Into Unscientific

Chapter 822 Neon: Found my dad (Part 2)

"The 16th emperor of Neon is a Chinese."

I don’t know if it’s an illusion.

The moment I heard Zhu Qizhen's words.

Zhang Ying suddenly felt a slight shock in front of her eyes, and the whole world seemed to have stopped for a few seconds.

This strange feeling made her feel a little dazed. Zhang Ying subconsciously widened her eyes with disbelief on her face.

After a long while, Zhang Ying came back to her senses and saw her eyes staring at Zhu Qizhen, as if looking for some kind of confirmation:

"Mr. Zhu, what are you talking about? The 16th emperor of Neon is a Chinese?"

Zhu Qizhen was not surprised by Zhang Ying's performance. Although he was just a digital integration, the server used for linkage was the Tianhe-3 server:

"Miss Zhu, I was right, and you heard it right. There was indeed an emperor in Neon history who was Chinese."

"Although this news sounds like the title of a marketing account, it is really the record we found in the "Yongle Dadian"."

"In fact, a similar view existed in the historians long before the Yongle Dadian was unearthed."

"After all, Neon's 16th emperor, Emperor Nintoku, did behave a bit abnormally in some existing historical materials."

"Emperor Nintoku."

After hearing this, Zhang Ying picked up her phone again, deleted the previous search for Afang Palace, and entered the keyword "Emperor Nintoku".

"Emperor Nintoku, the 16th emperor of Neon. Some scholars believe that he is the Japanese king Zan (or Mi) recorded in "Songshu: The Story of Japan". During his reign, he attached great importance to agriculture and once dredged the Hori River in Namba. "

Zhang Ying quickly scanned the introduction about Emperor Nintoku, then raised her head and looked at Zhu Qizhen with some confusion:

"Mr. Zhu, there seems to be nothing unusual about Emperor Nintoku's introduction."

Zhu Qizhen smiled softly, shook his head and said:

"Ms. Zhang, you are too impatient. I haven't finished speaking yet."

"The so-called anomaly of Emperor Nintoku is a little more complicated than the information you have seen. First of all, it lies in the situation when he ascended the throne."

"On this point, you can first look at the relevant records after Emperor Yingshen's death, which is the last paragraph of [Achievements] in Emperor Yingshen's encyclopedia."


Zhang Ying reopened an interface according to Zhu Qizhen's instructions, and quickly found what the Tumubao God of War was referring to:

"After the death of Emperor Ogami, there was a succession crisis due to the large number of princes. As a result, the throne was vacant for three years and there was no one to govern the country."

See here.

Zhang Ying and Wang Tong both let out a sigh.

There are many heirs but no one has succeeded to the throne or governed the country in three years?

This is indeed a bit strange

Theoretically speaking, it is possible for any of the three words "many heirs", "no one to inherit the throne for three years" and "no one to govern the country" to coexist. Let alone neon, there have been many similar ones in Chinese history. example of.

But if all three exist at the same time, it's a bit subtle.

If there are many princes and the throne is unresolved, then there are two normal developments.

One is to engage in the Xuanwumen mutiny like Li Shimin did, and the other is that one prince quickly takes control of the center of power, while others seize one territory and fight a civil war.

The former will never be delayed as long as three years, while the latter may last three years or even thirty years, but the records will never be as mild as "A country without people governing it" - for example, the documents from the Neon Warring States period, The civil war was clearly mentioned.

Moreover, the prince who occupied the center of power during this period may not be able to rule the country, but at least he will not be described as an unruly country.

What does this sentence on the encyclopedia say?

It's like after the death of Emperor Ongami, a group of princes sat by the stove, warming themselves and chatting - [I am the eldest brother, I should inherit the throne] [No, no, you are not as big as me, I should be the one who takes the throne. right】.

After three years of civil war, a king of words finally stood out and took over the already chaotic Japanese stalls.

This style of painting is indeed a bit weird.

Looking at Wang Tong and Zhang Ying, whose faces gradually showed signs of thinking, Zhu Qizhen said:

"So, is there something vaguely logically wrong with this passage? - At least it's a little bit logically awkward, right?"

Zhang Ying nodded slightly.

Upon seeing this, Zhu Qizhen said again:

"Very good, then based on this, let's make an assumption - note, it's just an assumption."

"What if the reason why there has been no civil war in Neon in the past three years and no one has succeeded to the throne to govern the country is actually because they are waiting for someone?"

Zhang Ying was suddenly startled.

Waiting for someone?

Zhang Ying subconsciously wanted to ask who she was waiting for, but before she could say anything, she suddenly realized something.

Could it be that Zhu Qizhen meant

Are the Neon people waiting for the new emperor to come from heaven?

Seeing Zhang Ying and Wang Tong's expressions of astonishment, Zhu Qizhen gently slapped his left and right palms together:

"That's right, waiting for someone."

"If those neon princes knew that they could not inherit the throne, so they simply behaved all day long, ignored court affairs and did not criticize each other, the entire Japanese island would have passed like this for three years."

"Three years later, a new king from China arrived, and the country of Japan became his fiefdom."

"Thousands of years later, the new king became the so-called Emperor Nintoku. What do you think of this explanation?"


Zhang Ying and Wang Tong stared at each other for a while, and finally Zhang Ying said in a deep voice:

"Is this recorded in the "Yongle Dadian"?"

Zhu Qizhen nodded, but quickly shook his head:

"Yes, and no - didn't I just say that before the appearance of "Yongle Daidian", Emperor Nintoku had some abnormal records."

"What I am discussing with the two of you now is mainly a kind of speculation in thinking, rather than pure documentary data."

"At least logically, doesn't what I said seem more reasonable?"

Zhang Ying was silent.

Then Zhu Qizhen paused and continued:

"Next let's talk about the second anomaly of Emperor Nintoku, which is the way he governs the country after he takes office - this can be seen in Emperor Nintoku's encyclopedia."

"According to historical records, Emperor Nintoku attached great importance to agriculture during his reign. He dredged the Hori River in Namba, built Ibara embankments, opened Wor Pond, cultivated land, and made the sea rich."

"But what is very strange is that before Emperor Nitoku, whether it was Emperor Ogami or Queen Jingu, the Japanese islands they governed were not only difficult for the people to live in, but at least there were constant natural and man-made disasters, and both knowledge and craftsmanship were extremely primitive."

"However, just after Emperor Oishin burped, Emperor Nintoku suddenly acted like a time traveler, controlling floods and developing agriculture, and implemented systematic procedures that seemed very mature at the time. "

"So according to our logical reasoning, compared to the possibility that Emperor Nintoku suddenly became enlightened, wouldn't the explanation of a monarch from China with a complete water management and farming system be more reasonable?"

As everyone knows.

Although Neon does not belong to the same longitude and latitude as China's Fujian and Guangdong provinces, they have had one thing in common for a long time:

They are all unlucky people who like to patronize free prostitutes.

Therefore, flooding in Neon has been a big problem since ancient times.

For example, when Queen Himihu sent an envoy to visit Cao Wei, in addition to mentioning the frequent wars in Japan, she also talked about the floods in Nihong many times.

There is even a view with many supporters in later historians that Queen Himihu first sent an envoy to China in response to the call of King Yan Gongsun Yuan, and one of the promises made by Gongsun Yuan was to assist Himihu in controlling the Neon Flood. .

However, when the envoy Nan Shengmi and others arrived at Daifang, Gongsun Yuan had already bulldozed the base by Sima Yi, so Nan Shengmi and others temporarily changed to pay homage to Emperor Ming.

During the remaining years of Himihu and the reign of Emperor Ongami, they spent a lot of time and energy trapped by floods. How primitive were Neon's methods of controlling floods at that time? ——They are still using stones and wood to block rivers without thinking.

At the end of Emperor Yingshen's life, the emperor even used the prisoners of the Gonu Kingdom as human sandbags to block the Shirakawa River, which was flooded due to typhoons.

in this case.

A few years after the death of Emperor Ojin, his successor Emperor Nintoku suddenly changed the version. Emperor Nintoku first dredged the Hori River and redirected the river, and then built dams and embankments, which suddenly suppressed the neon boom. flood.

The most famous reservoir in neon ancient times is called Heerchi, and the largest dam is called Hengye Dyke. Although they are far inferior to Dujiangyan in China, they can be regarded as water conservancy projects with a certain degree of difficulty.

Both of these water conservancy projects were completed by Emperor Nintoku during the same period. Well, this guy also directly started dual-line operations.

This was a very against-the-rules approach, so many neon people in later generations also regarded Emperor Nitoku as the neon version of Wang Mang, thinking that he was a time traveler.

However, more historians believe that Emperor Nintoku may have come from China. Before the publication of "Yoraku Daiden", the most supporting evidence for this view also came from Emperor Yingshen-Emperor Nintoku was called the Great Wren Emperor. In "Kojiki" He is mentioned as the fourth son of Emperor Ongami.

However, according to the archaeological results of the Kamakura Shogunate Hachimangu Shrine ruins in 2002, the fourth son of Emperor Ongami should have died early in history, because archaeologists found a tablet suspected to be the fourth son of Emperor Ongami in the shrine. .

To know.

The "temple" in the neon temple is dedicated to the Buddha in Buddhism; the "jingu" is dedicated to the emperors of various generations; the "shrine" is used to worship ancestors, and if the word "Yasukuni" is added, it is a toilet.

If the fourth son of Emperor Ongami really ascends to the throne of emperor, then he should be in the shrine, not the shrine.

For example, the more famous 26th-generation emperor, the successor emperor, had no children left behind by his predecessor, Emperor Muretsu, so he was elected as emperor from a side committee. After his death, his real name was removed from the shrine and entered into the shrine.

"In addition, Emperor Nintoku has another unusual place, and that is his mausoleum."

I saw Zhu Qizhen's left hand dancing in the air a few times, and a data projection quickly appeared in front of Zhang Ying and Wang Tong:

"Emperor Nintoku's Mausoleum is the largest imperial mausoleum in the history of Neon, and even ranks first among the imperial mausoleums in the world - after all, the outer wall of Qin Shi Huang's mausoleum has been destroyed."

"This ancient tomb complex covers an area of ​​464,000 square meters. If 2,000 people were mobilized to build it at that time, it would have taken fifteen years to complete."

"Emperor Nintoku's Mausoleum is also a very unconventional building, because the imperial mausoleum of the previous emperor, Emperor Ojin, was only the size of a tomb."

"Many scholars even insist that this mausoleum is not the mausoleum of Emperor Nintoku at all. After all, Neon's palace hall has never been very reliable."

As everyone knows.

There is a period in Japanese history called the Kofun era. This term sounds a bit similar to the era of the fall of the emperor in fantasy novels, but in fact the two are very different - this period is called the Kofun because the rulers at that time were crazy about building tombs.

Therefore, the big tomb is a very common "building" in Japan, and some wild imperial tombs are used by local farmers for their lives.

For example, the guardian daimyo Hatakeyama Motokuni in the Muromachi period even built a high-rise castle on the tomb of Emperor Ankan, and Oda Nobunaga also attacked this castle and danced on the tomb.

However, due to the lack of sufficient historical materials, the identity of most Japanese imperial tombs is difficult to confirm.

The rulers of the Edo and Meiji periods mainly conducted exploration by sending people to ask local residents, while in modern times, the Imperial Household Agency of Japan designates them.

However, due to historical limitations, there are many disputes about the authenticity of the emperor's tombs designated by the Imperial Household Agency in archaeology.

Among the emperor mausoleums designated by the Imperial Household Agency, especially those before Emperor Tenji (7th century AD), almost all of them are considered by the archaeological community to have unknown owners.

With the development of archaeology, many emperor mausoleums designated by the Imperial Household Agency have been found by the academic community to have other emperor mausoleums with greater credibility, such as the Mausoleum of Emperor Yūryaku, the Mausoleum of Emperor Kinmei, the Mausoleum of Emperor Keitai, the Mausoleum of Emperor Saimei, the Mausoleum of Emperor Mommu, etc.

In 1872, some gold and silver wares and pottery figurines were unearthed from the Mausoleum of Emperor Nintoku. After analysis, it was roughly judged that they came from China in the 4th century AD, so the Mausoleum of Emperor Nintoku was assigned to Emperor Nintoku under this circumstance.

In a sense, this is somewhat similar to the debate over whether the "Yongle Encyclopedia" is in the Yongling Mausoleum. If you don't completely open the Mausoleum of Emperor Nintoku, you will never be able to determine whether it is Emperor Nintoku, Emperor Jimmu or Emperor Takafumi who is buried inside.


After listening to the abnormal points mentioned by Zhu Qizhen, Zhang Ying's mood gradually calmed down.

To be fair.

Emperor Nintoku is indeed a little bit wrong.

Then the girl rolled her eyes and asked Zhu Qizhen:

"Mr. Zhu, who is the true identity of Emperor Nintoku?"

"Well, the true identity."

Zhu Qizhen touched his chin:

"Have you heard of Princess Linhai?"

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