Into Unscientific

Chapter 826: Traveling through a thousand years (Part 1)

"By the way, Mr. Zhu."

Just when Wang Tong was feeling a little emotional, Zhang Ying beside him suddenly thought of something:

"If I remember correctly, the exhibition hall of this exhibition seems to be more than just Hall 12 in the north, right?"

"Now that we have visited the Yongle Encyclopedia, what else can we visit next?"

After hearing his girlfriend say this, Wang Tong, whose mind had not yet flown far, reacted.


This exhibition hall is not just Hall 12 in the north, and the visiting time is as long as one and a half hours. Now that we have finished watching the Yongle Encyclopedia in Hall 12 in the north, what else can we see next?

It can't be a lecture or something like that, right?

To be honest, Wang Tong really has no interest in that scene.

Looking at the somewhat puzzled couple, Zhu Qizhen just smiled faintly:

"Don't worry, just follow me."

As he said, he made a gesture of invitation, went straight out of the exit of Hall 12 in the north, and stepped into the passage connecting Hall 13 in the north.

Seeing this, Wang Tong had to shrug at Zhang Ying, holding his girlfriend's hand and following.

The passage between North Hall 12 and North Hall 13 is not long, only about five or six meters from front to back. After all, the specifications of the exhibition hall are still limited by the overall framework of the National Museum, and it is impossible for all passages to be more than ten or twenty meters long.

In less than half a minute, Zhu Qizhen, Wang Tong and Zhang Ying arrived at the entrance of North Hall 13.

Like North Hall 12, there is also a piece of information about the exhibition hall hanging outside the entrance of North Hall 13.

Wang Tong noticed that the number 1,724 square meters was written on the area column, which was more than twice as large as North Hall 12.

1,700 square meters is almost close to three acres of land. If some people don’t have a specific concept of this metaphor, then everyone is familiar with high school teaching buildings, right?

Generally speaking, the total area of ​​a teaching building on one floor is about 500 square meters - usually including seven to eight classrooms, male and female toilets, corridors, offices, etc.

In other words.

The building area of ​​North Hall 13 is equivalent to the size of three-story high school teaching buildings side by side.

What would be inside such an open building?

Then Wang Tong glanced at Zhu Qizhen, and at the signal of the war god of Tumubao, he gently pushed open the door of North Hall 13.

The moment he pushed open the door, Wang Tong's eyes darkened.


"Chirp chirp"

A crisp bird song sounded in his ears, and there were faint sounds of women playing and fighting in the distance.

At the same time.

The head display that completed data modeling opened the baffle again, and with the entry of a soft light, Wang Tong's vision returned to normal again.

And the moment he saw the surrounding environment clearly, he was stunned:

"What is this place?"

Only at this moment.

What appeared in front of Wang Tong and Zhang Ying was not a display cabinet like the North Hall 12, nor a lecture site full of people, but

a garden!

The area of ​​the garden is not large, but it is extremely quiet and exquisite.

The sunlight shines through the layers of green bamboo leaves, and sprinkles on the bluestone paved path, forming a pattern of interlaced light and shadow.

On both sides of the path, various flowers bloomed, pink peach blossoms, white pear blossoms, and those unknown small flowers swayed gently in the breeze, exuding bursts of fragrance.

In the center of the garden is an artificial lake, the water is clear and transparent, and occasionally a few koi swim leisurely.

A small arch bridge spans the lake, and a few lotus leaves float on the water under the bridge. The lotus nods gently in the wind, as if greeting passers-by.

A soft singing voice came faintly from the pavilion on the left side of the lake. It was the musician singing a little song, the melody was gentle and fascinating.

On the right side of the lake is a rockery covered with moss and various small plants. The first bird call Wang Tong heard came from here.

And Wang Tong and Zhang Ying were in the aisle next to the garden.

This corridor is made entirely of wood, which looks simple and natural. The wooden railings on both sides are carved with exquisite patterns, and each pattern looks exquisite and unique.

Then Wang Tong thought of something and reached out to touch the nearest wooden handrail.

As expected, a unique touch of wood came with it.

It's obvious.

This is another scene that combines reality and virtual technology.

So Wang Tong looked at Zhu Qizhen again. This digital person is the only one who can answer his questions:

"Mr. Zhu, what is going on?"

After visiting the Yongle Encyclopedia before, Wang Tong has gradually become accustomed to MR technology.

Not to mention that he and Zhang Ying can see such a garden, even if they push the door and see Tiga playing League of Legends, it is easy.

Therefore, Wang Tong's focus is not on technical issues, but on the purpose of the National Museum doing this.

Judging from the touch of the wooden handrail and details such as the fragrance of flowers, the National Museum has obviously invested a lot of effort in this scene.

"Mr. Wang."

Faced with Wang Tong's doubts, Zhu Qizhen still looked elegant:

"Mr. Wang, didn't I say before when I visited the Yongle Encyclopedia that we found a lot of precious historical materials in the Yongle Encyclopedia."

"Some of these materials are political historical materials such as palace secrets or frontier stories, and some are medical books such as "Treatise on Febrile Diseases", but the largest category is still the humanistic records of various dynasties."

"These records include a series of contents such as festival customs, clothing, architectural styles, etc. at that time. However, no matter how detailed these contents are, they are just a bunch of words when they are exhibited with the Yongle Encyclopedia."

"Compared with relatively [boring] or [rigid] carriers such as words, the tourists' personal experience is obviously more profound."

"So after careful preparation, we have what you see now."


Looking at Zhu Qizhen who was talking eloquently, Wang Tong was shocked by the big hand, and at the same time, he understood what Zhu Qizhen meant:

"Mr. Zhu, may I ask what dynasty this garden was built in? Who is the owner of the garden?"

Zhu Qizhen raised a little arc Degree:

"You can guess the dynasty first."

Wang Tong subconsciously wanted to refute how to guess it, but the curiosity of seeing the prey still overwhelmed his straightforwardness, so he began to analyze with Zhang Ying:

". The patterns on the corridor guardrail are obviously not the same style as those in the north 12th hall. I remember that Lao Zhu just said that the carvings in the 12th hall were specially reproduced for the exhibition of the "Yongle Encyclopedia" in the Ming Dynasty."

"Then this is definitely not the Ming Dynasty? And it can't be after the Ming Dynasty."

"Wife, what dynasties were there before the Ming Dynasty? I only remember the Tang, Song, Yuan, Ming and Qing Dynasties"

"Hey, didn't your history teacher teach you that nursery rhyme, Tang Yao, Yu Shun, Xia, Shang and Zhou, Spring and Autumn, Warring States and Chaos Youyou, Qin and Han, Three Kingdoms, Two Jin Dynasties, Southern and Northern Dynasties were rivals, Sui and Tang, Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms, Song, Yuan, Ming and Qing Dynasties were emperors."


"Anyway, the Yuan Dynasty is definitely impossible, the Two Jin Dynasties and the Southern and Northern Dynasties are also unlikely, and there are too many countries in the Warring States Period and they are too niche, it is unlikely for non-professionals like us to guess, so basically it is either Qin and Han or Tang and Song Dynasties"

Wang Tong and Zhang Ying whispered for a while, and suddenly Wang Tong suddenly thought of something:

"By the way, the girl singing over there in the pavilion!"

Zhang Ying looked up at her boyfriend, grinded her little tiger teeth twice, and a little murderous look appeared in her eyes:

"Oh? Girl? What's wrong with the girl?"

Wang Tong seemed to be unaware of his own crisis, and clenched his four fingers into a fist with his thumb water He shook his head and made the same pose as Jerry's [anxious] emoticon package:

"Listen to the song the girl is singing - holding hands and looking at each other with tears in our eyes, we are speechless. Isn't this the work of someone? If I remember correctly, it seems to be Liu Yong's work?"

Zhang Ying was stunned for a moment, and blurted out subconsciously:

"Rainy Bells·Cold Chan Sad? Liu Yong's lyrics!"

Then she tilted her ears and listened for a while. Sure enough, perhaps it was the analysis effect of the MR headset, Zhang Ying also clearly heard the content of the female voice singing:

"Since ancient times, people have been sad about separation, and it is even more unbearable to be left alone in the autumn festival"

The Song Dynasty lyrics plus the carvings that are obviously different from those of the Ming Dynasty, the two details converged together, and the answer to this dynasty was obvious.

Thinking of this,

Zhang Ying turned around and looked at Zhu Qizhen:

"Mr. Zhu, is this the Song Dynasty?"


Zhu Qizhen gave her a thumbs up and said with a smile:

"Welcome to Bianjing, the Northern Song Dynasty in 1100 AD. As for this place"

"It is the residence of Su Song, the prime minister of the Northern Song Dynasty, which we reproduced one-to-one based on the data."


Some classmates asked why the latest update is one chapter every two days, because this is my limit-I have said before that I have to lie on the bed and type every day. This is not a joke, but a fact.

My original plan was to finish this book before the 10th of last month, which means that under normal circumstances, I should be able to recuperate leisurely now.

However, in order to be as perfect as possible, I gave up the idea of ​​finishing it in a hurry. Even Zhang Zhongjing's preface was mentioned as much as possible in the introduction, but at the same time, the lumbar spine surgery could not be postponed, which led to the current situation-I must continue to update this book during the recovery period after the operation, until a few days ago when I could go out for a walk.

I had three operations in half a year, although two were minimally invasive, but the burden on my body was already very large.

In this case, one chapter every two days is my limit. After all, this book is the result of three years of hard work. I would rather write it slowly than finish it in a hurry, so the update frequency will be a bit slow.

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