well-known tweeter was standing next to the media channel of the National Expo, looking at a reporter in front of him with a look of joy:

"Cockroach, sister Shanshan, why are you here?"

"You boy"

When the man opposite Xu Yun heard this, he immediately raised his eyebrows and waved his fist towards Xu Yun:

"Don't think I didn't hear you. Did you just say Cockroach Lady? Believe it or not, I'm just kidding!"

Xu Yun chuckled twice.

The reporter clamoring to beat Xu Yun was none other than Xu Yun’s old acquaintance, Chen Shanshan, a reporter from Sichuan Provincial Observation.

She was the reporter who first rushed into the cockroach swarm during the live broadcast of the HKUST disinfecting, so she got the nickname Cockroach Lady.

When Xu Yun was smeared by several foreign companies, Chen Shanshan also spoke for him, so some extreme users urged him to turn on Weibo's one-click protection.

Xu Yun also met Chen Shanshan by chance at the Dark Matter press conference later, and was deeply impressed by this young lady who looks delicate and soft but is strong and independent on the inside.

But if Xu Yun remembers correctly.

This time, it seems that the name on the list of reporters from the Sichuan Provincial Observer is not Chen Shanshan, but another male reporter named Lin Tao, right?

Perhaps guessing Xu Yun's doubts, Chen Shanshan pushed back a strand of hair that had fallen to her cheek and explained to Xu Yun:

"Xiao Xu, this time the newspaper originally planned to arrange for another colleague to come to the capital to participate in the exhibition, and the leader also coordinated all issues such as accommodation."

"But isn't Tianshui Malatang very popular recently? That guy is a congenital foodie. He grabbed a job related to forest protection in Longyou and got on the train before the newspaper issued the notice."

"In addition, I was responsible for following up on the previous matters in your company, so I was called by the boss to come over and do some hard work."

Xu Yun:


Is this okay?

Then Xu Yun's eyes stayed for a few seconds on the ring worn on the ring finger of Chen Shanshan's left hand, and he sincerely congratulated:

"Sister Shanshan, congratulations to you, happy wedding."

When Chen Shanshan saw this, she put her fingers in front of Xu Yun and showed off:

"Hey, thank you very much."

Chen Shanshan and her lover met in junior high school and were childhood sweethearts in the standard sense. They received their certificates shortly after the dark matter press conference.

Xu Yun had seen their wedding photos in Chen Shanshan's circle of friends. Neither the man nor the man was handsome in the standard sense, but they both had a similar elegant aura. In layman's terms, they looked like a couple.

At that time, Xu Yun also gave Chen Shanshan some money, and Chen Shanshan soon sent Xu Yun a lot of specialties from Sichuan Province.

Unexpectedly, Xu Yun saw this cockroach lady again at the "Yongle Dadian" exhibition today.

As she spoke, Chen Shanshan bumped Xu Yun with her elbow again and asked in a low voice:

"Xiao Xu, you see we are so familiar with each other. Is there any inside story you can share?"

"The inside story"

Xu Yun subconsciously scratched his hair and explained:

"Sister Shanshan, to be honest, there is really no such thing as inside information. After all, this is just an exhibition."

"However, due to the use of MR technology this time, the experience of participating in the exhibition is definitely more novel than regular exhibition viewing, but it is more appropriate to see these experiences with your eyes."

Chen Shanshan rolled her eyes at Xu Yun:

"Tch, pretend to be mysterious"

Although he knew that Chen Shanshan was pretending to be like this, he thought that this cockroach lady had indeed helped him a lot in the past, so Xu Yun hesitated for a moment and added:

"Well, Sister Shanshan, I can't reveal the content of the exhibition to you, but I can advance your entry order."

"If you are willing, I can arrange for you to enter the venue third in the media sequence. What do you think?"

Chen Shanshan's eyes lit up immediately:


Xu Yun nodded heavily:

"Of course, I still have this authority."

In addition to the offline MR experience for this "Yongle Ceremony" exhibition, the National Expo has also set up two online experience channels.

The first online experience channel is the conventional perspective, that is, viewing the exhibition with the naked eye.

The second online experience channel is the online MR perspective, that is, if you have MR equipment in reality, you can also access it remotely. This is also a trend in online live broadcasts in the future.

The five major football leagues in Europe have also begun to experiment in this area. They occasionally provide first-person live broadcasts of referees, and viewers can apply to use VR equipment to access it. The whole process seems quite immersive.

However, in general, this model is still in the initial stage of innovation, and strictly speaking it can only be regarded as a prototype.

After all, the first-person perspective can easily cause dizziness, and there are not many users who own high-resolution VR or MR devices, or to put it bluntly, expensive devices. The difference between the cost and return of technology investment is still relatively large.

For various official media, if they can enter the venue earlier, then both the first-hand nature of the news and the attraction to the audience will obviously be very strong.

According to the original plan.

The exhibition will start at 8:30 in the morning. Sichuan Province Observation ranks 19th among all media. After combining with the public entrance time, it can enter at about 10:30.

At present, Xu Yun has raised Chen Shanshan's entrance time to the third, which is undoubtedly a great help to her.

While Xu Yun and Chen Shanshan were chatting, Gu Qunqing hurried over from a distance, looking like he had something to say:

"Dr. Xu!"

Chen Shanshan saw this and said to Xu Yun very tactfully:

"Xiao Xu, the crew still has some things to do, so I won't bother you for now."

"By the way, don't forget the seating order. If you have time, I'll treat you to some soy milk after the meeting!"

Xu Yun also waved at her.

After Chen Shanshan left, Gu Qunqing came to Xu Yun:

"Dr. Xu, the National Museum has notified us that the exhibition will start in fifteen minutes."

Xu Yun nodded slightly, turned his head and looked at the other side of the media channel:

"How are the tourists? How many have arrived? Is the order okay?"

"Everything is normal in terms of order."

Gu Qunqing answered Xu Yun's second question first, and he smiled gently:

"After all, the exhibition of the Yongle Encyclopedia requires online registration and receiving verification codes to upload tickets, etc., which eliminates some of the initial difficulties. Well, the proportion of low-quality people is relatively high, so the order at the entrance is still pretty good."

"As for the number of visitors, the number of tourists registered through the west side of the north gate is currently more than 1,040, which is relatively in line with or even a little beyond expectations."

Xu Yun's heart suddenly relaxed slightly.

The exhibition of the Yongle Encyclopedia involves MR experience, so the National Museum has planned the rounds for the participating visitors, with a half-hour round and 150 visitors per round - the exhibition time is from 8:30 am to 6:30 pm, with shifts in between.

At the same time, each visitor's round is sent with a text message, so it is naturally impossible for everyone to arrive at the first time.

For example, A's entry time is the 3:30 pm round, even for safety reasons, he will arrive at 1 pm at most, and it is unlikely that he will enter immediately after 8 o'clock.

In this case, the number of people present at this time has exceeded 1,000. It can only be said that the public's curiosity about the Yongle Encyclopedia is far beyond Xu Yun and the National Museum's original expectations. Some people would rather sit on the bench for a few hours during the break to arrive at the scene first.

After that, Xu Yun thought for a while and said to Gu Qunqing:

"Where is Dr. Lu Xiao?"

"Dr. Lu has been in the main control room since last night."

When mentioning Lu Xiao, Gu Qunqing couldn't help but look a little helpless:

"In fact, at this point, we have almost done what we should do. It's just like the college entrance examination. What's the point of working hard a few hours before the exam?"

"But Dr. Lu is too stubborn. He wants to check the code again no matter what. I persuaded him a few times and gave up when he didn't listen much."

Looking at Gu Qunqing who kept shaking his head, Xu Yun felt a lot of emotion in his heart.

As a humanoid self-propelled water-cooled who had experienced the nuclear explosion, Xu Yun had seen this situation in the dungeon. This is actually a responsible performance.

The reason why Gu Qunqing felt helpless was mainly because he had worked in a pharmaceutical company before. Most of the projects had been implemented to the point where they could not be implemented before they were released. The unknown was only the feedback from the market rather than the risks of his own processes. Therefore, there was a slight difference in concepts.

Now, according to the development trend of Huadun Bioscience, such things will not be too few in the future, and he should get used to it over time.

In short.

At this point, the problems in the situation have almost been dealt with.

The rest is waiting for the start!

While Xu Yun and Gu Qunqing were communicating with each other, the outside of the exhibition hall, that is, the west entrance of the North Gate 1 of the National Museum, was also very lively at this time.

Nearly a thousand men and women of different ages gathered outside the exhibition hall, lining up in several long queues in an orderly manner.

Almost all of these tourists held a mobile phone or gimbal in their hands, constantly shooting the grand occasion of the exhibition around.

Some of them simply took photos and shared them on Moments or QQ WeChat groups, some were VLOG bloggers with different fan sizes, and some were anchors on major platforms.

Wang Tong and Zhang Ying were among them.

"It's so lively."

Wang Tong casually scrolled through Douyin, pointed at a live broadcast room and said to his girlfriend:

"Honey, look, this anchor has only more than 40 fans, and the room title is live broadcasting "Yongle Encyclopedia", and the number of online users is almost over 200."

Zhang Ying looked out and found that it was true.

Nowadays, with the strict regulations on Internet live broadcast management, many live broadcast rooms can no longer casually increase the number of live broadcasts like they did in the past.

Especially for anchors with few fans, the live broadcast audience is basically real data - a miserable few or a dozen, nothing more than being called tourists or high-energy users according to the platform.

These 40-plus small anchors are usually ordinary people who do it for love. It is good to have three or five people when they start live broadcasting. At present, the number of viewers of this anchor has reached more than 230, which shows the popularity of "Yongle Encyclopedia".

You know.

Many anchors who earn 20,000 or 30,000 yuan a month have only about 400 or 500 people in their live broadcast rooms.

I don’t know how lively those live broadcast rooms will be after the real opening - I heard that the exhibition mode this time is very novel

"Attention, all tourists, please pay attention!"

Just as Wang Tong and Zhang Ying were swiping their phones, the whole team suddenly became a little restless, and a broadcast suddenly sounded at the front:

"The theme cultural festival of "Yongle Encyclopedia" is about to start. Now please ask the first batch of tourists to enter in an orderly manner, and the second batch of tourists to wait in the waiting area."

"Tourists who have not arrived can go to the rest area to wait. The rest area provides free tea, sanitary napkins, baby diapers and other items. Smoking is prohibited throughout the venue."

As the broadcast sounded, the crowd quickly began to split.

Some of them went to the rest hall under the guidance of security personnel, while others who did not like the closed environment stayed outside, and a few began to move towards the tourist passage.

Wang Tong was stunned for two seconds, and then pulled Zhang Ying:

"Elbow, it's our turn to enter!"

Xu Yun was very considerate and arranged tickets for the Qiu Chengtong Mathematics Center, all in the first batch!

"Yongle Encyclopedia".

Officially launched!


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