Into Unscientific

Chapter 827: Traveling through a thousand years (Part 2)

"1100 AD?"

"Northern Song Dynasty?"

Upon hearing Zhu Qizhen's words, Zhang Ying and Wang Tong were stunned.

Mentioned earlier.

Although Zhang Ying is not a history buff, she still has a certain understanding of some basic historical knowledge after being bombarded by various videos for a long time.

For example, the time of the demise of the Northern Song Dynasty.

The girl touched her chin lightly and said to Zhu Qizhen:

"Mr. Zhu, if I remember correctly, the end of the Northern Song Dynasty seems to have been not long after 1100 AD, right? - Jingkang shame seems to have been around 20 years ago?"

"Well, you remembered correctly."

Zhu Qizhen nodded quickly and confirmed Zhang Ying's words:

"The Jingkang disaster occurred in 1126 AD, which is only twenty-six years ago. To put it vaguely, it is less than thirty years."

"To put it bluntly, it's just a matter of turning a page in the history books."

Twenty-six years.

This time is not short if it is short, but it is not long if it is long.

Take reality as an example.

Twenty-six years before 2024, it was 1998. That year, the national football team lost to Qatar 2:3 on a rainy night in the top ten games and failed to qualify for the World Cup. Lao Rong wrote an article "Dalian Golden State Doesn't Believe in Tears". The article is still unforgettable for many fans.

Of course.

Compared with 1998, 0102 is probably the year that more people remember deeply.

China's accession to the WTO, the national football team's first appearance in the World Cup, the 911 air strikes on the Twin Towers, and the SARS virus that year are only twenty-three or four years apart now.

For a country, 26 years is really nothing.

Think of this.

Zhang Ying couldn't help but glance at the surrounding courtyard again.

Unlike other dynasties in history, even though the demise of the Northern Song Dynasty had various internal causes, it still showed the "symptoms" of sudden death on the outside:

It was still alive and kicking shortly before its demise, without any sense of doomsday like the end of other dynasties where the whole map was in flames of war. The momentum of its rise to decline was so fast that it is rare in ancient and modern times.

At the same time, according to Zhu Qizhen's introduction, this was the residence of a certain Prime Minister of the Northern Song Dynasty. In every sense, it could be regarded as the political and economic center of the Northern Song Dynasty after the imperial palace.

And more than twenty years later, this quiet and elegant mansion will be crushed by the golden man's iron hooves, and the sky above his head will be covered with thick dark clouds.

Under the influence of this filter, Zhang Ying's mood suddenly became a little subtle.

"By the way, Mr. Zhu."

Just when Zhang Ying was in a daze, Wang Tong suddenly asked Zhu Qizhen:

"Whose mansion did you say this was before? Which prime minister did it seem to be?"

Zhu Qizhen nodded and wrote the word Su on the palm of his left hand with his right index finger:

"Su Song, Su Dongpo's Su, Liu Song's Song."

"He has been ups and downs in the officialdom of the Northern Song Dynasty for decades, holding positions such as Shangshu of the Ministry of Justice, Zuocheng of Shangshu, etc. Three years ago, he became the prime minister as the prince's young master."

"Prime Minister"

Wang Tong suddenly frowned:

"This Su Song seems to be a corrupt official too?"

The civil service group of the Northern Song Dynasty has never had a high reputation among the people, especially for science students like Wang Tong, who have inherent stereotypes.

When he mentioned the prime minister of the Song Dynasty in his memory, he thought of the words party struggle, Cai Jing, Wang Fu, and the Six Thieves of the Northern Song Dynasty. Especially when he heard that Su Song was the prime minister in the late Northern Song Dynasty, he naturally thought of corrupt officials.

However, Zhu Qizhen quickly shook his head and rejected his idea:

"No, no, Mr. Wang, you guessed wrong this time."

"There is no direct relationship between prime ministers and corrupt officials. For example, He Li, the last prime minister of the Northern Song Dynasty, fulfilled his duties during his tenure and was not afraid of the powerful. He even angered Song Huizong and was let go."

"Later, the city of Bianliang was destroyed. He Li knew that he had no way to save his life, so he went on a hunger strike to death in shame and anger. He may not be a national hero, but he can still bear the responsibility of giving a thumbs up and saying that he has integrity."

"It is also true that there were sycophants in the civil service group in the Northern Song Dynasty, such as Grandpa Zong Zezong in the Jin Dynasty, but not all of them were corrupt officials."

"He Li Zongze is like this, and Prime Minister Su Song is like this."


Wang Tong was stunned when he heard this, and his face looked thoughtful after he came back to his senses.

It seems to be the case

When Emperor Chongzhen hanged himself, there was an eunuch named Wang Chengen who died loyally with him, not to mention the huge civil servant group in the Northern Song Dynasty.

Simply because Su Song and King Fu of Cai Jing were both prime ministers, he was defined as a corrupt official. It was indeed a bit loose and unkind.

Then Wang Tong scratched his hair and used small movements to relieve his embarrassment:

"Mr. Zhu, I heard you say that this Su Song is a capable official?"

"Can I be an official?"

Zhu Qizhen thought about it for a while and explained:

"How should I put it? Su Song is a bit special. He may be a bit different from the traditional concept of a prime minister."

"For example, He Li, whom I mentioned above, is a very typical politician. He brought down Wang Fu, one of the six thieves, and his party members. His achievement was to clean up the officialdom."

"But Prime Minister Su Song never participated in party struggles. His main energy and achievements were concentrated in engineering - of course, there are still literary creations such as anthologies."


Wang Tong blinked, and an example emerged in his mind unconsciously:

"Is it a project like Dujiangyan?"

Zhu Qizhen smiled and did not directly deny Wang Tong:

"The concept is similar, but the amount of work is definitely not that huge. After all, there is only one project in Dujiangyan, while Su Song has many achievements."

"For example, Su Song was responsible for the construction of the Water Transport Observatory, which is the earliest astronomical clock in the world and the pinnacle of the history of ancient Chinese astronomical instrument manufacturing."

"The entire instrument is about 12 meters high and 7 meters wide. Although the original has been destroyed in the war, Su Song's mechanical drawings have been preserved intact, just like the pyramids in Egypt, which are recognized achievements worldwide."

"In addition, he also included many works such as "Compendium of Materia Medica", "New Instrument and Imagery Method", and Su Song Star Map."

As a social maniac who can go crazy in the Wakhan tribe after being captured, Zhu Qizhen's eloquence is naturally not bad. Although the painting style is a bit inconsistent, he is simply a super tour guide when introducing.

In just a few words, he introduced Su Song's resume. Some of the ancient poems that are difficult to read can be explained in popular modern language.

With Zhu Qizhen's introduction, Su Song's image became clearer and clearer.

He was a prime minister but rarely participated in politics. He was even somewhat independent of the court. He thought about astronomy and geography day and night. Before the demise of the Northern Song Dynasty, he created the pinnacle of ancient human engineering.

A few minutes later.

Wang Tong, full of emotion, asked a question that had been asked countless times before:

"Mr. Zhu, since Su Song is so extraordinary, why haven't I heard of this person before?"

"To put it in a less respectful way, Cai Jing and Tong Guan are more famous than him, right?"

Hearing Wang Tong's words, Zhu Qizhen raised a self-deprecating bitter smile and shook his head helplessly.

Not only Cai Jing and Tong Guan, but also the God of War of Tumubao himself is more famous than Su Song.

Although Su Song had been on the hot search several times on major social platforms before, these popularity were so small that they were just a drop in the ocean in front of the hundreds of millions of Chinese people.

Nowadays, more people are still like Wang Tong. When they hear the word Su Song, their first reaction is to be confused, and their second reaction is whether this guy is a corrupt official.

There are probably some people who think that Su Song and Su Shi have some relationship because they both have the same surname Su.

But it is precisely because of this that there is such a "time travel" to the Northern Song Dynasty today.

It was mentioned earlier.

One of the core values ​​of the "Yongle Encyclopedia" is that it can provide a large number of historical materials that have not been tampered with or lost. Among these historical materials, there are historical mysteries that have not been solved, and there are also detailed documents of a certain dynasty that spans hundreds of years.

Among them, the former is very helpful for fixed-point research, such as the debate on the ancient Dian Kingdom.

But from the higher perspective of studying the entire ancient history of China, the latter is obviously more important.

For example, this time, Weng Tong and others compiled a large amount of humanistic background information from various dynasties in the "Yongle Encyclopedia", which is enough to restore one or more real ancient social scenes.

So when the exhibition project was established, the National Museum proposed several dynasties for restoration as alternative options.

Among them are the Xianyang Palace of the Qin Dynasty, the Daming Palace of the Tang Dynasty, the Xiliu Camp of the Han Dynasty, and the Bianjing of the Northern Song Dynasty.

However, when the target was finally determined, there was a big disagreement within the committee.

Some scholars believe that the Xianyang Palace should be chosen as the scene of "travel through time". The first unified dynasty in China is simply a curiosity buff for modern people.

But Lu Xiao, who is responsible for modeling, expressed embarrassment. After all, today's virtual reality technology cannot access brain waves. If you want to make the audience feel more involved, you still need the cooperation of real elements - to put it bluntly, you also have to make some molds in reality, just like the wooden assistant that Zhang Ying just touched.

Otherwise, you will find a porcelain piece on the side when you walk halfway, but you can only touch the air when you reach out your hand. This is a bit disappointing - hey, this sentence is quite rhyming.

But if we follow the idea of ​​assisting with realistic elements, it is obviously difficult to dress up the Xianyang Palace, at least the time cost is a big problem

The committee argued about this for a long time, and just when no one was convinced, Xu Yun suddenly made a suggestion:

Why don't we build a Su Song's mansion?

First, as the prime minister of the Northern Song Dynasty, Su Song's mansion gathers almost all the artistic elements of the Song Dynasty, and can make great use of the cultural materials collected from the Song Dynasty.

Second, compared with the imperial palace, the area of ​​the mansion is relatively smaller, and it happens to be limited to the exhibition booth of the North Hall 13.

Third, Su Song's scientific value is extremely high, which is innately in line with the scientific thinking of the National Museum, and although Su Song is not famous, he does not have many controversial points that many historical figures have.

Of course.

Xu Yun had another reason that he didn't say, which was that if we were to recreate Su Song's mansion, we had senior experts who could provide technical guidance.

Yeah, real experts, because this thing was his home.

So after further discussion, the committee finally made a decision - to use Su Song's mansion as the destination of this "official time travel"!

I believe that with the attention of this exhibition, at least after today, at least some people in China will be able to understand Su Song's past.

I recommend a book by a friend, who is also an old author, "Rekindling the Green Age" by Honey Chicken

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