Yue Luo took his luggage, and under the eyes of the whole village, he and Li Fan embarked on a journey, in this monster-infested Warring States Period, there were many people who migrated from afar.

So the villagers are not so strange, all in order to live safely, many people in the village will take risks to find a place to live under the protection of powerful wizards or mages.

If he could, Li Fan really didn't want to take risks, but he had to risk leaving, he couldn't live if he wanted to die, and he stayed in Xizi Village to wait for death, so it was better to leave as soon as possible.

Taking advantage of the fact that the jade of the four souls is not broken now, and the world is not in chaos, it is relatively the safest time to go now.

All the way to the south, the singing birds and flowers along the way made Li Fan intoxicated, and Jiluo was also very happy along the way, Li Fan knew that she had an interest in herself.

Jie Luo's beauty, and her innocence and cuteness, also moved Li Fan's heart, before crossing, he was a 25-year-old dead house who achieved nothing.

I don't know if it's a problem of crossing, I now look only eighteen or nineteen years old, and my physical functions are obviously different than before, which is an indescribable activity, maybe this is the so-called vitality.

Brother Fan, let's take a break by the river in front, and I'll catch fish for you to eat."

Li Fan touched Jie Luo's forehead and said with a smile: "Then it will be hard for you." Ji

Luo enjoyed Li Fan's intimate action very much, and his eyes narrowed into a crescent moon: "It's not hard, Big Brother Fan's body has not yet recovered, and more rest will get better quickly." "

Looking at Yuluo's flexible figure, his little feet jumping on the stones on the riverbank, happiness arises in his heart, perhaps, this is the life I want."

A girl who likes herself, a simple and peaceful life, no money, fame and fortune polluted love, just like the first love, is so pure.

Picked up some dead branches, formed a circle with stones, put the dead branches in, took the flint stone for the fire, and tapped a handful of dead leaves, Li Fan tapped it.

Five minutes passed, Li Fan reluctantly put down the flint, there was no lighter, he couldn't even make a fire, what a failure....


There was a giggle from the river, and Yue Luo held a grass carp with two pounds in both hands, held it above his head, and looked at Li Fan with a smile.

Look, big brother, I caught a big fish.

When Li Fan heard her laughter, the depression that could not catch fire was swept away, and Yue Luo's sweet laughter seemed to be infectious.

Li Fan also smiled: "Jiluo is really powerful!" Receiving

Li Fan's praise, Ji Luo's little face turned red, and he quickly ran over, skillfully skewered the fish, inserted it aside, and quietly took the flint.

Just a gentle touch, a flash of fire flashed and fell on the dead leaves, Li Fan looked at the dead leaves that were rising lightly, and his heart was unspeakably uncomfortable....

The fish was grilled very fragrantly, and the two ate very happily, perhaps because Li Fan's macho mentality was strange, or maybe he wanted to show that he was not useless.

Li Fan took Jie Luo's wrap and kettle, of course Jie Luo didn't want to, weren't these things done by women, but Li Fan stopped him: "How can a man let a woman do heavy work?" I was laughed at by others. "

Yu Luo is very puzzled, in this era, the status of women is very low, even if men are useless, women must serve thoughtfully.

It is only some noble women who can get the respect of men, but they are not noble women, they are just an orphan, and the eldest brother treats me like a nobleman!

Yu Luo was so moved that he almost cried, the man he fancy is really different from others!

Li Fan didn't know that he was just a small move, and he was so moved by Ji Luo, which didn't blame him, but blamed this era of completely unequal status.

Just as Yuro was feeling, the grass on the side suddenly swayed from side to side, and the hunter's feeling told her that danger was coming.

Without saying a word, he pulled Li Fan back, and just withdrew three meters, a wild boar jumped out of the grass, and the wild boar didn't even look at the two.

Running towards the forest, the wild boar blew like a gust of wind, leaving a smell of blood in the air, Li Fan frowned, as if he had thought of something.

It's not good to scream! Pulling up Yuluo's small hand and running back, he didn't run out a few meters, and a creature more than ten meters long stopped in front of the two.

The huge mouth opened, Sensen's sharp teeth flashed with a cold light, and rushed with a smell of blood, Li Fanna had seen such a sudden situation, and the whole person was frightened.

Seeing the huge mouth swallowing, Jie Luo held Li Fan and threw himself to the side.


splash of blood, Yuluo snorted, his left calf was cut by a sharp tooth with a blood mouth, Xiu's brows were locked, and the two rolled out three meters on the ground holding each other.

The creature missed the blow, and was stunned in place, spitting out words: "Huh?!" Actually dodged?

Li Fan's back hit a tree, his body stopped rolling, looked at the creature, and suddenly sweat exploded: "Monster!! "

What attacked them was a monster, with a brain like a crocodile like a horse, red hair like a scarf, a body like a snake, more than ten meters long, and no limbs.

A strong sense of danger occupied Li Fan's whole body, and without thinking much, he pulled up Jiluo, saw that her calf was injured, and ran with her on his back.

Yu Luo's heart was sweet, at the moment of life and death, Brother Fan did not think of escaping alone, and at the same time that he was moved again in his heart, his hands and feet exerted strength.

He forcibly jumped off Li Fan's back and pulled out the short knife at his waist to confront the monster.

Li Fan was shocked and roared, "Ji Luo! What are you doing! Ji

Luo was ready to die, turned his head to Li Fan and showed a charming smile, but in her eyes, the reluctance made Li Fan can't help but twitch in his heart.

Brother Fan, you have to live well, and, I like you, I like you very much!


Li Fan's brain roared, how can he be virtuous! There was a woman who died for herself! Watching Ji Luo raise his knife and rush towards the monster, Li Fan was dumbfounded!


Endless hatred suddenly rose in Li Fan's heart, he hated his incompetence, he hated the monster in front of him, he hated the injustice of God, and he hated himself even more for being just a mortal!


Li Fan's eyes were red, and he rushed towards the monster, and Ji Luo looked back, his face turned pale: "Big brother Fan!" Don't come over! Come on!

Li Fan's eyes were red, like a wild beast: "You want to die together!! Li

Fan's fearless words fell into Ji Luo's ears, looking at Li Fan who rushed without regrets, Ji Luo shed two lines of clear tears, and it can be regarded as a happiness to die with someone he likes.

The monster looked at the two with disdain, in its eyes, the two were just ants, and he bit towards the two with a big mouth: "Even if you want to die so much, then I will fulfill you!" "

At the moment when the two of them were dying and the monster was about to bite down, a black shadow fell from the monster's head.


In just the blink of an eye, the monster's head was smashed by the black shadow, the dirt and dust were all over the sky, and Li Fan and the two were shocked and flew back.

The two who flew upside down were caught by two people, and in the dust, the smell of blood was strong, and a strong man wearing a black tights and a gray openwork mask on his mouth stood majestically.

Li Fan looked at the strong man and his eyes widened: "Exorcist!! "

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