Into Unscientific

Chapter 824: Things about Traditional Chinese Medicine

"Of course."

Looking at Wang Tong and Zhang Ying who were deep in thought, Zhu Qizhen gently shook his head:

"In addition to the attitude of Emperor Yingshen or Wajima, the Eastern Jin Dynasty also has a lot of internal games on this matter."

"For example, among the candidates sent to the Japanese country, a volume of unofficial history excerpted from "Yongle Dadian" records that the first person selected by Emperor Jin Yuan was actually Wang Dun."

"But of course someone with Wang Dun's IQ would not be fooled by this, so after pushing and pushing, the target was Princess Hongnong who had been clamoring to go to the Northern Expedition of Han and Zhao."

"So Princess Hongnong and Fu Xuan were not so much granted titles as they were exiled after a political game."

Speaking of which.

Zhu Qizhen couldn't help but sigh again.

The Jin dynasty is called the Magic Jin Book Directory for a reason. It was the most magical period in history, and the courts of the Eastern and Western Jin Dynasties were naturally a bunch of sleeping dragons and phoenixes.

For example, Emperor Jin Yuan Sima Rui was probably one of the most cowardly founding emperors in China in thousands of years.

He came to power with the support of the Langye Wang family, but he was also under pressure and even emptied of power because of the dominance of the Langye Wang family.

However, Sima Rui also tried to resist in history. For example, he reused Liu Wei, Diao Xie, Dai Yuan and others to weaken Wang Dun.

The enfeoffment of Japan recorded in "Yongle Dadian" was also a similar attempt.

According to the information collected by Weng Tong and others, Sima Rui's first choice after learning about Emperor Shen's request was Wang Dun, the then pastor of Jingzhou, who was his opponent.

For this reason, Sima Rui even privately asked Neon's envoy to modify the text of the disc, describing the Japanese country as a pure land of paradise with many beauties despite its underdeveloped society - Wang Dun was an LSP, even in history, he was very sexy. .

However, Wang Dun saw through Sima Rui's trick at a glance, so Sima Rui had no choice but to change from the boss to the mobs, the couple Princess Hongnong and Fu Xuan.

The impression is that Princess Hongnong and Fu Xuan have been clamoring for the Northern Expedition since their return. When Emperor Huai was alive, the reason was to rescue Emperor Huai. After Emperor Huai was poisoned, they turned into wanting to avenge the national humiliation. In modern terms, they are three There was pressure on Sima Rui from both sides of the sky.

And unlike those angry youths, whether it is Princess Hongnong or Fu Xuan, their identities are very appealing, or in other words, very orthodox.

However, Sima Rui couldn't directly refuse this request, and Princess Hongnong became a thorn in Sima Rui's eyes.

So under the design of Sima Rui and Wang Dun, Princess Hongnong and Fu Xuan got into the game.

"In the information recorded by Xi Chuangzhi, Sima Rui drew a big picture for the couple."

Zhu Qizhen slowly put down the "Yongle Dadian" in his hand and said:

"He said that the Japanese islanders were uncivilized and short in stature, but their behavior on the battlefield was ferocious and brutal."

"So he hoped that Princess Hongnong and his wife could go to Japan to domesticate these islanders, while Emperor Jin Yuan would build up national strength in China. In a few years, both sides could join forces to send troops to defeat Han and Zhao in a pincer attack."

"Of course, Princess Hongnong may not completely believe this statement."

"But Emperor Jin Yuan's previous evasive behavior regarding the Northern Expedition made Princess Hongnong see his attitude clearly, so whether she believed it or not, going to Japan was her only choice."

"At least in this matter, Princess Hongnong is more like a man than Emperor Jin Yuan - traveling to the Japanese country was not an easy task at that time, let alone the various obstacles after arriving in the Japanese country."

Wang Tong and Zhang Ying also sighed deeply when they heard this.

They thought of modern China, when faced with the Japanese invasion, how were the actions of some people different from Sima Rui?

No, even worse than Sima Rui.

After all, Sima Rui actually had a reason not to send troops to the Northern Expedition at that time. At that time, the Eastern Jin Dynasty had limited troops, the country was just established, and there was constant internal turmoil.

However, it would be difficult for the Huns, Han and Zhao to cross the Yangtze River without mobile military capabilities. At least during Sima Rui's reign, there would not be much risk of annihilation.

However, the situation in China back then was countless times more severe than this. The survival of the nation was only a matter of seconds, and it was a desperate situation where the nation and its species could truly be destroyed.

In the end, some people still chose the policy of appeasement, saying that in order to resist foreign aggression, we must first pacify the interior. This is countless times worse than Sima Rui's cerebral palsy.

It is a pity that even though Zhu Qizhen, a digital man, has strong computing power support, it is difficult for him to empathize with the two of them at this time. He is still making follow-up related introductions:

"After Princess Hongnong and his wife arrived in Japan, they worked hard to govern the country and made major changes at all levels. They quickly achieved good results and the prestige of the island reached its peak."

"But just when they were preparing to send troops, Wang Dun raised troops to invade Jiankang in the name of killing Liu Wei, attempted to seize the power of the Sima family, and put Sima Rui under house arrest. Sima Rui eventually died of illness in sorrow and anger."

"Although Sima Shao, who came to the throne, put down the Wangdun rebellion, he died early one year later in 325, at the age of only twenty-seven."

"The third term, Sima Yan, was even worse. He came to the throne at the age of four and died at the age of 22. The entire court was controlled by the Queen Mother Yu, Director Wang and Yu Liang, and it was impossible to send troops."

"At the same time, Han and Zhao were also destroyed during the whole process, so Princess Hongnong and his wife completely focused their energy on countering the rebellion on the Japanese island."

"The so-called Japanese king Zan in Chinese history is their descendant. At that time, nearly a hundred years had passed since Princess Hongnong and his wife entered Japan."

"From this perspective, Japanese islands can be called China's ancient times."

At the end of the sentence, Zhu Qizhen also had a smile on his face.

As a data aggregator, he knows very well the meaning of this word on the Chinese Internet since ancient times.

So that's to be expected.

With the release of this part of the "Yongle Ceremony", netizens, Rabbits, can welcome a new carnival. As for the small days, most of them will be broken.

"It's actually more than that."

After introducing the literature about the Neon Emperor, Zhu Qizhen continued to lead Zhang Ying and Wang Tong forward:

"In addition to Japanese documents, we also found many other precious historical resources in the Yongle Dadian."

"For example, we have clearly found records that the Fuyu people belonged to the Chinese civilization, which was more than two hundred years earlier than the first century BC that is currently thought."

"Another example is the history of Bangzi. It is certain that the current Bangzi is a descendant of Jizi Korea. On the contrary, there is not much blood left from the Wei family of Korea."

"But considering Bangzi's shamelessness, I don't really expect them to admit it."

Jizi Korea and Weishi Korea were both at a certain period in the history of Bangzi. Jizi Korea was established on the peninsula by Jizi, the uncle of King Zhou of Shang Dynasty, and Weishi Korea was established by Weiman, a native of Yan State.

In fact, in the last century, many Bangzi still recognized the facts of Jizi Korea and Weiman Korea. However, after the Neon invasion, a large number of Neon scholars believed that Jizi Korea was a Chinese colony at that time, which triggered Bangzi's various perspectives. Dissatisfied, the stickmen who broke the defense simply overthrew both of them.

Nowadays, with the increase of various types of archaeological evidence, the attitude of the sticks has also undergone some subtle changes - they deny the Jizi era and recognize the Wei era.

Because the Jizi era belongs to the founders of civilization in terms of time, the Wei family is biased toward invasion.

That is to say, before the Wei Dynasty was established, the Bangzi people already had a sufficiently standardized civilization. Therefore, even if the Wei Dynasty was established, it would at most be equivalent to China's Yuan Dynasty - there were other periods in China before the Yuan Dynasty. Who can say Is the Yuan Dynasty the ancestor of Chinese civilization?

So don’t just be arrogant, they are actually quite smart.

all in all.

Based on these prerequisites, even if Jizi North Korea's real hammer is found in "Yongle Dadian", most of the sticks will not recognize it.

"Of course, the information about the sticks is not useless."

Looking at Zhang Ying and Wang Tong who looked a little regretful, Zhu Qizhen added:

"After all, in today's era of high-intensity global interconnection, international public opinion is also a very important link."

"In some historical materials, sticks may be used to pretend to be ostriches, but there are more individuals or groups in the world who have clearer judgment capabilities."

"To give the simplest example, many records and even originals of China's export of traditional Chinese medicine books to Bangzi were found in "Yongle Dadian". With this evidence, it is impossible for Bangzi to operate so-called Korean medicine on intellectual property. ”

Mentioned earlier.

The modern history of Bangzi is different from that of China. Although it has also encountered neon oppression, there has never been a devastating robbery like one crow or two crows.

Therefore, in Bangzi country, they always retain some original ancient books.

When the Bangzi applied for those intangible cultural heritages, they all provided the corresponding ancient books. This was the essential reason why they could successfully apply for the intangible cultural heritage.

When the rabbits express their dissatisfaction, the stick can be used to spread their hands - OK, if you say this thing is yours, then you can show the original or rubbing evidence.

The rabbits are speechless every time this happens. After all, we have already applied for the heritage title we originally applied for.

Therefore, in some fields, especially the field of traditional Chinese medicine, China's confidence in original preservation has actually been weaker.

But now with the release of "Yongle Dadian", the situation can be completely reversed.

Weng Tong and others discovered a large number of ancient Chinese medical documents in the "Yongle Dadian", which included many records about ancient Goryeo begging China for copies of various books.

Of course.

In addition, what is more important are those ancient books and materials.

For example, Weng Tong and others also found it in "Yongle Dadian".

The original version of "Seven Strategies"!

"Seven Strategies" is the first bibliographic work in Chinese history. It was written by Liu Xin, a great scholar of Confucian classics in the Western Han Dynasty, and his son Liu Xiang. The father and son were not doctors, and the "Seven Strategies" compiled by them is a miscellaneous book. The collection of ancient books can be understood as an encyclopedia of the Han Dynasty.

The encyclopedia "Qilue" is divided into seven categories, namely "Collection", "Six Arts", "Zhuzi", "Poetry", "Military", "Shu", and "Fang Ji Lue" and seven other volumes.

During the Qin and Han Dynasties, medical techniques were called "prescriptions", so "Fang Ji Lue" is a set of medical catalogs compiled by Liu Xin and Liu Xiang, father and son.

"Yi Wen Zhi" records that there are two main sets of catalogs of medical books, namely the Eleven Jingfang and the Seven Medical Classics.

These seven medical classics are "Bian Que's Internal Classic", "Bian Que's External Classic", "Bai's Internal Classic", "Bai's External Classic", "Pangpian" and "Huangdi's External Classic" and "Huangdi's Internal Classic".

That's right.

The "Huangdi Neijing", which is now the core of traditional Chinese medicine inheritance, is recorded in the "Seven Strategies", and it is only one of them.


In history, most of the "Seven Strategies" were burned due to the fire in Tianlu Pavilion, and only one set of "Huangdi Neijing" was left of the huge Chinese medicine books.

Although the rabbit archaeologists have successively unearthed the Han bamboo slips "All Things" in the Han Tomb of Ruyin Hou in Yangshuanggudui, and "Ten Questions", "Combining Yin and Yang", "Miscellaneous Forbidden Prescriptions" and "Talks on the World's Greatest Dao" in the Han Tomb of Mawangdui in Changsha, it is still difficult to fill the original huge gap.

However, now with the birth of "Yongle Encyclopedia".

Chinese traditional medicine, which originally wanted to break every word of "Huangdi Neijing" into two halves, has finally ushered in the spring of recovery.


The plot of "Yongle Encyclopedia" is about to end, and the next step is the final defense.

No students guessed the content of the paper correctly in the previous activity, so if you have ideas, you can hurry up and guess again. I emphasize again that the reward is the character customization of the protagonist group of the next book.

Unless the request is too outrageous, the character setting is completely based on the winner's idea, including name, gender, personality, etc. It is not a minor role that only appears a few times. If you insist on comparing it, it is probably similar to the role of Lin Ziming and Wang Qiang in the previous film. There is only one spot, first come first served.

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