Into Unscientific

Chapter 814: Exhibition without a tour guide!

"MR head-mounted display device?"

Hearing Xu Yun's words.

Wang Tong's eyes suddenly showed a hint of curiosity.

He looked up and down at the helmet for a few times, and asked Xu Yun with some doubts:

"Dr. Xu, if I remember correctly, MR and VR devices seem to have the appearance of glasses in the past design, right?"

After that, Wang Tong also made a square gesture around his eyes.

Xu Yun looked at Lu Xiao beside him, and the corners of their mouths raised a little arc at the same time.

MR and VR technologies are easily confused in concept, so when mentioning MR, most people will think of an appearance similar to traditional VR and a bit like an eye mask.

In fact, most MR devices do use similar designs.

For example, the VisionPro device released by Apple last year used MR technology, but because it was extremely close to the appearance of VR glasses, many people thought it was a VR product-even Apple added words like VR in the label to increase the search volume on the e-commerce platform.

Therefore, in Wang Tong's subconscious, MR devices should not be much different in appearance.


Looking at Wang Tong who was somewhat puzzled, Xu Yun smiled gently and explained:

"Brother Wang, in fact, at the beginning, we did adopt the design method of VR glasses."

"After all, compared with helmets, glasses are more convenient."

"But later in offline experiments, we found that if visitors wear devices similar to eye masks, it is easy to bump when visiting the exhibition."

"So after discussion, we designed this device similar to the full helmet of racing drivers-compared to VR glasses, everyone has worn helmets more or less."

As Xu Yun said.

At the beginning of the project, Lu Xiao and others also designed it according to the appearance of traditional eye masks.

But in the actual experience, Xu Yun and others soon discovered a problem:

Since most people have never used VR devices before, they showed obvious discomfort when wearing VR glasses to visit exhibits.

After all, VR glasses are called glasses, but in fact, they are still not light when worn on the head. It is okay to stay in small scenes such as bedrooms, but it is a bit difficult when there are large-scale actions.

At the same time, although the corridors of the National Museum exhibition hall are not narrow, they are certainly not comparable to open-air venues. It is easy to bump into glasses when wearing them. During the experience, even Lu Xiao himself bumped into the glass cabinet of the booth once.

So after repeated discussions, Lu Xiao and others finally came up with the design of the appearance of this full-face helmet.

Although the full-face helmet is heavier than traditional eye mask equipment, its center of gravity is dispersed to 360 degrees. The thick sponge-like buffer structure at the bottom of the full-face helmet can also greatly relieve the pressure on the cervical spine in ergonomics.

In addition, Xu Yun also asked the Academy of Sciences to optimize a set of inlet and outlet structures that are convenient for breathing. When using it, there is no need to worry that the closed helmet will affect human breathing-in fact, there is also a heart rate system inside this thing. Once there is a problem with the heart rate, the logistics staff can immediately find the corresponding tourists to deal with it.

More importantly.

Who hasn't worn a helmet these days, whether traveling or fishing?

Then Xu Yun handed the MR headset to Wang Tong and introduced the use of the device to him:

"Brother Wang, the button on the left is the device switch, just press it after you enter the exhibition hall."

"The helmet will temporarily remove a baffle to block your sight, and it will automatically turn on after about ten seconds - there will be a prompt sound before turning on, and we have also adjusted the indoor lighting, so that there will be no sudden high-brightness scenes that affect the vision of tourists."

"The button on the right is the emergency call button. If the human body is uncomfortable, you can press it to call the on-duty personnel."

"As for the shell of the headset, it is a high-strength carbon fiber reinforced composite material, It is light and strong. In theory, you can hit the ground with your head without any problems - of course, we do not recommend this attempt."

"In addition, we also provide drinking water with a straw. You can open a hole here to put it into your mouth."

"If you want to communicate with Sister Zhang, you can press the button below. Our equipment supports up to six people at the same frequency."

"As for the viewing time of each hall, it is half an hour. We have arranged a total of three exhibition halls this time. The longest total viewing time is 90 minutes. There are also snacks such as small bread at the exit."

Xu Yun introduced it in detail. Huadun Bioscience and the National Museum have already formulated a very complete service or supporting response system for today's exhibition.

Even considering that some Internet celebrities may even make extreme operations in order to become famous these days, the glass of the exhibition hall is specially made of high-strength materials. Even if someone goes crazy and hits the display cabinet, it will not cause any damage to the exhibits.

After Xu Yun finished his introduction.

Wang Tong and Zhang Ying each took the helmet and put it on their heads at the entrance.

Just as Xu Yun introduced.

This full-face helmet is very delicately designed. When worn on the head, it feels slightly stuffy but not heavy. Instead, it looks very light.

Then Wang Tong took a few deep breaths and found that its ventilation effect is indeed excellent.

You know.

Generally speaking, whether it is a full-face helmet or a flip-up helmet, due to structural problems, the gas you blow out when you exhale hard will usually hit the mask and then bounce back to your face, which will make people feel very stuffy.

If you are a myopic person wearing glasses, your vision will often be affected by fog.

But Wang Tong did not feel the rebound of the gas in the headset, which means that the air he exhaled was sent to the outside through the exhaust port.

Seeing this, Wang Tong gave Xu Yun a thumbs up and waited for half a minute - Zhang Ying has more than 700 degrees of myopia, so the staff adjusted the matching degree for her headset.

The headset designed by Lu Xiao has its own diopter adjustment, and it is 200 degrees higher than the 700-degree self-adjustment upper limit of Huawei's VR GLASS. What makes Xu Yun feel most crazy is that Lu Xiao actually took into account the influence of astigmatism, worthy of being a Virgo player

After a full two minutes.

Wang Tong and Zhang Ying just finished the adjustment.

Then the couple connected to the private voice channel for only the two of them through the Bluetooth of the headset, and walked into the North Hall 12 hand in hand.

The entrance of the North Hall 12 uses a closed double-layer dark glass door, and the inside situation cannot be seen clearly from the outside. When the couple pushed the door and walked into the exhibition hall, Zhang Ying's voice rang beside Wang Tong:

"Wow, what a big exhibition hall!"

Wang Tong also nodded.

The exhibition hall in front of them at this time is about several thousand square meters. As soon as they entered the exhibition hall, they saw rows of neat and stylish glass display cabinets:

Above the display cabinets are pieces of transparent tempered glass. These glasses are clear and bright, like small windows. Their edges have obviously been finely polished, smooth and not sharp, which not only ensures the safety of the audience, but also adds to the overall beauty.

Under the display cabinet is a carefully carved wooden base. As a science student, Wang Tong cannot judge the specific material, but even a half-baked person like him can see that these woods have a warm texture and are exquisite and sophisticated. They are definitely not ordinary wood.

The layout of these display cabinets is in the shape of a Chinese character [plate], which makes the most of the exhibition hall space. The width of the aisle is about two meters, which can accommodate two ordinary people who are not good at listening .

As for the display cabinets,

I saw a series of pale yellow ancient books neatly arranged in them, which was obviously the legendary "Yongle Encyclopedia"!

"Hey, it's so strange."

Just when Wang Tong was a little excited, Zhang Ying's voice came from his headphones again:

"Wang Tong, why is there no tour guide in the exhibition hall?"

Wang Tong was stunned when he heard the words, and then he subconsciously looked around the scene, and there was a trace of surprise in his eyes.

As Zhang Ying said, in the huge exhibition hall, except for those tourists who entered earlier than Wang Tong and Zhang Ying, there was no staff member!

This is very strange

To be honest.

In this kind of exhibition, security personnel are arranged in the dark, which Wang Tong can understand and even support. After all, for tourists, patrol work will more or less affect the exhibition experience. The entrance security check plus the special glass material does not require security personnel to be in the open to watch for people to cause trouble.


You must have a guide for such a large exhibition, right?

Not to mention that each person is equipped with such a high standard, ten or twelve people will be fine, right?

This is a very reasonable request, and it is not difficult for the National Museum to do it.

But at the moment, Wang Tong did not see any guide in this exhibition hall.

Then Wang Tong touched his chin and guessed:

"Is there text on the exhibition hall, and the National Museum is going to let us read the text? Or is there something about this helmet?"

After that.

Wang Tong also knocked on the shell of the headset. With such a big thing covering his head, Wang Tong could not ignore it.

However, before Zhang Ying could speak, a mechanical prompt sounded in Wang Tong's headset:

"Dear visitor, you have entered the North 12th Exhibition Hall of the National Museum. Please activate the head display device according to the prompts before entering to complete the model activation."

"If you do not operate within ten seconds, the head display will automatically activate the relevant program."

Wang Tong was stunned when he saw this. After coming to his senses, he quickly fumbled on the left side of the head display for a few times, found a button and pressed it immediately.

I almost forgot the business.

Zhang Ying on the other side also pressed the button, and then a baffle appeared in front of the two of them, blocking their sight.

At the same time.

Inside the head display device, a preset program began to activate.

The most important exhibition hall model was instantly transmitted and received from the cloud, and the details were accurate to every fine line carved in the lower half of the booth. This was the model sampling completed in advance by Lu Xiao and others.


The head display began to verify the light data.

Lu Xiao and others had divided the exhibition hall in great detail in advance. In layman's terms, they had created a three-dimensional coordinate system. After the headset was activated, it first determined the specific position based on the sensor equipment. In theory, each position had a different light receiving rate for the lighting equipment in the center of the ceiling. As long as the verified data and the preset data were correct, the test was considered passed.

Another second passed.

The headset entered the most important link - floating point sample acquisition.

Floating point samples sound complicated, but in this scenario they refer to tourists.

Yes, tourists.

Lu Xiao and his team can build a model of the exhibition hall many days before the opening, but they can't model the visitors who visit the exhibition in advance - it's impossible to let the visitors cooperate with you to practice once.

And Xu Yun and his team can't directly cancel the information scanning of visitors, otherwise after the MR headset is activated, Wang Tong. Or every visitor can only see the booth and can't see other visitors.

At that time, there may be a situation where couples hold hands, but they can't see each other in the headset. It may also appear that there is a ball of air in front of you, but you bump into one or even several people while walking. This scene is too weird.

Therefore, the only way is to use the device activation as an excuse to perform temporary modeling after the visitors enter.

At the same time, this kind of modeling is not a one-time operation, but it will be recorded and simulated at all times, and the computing power required for this process is huge.

Fortunately, Xu Yun and his team have Tianhe-3 to use this time.

In just 0.53 seconds.

More than 70 trillion bytes were transmitted to the cloud, and four of the six cabinets in Tianhe-3 entered operation, completing the calculation in 0.86 seconds.

At the same time.

Wang Tong suddenly felt a little itchy on the nose wing, stretched out his hand to scratch his nose, and a new set of data was born in the subtle movement.

This time, the headset recorded a middle-aged woman about ten meters in front of Wang Tong. In less than 0.00003 seconds, the woman's earrings were analyzed into pixels and uploaded and modeled.

Third second.

Fifth second.

That's it.

When the time came to the fourteenth second, Wang Tong's ears rang again:

"Dear visitor, your headset device has been activated, and the baffle will open in five seconds."

"Five four. Three. Two. One"

After a five-second countdown.

Wang Tong's eyes suddenly lit up slightly, and his vision returned to normal.

As Xu Yun said, the angle of the incident light was realized through rigorous simulation calculations by Lu Xiao and others. The light will be fully filled within three seconds after the baffle is opened, so Wang Tong did not feel any discomfort during the whole process.

After regaining his vision, Wang Tong subconsciously looked forward.

As a result, as soon as he looked up, he shuddered:

"Fuck, what the hell is this?!"


Higgs has passed away, and there is one less physicist alive. A long sigh

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