Into Unscientific

Chapter 815: Big Deal


Wang Tong remembers it very clearly.

When I and Zhang Ying were observing the interior of the exhibition hall just now, the tourists closest to them were ten meters away or even further.

Behind them were two men. While chatting in line, they learned that they were from the Institute of Microbiology. They were still listening to the staff introduce the headsets at the gate.

In other words.

There was no one else within three or four meters of Wang Tong and Zhang Ying before.

But Wang Tong suddenly discovered after opening his eyes.

About a meter away from my left hand, in the originally empty space, there was now a smiling woman in ancient costume standing!

The woman is about in her early twenties, with a beautiful appearance, her hair is in a peach blossom bun, earrings are decorated with beaded rings, and she wears a wide-sleeved shirt. The Xia pei is like two colorful ribbons lightly wrapped around her head and neck, draped on her chest. Her lower body is wearing a dignified horse-faced skirt. It looks like It looks grand and elegant.

Wang Tong:


Where did this person come from?

In a very short time.

A piece of news he had read a long time ago subconsciously popped up in Wang Tong’s mind:

In the early years, there were supernatural incidents involving palace ladies in the Forbidden City. It was rumored that some people saw groups of palace ladies walking through the Forbidden City on rainy days.

Later, some experts explained from an academic point of view that the reason for this situation was that the paint on the red palace walls of the Forbidden City contained a large amount of iron tetroxide. In ancient times, lightning happened when the palace ladies passed by, so the palace walls were equivalent to The function of the video tape recorded this scene.

When the same conditions, such as lightning, occur again, these images will be played back.

Wang Tong remembered clearly that at the end of that article, he said that similar situations would occur not only in the Forbidden City, but also in ancient buildings in many places.

Therefore, the moment he saw this woman in ancient costume, a thought came to his mind:

Could it be that this kind of thing also happened in "Yongle Dadian"?

Of course.

This thought was fleeting. After all, if nothing else, it was a rare good weather day in the capital.

At the same time, Wang Tong's exclamation also attracted Zhang Ying's attention. The girl subconsciously raised her head and soon discovered this woman who suddenly appeared:

"Wow, what a beautiful horse-faced skirt!"

Wang Tong continued:


Sister, is this a question of whether the horse-faced skirt is beautiful or not?

At the same time that Wang Tong and Zhang Ying were surprised, the young lady in ancient costume opposite also spoke in standard Mandarin:

"Hello dear tourists, I am the collection digital person No. 2333 generated by the National Museum. You can also call me [Yunxi]. I will serve as the exhibition tour guide for you in the next time."

"You two can consult me ​​at any time if you have any questions during the exhibition. The digital human is connected to the cloud server of the national computer, and real-time interactive communication can be achieved with the greatest efficiency."

"If you need to change the appearance of the digital human, you can click the [Digital Human Appearance] option on the screen of the headset."

The costumed lady just finished speaking.

A button marked [Digital Human Appearance] appeared in front of Wang Tong and Zhang Ying at the same time.

Wang Tong was suddenly startled:

"Numbers Man?"

One thing to say.

As a mathematics practitioner engaged in front-end theoretical research, Wang Tong is naturally no stranger to the concept of digital humans.

On May 27, 2023, the "Internet 3.0: Future Internet Industry Development Forum" hosted by the Capital Association of Science and Technology opened at the Zhongguancun National Independent Innovation Demonstration Zone Exhibition Center. The digital human image of Qian Wushi was released at the meeting. It was also on the hot search list at that time.

Now one year has passed, with the development of AI technology, the concept of digital humans has begun to become more and more popular.

However, nowadays digital people do not have a good image in the news, because there are many bloggers who have no bottom line and have 'resurrected' many deceased celebrities without the consent of their families in order to become famous, and rely on consuming the deceased to gain popularity and popularity. money.

For example, Coco Li who passed away not long ago, the late Qiao Renliang, Gao Yixiang, and even Jiang Ge who was brutally murdered are included.

In the name of commemorating the deceased, what they actually did was to cause secondary harm to the family and friends of the deceased.

Of course.

The digital man who appeared in front of Wang Tong and others today is another matter. There are no moral problems.

But what Wang Tong didn’t expect was that

This time Huadun Biotech actually produced such a highly realistic digital human tour guide.

To know.

Before the visit, Wang Tong had a brief understanding of MR technology. In his opinion, the expression method of MR should be similar to VR and AR, that is, mixed with some 3D elements.

That type of element usually looks more three-dimensional and more real than a flat object, but anyone can tell at a glance that it is an avatar - in layman's terms, it is a bit of a two-dimensional anime style.

Unexpectedly, this time Huadun Biotechnology seemed to be possessed by Metersbonwe, and it took an unusual approach to create Digital Man.

Then Wang Tong suddenly thought of something and asked the digital person No. 2333, which is Yun Xi:

"Yunxi, are you the one Zhang Ying and I saw?"

Yunxi nodded gently and explained:

"Yes, visitors in the same voice channel will see the same digital human tour guide. This is one of the reasons why this exhibition uses a full-face closed head-mounted display."

Only then did Wang Tong become convinced.

This is true, if there is no helmet to suppress the sound, not to mention that other people's voices will affect you, just the look of a bunch of people standing there talking to themselves would be magical.

And the other side.

Zhang Ying's focus was on the virtual keys in front of her:

"Yunxi, according to you, you can still change your image?"

Yunxi nodded again:

“That’s right, visitors only need to click on the virtual button to select an image.”

"Of course, modern characters cannot be generated due to copyright issues."

Zhang Ying's eyes suddenly lit up.

As a senior player of Miracle Nuannuan, she is most interested in dressing up and so on.

So she immediately reached out her hand and lightly pressed the virtual button on the headset.

The next second.

Yunxi's image instantly shrunk into a picture in the upper left corner of the headset. Another photo of a man in ancient costume appeared on the upper right side of the headset. There was also a flashing triangular tip on the far right of the photo, which was very meaningful. Obviously, after clicking, you can view the next picture of the character.

As for the lower part of the screen, there is a character introduction, including name, height, age, serial number, etc.

For example, this man's number is 114514, his name is Shen Zhou, and unlike Yun Xi, he also has a character introduction:

[Shen Zhou (November 21, 1427 - August 2, 1509), courtesy name Qinan, alias Shitian, later alias Bai Shiweng, was born in Changzhou. A famous painter, calligrapher, writer, and medical scientist in the Ming Dynasty. Together with Wen Zhengming, Tang Yin, and Qiu Ying, he was known as the "Four Ming Schools". He was the founder of the Wumen School of Painting and a well-known handsome man in the Ming Dynasty]

Zhang Ying couldn't help but open her mouth in surprise when she saw this:

"Oh my god, how did you do that?"

You can reach out your hand and press it in the air to open an interface without even needing a handle?

If Xu Yun were here at this moment, he would probably smile slightly when he heard Zhang Ying's words.

Nowadays, most VR equipment requires a handle, that is, a controller to operate, but MR is different. The reason why it can be called mixed reality technology is because it can be operated without a controller.

For example, the HoloLens 2 produced by Microsoft can be directly touched with fingers in some scenarios. This device is sold on Aobao and Aodong, but the price and quality control are very different.

HoloLens2 can achieve this step by relying on motion radar and cameras to capture portraits, then analyze them through a high-resolution system, and finally feed them back to the projection module to achieve interactive effects.

But Xu Yun and the others invested even more heavily this time.

From the moment Wang Tong opened the bezel of his headset, everything Wang Tong and Zhang Ying, or all visitors to the exhibition, saw had actually become "data."

for example.

Standing about ten meters in front of Wang Tong's left was a female tourist who entered the venue first. From the back, she was about thirty years old. She was slowly moving towards the front of the showcase.

This tourist is a real person, and all her actions are real-time, but if she turns her head, Wang Tong's headset can instantly replace her face with anyone - it can be Zhang Ying's favorite movies A star can also be a football player that Wang Tong loves, or even Wang Tong himself.

Everything Wang Tong and Zhang Ying saw was real, but it was also illusory.

Including every hair on their head, it has been built into a digital model by the powerful computing power of Tianhe-3.

For example, the button Zhang Ying clicked.

This button does not exist in reality, but in the digital model it has extremely precise coordinates - such as [1.3444/25.2344/24.9304].

In addition, there is an optical model in the headset that was developed from the lighting institute to analyze the tourists’ eyeballs or line of sight.

In addition, Zhang Ying's fingers need to move when she clicks the button. This kind of real-time interaction is achieved through the collective analysis of the three major devices of limbs, coordinates, and line of sight.

This is the charm of technology.

Of course.


The main reason why Xu Yun and the others were able to achieve this step is still because today's venue is fixed.

If Wang Tong and Zhang Ying change places, even if they just walk out of North Hall 12 through the exit, all the functions of the head display will be reset to zero in an instant.

Relatively sufficient time, limited space, and the support of Tianhe-3, a supercomputer ranked among the top in the world, led to this magical scene today.

However, Zhang Ying and Wang Tong didn't know how much effort Lu Xiao and others had put into this process. After the initial surprise, the couple began to discuss the topic of the tour guide. Image:

"Hey, is this Zhang Juzheng? He looks handsome."

"No, Zhang Juzheng and Wu Bozong are both handsome guys."

"Is this Queen Ma? She looks so virtuous. No wonder she can persuade Lao Zhu."

"Look, Zhu Biao! At least four of the ten Qidian Mingchuan novels in the past two years are about him."

"Okay, okay, hurry up and make a decision. There is a time limit for visiting the exhibition."

After a discussion, Wang Tong and Zhang Ying finally decided on the tour guide.

"I decided it was you, Zhu Qizhen, the Ming God of War!"

I'm recommending a book by a friend. I haven't recommended a book for a long time. The title is "What to do if the villain heroine drags you into the book"

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