Into Unscientific

Chapter 832 Before the Defense

Su Song?

Hear the name coming from the young man's mouth.

Wang Tong was stunned for a moment, and his eyes on the young man in front of him became a little subtle.

He had heard this name a lot in the past hour, and he also had a little respect for Su Song.

Unexpectedly, during the exhibition, he would be accompanied by Su Song with the same name?

Then Wang Tong looked at the young man carefully, and the subtle look in his eyes was gradually replaced by a look of surprise.

He didn't know if it was his misunderstanding, but he suddenly felt

This young man named Su Song seems to be somewhat similar to the old man who appeared at the end? ? ?

In particular, their faces are both not particularly handsome but very majestic. They have thick sword eyebrows and an indescribable bookish aura about them.

Isn't this too coincidental?

Then Wang Tong hesitated for a moment and asked Su Song uncertainly:

"Xiao Su, right? Your name is a bit special. It's exactly the same as Mr. Zirong introduced by Master Yi An."

The young man named Su Song lowered his eyelids slightly, not letting Wang Tong notice the complexity in his eyes, and said calmly:

"Well, it's the same as that Su Song - according to the genealogy, the source of my branch is Mr. Zirong."

Wang Tong was stunned again for a few seconds, but soon, the expression on his face completely turned into relief.

It turns out that he is a descendant of Su Song.

No wonder their looks are vaguely similar, and the co-authorship is due to the potential influence of genes - considering the relationship between Xiao Su and Xu Yun, the characters of Su Song in the exhibition may have been restored with reference to Xiao Su.

As for having the same name, it’s not a big deal. Although the name Su Song is not as bad as Wang Wei and Li Hua, it is not a rare word. At least it is more common than Su Sheng, Su Wei, and Suzhou Meiyou Airport. too much.

Not even mentioning others, even the name Wang Tong had a corresponding celebrity in ancient times, and he was a Confucian figure who was almost canonized - this was Wang Yangming's comment.

After thinking about this, Wang Tong's mood gradually returned to normal.

Then he glanced at the door of the exhibition hall behind him, patted Su Song on the shoulder familiarly, and said with a smile:

"Xiao Su, we are destined to know each other like this. Why don't we add him on WeChat?"

"I don't have much ability, but I can get some tickets for some big boss lectures and other events here in the capital. If there is a chance in the future, we can hang out together."

Old Su was wrong. It should be said that Xiao Su saw Wang Tong and Xu Yun chatting when they entered the venue. Knowing that Wang Tong was not asking for help, he nodded immediately and took out his mobile phone.


Looking at the newly appeared WeChat chat box on his mobile phone, Wang Tong was in a good mood and hugged Xiao Su again:

"Xiao Su, it's almost time to have lunch now. Let's go, brother, I'll treat you to something good!"

Wang Tong's attitude was very firm. Xiao Su tried to be polite and found that he couldn't refuse, so he had no choice but to nod:

"Then please trouble me, Brother Wang. What are you going to eat?"

Xiao Su's last words were not asked from the perspective of a foodie, but rather because she was worried that Wang Tong's spending would be too great and would cost his wallet.

"Don't worry, it's not a tire restaurant."

Wang Tong saw Xiao Su's concerns at a glance, laughed out loud and gestured his thumb in a certain direction:

“That shop is right next door, authentic donkey meat hot pot!”

"I heard from layman Yi An that Mr. Zirong's meal before leaving Beijing was donkey meat on fire. Although the capital of the Northern Song Dynasty and the current Yanjing are not the same place, they are both the capital of the country."

"I couldn't treat Mr. Zirong to the meal before he left Beijing. Now that Mr. Zirong is coming to the capital from Luzhou for the first time, it's not stressful to treat you to a donkey meat hotpot."

Say it.

Wang Tong's right hand held Xiao Su's shoulder a little harder:

"Okay, stop inking and let's go!"

Seeing the two people leaving talking and laughing, Zhang Ying, who was left behind by Wang Tong, instantly had a question mark on her face:


No, your girlfriend doesn’t want to be hot?

At the same time Wang Tong left the National Expo with Xiao Su.

The donkey that brought the two of them together was wrong. That donkey, Xu Yun, was standing attentively in front of a floor-length mirror, carefully correcting his outfit.

Standing next to Xu Yun were two men, one of whom was Gu Qunqing, COO of Huadun Biotech, who was also Xu Yun's old business partner.

The other man had a shaved head and a pair of gold-rimmed glasses on the bridge of his nose. He was not a strong figure. There was a 2-13 Yasuo Level 6 dog tag flashing repeatedly in the void above his head. It was Lu Chaoyang, whom Xu Yun had not seen for a while.

after awhile.

Lu Chaoyang glanced at Xu Yun, who was wearing a shirt and navy blue trousers, touched his chin and said:

"Well, not bad, very energetic, but I always feel like something is missing."

Upon seeing this, Gu Qunqing also scanned Xu Yun's clothes, then made a fist with his right hand and gently hit the palm of his left hand:

"Watch, I still need a watch!"

Lu Chaoyang was startled for a moment, but then he also reacted:

"Yes, yes, the watch, I just feel like there is something missing."

Then Gu Qunqing took off his watch from his wrist and handed it to Xu Yun:

"Xiao Xu, you should wear my watch first. It's a Yulian Panda watch. It's priced at just over 20,000 yuan. It's not that ostentatious and it suits your status just right."

It's a coincidence.

In addition to the National Expo today, today is also the day for Xu Yun's master's degree defense. The two things happened to collide.

So Xu Yun could only deal with the relevant matters at the National Expo venue with great pains, and then handed over the on-site work to Lu Xiao, the company's head of MR, and rushed to the High Energy Institute with a sigh.

As a result, as soon as he entered the office, he was pulled into this room by Gu Qunqing and Lu Chaoyang, who semi-forced him to change his clothes.


Looking at the watch Gu Qunqing handed him in front of him, the corners of Xu Yun's mouth twitched a few times:

"Aaron, is it necessary to engage in this formation? I have both trousers and a watch."

However, before Xu Yun finished speaking, he was interrupted by Gu Qunqing and Lu Chaoyang:

"Of course it's necessary!"

I saw Gu Qunqing give Xu Yun a hard look with the same look as a neighborhood committee aunt, and said in a tone of hatred:

"This is your graduation defense. The jury is still a magical lineup. Being well organized is the most basic requirement!"

"As the saying goes, everyone carries the sedan chair. Although those big guys have long surpassed the level of showing off, you as a junior should always show your attitude."

"Besides, we're not asking you to wear luxury brands like Kiton or Zilli. Your outfit only costs five to six thousand yuan except for your watch. What's unacceptable about this?"

"Let me tell you, whether you are in domestic or foreign academic circles, if you don't pay attention to your appearance, you will suffer big losses in the future."

By the end, Gu Qunqing's tone had become quite serious.

As a top migrant worker who has worked in European and American pharmaceutical companies, Gu Qunqing may not be as good as Xu Yun in terms of professional knowledge, but when it comes to the unspoken rules of the academic circle, his knowledge and experience are much richer than Xu Yun's. Too much.

He knows very well that even if you are a big boss like Chen Ning Yang or Weinberg, you must prepare the right outfit when attending some important occasions, otherwise you will easily offend others.

This is no exaggeration. In 2004, Gell-Mann wore slippers when attending the MPI meeting held by the Max Planck Institute. He was so verbally criticized that he was forced to apologize. The Max Planck Institute even blacklisted Gell-Mann for two years.

You know, at that time, Gell-Mann had already become famous and was one of the top ten leaders in the world. However, he was secretly poked and boycotted by European academic circles for two years.

Nowadays, there is a saying that only Chinese people value this kind of formalism. In fact, foreign countries value it much more than we do.

You can see artists without clothes at performances in Europe and the United States, you can see LGBTQWSH at the statuette award ceremony, and you can even see old men running around in Congress across the sea, but you can only see them at the Nobel Prize site. To those strange species.


Looking at Gu Qunqing with an extremely serious expression, Xu Yun was silent for a while, and finally took Gu Qunqing's watch:

"I understand, thanks, Aaron."

In his previous life, Xu Yun was just an ordinary topic writer in a small town. Although he ate in the scientific research circle, he had never seen the scenery at the top of the mountain.

Therefore, he does have shortcomings in terms of experience and unspoken rules of the industry. After all, unlike the two bombs and one star dungeon where everyone is dedicated to the common good, even in China's scientific research circle, there are still many gaps.

Then Xu Yun put Gu Qunqing's watch on his hand and touched his forehead with his right hand:

"Aaron, senior brother, how am I doing now?"

Gu Qunqing and Lu Chaoyang took a few steps back and scanned Xu Yun at the same time, and then nodded with satisfaction:

"Very good, a bit like that."

"No problem, great."

Xu Yun's expression suddenly relaxed.

Then he carefully checked his USB flash drive again, and after confirming that it was correct, he quietly waited in the room.

About ten minutes passed.

Dong dong dong——

Someone knocked on the door outside:

"Dr. Xu."

Xu Yun immediately stood up from his seat, walked to the handle and opened the door.

I saw a round-faced girl wearing glasses standing outside the house. She was probably in her twenties. She quietly held a notepad in her arms:

"Dr. Xu, I am Zhai Xiaonan, assistant to Academician Zhou Guangzhao. Your defense time is coming soon. Are you ready?"

Xu Yun raised the briefcase in his hand towards her with a calm expression:


Zhai Xiaonan made a gesture of invitation:

"Then let's go there?"

Xu Yun nodded, then turned to look at Lu Chaoyang and Gu Qunqing.

Gu Qunqing gave Xu Yun a thumbs up, while Lu Chaoyang made the same fist-clenching gesture that Wei Daxun made when he went up Chunshan:

"come on!"

Xu Yun also waved his fist.

Then, under the leadership of Zhai Xiaonan, the two left the lounge, walked around the same floor for a while, and finally stopped outside a conference hall.

This is where Xu Yun replied.

The main battlefield.

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