Into Unscientific

Chapter 816 Wang Tong's wonderful journey (Part 1)

"Wang Tong."

"What are you doing?"

"I always feel that there is something seriously wrong between us."

In the head-mounted display device, Zhang Ying looked at the new characters appearing in the window and couldn't help but mutter in the language channel:

"There are so many famous figures in the history of the Ming Dynasty. As a normal person, if you wouldn't choose Zhu Yuanzhang, Empress Ma and the like, you would at least choose Zhang Juzheng or Liu Bowen, right?"

"Qi Jiguang or Hai Rui would also be fine, but we chose an overseas student from Wala. This is so weird. I guess the only one who can compare with choosing Chongzhen as a tour guide."

Hearing Zhang Ying's complaints, Wang Tong suddenly raised his eyebrows:

"Honey, this character Zhu Qizhen was proposed by you."


Zhang Ying nodded nervously and tapped herself with her index finger:

"I suggested it and you agreed, so I said we both have a serious illness."

"If Xiao Xu saw us choosing Zhu Qizhen backstage, he would have laughed so hard that the museum would close the exhibition."

Wang Tong laughed twice when he heard this and did not answer any more words. Instead, he looked at a middle-aged man who appeared in front of him.

This man is about 1.75 meters tall, with a round face and a tall and tall body. He is wearing a red Wu (Fu) uniform with knee-covering ties tied on a leather belt. He has a good appearance.

Wang Tong looked at the other party curiously, hesitated for a moment and asked:

"Hello, are you Zhu Qizhen, the Yingzong of the Ming Dynasty?"

The middle-aged man had been standing aside with a smile since he "appeared". After hearing Wang Tong's question, he immediately raised his hands to the two of them:

"I am none other than Zhu Qizhen, numbered 3845. A large number of Ming Dynasty materials were collected during the image creation process. From a documentary perspective, I should be almost the same as the original figure."

"Of course, in order to facilitate the exhibition and explanation, some oral habits and bad habits have been optimized backstage, so that they can be understood as historical figures in a completely positive sense."

Wang Tong nodded slightly.

This is not difficult to understand. If the characters were restored 100% according to history, [I] estimate that no one would be able to stand it just one bite at a time.

Use "下" or "I" as a replacement, which is obviously closer to the rhythm of modern people's communication.

For another example, if you don’t optimize your image, what if someone chooses Zhu Yuanzhang? Halfway through the exhibition, some people’s heads suddenly twitch, and they shout that they want to drag the tourists out and chop them up. What’s the big deal?

Then Wang Tong glanced at Zhu Qizhen's body again, and the feeling in his heart became more and more subtle.

This is Zhu Qizhen’s digital man.

Looking at the 16 emperors of the Ming Dynasty, who is the most foolish or the wisest? Maybe everyone has his own opinion. There are a thousand Hamlets among a thousand people.

But if we put them in the most bizarre order, then the one who ranks first will obviously be Brother Zhu Qizhen standing in front of Wang Tong.

Zhu Qizhen was the sixth emperor of the Ming Dynasty. He was born in 1427 and was the eldest son of Xuanzong.

He officially ascended the throne when he was eight years old, and began to take charge officially when he was 16 years old.

At that time, although the Ming Dynasty's treasury was depleted due to the Battle of Luchuan, it was still far from being damaged.

Not an exaggeration.

If Zhu Qizhen didn't care about anything and focused on messing up the palace, ignoring government affairs, being proficient in eating, drinking, whoring and gambling, and also doing other hobbies such as working as a carpenter and going to the south of the Yangtze River, he would have nothing to do with the family wealth left by previous generations. He is a wise king who can lead a prosperous life.

But this guy decided not to take the ordinary path. First, he favored and trusted Wang Zhen, which led to the eunuch's monopolization of power. Then, at the age of 21, he caused a miraculous defeat that could be called the king of troubles in Chinese history.

At that time, the Wala troops invaded the Ming Dynasty in four groups. The Ming Dynasty defenders were defeated in a row. Song Ying, the governor of Datong, and Zhu Mian, the commander-in-chief, were killed in the battle, and tens of thousands of troops were lost.

Faced with Wala's aggressive momentum, Emperor Yingzong of the Ming Dynasty Zhu Qizhen decided to conquer it himself.

Then his sexy moves came.

Zhu Qizhen first temporarily assembled 200,000 people from the surrounding areas of the capital, and claimed to have assembled an army of 500,000. From issuing the edict to setting off for the expedition, it actually only took two days.

After the army set off, there was chaos along the way. The army began to run out of food before it reached Datong. From time to time, ministers requested to withdraw the army. In the end, even Wala Yexian's army was nowhere to be found.

After arriving in Datong, Zhu Qizhen drew his sword and looked around at a loss. The complaints in the army were increasing day by day. The weather was either windy or rainy, so this guy waved his hand and withdrew the troops!

Well, they marched from the capital to Datong and withdrew without fighting a single battle.

On the tenth day of August that year, the Ming army arrived at Xuanfu.

On August 13, the Ming army was located between Xuanfu and Huailai. News came from the direction of Xuanfu. The army also attacked the Ming army's rearguard and completely annihilated it.

The rear guard was two days away from the main army, which meant that Yexian's main army was already close at hand.

Zhu Qizhen panicked at this time, and sent brothers Wu Kezhong and Wu Keqin to lead an army of 15,000 people to block the attack. The two brothers were like Pan Feng possessed, and they were captured within a short time.

Zhu Qizhen appointed Zhu Yong as the commander and Xue Shou as his deputy. He led 45,000 troops to the rear. However, he was ambushed again and failed to resist. The entire army continued to be annihilated.

At this time, the Ming army tried its best to enter Huailai City, but they could no longer go, so they ran to Tumubao - this place was a wilderness, and most of Wala's troops were cavalry.

There will be no more later. On August 15th, the Mid-Autumn Festival, the Ora cavalry was invincible. Ming Yingzong was captured, Wang Zhen was killed, and 50 people including Taishi Zhang Fu, Prince Consort Jingyuan, Minister of War Kuang Ye, and Minister of Household Wang Zuo. Many high-ranking officials were killed.

The Ming Dynasty's 500,000-strong army was completely annihilated, with only sporadic Ming troops slipping through the net.

This is not over yet.

One year after being captured, Ming Yingzong was sent back to the Ming Dynasty by Wala. After the coup, Ming Yingzong was restored.

Well, this guy killed the emperor who succeeded him, Zhu Qiyu, and became emperor again.

From then on, his whole life, no, in a sense, the following generations of Ming Dynasty emperors were all paying off debts for Tumubao.

Did you say that Zhu Qi fell into coma?

To be honest, he is not very sleepy. For example, he got up at the beginning of the fifth lunar month every morning to deal with government affairs, perfected the pension policy of Zhu Yuanzhang's era, abolished the system of burying concubines at death, and even grasped the timing of killing Zhu Qiyu just right.

These practices are somewhat different from the traditional sense of mediocrity that only knows how to fuck foxes. They are traps with unclear self-awareness.

As a big fan, Wang Tong always wanted to scold Zhu Qizhen every time he thought about Zhu Qizhen's sexy tricks.

Of course.

Wang Tong's dissatisfaction only limited to the Ming Yingzong himself, and he still had no objection to the digital figure of Zhu Qizhen in front of him.

"Zhu uh, Mr. Zhu."

Thinking that Zhu Qizhen's Digital Man had been corrected for his oral habit, Wang Tong simply used modern titles to communicate with him:

"Can you really answer any question?"

"That's right."

Digital Man Zhu Qizhen tapped his temples and said with a smile:

"[Yunxi] should have introduced to you before that digital people are actually connected to a service platform with high computing power and can answer questions in real time."

Wang Tong thought for a few seconds, then made a fist with his left hand and tapped it lightly on the palm of his right hand:

"For any positive integer, if it is odd, multiply it by 3 and add 1. If it is even, divide it by 2. Keep repeating this process, and what will happen in the end?"


Zhu Qizhen was silent for a while, and then the corner of his mouth suddenly curled up:

"Mr. Wang, you and Ms. Zhang are a perfect match."

Wang Tong tilted his head:

"I always feel like you're scolding me."

"No no."

Zhu Qizhen waved his hand quickly. This Ming Yingzong was already very good-looking (otherwise he wouldn’t have picked up girls in Wala), but under the front-facing optimization algorithm of Digital Man, he looked elegant and elegant at this time. Funny:

"It's just based on my feelings, Mr. Wang. We have limited time, so we'd better visit the showcase as soon as possible."

After hearing what Zhu Qizhen said, Wang Tong and Zhang Ying realized that they had been pinching their faces for a long time. Several tourists passed by while talking.

So Wang Tong quickly took Zhang Ying's hand and said to Zhu Qizhen:

"Mr. Zhu, please lead the way."

Zhu Qizhen nodded upon hearing this and led the two of them towards the display cabinet.

Mentioned earlier.

Everything in this exhibition hall has been converted into model coordinates. Therefore, Zhu Qizhen does not move with you (VR glasses) like the NPCs in many VR games, but he actively leads the way like a real person. .

During this period, Wang Tong also deliberately slowed down a bit, and the distance between him and Zhu Qizhen was quickly shortened from more than one meter to two meters.

If Wang Tong had not touched the body of the digital figure when Zhu Qizhen first appeared, but in the end he only touched a ball of air, he would never believe that Mr. Zhu was a virtual character.


It was not just Wang Tong and Zhang Ying who were amazed at this time. Other visitors at the exhibition were also lamenting the magic of digital humans, but their voices were isolated within the equipment by full-face helmets.


Soon, Wang Tong and Zhang Ying came to the outermost display cabinet.

"Both of you."

After arriving at the display cabinet, Zhu Qizhen stretched out his palm like an experienced explainer and said to the cabinet:

"As you can see, displayed in North Hall 12 are all the original copies of "Yongle Dadian"."

""Yongle Dadian" was written in 1408 AD. It has 22,877 volumes, two volumes are divided into one volume. Counting the table of contents, there are 11,095 volumes in total, with a word count of 373,849,572."

"And in the display cabinet at the front, the first volume of "Yongle Dadian" is displayed."

Hearing Zhu Qizhen's words.

Wang Tong and Zhang Ying quickly came to the display cabinet and looked at the items in the display cabinet through the glass.

Different from the antique-style exterior decoration of the showcase, the interior of the showcase uses a golden-style doily, which looks quite grand. In the center of the doily is a polished wooden board, with a book lying quietly on the wooden board.

This book is dark yellow all over, and the frame length is about 30 × 20 cm. Of course, this is judged by the naked eye, and the actual size should be 30 × 23 cm.

Perhaps because it is so old, although the National Museum has done careful maintenance, there are still some traces of time on the book cover, and a small corner of about a few tenths of a square centimeter is missing in the upper left corner.

And on the cover, which is full of traces of time, there are a few words written:

["Yongle Dadian" (Volume 1)]

Looking at these clear traditional Chinese characters, Wang Tong suddenly tightened his grip on Zhang Ying's hand.

This is.

"Yongle Ceremony"!

The greatest encyclopedia in Chinese and even human history, a masterpiece that only the Chinese could compile in ancient dynasties!

In the past few days, Wang Tong has been popularized by netizens countless times about the value of "Yongle Dadian". Its appearance represents the complete inheritance and information of the history of ancient Chinese civilization.

It is no exaggeration to say that this book has the roots of China!

Of course.

Nowadays, there are still people on the Internet who are slandering the "Yongle Encyclopedia". For example, Wang Tong saw someone saying something sarcastic a few days ago [Great, the "Yongle Encyclopedia" was published, Newton is really Chinese now].

Others have conspiracy theories that this is fake news compiled by the rabbits, or they are just saying something like [The "Yongle Encyclopedia" is just a book from the Ming Dynasty, how do you know that people in the Ming Dynasty did not change history? ] .

However, most netizens are still relatively sober. For example, under the last comment, there is a reply with more likes than the comment:

[I don't believe in the people of the Ming Dynasty, I believe in the Sikuquanshu written by you Tartars? ]

It can only be said that there are still many talented netizens.

"Mr. Wang."

Just when Wang Tong was a little absent-minded, Zhu Qizhen on the side suddenly said:

"Do you want to flip through this book yourself and see what's inside?"

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