Into Unscientific

Chapter 833: A historic defense (Part 1)

"Dr. Xu."

After arriving outside the conference hall, Zhai Xiaonan stopped:

"This room is where you will defend your master's thesis. Several judges are in the room, so I won't go in with you."

After that.

Zhai Xiaonan looked at Xu Yun with some curiosity.

In the past period of time, Xu Yun has been a well-known figure in the Institute of High Energy Physics or the Academy of Sciences. Everyone has talked about him after dinner.

First of all, let's talk about Xu Yun's degree training.

Although there are many monsters with double degrees or even more degrees in the Institute of High Energy Physics, in general, the training directions of multiple degrees are usually related to majors.

For example, economics and econometrics, nuclear physics and mathematics, etc.

But Xu Yun's major is condensed matter physics and life sciences. Although the two belong to science, there are obvious professional barriers between them.

In this case, if you want to graduate smoothly, you must have some skills.

Moreover, most people get a double degree by getting the previous diploma and then studying for the next one, or they take a shortcut to go through the Sino-foreign cooperative education program - because of the student records, the restrictions on studying two graduate degrees at the same time in China are very high, which is many times higher than the double degree for undergraduates.

To break this restriction, first of all, the school ranking must be quite high, and secondly, the applicant's academic performance must be extremely strong, which is rare in the terms of novels.

In addition to academic qualifications, Xu Yun's previous social death press conference, business achievements and dark matter press conference were also quite dramatic.

People working in the Academy of Sciences are also human beings, so it is normal for everyone to discuss Xu Yun.

However, Xu Yun did not notice Zhai Xiaonan's curious eyes. At this moment, all his attention was on the conference room in front of him.

Unconsciously, Xu Yun's left hand had clenched into a fist.

This day has finally come.

Due to various reasons, Xu Yun's current achievements in physics are far lower than his actual contributions.

For example, the gravity gradient instrument he invented is now a top secret of the state. It is a killer move that can affect the international situation and will definitely not be announced to the public in a short time.

As for the credit for the solitary particle, Xu Yun pushed it to Academician Pan and Zhao Zhengguo - this was also Xu Yun's initiative.

After all, with the halo, the discovery of solitary particles is destined not to be an isolated case, and Xu Yun will have plenty of opportunities to repeat the Nobel Prize in the future.

But for Academician Pan and Academician Zhao Zhengguo, this may be their only chance in this life.

Academician Pan and Zhao Zhengguo have helped Xu Yun a lot, and the friendship between the two lives is here. Moreover, if they hadn't helped, Xu Yun would not have paid attention to the characteristics of solitary particles with dark matter effects.

Therefore, up to now.

Xu Yun's obvious achievements in physics are limited to the results calculated in conjunction with Zhou Shaoping and Mr. Yang at the dark matter press conference.

On the contrary, Xu Yun is more famous in biology and mathematics. The fifth generation of imidacloprid has been published in "NUCLEIC ACIDS RES", and the derivation of Mersenne primes has solved a major controversy in the mathematical community.

However, after today, many things may be different.

Xu Yun will truly step onto the stage of human scientific history - as a physicist.


About ten seconds passed.

Xu Yun took a deep breath and said to Zhai Xiaonan:

"Assistant Zhai, I will go in first. I will treat you to dinner when I am free."

Zhai Xiaonan smiled and nodded:

"Come on."

Then Xu Yun walked straight to the door of the conference room and turned the door handle without hesitation.

This conference room was renovated by the Institute of High Energy last year. There was no sound when the door opened. Xu Yun only felt the handle pushed forward smoothly, and he could see the whole picture of the room in front of him:

This is a multi-functional conference room with an area of ​​about 150 square meters. The interior adopts a not very high step layout. There is a white metal table in the front, which is simple and capable.

At this moment.

Six men were sitting in the conference room, one of them was sitting in the relatively right area, and the remaining five were sitting in the middle of the first row.

The man on the right was Xu Yun's mentor, Pan Jianwei, and Xu Yun was no stranger to the remaining five.

The leftmost of the five was a middle-aged man with thick side bangs, who looked to be in his early fifties, with a refined temperament.

If they met each other on the street, many people might think that he was engaged in the arts industry.

Although Xu Yun had never met the other party, he had already been in spiritual contact for a long time, and recognized the identity of this person at a glance:

Academician Xue Qikun, who had just won the Buckley Prize not long ago, is now one of the Chinese physicists most likely to win the Nobel Prize.

Next to Xue Qikun sat a round-faced man with a broad face and gray temples.

Xu Yun also met this old man for the first time in real life, but he had dealt with him a lot in the recent two bombs and one satellite copy - this old man is Zhou Guangzhao, one of the few two bombs and one satellite heroes still alive, and an academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences.

In addition to Xue Qikun and Zhou Guangzhao, the other three people at the scene were also old acquaintances of Xu Yun:

Sitting in the middle was Yang Zhenning, and next to Yang Zhenning were Wang Xiji and Zhou Shaoping.

Perhaps because they had been sitting for a long time, the three elders, Yang, Wang, and Zhou Guangzhao, who were nearly 100 years old or had already exceeded 100 years old, all had a little fatigue on their faces. When Xu Yun entered the room, they were all resting with their eyes closed, and only opened their eyes after being reminded by the people around them.

Seeing this, Xu Yun hurriedly walked to the front of the stage and bowed to Yang and others:

"Hello, seniors."

Xu Yun used [seniors] instead of [judges] in this sentence. It was obvious that this was a personal gratitude, not a formal defense greeting.

You know.

These big guys have either retired to the second line to enjoy their old age, or they are busy people who have a lot of affairs or meetings to attend every day.

They can gather here to attend the graduation defense of a young master. No one would be calm in their hearts.

Looking at Xu Yun with a frank expression, the faces of the big guys in the audience also showed a little softness, and they nodded to Xu Yun as a greeting.

Then Mr. Yang coughed lightly, turned to Academician Pan and said:

"Academician Pan, since the respondent is here, let's start the defense."

Mr. Yang did not call Xiao Pan or Xiao Xu directly, after all, in such occasions, it is still necessary to avoid suspicion.

Academician Pan obviously understood this point. Hearing this, he calmly said yes, walked to the back of the classroom, and turned on a set of video equipment.

As Xu Yun's mentor, Academician Pan did not have the qualifications to enter the review committee, nor did he have the obligation to answer questions for the student, but he could introduce the student's situation to the defense committee before and after the defense-of course, this is not a hard and fast rule.

For example, during the epidemic, many universities conducted online defenses, and they would require the mentors to withdraw from the meeting after the defense began, leaving the entire process to the host and the review committee.


After turning on the video equipment, Academician Pan also walked to the front of the stage, holding a small microphone and said:

"Good morning, fellow judges. This is the master's defense site of the Department of Modern Physics, School of Physics, Huaxia University of Science and Technology. I am Pan Jianwei, the instructor of the respondent Xu Yun."

"During his time at school, the respondent Xu Yun had a diligent attitude towards learning, outstanding grades, and a decent style. He has a pure heart while having a pure body."

"After internal assessment by the department, and in accordance with Articles 17, 18, and 20 of the "Degree Regulations of the People's Republic of China", Based on the rationale, Xu Yun is now allowed to conduct the final defense. "

"If the defense is passed, the respondent will be awarded a master's degree and allowed to carry out the next stage of training"

"This defense will be presented by Xu Yun himself. The defense time is recommended not to exceed three hours. The entire defense process will be recorded in video and text. The video will be uploaded to the Ministry of Education and the Archives of USTC after the defense. The text content is backed up in Chapter 832 of "Into Unscience"."

Academician Pan introduced the defense rules in a fluent manner, and Xu Yun acted as a well-behaved.JPG emoticon package on the side.

Five minutes later.

After Academician Pan finished his introduction, he paused and said to Xu Yun:

"Respondent, please hand in your graduation thesis to the defense committee."

Students who have participated in the defense should know this.

Before the formal defense, the respondent's thesis usually goes through several rounds of review.

For example, proofreading, external review, and blind review.

Among them, proofreading is generally conducted on campus, usually by teachers from the affiliated college, with corresponding requirements. As long as you blow up the manure pit when the teacher is in the toilet, you can basically pass.

External review and blind review are conducted by third-party units. Among them, external review is usually followed up by the tutor, that is, your paper is sent to the tutor of another school for review.

Blind review is much stricter. This is a review hosted by the Ministry of Education. You don’t know who your paper will be sent to, and the reviewer doesn’t know whose paper he is reviewing.

In other words.

In most cases, the content of the defense paper has been made public before the defense, and whether the reviewers know the content depends entirely on whether they want to know it first.

But Xu Yun was different this time.

Except for Academician Pan and Lu Chaoyang, no one knew the content of Xu Yun’s paper in advance.

This is actually a bit out of the ordinary. Apart from other things, the external review step is a link that 99% of master’s defenses have to go through.

But there is no way, who makes Xu Yun’s status in the Academy of Sciences special?

Then under the instructions of Academician Pan.

Xu Yun handed the prepared paper to Academician Pan, who handed it to the reviewers, while Xu Yun went to the podium to debug the USB flash drive.


Looking at the paper handed over by Academician Pan, Academician Xue Qikun first felt the thickness with his fingers and nodded slightly.

The standard requirement for a master's degree thesis is to start with 30,000 words, which is about 30 pages. In practice, it is about 60-90 pages.

A doctoral thesis is usually between 150-200 pages. If there are many charts, it is normal to expand to 300 pages - in most cases, the number of pages in the humanities will be more than that in the sciences.

By the way.

The longest doctoral thesis in the academic circle was written by historian Joachim Schumacher. He took out a 2,654-page thesis when he defended at the University of Konstanz.

Xu Yun's thesis this time is about 600 pages. Regardless of the quality of the content, at least his attitude is relatively correct.

Xue Qikun was well aware of the expectations of the Academy of Sciences leaders for Xu Yun. If Xu Yun only produced a 60-page paper, Xue Qikun would definitely put Xu Yun on the blacklist immediately - the number of pages in a science paper actually reflects the difficulty of the topic. What quality can a topic that can be solved in 60 pages have?

Then Xue Qikun adjusted his glasses and looked at the title of the paper.

"Discussion on the mechanism of high-temperature superconductivity."



Some students guessed room-temperature superconductivity before, but why didn't they expand their thinking and think of high-temperature superconductivity? It's a pity.

I have landed in Shenzhen today. I will go to South China University of Technology tomorrow. I should have a chance to meet Academician Xue Qikun offline.

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