Into Unscientific

Chapter 818 Wang Tong's wonderful journey (Part 2)

Perhaps because the digital human technology is too realistic, Wang Tong now treats Zhu Qizhen as a real person.

So after asking the previous question, he paused and added:

"Although I don't work with MR and AR technology, I know a little bit about mathematical algorithms. The technical cost of doing this is many times higher than that of photocopying imitations, right?"


Zhu Qizhen nodded calmly. The powerful algorithm made him understand Wang Tong's meaning instantly:

"Yes, the cost of doing this is very high or even extremely high."

"But for the National Museum, there are naturally reasons to support this approach."

Speaking, Zhu Qizhen took a deep breath and explained:

"The first reason is more direct, that is, if the imitation is directly exhibited in it, then [the exhibits are original] This kind of words can't be said, which is not good for the exhibition hall in terms of publicity. "

"Secondly, this kind of wordless book is very novel from the perspective of tourists' experience. At the same time, because only the cover is old, the production cost of wordless books is lower, so the museum can give it to tourists as a small gift. "

"Like the pages of the wordless book in your hand, it is actually a notebook, which is practical and commemorative. "

"But if it is a printed imitation, it will be different. First, it does not have the practical value of a notebook. Second, although its technical cost is low, its industrial cost is much higher than that of a wordless book. The National Museum will lose money if it makes printed products."

Wang Tong thought for a moment and nodded slightly.

That's right.

This kind of trick of the National Museum is very interesting, and it can also popularize science and technology to a certain extent.

For example, most tourists will not be angry after knowing the truth, but will sigh that the development of modern technology can make even the things they see with their eyes and touch with their hands fake.

Then the tourists were told that this wordless book was a souvenir for everyone, and the exhibition experience was basically full in an instant.

This is not the case with printed materials.

The cost of the first volume of full-text printing is several times higher than that of a book without words. Unless the government subsidizes it, it is estimated that the National Museum will go bankrupt in a few days based on the free reservation rule - after all, the National Museum can't learn from Spring Airlines to sell everything from the beginning to the end after boarding the plane, right?

"More importantly"

While Wang Tong was thinking, Zhu Qizhen raised another finger:

"Once this exhibition model matures, it can be transferred to small and medium-sized cities across the country."

"By then, not only adults, but also universities, middle schools and even elementary schools can organize similar exhibitions, which will bring unpredictable benefits at the level of education."

Wang Tong blinked.

Transfer to small and medium-sized cities? Education?

He had never thought about this.

But now that Zhu Qizhen mentioned this, Wang Tong realized the value of this technology in popular science, especially in the field of popular science for minors.

The Internet is very developed these days, and many children seem to know everything, but in fact, many minors still have not established a complete worldview.

Especially in the cultural field, whether it is science or liberal arts knowledge, many minors still have no knowledge.

In this case, if MR technology can be brought to the minors, or popularized to small towns in the fifth and sixth tiers, it will be helpful to improve the quality of the whole people.

So from this perspective, the MR exhibition of the National Museum is not just a simple exhibition, and the cost of technology is naturally not the primary consideration.

After thinking through these, Wang Tong felt relieved.

Then he looked at Zhu Qizhen, pointed at the unprinted version of the Yongle Encyclopedia in his and Zhang Ying's hands and said:

"Mr. Zhu, according to your statement, can we take these two books out of the museum?"

Zhu Qizhen nodded and said with a smile:

"Yes, according to the plan of the National Museum, this kind of small gift should be popularized in the future, and it can be regarded as a souvenir for tourists."

"In addition, the printed version of the Yongle Encyclopedia will enter the souvenir shop and the official website of the National Museum. The price will not be very expensive. As long as the National Museum does not lose money, tourists can buy it on demand at that time."

Seeing this, Wang Tong looked at the unprinted version of the Yongle Encyclopedia in his hand again, and carefully put the two books into Zhang Ying's bag.

This is the first batch of unprinted notebooks issued by the Yongle Encyclopedia. It is of great commemorative significance. Even if it is placed in the study, it is a good small collection.

After Wang Tong put away the book, Zhu Qizhen continued to lead the couple to the next display cabinet.

As mentioned earlier.

The Yongle Encyclopedia, a masterpiece of this era, has more than 20,000 volumes and more than 10,000 books. This huge number means that its catalog index will not be a small number either.

In fact.

The catalog of the Yongle Encyclopedia alone has a full 60 volumes, which is more than 30 books.

Except for the preface that Wang Tong had read before, the contents of the remaining indexes are relatively boring.

Of course.

The boring here is just a feeling from the reading perspective. For historians who analyze the Yongle Encyclopedia, the value of these catalogs is very high.

"According to the summary of Professor Weng Tong's team at Jinling University, we have basically determined the content corresponding to each volume in the Yongle Encyclopedia."

Zhu Qizhen and Wang Tong and Zhang Ying always kept a distance of about one meter, and introduced them while leading the way in a very graceful manner:

"The content of "Yongle Dadian" includes classics, histories, chapters, and collections, covering many aspects such as astronomy and geography, yin and yang medicine, divination, interpretation of Tibetan Taoist scriptures, drama, crafts, and agriculture."

"For example, Huaben and Zaju are mainly recorded in Volumes 13542 to 14003. There are 102 kinds of plays and more than 24,000 Zaju."

"In terms of poetry, it is mainly distributed between Volume 3453 and Volume 4355, which spans nearly a thousand volumes. There are works by Wang Wei, Wei Zhuang, Wang Zhenbai, and Li Qunyu. Many of the poems are not included in the Tang Dynasty Poetry Collection compiled during the Kangxi period. Collected in "Complete Poems of the Tang Dynasty".

"At present, these poems have been compiled in the archives center of the Ministry of Culture, and will be gradually disclosed to the public. Some of them should also be added to the textbooks of primary and secondary school students in the next few years."

"Of course, apart from these, the most important information is historical materials and ancient science - to be precise, ancient engineering and medicine."

Hearing Zhu Qizhen's words.

Zhang Ying suddenly became interested:

"Mr. Zhu, can you tell us in detail?"

"no problem."

Zhu Qizhen nodded happily:

"No problem, let's do it step by step, starting with historical data."

While talking, Zhu Qizhen stopped at a display cabinet, pointed inside the display cabinet and said:

"Ancient historical materials can generally be divided into many categories, such as summarized documents about ancient political systems, historical materials written by historians, local chronicles, etc."

"Historical materials in a broad sense account for nearly one-third of the Yongle Dadian, and there are more than 2,000 local chronicles alone."

"For example, the showcase in front of us stores the "Collected Records of Liang Yi", a total of 7 volumes and 14 volumes, recording various materials from Yunnan, Guizhou, Sichuan and parts of Shaanxi and Gansu from the Eastern Jin Dynasty to before the Ming Dynasty."

"It contains biographies, geography, chronicles and other elements. If there are no other new archaeological discoveries in the short term, this "Liang Yi Ji Zhi" should become the longest local chronicle in China."

"Of course, this sounds a bit vague. Let me give you an example."

I saw the palm of Zhu Qizhen's left hand swaying slightly in the air, and a volume of "Yongle Dadian" appeared in his hand:

"Before the discovery of this Yongle Dadian, historians had been controversial about the birth of the ancient Dian Kingdom."

"Some people believe that the emergence of the ancient Dian Kingdom has a certain relationship with the Central Plains, while some people believe that the ancient Dian Kingdom was a civilized tribe that spontaneously formed in the local area."

Zhang Ying nodded slightly.

Both she and Wang Tong belong to the standard Beidiao. Wang Tong is from the Jiangnan area, while Zhang Ying's hometown is in Wenshan Prefecture, Yunnan Province.

Therefore, although Zhang Ying's major has nothing to do with ancient history, the girl still knows something about the history of her hometown.

The ancient Dian Kingdom mentioned by Zhu Qizhen was located in the Dianchi Lake area of ​​​​Dianhong. It was a landlocked country more than 2,000 years ago.

It has existed for about five hundred years in history and created an extremely splendid bronze culture.

Sima Qian also briefly mentioned this ancient civilization in "Historical Records: Biography of Southwest Yi". In 1955, the ancient tombs in Shizhaishan, Jinning, Dianhong Province began to be excavated. After 14 large-scale archaeological excavations, 50 ancient tombs were cleared. More than 4,000 cultural relics were eventually unearthed, including the "Seal of the King of Dian" that shocked the country, officially proving the existence of this ancient civilization.

Of course.

The most famous cultural relic unearthed at that time is another bronze drum-shaped shell storage vessel. There are 52 figures, a pig and a dog cast on the drum surface. There is a pair of columns with snakes coiled in the center, and a tiger on the top of the column.

To the right and in front of the pillar are three naked people, either with their arms tied behind their backs or in shackles, which are supposed to be sacrifices for sacrifices.

The aristocratic woman riding a four-person carriage next to her may be the female slave owner who presided over the sacrificial ceremony.

This lifelike bronze sculpture reflects the mysterious sacrificial culture of the ancient Dian Kingdom. Experts named it "The Bronze Shell Storage Vessel for the Murderous Sacrificial Column Scene of the Western Han Dynasty" based on the purpose and shape of the bronze. It was listed in the " "The third batch of cultural relics prohibited from export exhibition".

The ancient Dian Kingdom has always been a representative of mysterious civilization in the field of archaeology. The ins and outs of the ancient Dian Kingdom were almost blank in the research on ancient history in my country.

Some people believe that the ancient Dian Kingdom is related to the civilization of the Central Plains, while others believe that the bronzes of the ancient Dian Kingdom are very different from those of the Central Plains and cannot be related to the Central Plains.

Now listen to what Zhu Qizhen means. This one of the unsolved mysteries in Chinese archeology has the answer today?

Then under the curious eyes of Zhang Ying and Wang Tong.

Zhu Qizhen skillfully turned the book to the middle page, pointed to the content above and said to Zhang Ying and Zhang Ying:

"And in this volume of "Yongle Dadian", we have clearly found the origin of the ancient Dian civilization."

"Look here, [when King Wei of Chu first came, he sent General Zhuang Qi to lead his troops along the river, to the west of Luoba and central Guizhou. ... It is three hundred miles wide, with flat land and thousands of miles of fertile land. It belongs to Chu because of its military power]. "

"[Zhuang Fu's troops crossed central Guizhou and marched directly to Yuannan. Qilan and Yelang looked at the wind and descended, and drove straight to the shore of the Dian River. He wanted to write a letter to report to King Wei of Chu, but suddenly he heard that Chu had fallen to Qin, and the way back was cut off. . Then he stationed himself in the Dian River, crowned himself, established the country of Yunnan, and named himself King Zhuang."

"[Houzhuang Qiu led all the kings of Dian to surrender, followed their customs and grew up. In the second year of the Han Yuan Dynasty, the southwestern barbarians were opened. The king of Dian surrendered and established Yizhou County. He led twenty and seven counties. The king of Han gave Dian Seal of King Dian Wang.】"

"The first paragraph is completely consistent with the records in "Historical Records of Southwest Yi Biography", while the second paragraph is cultural and historical data that has never been discovered before."

"According to the above statement, during the Chu State, Zhuang Qi sent troops to Yunnan and Guizhou and captured Yuannan, Qielan and Yelang. However, just when Zhuang Qi wanted to return his troops, he learned that Qin had captured Chu, so he The country was founded on the Dian River."


After Zhang Ying listened to Zhu Qizhen's introduction quietly, she couldn't help but touch her chin:

"Zhuang Qi, I seem to have heard of this name when I was a child."

Zhu Qizhen nodded:

"Well, Zhuang Yu is a descendant of King Zhuang of Chu. Historically, he did lead his troops to conquer Yunnan and Guizhou. However, halfway through the battle, his retreat was cut off by the Qin people."

"Some historical data show that he established himself as king in Yunnan Province, but there are different opinions on his subsequent direction - some people say that he was assassinated by his subordinates who turned against the enemy, and some people say that Qin Shihuang sent a man named Chang Yi after unifying the six countries. He mobilized the people to build the "Five Feet Road" to connect Dian, and finally Wang Jian sent troops to destroy the Dian Kingdom. "

"The emergence of this historical data now brings an end to this controversy."

Zhang Ying stared at the "Yongle Dadian" in Zhu Qizhen's hand for a few seconds:

"Mr. Zhu, who recorded this historical data? Is it reliable?"

Zhu Qizhen glanced at her and gave her a name:

"Ban Gu."

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