Into Unscientific

Chapter 819 Another historical fact that subverts cognition

"Ban Gu?"

Hearing the name popping out of Zhu Qizhen's mouth, Zhang Ying blinked:

"His brother from Ban Chao, Ban Gu from the Ban Ma combination?"

Zhu Qizhen smiled and nodded:

"That's right, it's that Ban Gu."

Zhang Ying immediately stopped talking.

If the content recorded in the "Yongle Dadian" was written by Ban Gu, then the authority of the data does not need to be questioned.

Ban Gu was one of the most famous writers during the Han Dynasty, and his representative work is the famous "Book of Han".

"Hanshu" is an official history of the Han Dynasty. It is divided into four parts: biographies, records, records, and biographies. Ban Gu was responsible for writing the biographies.

The entire book has become a classic in the history of Chinese history with its superb literary skills and in-depth historical research.

Although many people in later generations believe that the "Book of Han" has some anecdotes and some flattery in its writing, some of its statements are actually biased.

When Ban Gu was compiling the "Book of Han", he was reported to have secretly revised the history of the country, so Emperor Ming of the Han Dynasty issued an order to arrest him in Fufeng County. Ban Gu was imprisoned in Jingzhao Prison, and his manuscript was also confiscated by the government.

The crime of "privately revising national history" was very serious. For example, Su Lang, a native of Rongjun County, was accused of forging prophecies. After being arrested and imprisoned, he was executed soon after.

The essential reason behind this incident lies in the transition of imperial power, so it is understandable that Ban Gu was slightly conservative in his official evaluation of the Han Dynasty after he was released.

For example, in the opening chapter of "The Book of Han", Liu Bang is praised as a god (in fact, the essence is to show the wisdom and prowess of Liu Bang's descendants, Emperor Ming of the Han Dynasty). Many people who are unhappy with Liu Bang can't stand it anymore.

In addition, "Hanshu" and "Historical Records" have a high degree of overlap in the Xiongnu information, and there are also differences in the evaluations of Li Ling, Huo Qubing and Wei Qing.

Therefore, the true fans and negative fans of Li, Huo and Wei each used "Hanshu" and "Historical Records" as a basis for their arguments. From hundreds of years ago to the Internet of later generations, there was no winner or loser.

Whether it is "Hanshu" or "Historical Records", there is quite a lot of "black material" that actually comes from the other party's exaggeration or even smear.

Therefore, purely in terms of historical contribution, Ban Gu is actually a very high-ranking historical authority.

Not to mention that the compiler of "Yongle Dadian" also conducted research when excerpting the information. Under double insurance, there is no need to question the reliability of this information.

A certain unsolved mystery that has troubled the historians for a long time has now been successfully solved. This can be regarded as a major manifestation of the value of "Yongle Dadian".

Looking at Zhang Ying and Wang Tong who had expressions of emotion on their faces, Zhu Qizhen spread his palm to the display cabinet at the back:

"In fact, after the "Yongle Dadian" was unearthed, there were still many situations similar to the ancient Dian Kingdom."

"Another typical example is the No. 9 showcase around us. There are 16 volumes of "Yongle Dadian" placed in the showcase. It is one of the showcases with the highest unit density in the entire exhibition hall."

"This part of Yongle Dadian records the posthumous chapter of "Historical Records", which also records a historical truth that can subvert many people's perceptions."

The "Yongle Dadian" excerpted from Ban Gu's records is located in showcase No. 8, and the "Yongle Dadian" containing "Historical Records" is located next to it. This is also a small easter egg deliberately designed by the National Museum.

"Historical Records".

This is one of the most famous ancient classics in ancient my country and is listed as the first of the Four Histories.

It records a history of more than 3,000 years from the time of the Yellow Emperor in ancient legends to the first year of Yuanshou, Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty.

"Historical Records" systematically summarizes the pros and cons of each school of thought from the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States to the early Han Dynasty, and provides a high-level summary of the thoughts of various schools of thought.

"Historical Records" took sixteen years to complete. It is the first biographical general history in Chinese history. It has more than 520,000 words and has a great influence on later generations.

Lu Xun called it "the swan song of a historian, a rhymeless Li Sao".

Unfortunately, the content of "Historical Records" seen by later generations is quite different from the original content. These original contents that were not handed down are called the posthumous chapters of "Historical Records".

Because unlike Ban Gu, who praised the government a lot when he wrote the "Book of Han", Tai Shigong adhered to the principle of seeking truth from facts, objectivity and fairness, and was merciless in his writing.

For example, when writing about Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, as a courtier of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, he did not hide the mistakes of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty at all.

He even directly exposed the popular Zen worship at that time. He vividly wrote about the absurd behavior of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty who believed in gods and tried every means to pray for the elixir of immortality.

Sima Qian's behavior angered Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty and the court.

Therefore, when the "Historical Records" written by Sima Qian was completed, Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty was furious after reading it, and restricted the scope of reading by courtiers, limiting it to only a few people in the upper echelons of the court.

At the same time, a large number of deletions and narrative additions were made to Sima Qian's self-destructive description in "Historical Records".

Note that this part is not a folk conjecture, but a historical fact that has also been recorded - it is recorded in the "Book of the Later Han Dynasty. Yang Zhongzhuan": "Yi Zhong knew the Spring and Autumn Annals deeply and learned many strange things. After requesting him, he finally submitted a petition to sue himself. Later, he was ordered to delete the "Tai Shi Gong Shu" to more than 100,000 words.

In addition, when Wei Hong wrote annotations for the book "Hanshu Jiuyi", he once said: "Sima Qian's "The Chronicles of Emperor Jing" was extremely short, and it was too short for Emperor Wu, who cut it off in anger."

Therefore, there are relatively large discrepancies between the "Historical Records" seen by later generations and the original version of Tai Shigong.

The only thing that can be confirmed by later generations is that Chu Shaosun continued to supplement the "Historical Records", so you will see a lot of content like [Mr. Chu said] in the "Historical Records".

Then Zhu Qizhen led Zhang Ying and Wang Tong to showcase No. 9, pointed to the books in it and said:

"But fortunately, Tai Shigong's grandson Yang Yun preserved some copies of "Historical Records"."

"These manuscripts have been included in the library of the Ming Dynasty since the founding of the People's Republic of China by Zhu Yuanzhang. When Yao Guangxiao compiled the "Yongle Dadian", he added them to the volume where the "Historical Records" is located, and directly noted them as the posthumous chapters of the "Historical Records"."

"Our supercomputer also used AI screening while recording the "Yongle Dadian". Although today's AI methods are not fully mature, it was still easy to classify the word [posthumous chapter] when it was recognized. come out."

"Later, through research by Professor Weng Tong of Jinling University and several other historians, we finally confirmed that this part of the content is the final chapter of "Historical Records"."

Zhang Ying nodded in understanding. Then the girl thought of something again and asked Zhu Qizhen:

"Mr. Zhu, what is the historical truth you said?"

Zhu Qizhen thought for a few seconds and asked aloud:

"Both of you, when you were in high school, you should have studied "Afang Palace Fu", right?"

""A Fang Gong Fu"?"

Zhang Ying was stunned for a moment, and then a certain memory in her brain was instantly activated:

"After the completion of the six kings, the four seas are one. The Shu Mountain is Wu, and Afang comes out. It covers more than three hundred miles and isolates the sky. The Li Mountain is built in the north and turns west, heading straight to Xianyang."

have to say.

The writing style of "A Fang Gong Fu" is indeed outstanding. Even though it has been nearly ten years since she graduated from high school, Zhang Ying can still recite a very long paragraph.

After Zhu Qijing listened to Zhang Ying's introduction calmly, he put his hands behind his back in a very graceful manner:

""A Fang Gong Fu" can be excerpted into "Gu Wen Guan Zhi", and its diction and writing style need not be said much."

"However, the original intention of this article is to exhort, so it is actually divorced from the fact that..."

Talk about this.

Zhu Qizhen looked up at Zhang Ying and Wang Tong, and said slowly:

"The historical Epang Palace, strictly speaking, does not exist - it only built half of the foundation of the front hall."

Zhang Ying suddenly had a question mark on her face:



Afang Palace does not exist?

So what did Xiang Yu burn back then?

What did you recite in high school?

Looking at Zhang Ying who had an unacceptable look on her face, Zhu Qizhen also sighed softly:

"Is it hard to accept? But this is real history."

"In fact, if you Baidu the keyword Afang Palace, you can also see a sentence at the beginning of the third point [Architectural Layout] of the Baidu Encyclopedia introduction to Afang Palace, [Archaeological excavations show that only the front hall of Afang Palace was built. "Foundation" (Note: This is true, students who don't believe it can search it first)

"So the historians have long determined that Epang Palace is incomplete, but there is some controversy over the specific extent."

"Some experts believe that only the foundation of the front hall was built in Epang Palace, while some experts believe that the buildings in the Fenghe area did not even have their foundations fully repaired. Now it seems that the latter is more correct."


Zhang Ying was silent for a long time after hearing this, then suddenly took out her mobile phone from her pocket and opened the search bar.

When Zhu Qizhen saw this, he did not stop her. After all, the girl did not turn on the flash to take pictures, and she had not yet triggered the bottom line of the visiting rules.

Zhang Ying quickly opened the relevant content on the encyclopedia, slid her fingers down a few times, and soon saw what Zhu Qizhen said:

[In July of the first year of Qin II (209 BC), the Chen Sheng and Wu Guang uprising broke out. At that time, the world was under heavy taxation, people were in dire straits, and the war was critical. Even if the Epang Palace project did not stop, it would be impossible to continue the construction step by step]

[In August of the third year of the Second Qin Dynasty (207 BC), Zhao Gao rebelled. After the Second Emperor died, the construction of the Afang Palace finally stopped completely. Although the Afang Palace was not completely completed, some of its ancillary buildings such as "A City" still remained. long time.]

[Archaeological excavations show that only the foundation of the front hall of Epang Palace was built. In 1992, UNESCO investigated and recognized Epang Palace as the largest palace foundation in the world]

"Base address"

Looking at these words on the phone screen, a trace of confusion appeared in Zhang Ying's eyes.

If the deeds of the ancient Dian Kingdom only filled some gaps in history, then the Afang Palace incident had some impact on Zhang Ying's cognition.

If Xu Yun could appear here at this time, he would probably sigh.


In recent years, there have been many voices in the education sector proposing to remove "Afang Gong Fu" from textbooks - of course, this voice is different from those who opposed the removal of "Who is the Loveliest Person"? The main proposers are It's some historians, and their reasons are indeed sound to a certain extent.

They believe that "Afang Palace Fu" will give many high school students the illusion that Afang Palace is a complete building that has appeared in history. This is a type of erroneous science from a historical perspective. Many people will have a problem after knowing the truth. A kind of confusion similar to Zhang Ying's.

But on the other hand.

The Ministry of Education is also very entangled with this proposal - you are all right, but the status of "Afanggong Fu" in literary history cannot be ignored, and its literary influence is greater than its historical authenticity.

I would like to ask, among the many long novels in textbooks, how many of them can be as memorizing as "A Fang Gong Fu" and a few sentences even after leaving school for more than ten or even decades?

There are probably only a few other articles that can be compared with it, such as "The Preface to the Master" and "The Preface to Prince Teng's Pavilion".

more importantly.

"A Fang Gong Fu" is an exhortation that borrows from the past to satirize the present. If it is removed from the book in today's context, it will easily appear on the Internet that the official wants to block the way of speech.

Therefore, considering all aspects, the article "A Fang Gong Fu" has remained in the textbooks amid controversy.

But from a purely historical perspective, "Afang Palace Fu" is indeed a bit distorted - the passages about the prosperity of Afang Palace described in the article are all Du Mu's YY. In history, Afang Palace only had a foundation and a few sides. Just a wall

By the way.

In fact, what Xiang Yu burned was not Afang Palace. According to research in 2002, the soil of the Qin Palace, the ruins of Xianyang Palace, was burned on a large scale, so the King of Chu should have burned Xianyang Palace.

It was the fifth emperor of the Song Dynasty, Song Yingzong Zhao Shu, who really bulldozed the Epang Palace to the ground. He turned the Epang Palace ruins into farmland.

So that's to be expected.

When this news is published on the Internet by Guobo, it will inevitably trigger a discussion among netizens.

However, no matter how lively the Internet is, it has nothing to do with Zhu Qizhen, a digital person. At this moment, this data person brought Zhang Ying and Wang Tong to another showcase.

"Everyone knows it."

After arriving at the showcase, Zhu Qizhen coughed lightly and said slowly:

"Compared to some young people who are only two or three hundred years old, our old neighbor Neon can barely be regarded as a civilization with some history."

"But in the history of neon civilization, there is a period of time that is very blank. This gap is called the mystery of the fourth century."

"But after today, this mystery can be solved - we found fourth-century records about the lack of neon in the 114th volume of the "Yongle Dadian" on page 514."

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