Into Unscientific

Chapter 831 The exhibition ends

Thinking of this, Wang Tong swallowed hard and said to Li Qingzhao:

"Bushi, is this also a record found in the "Yongle Dadian"?"

Li Qingzhao nodded:

"That's right, it's also from the Imperial City Department's documents."

When he said these words, Li Qingzhao also had a touch of emotion in his tone.

Students who have watched "Into Unscience" should know this.

Xu Yun had already discovered traces of these two devices when he went through Lao Su's copy, and logically proved their rationality:

The armillary sphere rotating device and the "Sky Balance" system that Lao Su tinkered with were the prototypes of modern observatory transfer clocks and modern mechanical clocks. Joseph Needham personally commented on Lao Su:

"Su Song has achieved complete success in principle by combining the clock mechanism with the armillary sphere for observation. He was 6 centuries ahead of the European Robert Hooke, and 7 centuries ahead of Fang Hefei."

As the core of mechanical clocks, the balance spring was created by Lao Su together. This is something that can completely withstand scrutiny.

But on the other hand.

Xu Yun's experience in the copy is only known to him. Without physical proof, no matter how reasonable your speculation is, it is impossible to gain recognition from society at the public level.

Otherwise, any invention will not require a physical object in the future. As long as it is logical, it can be considered to exist - wouldn't this mean that everything will go wrong in a minute?

The result was something Xu Yun never expected.

These two ancient scientific achievements that he originally thought could never be proven by Lao Su actually came out with the appearance of "Yongle Dadian".

Weng Tong and others not only found relevant records in the documents of the Imperial City Division, but also found the complete design drawings of the self-priming pump - that was the first time Xu Yun felt that the ancient secret service actually still had meaning.

Predictably so.

As the popularity of today's exhibition spreads, Lao Su's popularity will gradually increase, at least.

It can bring him closer to the historical heights he deserves.

Of course.

It is also foreseeable that there will be various opposing views during this period, thinking that this is fake YY by rabbits, but these insects are destined to be drowned in the public criticism.

If some insects are still alive for the time being, it can only be because we don’t have enough aircraft carriers.


after an hour.

After visiting North Hall 13 and then North Hall 14, Wang Tong and others came to the exit of the exhibition hall, where their exhibition tour was about to come to an end.

"Businessman, Mr. Zhu."

Zhang Ying glanced at Zhu Qizhen and Li Qingzhao with some sadness, and said reluctantly:

"Will we meet again in the future?"

Although they knew that the two people in front of them were virtual digital people, with the support of powerful computing power, Wang Tong and Zhang Ying almost treated them as real people during the entire process.

The friendship between these two people during this hour or so was not a deep one, but it was definitely not easy to let go of - after all, this was a conversation that took place thousands of years apart.

Hearing Zhang Ying's words, Li Qingzhao and Zhu Qizhen looked at each other, smiled and nodded:

"Of course there is a chance. Our relevant data will be completely kept in the backend of the server. This exhibition is no accident."

"In the future, the National Museum will continue to hold similar activities. Not to mention Su Song's mansion, you may even visit Bianjing in the Northern Song Dynasty, visit the rivers and mountains of the prosperous Tang Dynasty, and even visit Lang Juxu in person."

"From a purely 'life' perspective, we may live longer than you."

Li Qingzhao's explanation is not perfunctory. The National Museum of China does have plans to further develop digital exhibitions. After all, this mode is much more interesting than regular exhibition viewing.

In fact, if time were not limited, it would indeed be possible for the National Museum to restore the complete Bianjing this time.

For example, if conditions permit, the National Expo can prepare in advance a movable surface equipped with virtual reality technology, which is a device like a treadmill that can be pulled 360 degrees as the person walks. This thing is even more realistic than MR technology - Now many natural disaster experience centers are already using it.

Although there are many problems to be solved besides the venue, at least it is not a big problem in terms of technical difficulty, or it is feasible.

As for seeing Li Qingzhao and Zhu Qizhen again, it would be too simple.

Guobo spent a lot of money to create these digital people, and they are not just planning to use them once. Behind each digital person is a corresponding AI model and computing power support. As long as these data are retained, these digital people will be the same as real people.

If Wang Tong and Zhang Ying are willing to pay a relatively expensive price, they can even add Li Qingzhao and Zhu Qizhen's WeChat friends to directly chat via language or even video, and the content of the conversation will never be of the quality of an artificially retarded person - this type of There are actually organizations that provide subscriptions to digital human services, but the level is very different.

For example, some shell electronics companies can get you a Laoshizi AI girlfriend for only one or two hundred yuan, but their words and deeds are extremely stupid. Currently, a more reliable service costs about two to three thousand yuan per month. Um, that's too far. It's too far.

all in all.

After parting ways today, it is not difficult to see each other again.

Maybe in a few years, technology will be more advanced, and tourists can visit with naked eyes without wearing a headset.

After thinking about this, Wang Tong and Zhang Ying's expressions suddenly relaxed a lot.

They were really worried that Li Qingzhao would say goodbye forever.

"Mr. Wang, Ms. Zhang."

Zhu Qizhen on the side glanced at the young couple and then said:

"Our time is almost up, why don't we just say goodbye."

"After you go out, you just need to press the start button, and you can turn off the headset and take it off."

Wang Tong and Zhang Ying were silent for a moment and nodded in unison.

Then they walked straight out of the door. Wang Tong and Zhang Ying communicated in their voices, and they all bowed to Zhu Qizhen and Li Qingzhao.

Zhu Qizhen and Li Qingzhao also smiled and returned the greeting.

Then Wang Tong took a deep breath and pressed the switch on the headset.

The moment Wang Tong pressed the switch, he suddenly caught a glimpse of an old man appearing next to the gate of Su Mansion.

This man has white beard and hair, has a square and majestic face, is wearing rich clothes, and is about seventy or eighty years old.

Although there was no evidence, a name suddenly appeared in Wang Tong's mind:

Su Song.

However, Wang Tong had no time to greet the old man. The next second, Zhu Qizhen, Li Qingzhao and the Su Mansion courtyard in front of him disappeared in an instant.

Instead, there is the exit passage of North Hall 14, and the staff waiting to guide the exit.


After taking off their helmet-like headsets, Wang Tong and Zhang Ying looked at each other, and both saw a little sadness in each other's eyes.

Wang Tong has participated in many exhibitions, but this National Expo exhibition is definitely the most unforgettable exhibition experience in his life.

after awhile.

Wang Tong was about to call Zhang Ying to leave the exhibition hall, but he caught sight of something out of the corner of his eye and let out a light sigh.

Not far from them, a young man in white clothes was seen making the same gesture of raising his hands.

This young man Wang Tong is not familiar, but he is not unfamiliar either:

He was the person standing next to Li Qingzhao in Pingle Hall before. During the more than one hour tour, several people also had simple exchanges.

After taking off the headset at this time, Wang Tong discovered that the other party was actually wearing a commemorative shirt from the University of Science and Technology. Under the influence of Xu Yun, his favorability towards the University of Science and Technology was quite high.

At the same time, something strange happened to Wang Tong.

The direction the young man held his hand at this time was not the direction of Zhu Qizhen and Li Qingzhao, but rather something like

The location where Su Song appears.

So Wang Tong stopped and waited until the young man took off his headset and walked up to him with Zhang Ying:

"Little brother, I didn't notice when I was wearing a headset before, but it turns out you are also from HKUST?"

The young man seemed a little unaccustomed to the operation of the head-mounted display device. After tinkering with it for a while, he successfully handed it over to the staff. He nodded after hearing this:

"Yes, from the University of Science and Technology of China."

Wang Tong looked at him:

"Do you know Xu Yun? It's that Jiu Jiu Jiu."

Wang Tong guessed that the HKUST students who were among the first batch to enter were related to Xu Yun.

The young man nodded again:

"I know him. He is a professional junior student of mine."


Wang Tong suddenly became interested and took the initiative to reach out his hand and said:

"That's a coincidence. Xu Yun and I also know each other. Let me introduce myself. My name is Wang Tong and this is my girlfriend Zhang Ying."

The young man was silent for a while and then extended his hand:

"Su Song, Su Song's Su, Su Song's Song."

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