Into Unscientific

Chapter 829: Just like a donkey returning home

"What did you say?!"

As soon as the girl finished speaking, Zhang Ying beside Wang Tong suddenly raised her voice, with an obvious vibrato in her tone:

"Li Li. Li Qingzhao? The most talented woman of all time? Layman Yi An?"

Even though she had come into contact with historical figures like Zhu Qizhen beforehand, and even though she knew that the person standing in front of her was just a virtual digital person, at this moment, Zhang Ying's little heart could not help but beat rapidly.


This is Li Qingzhao!

In 2024, any girl who is a little bit literary will not have some admiration for this layman Yi An?

Born into a scholarly family, she is the most talented and affectionate woman in ancient and modern times. She has experienced twists and turns in relationships. Her words are graceful but her character is strong.

This is a character with his own filter, and it is not an exaggeration to call him an idol.

And unlike Lin Huiyin's controversy, Li Qingzhao's life had almost no black spots, at most it was underage drinking and gambling.

Now that such a strange woman appeared in front of her, how could Zhang Ying not be excited?

In fact, not only Zhang Ying, but Wang Tong was also in a somewhat excited mood at this time, but not as gaffey as his girlfriend.

Looking at Zhang Ying whose mouth expanded into an O shape, Li Qingzhao just gently lifted the hair next to her ear:

"My little girl just likes poetry and prose. There are so many outstanding women in China in ancient and modern times. Qingzhao is only a little talented. How can she be called the best through the ages?"

Li Qingzhao's answer was low-key and humble, but it also proved her identity once again - it was not a coincidence that she had the same name, she was the layman Yi An himself.

In a short period of time, Zhang Ying even had the urge to rush forward and grab Li Qingzhao to have sex with Ji, but the little sense she still had left allowed her to suppress this idea - Li Qingzhao was just a numbers person, if she really If you pounce on it, you will probably only be able to touch a ball of air.


Then Zhang Ying took a deep breath and forced herself to calm down.

After a few seconds, Zhang Ying, who gradually calmed down, thought for a moment and asked Li Qingzhao curiously:

"Li, layman, isn't this Su Song's prime minister's residence? Why are you here?"

Although Li Qingzhao is just a digital person, judging from the situation before the National Expo, there are some reasonable relationships between the digital person and the corresponding exhibition hall.

Take Zhu Qizhen, for example. Although there are many jokes about this Tumu Fortress God of War, his essence is still the emperor of the Ming Dynasty, so he appears on the list of exhibition halls in "Yongle Dadian".

But what is the relationship between Li Qingzhao and Su Song?

Facing Zhang Ying's question, Li Qingzhao still smiled. I don't know if it was because of his inherent impression, but Zhang Ying felt that there was a sense of grace in Yi An's smile:

"My father, Li Gefei, once studied under Mr. Zizhan. Under his influence, my father collected a large number of books and periodicals with Huangzhou characteristics during his tenure in Huangzhou."

"This matter later spread to Mr. Su's ears. Mr. Su liked to copy and read miscellaneous books, so he borrowed many Huangzhou classics from my father."

"Sometimes my father is busy with official business, so he will ask my daughter to deliver books to my door. She has become acquainted with the Su family during these visits."

Only then did Zhang Ying realize.


After Li Qingzhao finished speaking, Zhu Qizhen on the side also coughed slightly:

"Guys, our viewing time is limited, so why don't we just walk and chat - although we are unable to completely recreate Su Song Mansion due to venue issues, some characteristic areas have been restored."

Zhang Ying and Wang Tong had no objections, and the tourist standing next to Li Qingzhao also nodded.

Upon seeing this, Li Qingzhao took the initiative to take over the task of explaining and began to introduce the situation inside Pingle Hall:

"The Pingle Hall is equivalent to the living room in the modern concept. It is mainly used for receiving guests and talking. Therefore, the decoration level of this room is the most luxurious in the entire mansion."

"According to the information in "Yongle Dadian", there are many celebrities' calligraphy and paintings hanging in Pingle Hall of Su Song Mansion all year round, such as Mr. Zizhan's "Molong Tie" written by Su Shi."

As Li Qingzhao spoke, he pointed to a copybook on the wall. The words on it were freehand and had a hearty feeling.

The name of the layman Dongpo is clearly written at the bottom of the copybook. It was obviously an authentic copy excavated from the Yongling Tomb.

Then Li Qingzhao introduced several paintings. To Wang Tong and others' surprise, there were also authentic paintings by Wang Anshi and Cai Jing.

To know.

In the original history, Lao Su was almost tortured to death by Wang Anshi - when Lao Wang promoted Li Ding during the promotion of the new law, Lao Su, Song Minqiu and Li Tao's father Li Da expressed their opposition, and then the three brothers were kicked off After losing the official hat, they were called Sanshe people of Xining in history.

Not to mention Cai Jing, the leader of the Six Thieves of the Northern Song Dynasty and one of the most famous traitors in history.

As a result, Lao Su actually hung this enemy and traitor's work in his living room?

Perhaps seeing Zhang Ying and Wang Tong’s confusion, Li Qingzhao took the initiative to explain:

"Su Gong is probably the most special prime minister in history. In modern terms, he is very Buddhist."

"But on the other hand, if Su Gong can reach the rank of prime minister, he cannot be a pure little white flower. He is actually a very politically intelligent person."

“For example, among the several paintings in the living room, some were painted by Su Gong’s friends, some were painted by officials with poor reputations, and some were even painted by political opponents.”

"Gong Su used this approach to express his attitude - he does not favor any party and is absolutely neutral in his stance."

"Whether it's enemies or friends, all conflicts are shelved in these works and will not be brought into life."

Wang Tong and Zhang Ying were silent together.

It can actually be explained from this perspective.

Politics is really complicated, and even people like Lao Su can't completely avoid suspicion.

But think about it.

If Lao Su was really the kind of person who wandered around and wandered around, he would have left the countryside to escape the world long ago. Why would he need to be involved in the political whirlpool of the late Northern Song Dynasty?

A few minutes later.

Li Qingzhao and his party left Pingle Hall and walked to the next courtyard.

The National Museum of China has specially temporarily arranged the North 13th Hall for this 'travel trip', such as the wooden walkway for passage. In addition to the handrails, the ground is also made of wooden layout. The feedback from tourists walking up and seeing almost unanimous.

For example, the National Museum of China has also prepared many highly restored aromatherapy products, allowing visitors to enjoy the same olfactory experience while enjoying the courtyard scenery.

So soon, Wang Tong and Zhang Ying completely fell into silence in this virtual courtyard.

"This is An Fuxuan, which is similar to a living room in nature. There are plaques with the words "Fu Shou" hanging all around.

"This is the main house of the back courtyard, and it is also Su Gong's daily residence. The area is about sixty square meters."

"This is a secret living room. It is mainly used to receive distinguished guests and discuss important matters. For example, if Su Gong wants to launch a coup, he will definitely plan with his party members here."

"This was Su Gong's study room, and it was also the largest library collection loft outside the royal family during the Northern Song Dynasty. Behind it was Su Gong's ditch room, which was equivalent to a laboratory for later generations. Su Gong often designed various drawings here."

Li Qingzhao's eloquence is much better than Zhu Qizhen's. While maintaining a forward pace, he can also introduce the origins and functions of each area in detail and completely. In modern times, he can be selected as a gold medal tour guide.

During the whole process, Zhang Ying, Wang Tong and the somewhat shy young people encountered almost no obstacles in understanding. Not to mention they were mesmerized, at least they were full of interest in watching.

ten minutes later.

Li Qingzhao led a few people to a courtyard at the back.

Compared with the study room, living room and Lao Su's bedroom that we visited before, the style of this courtyard is obviously simpler. It basically only has blue bricks and stone tiles, and it is obviously not the core area of ​​the mansion.

"Guys, this is the last area of ​​our exhibition."

When he reached the entrance of the courtyard, Li Qingzhao stopped:

"This courtyard is called the side courtyard. It is located at the right rear of Su Song's mansion. It is mainly a residence for servants to work and rest."

"According to the collected information, there are now more than 20 servants in the entire mansion, and men and women live in separate rooms."

"Compared to the owner's living area, this place is a little more primitive, but the basic living security is still sufficient. The servants' wages are about 50% higher than in other houses."

"It is precisely because of this that many servants later were willing to leave the capital with Su Gong, and even guarded Su Gong's tomb for a long time after his death."

Although Li Qingzhao is a lifeless digital person, when he mentioned Lao Su's departure from Beijing and his death, Yi An's face still showed some emotion - her essence is a code, but she possesses a natural person. thinking.

Wang Tong looked up and down the courtyard:

"servant's residence"

During their previous sightseeing, they had also met some other digital tour guides. For example, Wang Tong met Ouyang Xiu, Fan Zhongyan, and even Zhao Si who called himself King Jian.

In addition, there are some servants in the mansion, so when Li Qingzhao mentioned the servants' residence, Wang Tong's expression was not surprising.

Then he coughed lightly, took Zhang Ying's hand and walked into the courtyard.

Just like the simple exterior structure, the internal layout of the side courtyard is also slightly simple - there are a few stone slabs on the undecorated loess floor as walkways, withered yellow vines wrapped around the mottled walls, and a corner of the courtyard covered with There are several simple huts, and the air is filled with a faint earthy smell.

However, as simple as it is, the entire side yard is not dilapidated.

For example, there are no cracks on the stone slabs on the ground, and there are no breaks on the walls. There are also a few wild flowers growing tenaciously in the corners, which look unique.

It is clear.

Originally, this courtyard in history should have been maintained for a long time, but it was just not decorated too carefully.


Just as Wang Tong was looking at the courtyard, he suddenly noticed some kind of movement in the corner of his eye.

So Wang Tong subconsciously looked in that direction, and then it appeared in his field of vision.

A donkey.


I plan to go to Guangzhou after finishing this book. Do you have any recommendations for hotels with better soundproofing?

It doesn’t matter what the location and facilities are. The main thing is that it has good sound insulation and good light shielding. Because my sleep quality is very poor, my budget should not exceed 600 per night. Going to a big place is really expensive.

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