Into Unscientific

Chapter 828: Traveling through a thousand years (Part 2)


After briefly introducing Su Song’s knowledge, Zhu Qizhen said to Wang Tong and Zhang Ying:

“You two, this time, in order to cooperate with our “Looking Back at a Thousand Years” project, we also gave all visitors a small Easter egg.”

“Little Easter egg?”

Zhang Ying immediately became interested:

“What little Easter egg? Is it also a gift?”

When visiting the first volume of the Yongle Encyclopedia, the National Museum had done a very interesting trick. The unprinted version of the Yongle Encyclopedia notebook was still in Zhang Ying’s bag.

If there is also a gift in the North 13th Hall, Zhang Ying will be so happy that she will burst into tears.

However, Zhu Qizhen quickly shook his head and said:

"That's not a gift, but in the exhibition hall of North Hall 13, which is the scene of Su Song's mansion, you can choose virtual clothes by yourself."

"Of course, the clothes are all in the ancient Chinese Hanfu style, and there are no Western-style dresses or other clothes."

"In addition, the effect of changing clothes will only be displayed on the headset. It is just a pure visual effect. The real body will definitely not feel the feeling of changing clothes."

Zhang Ying was stunned:


But soon the girl reacted, and her voice instantly rose a few decibels:

"Eh? Can Play dress-up? ! "

As a VIP12 player of Miracle Nikki (Zhang Ying paid for it with her own salary), Zhang Ying had almost no resistance to the word dress-up - this girl was even obsessed with it and liked to match Wang Tong with women's clothes in real life.

Zhu Qizhen was not surprised by her performance, and still smiled calmly:

"Miss Zhang, there is a virtual key in the lower right corner of your headset. Just click on that virtual key to change your clothes."

Zhang Ying immediately looked at the lower right corner of the headset when she heard it. Sure enough, there was a small [Clothing] button on the screen flashing slightly.

So she clicked on the virtual key without saying a word.


Half a second later, a whole row of clothing options appeared in front of Zhang Ying, with detailed descriptions for each option:

"Deep clothing."


"Western Han Dynasty printed colored silk cotton robe."

"Western Han Dynasty straight-hem plain yarn Zen robe."

"Song Dynasty Zhuzi deep clothing."

Zhang Ying quickly read the introduction, then selected a blue waist-length ruqun and pressed her finger.

The next second.

Zhang Ying felt the screen flash from the corner of her eyes. When she lowered her head, she suddenly found that her original Langzi spring shirt and jeans had completely disappeared, replaced by a waist-length skirt that is common in Hanfu.

Then she thought of something and suddenly turned to look at Wang Tong:

"Wang Tong, what clothes are you seeing me wearing now?"

Wang Tong looked her up and down, and his tone was also full of surprise:

"A cyan jumpsuit, the top is slightly short, and the skirt is long. Hey, it's amazing."

As he said that, Wang Tong reached out and touched the corner of Zhang Ying's clothes. The touch was still the same as the shirt Zhang Ying liked to wear, but visually, Zhang Ying turned into a real Hanfu girl.

Looking at the surprised young couple, Zhu Qizhen on the side just patiently put his hands behind his back and didn't say anything.

The dressing function of Hall 13 in the north is a small easter egg provided by the National Museum, but it is also an attempt by Huadun Biosciences to commercialize MR technology in the future.

After all, the core principle of MR technology is real interaction. In addition to remote repair of equipment and playing games, one of the most direct applications of this principle is online shopping and changing clothes.

When the technology is rolled out, users can change clothes online directly on the Internet by scanning and recording their body information. At that time, whether it is the size of the clothes or the image after wearing them, it can be reflected in the eyes of users very intuitively.

While facilitating the process, it also saves the troubles caused by various returns and exchanges, and may even derive some related services-for example, the anchor provides some dressing suggestions for individuals online, and users try to match them on the spot, etc.

The same sentence.

This exhibition is not only an exhibition of the "Yongle Encyclopedia", but also a preview of some real-life technologies in the future.


A few minutes later, Wang Tong and Zhang Ying came to Zhu Qizhen again:

"Mr. Zhu, we have chosen the clothes."

At this time, Zhang Ying changed into a classic Tang Dynasty straight-collared double-breasted back, and Wang Tong changed into a white round-necked robe. The appearance of the two may not be considered a handsome man and a beautiful woman, but they are also quite like a couple.

Zhu Qizhen bowed to the two of them and began to take them around Su Song's mansion:

"Su Song's mansion was where he stayed before leaving the Northern Song Dynasty, and it was also mentioned in the History of the Song Dynasty."

"According to the historical trajectory, Su Song stayed in this mansion for about seven months, then returned to Runzhou with his servants and died on June 18, 1101 AD."

"In the Yongle Encyclopedia, we found a collection produced by the Imperial City Department of the Song Dynasty, which includes the structural drawings of all the prime ministers' mansions, including the first prime minister Zhao Pu to the last prime minister He Li of the Northern Song Dynasty."

The Imperial City Department mentioned by Zhu Qizhen sounds a bit like a Shinto organization like the City God, but it is actually a unique intelligence unit of the Northern Song Dynasty, and its nature is somewhat similar to the Jinyiwei of the Ming Dynasty.

The main functions of the Imperial City Bureau were to secretly report unusual domestic developments, prevent and suppress irregular activities, investigate and deal with unusual folk customs and those who slandered the government, and detect illegal acts of officials. The prime minister, as the head of all officials, was naturally the focus of the Imperial City Bureau.

Therefore, it is not surprising that the structural diagram of the prime minister's residence can be found in the internal data of the Imperial City Department - whether it is the craftsmen during the construction of the mansion or the servants in the mansion, it is too easy to insert some ears and eyes.

"Su Song is not a prime minister who prefers luxury, so his mansion is not big compared to the official position of prime minister."

Zhu Qizhen skillfully led Zhang Ying and Wang Tong around a corner and quickly walked out of the original garden:

"According to statistical conversions by several professional scholars, the area of ​​Su Song's mansion is about 4,000 square meters, which is about six acres of land."

"Among all the prime minister's residences known so far, Su Song's residence is by no means the smallest in size, but there is nothing wrong with saying it is one of the smallest."

All students who have been prime ministers know this.

For officials such as prime ministers who assist the monarch and hold the highest power in the country, their residences usually follow a certain ‘format’, that is, the architectural layout.

Most of the prime minister's residences cover an area of ​​between 10,000 and 20,000 square meters. For example, the famous Heshen's residence covers an area of ​​more than 60,000 square meters. Although the Qing Dynasty did not have the position of prime minister, the military and aircraft ministers and prime ministers were by nature Almost the same.

In a sense.

The prime minister's residence is equivalent to the prime minister's face, so most prime ministers will decorate their residences as much as possible.

But Lao Su is different. Lao Su is probably the most special prime minister in ancient China. He can sit in that position not because of his outstanding political talents, but because he never takes sides and is closer to a person in nature. mascot.

Therefore, Lao Su did not spend too much effort on his residence. Of the more than 4,000 square meters of this mansion, part of it was even occupied by Lao Su's 'laboratory'.

"The structure of Su Song's mansion is very square. In modern terms, it is quite 'scientific'."

Zhu Qizhen put his hands behind his back, and the corners of his clothes swayed leisurely in the air, as if he was walking in his own home:

"The entire mansion is divided into three parts: the east road building, the middle road building, and the west road building. The buildings on each road run through the entire residence and courtyard from south to north in a strict axial symmetry, with a clear layout."

"The buildings on the middle road mainly include Tai'an Hall and Pingle Hall. Tai'an Hall is the only main hall of the Su Mansion. It is mainly used to hold major ceremonial activities in the mansion. It will only be used for major events or festivals - this is also the reason why Song Dynasty officials The only unit in the residence that is allowed to be called a 'palace'."

"The Pingle Hall is a set of five bays, mainly used to receive guests, relatives or subordinates who report things back and forth. It can also store gifts from the emperor."

As he spoke, Zhu Qizhen moved his chin forward and pointed at the same time:

"Well, this is Pingle Hall ahead."

Zhang Ying and Wang Tong looked around and saw a courtyard directly connected to the corridor where they were.

The top of the courtyard is paved with green glazed tiles, and some colorful paintings are faintly visible on the exterior of the building. The main building is not high, only about three meters, but its horizontal width is close to fifteen meters.

There are four trees planted at the entrance of the courtyard, and there is a stone placed in the center of the entrance opposite the courtyard, which looks like some kind of custom.

After leading the two of them outside the courtyard, Zhu Qizhen pointed at the stone and explained:

"This stone is called a painted stone, and it belongs to the stone appreciation culture of the Song Dynasty. Even among all the Chinese dynasties, the two Song Dynasties were famous for their fascination with stones."

"For example, there is something similar in "Water Margin", and it triggered a very key storyline."

""Water Margin"?"

Zhang Ying blinked and quickly thought of something:

"Is it Hua Shi Gang?"

Zhu Qizhen smiled and nodded:

"That's right, Hua Shi Gang, this thing is a concept derived from the culture of stone appreciation."

Only then did Zhang Ying realize.

Chao Gai outsmarted Weihu Mountain. Ah, the plot of outsmarting the Birthday Gang must be familiar to everyone. The reason why Yang Zhi, one of the protagonists, came to escort the Birthday Gang was because he had lost the Huashi Gang once. .

At that time, Emperor Huizong of the Song Dynasty liked strange stones, so he set up a team dedicated to transporting strange flowers and stones to search for rare cultural relics in the southeast region.

At the same time, wherever the Huashi fleet passed, local people had to provide money, grain and civil services, causing complaints in the southeast.

In history, it was precisely for this reason that Fang La was able to win over a large number of believers and then rebelled.

Although Lao Su had no intention of getting involved in politics, he was still a prime minister, so he had to abide by these rules to some extent.

Then Zhu Qizhen took Zhang Ying and Wang Tong into Pingle Hall and saw the whole living room.

This is a room that looks larger than it looks. When you walk in, the first thing you see is a long table in the center. There are celadon vases on the table, with a few newly folded plum blossoms inserted in the vase. The fragrance is light and adds a touch of elegance to the entire space.

There are several calligraphy and paintings hanging around the living room. Although Wang Tong and Zhang Ying have limited research in this area, they can still tell at a glance that these calligraphy and paintings are made by famous artists.

The surrounding seats are all made of mahogany, and the carvings are complex but not complicated. Instead, they give off a sense of low-key luxury.

The seats were covered with soft brocade cushions. Wang Tong found the nearest seat and pressed it a few times. It felt delicate and comfortable to sit on.

The charm accumulated over time and the exquisite and delicate decoration interweave an elegant and solemn picture in this room.

What made Wang Tong slightly surprised.

In addition to him, Zhang Ying and Zhu Qizhen, there were two strangers in the living room, a man and a woman.

The man was a bit ordinary, about 20 years old, with short hair. He was not handsome but had the vitality of a young man. Although he was dressed in ancient costume, it was not difficult to see from the mobile phone in his hand that he was also from modern times - this was actually normal, after all, there were more than just Wang Tong and Zhang Ying in the exhibition hall.

What really attracted Wang Tong's attention was another woman, who was also in her early 20s, with a beautiful and graceful appearance, and was a typical lady from a noble family.

Although there was no evidence, Wang Tong subconsciously felt that the other party should also be a digital person.

And just as Wang Tong was looking at the two, the woman also noticed the three people at the entrance.

She walked up to the three people generously and performed a very charming etiquette:

"Good morning, both of you, welcome to Su Song's mansion, I am the digital person in charge of reception in North Hall 13."

"Li Qingzhao."


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