Into Unscientific

Chapter 821 Neon: Found my dad (Part 2)


This is a very neon-style English word, and its main meaning is.

Yamato people.

In other words.

The regime that can use this word is definitely not a small and remote country - at least within the scope of Neon.


After realizing this, Zhang Ying immediately asked again:

"Mr. Zhu, could it be said that Queen Himihu is Emperor Ongami himself?"

"Emperor Yingshen? That's not the case."

Zhu Qizhen shook his head slightly and explained:

"Although there are not many records that I can find about Emperor Yingshen, he is 100% male, while Himihu is a woman - Neon does not have any allusion to Mulan. Of course, future generations will help her or something else."

"However, although Himiko is not Emperor Ongami, her relationship with Emperor Ongami is very close."

Speaking of which.

Zhu Qizhen paused deliberately before speaking:

"She is the mother of Emperor Yingshen, the Empress Shen Gong."

Zhang Ying was immediately stunned:

"Queen of Divine Skills?"

Zhu Qizhen nodded, with a hint of emotion on his face:

"That's right, Queen Shengong."

"It was said that Himihu was unmarried in his old age, engaged in ghosts and gods, and was able to confuse people with sorcery, so he was jointly supported by the Japanese as king."

"But in fact Himiko was not a virgin, but her husband Emperor Nakaai died very early, so she was single for a long time."

"As for engaging in ghost ways, it was a wrong impression caused by early Chinese historians' lack of understanding of Neon Shinto culture. Himihu served more as a religious leader."

"This point is clearly recorded in the "Yongle Dadian" in my hand, [ Emperor Huai asked the envoys Xiaochuan: "Who is in charge of the Japanese country now?" The envoy respectfully replied: " It is Laisha Biezun, Beimihu's orphan. , now he inherits his mother's position and rules his country.']"

"The Emperor Huai in this passage is Emperor Huai of the Jin Dynasty, Sima Chi. Xiaochuan is the name of the envoy. The person's surname is Sun. As for Laisa Biezun, he is Emperor Yingshen. The conversation took place in 292 AD."


Like Wu Zetian of China, this is the most famous female monarch in the history of Neon.

According to the "Book of the Later Han", during the period of Emperor Huan and Emperor Ling of the Han Dynasty in China, which was the middle of the second century AD, the Japanese country was in chaos.

The Japanese kings were all male, but at that time it seemed that no one in the more than 20 small countries in Japan was convinced by anyone, and there was no one as capable as the later generations of Oda Nobunaga and Toyotomi Hideyoshi who impressed everyone.

Therefore, after more than ten years of mutual conquest, these small countries have just reached a consensus and established a queen. This person is the famous Queen of Yamatai Kingdom, Himiko.

It is the first recorded royal power to appear in the Neon Islands. It is said that no one has seen the true appearance of Queen Himihu. She never married in her life, and she was assisted in managing national affairs by her younger brother.

Later generations of neon historians made more than ten guesses about the origin of Himihu, and there are also different opinions among historians.

However, this question that has troubled Neon for nearly a thousand years was finally answered in "Yongle Dadian".

Himiko is the Queen of Divine Powers.

At the same time, from a historical perspective, this conclusion is also supported by a lot of evidence.

For example, it is said that Himiko did not marry when he was older. This was actually because Empress Jinko's husband, Emperor Nakaai, passed away in 200 AD.

After Emperor Zhongai's hiccup, Empress Shengong ruled for 70 years and never remarried.

Also, during the reign of Queen Shen Gong, there were indeed frequent wars in Neon's country, such as Xiong Xiren. The so-called Dog Slave Kingdom attacked Yamato Kingdom many times.

However, the actual records about Himihu in the original historical materials are somewhat sparse. At the same time, many records contain the personal understanding of the recorder, and this understanding, especially when it involves two different civilizations, often deviates greatly from reality. .

In the words of later generations, it is easy to imagine or even change.


Then Zhang Ying looked around a few times and said to Zhu Qizhen:

"Mr. Zhu, apart from Himiko being the Queen of Shengong, are there other things recorded in this volume of "Yongle Dadian"?"


Upon hearing this, Zhu Qizhen's voice rose slightly, and he asked with interest:

"How did you tell?"

Zhang Ying pointed to the display cabinet in front of her, gestured to the aisles around her, and explained:

"When I visited the exhibition just now, I noticed that you were very careful in the design of the showcases - to be precise, it was very ceremonial."

"For example, the number one display case in the first row contains the first volume of the Yongle Code, and the number one display case in the second row contains the beginning of the historical materials."

"This showcase is located at the first place in the third row, so logically there should be some big events or exciting content."

"With all due respect, Queen Himiko is just the Queen of Shen Gong. She is a bit unworthy of her position."


Zhu Qizhen was silent for a few seconds and gave the girl a thumbs up:

"Miss Zhang, you are very smart - yes, the record that Himiko is the Queen of Divine Power is just an appetizer."

"The truly amazing news is yet to come."

Say it.

Zhu Qizhen turned over a few more pages of the virtual "Yongle Dadian" in his hand and said:

"I wonder how much you two know about the myth of neon?"

"The myth of neon?"

Zhang Ying blinked and said:

"Is it a story like Amaterasu Takamagahara?"

Zhu Qizhen nodded slightly:

"That's right."

Mentioned earlier.

Although Zhang Ying is not a fan of Hari, she is quite familiar with Japanese comics in her daily life. She goes to various comic exhibitions whenever she has something to do, so she has heard of the myth of Neon:

"I remember that the earliest god in neon mythology was called the Lord God of Heaven. It was this guy who created the entire universe, a bit similar to our Pangu."

"Then Izanagi and Izanami appeared and created Neon. Izanagi gave birth to Amaterasu and asked her to manage Takamagahara, so Amaterasu became the highest god in Neon Shinto."

"There are other things I think I've heard of, but I can't remember them clearly."

Looking at Zhang Ying who was a little annoyed, Zhu Qizhen smiled gently:

"It's good to remember these. After all, they are fairy tales of foreigners."

"The main god of Tianzhong that you are talking about is the creator god of Neon, also called the main god of Tianzhong or other Tianjin gods."

"There are five such gods in total. In addition to the main god of the sky, there are also the god of the high god of the sun, the god of the god of the sun, the god of Umasashi Ashi Kobigu, and the god of the standing god of the sky."

"However, these five gods did not have human forms. After them, 11 more gods were born. Two of them are called Izanagi and Izanami, a pair of brothers and sisters."

"Later, the Lord of Heaven asked them to create neon. The brother and sister first got married and then turned against each other. It was under such circumstances that Amaterasu was born." (Note: This part was introduced in Chapter 290, so I won’t repeat it here. , if you want to know the whole story, you can go to 290 to read)

As Zhu Qizhen said.

There are eight generations of gods in the Neon people's mythology. Currently, the one Neon believes in is not the first-generation god Amaterasu, but the third-generation god Amaterasu.

This way of belief is explained by Chinese mythology, which is equivalent to not believing in Pangu but believing in Erlang Shen. From a purely religious perspective, there is nothing wrong with it.

Even in Western Christianity, there is a similar situation. Many believers respect God, but they believe in the angels or other apostles in front of them.

".Anyway, that's the situation."

Zhu Qizhen briefly introduced the neon mythology to Zhang Ying and Wang Tong, and then said meaningfully:

"However, a very interesting point is that we found a record in the excerpt of "Yongle Dadian", which is the manuscript document written by Guo Ban."

"The content of this record is as follows - [Emperor Huai and the envoy recounted the past and inquired about Beimihu's legacy. The envoy said: 'In the past, when Beimihu was old, the Japanese country suddenly had an eclipse at sun and dusk, and the moon passed to cover it up. They thought it was a divine punishment. Because of his excessive use of power, he hid in a corner of the rock and wanted to escape from the troubles of the world. He came to Shabiezun and prayed to Jingyue together with the priests, so that he could relieve his heavy worries and continue to govern the government."

"The meaning of this passage is described in vernacular. When Emperor Huai was chatting with the Neon Messenger, he learned that there was a total solar eclipse in the Japanese country when he was old. Hemihu thought that this was a warning from God to her long-term arbitrary rule, so she was frightened. He immediately hid in the cave, and Emperor Laisabezun, Emperor Yingshen, and all the civil and military officials begged outside the cave for almost a month before Himihu put down his worries and left the cave. "

"How's it going? Did you guess what?"

Zhang Ying's eyes widened when Zhu Qizhen finished reading ancient prose. The ventilation effect in the headset was obviously very good, but the girl felt a little burning behind her ears:

"Mr. Zhu, isn't this what happened to Amaterasu?"

Zhang Ying remembers it very clearly.

Just now, Zhu Qizhen specifically mentioned the solar eclipse when introducing the story of Amaterasu, but the order in the neon myth is different from the documentary records - Amaterasu in the neon myth is the sun god, and it is It was because of her retreat that the solar eclipse occurred.

However, such myths and legends have never been reliable. The Sun Wukong in Chinese mythology is close to one-fifth of the speed of light.


Zhang Ying thought of a person in Chinese history again, his name was Li Er.

Li Er was originally from Qurenli, Li Township, Chen Guoku County, and was the famous Lao Tzu, the compiler of the Tao Te Ching.

After thousands of years of dissemination, Li Er became the miraculous Supreme Lord.


Think of this.

Zhang Ying couldn't help but swallowed hard, looked at Zhu Qizhen and said:

"Mr. Zhu, is this what you mean?"

"The supreme god that the Neon people worship now is actually just a Japanese king who was enfeoffed by one of the most powerful dynasties in China?"

Zhu Qizhen laughed twice, with a rare sense of wretchedness in his whole person:

"Yes, this point is recorded more clearly in another volume of documents recorded by Guo Ban."

"That volume of documents is located in volume 2333 of the Yongle Dadian. The content is [The emperor Huai saw the humble posture of the envoy, and his holy heart was very pleased, so he gave the late Beimihu the honorary name of "Amaterasu". The place of the name, one This shows his orthodox respect, and both of them show that the Japanese island is blessed by the light of the emperor."

"At the same time, one of the reasons why the envoy Sun Xiaochuan came to see Sima Chi was because the Japanese country's food harvest was poor at that time, and the emperor was not as sacred as later generations. Therefore, the emperor's throne was unstable, so he sent an envoy to ask for help. "

"Oh my god."

Seeing Zhu Qizhen talking eloquently, Zhang Ying and Wang Tong were both shocked.

Is Himiko not only the Queen of Divine Powers, but also the prototype of Amaterasu?

If this news spreads, wouldn't those neon people explode in minutes?


Although Himiko did not do anything erotic like devoting herself to the King of Wei, the record that she once surrendered to the Wei Dynasty can easily make those Japanese people with inexplicable self-esteem blush.

Of course.

Considering that "Romance of the Three Kingdoms" has a large number of fanatical fans in Japan, who knows if some Japanese people will be a little excited at that time?

After all, this nation's brain circuits are really weird sometimes.

"Oh, by the way, there is one more thing."

Just as Wang Tong and Zhang Ying were staring at each other, Zhu Qizhen suddenly patted his head like an old father:

"In addition to Himiko being the prototype of Amaterasu, we also found a record of another event in the "Yongle Encyclopedia" - didn't I say before that we found records from two historians in total."

"Among them, the record about Himiko comes from Guo Ban of the Western Jin Dynasty, and the record of Xi Zaochi of the Eastern Jin Dynasty is another thing."

Speaking of this.

Zhu Qizhen deliberately lengthened the syllables:

"That is the sixteenth emperor of Japan, a Chinese."


This part of the Yongle Encyclopedia is my personal creation. Most of the content can be verified by certain data, but there are also reasons that can be refuted, so everyone can just watch it for fun, but I can guarantee that these plots can withstand a certain degree of logical reasoning, not the kind of mindless YY [Newton is Chongzhen's posthumous son].

In a sense, this is the same as where the Yongle Encyclopedia is hidden. Some people say it was burned, and some people say it is in Yongling. I adopt the latter statement, and then create based on some existing evidence.

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